After I Possessed the Tmall Genie of the School Adonis

Chapter 72


He ignored him and walked towards Uncle Li's car with Lu Yunfei. Just as he was about to get into the car, he heard Yuan Shuo calling him from behind, "Jin Jin."

Bian Jinyuan: …

Lu Yunfei turned to look at him and asked, "Jin Jin?"

Yuan Shuo had already come over. He saw Lu Yunfei and smiled, "This is Xiaofei. Your father and I are partners. I heard your father say about you before, and you are indeed a handsome guy."

Lu Yunfei smiled politely, "Hello, uncle."

"You're fine, too." Yuan Shuo and Lu Yunfei finished speaking, and looked at their son, "Are you going to make up lessons for Xiaofei? I'll take you home after finishing the lessons later."

"No, Uncle Li will send me."

"I also want to treat you to a meal." Yuan Shuo said truthfully.

"Not today, wait until Sunday."

Seeing this, Yuan Shuo didn't force it, he just said, "That's fine."

He took out his mobile phone and asked Bian Jinyuan, "Can you leave me your phone number?"

Bian Jinyuan didn't refuse, and said his phone number indifferently.

Yuan Shuo didn't bother them anymore, said goodbye to them, and returned to his car.

Lu Yunfei had an intuition that something big had happened, so he pulled Bian Jinyuan into the car and asked him what happened.

Bian Jinyuan didn't hide it from him, and said directly, "He said he was my father."

Lu Yunfei: ! ! !

"Your father?!!!"


"Really... Really?"


"Why did he appear so suddenly, where did he go before?"

"He didn't know my existence before, but now he suddenly appeared..." Bian Jinyuan said here, slowly looking at Lu Yunfei, "Didn't you hear it just now, he is your father's partner, and your father was in front of him unintentionally After saying a few words about me, he will know."

Lu Yunfei: …

Lu Yunfei quickly thought of what his mother said to him that night, "Of course it's a big client. Speaking of which, the other party is also very handsome. Not only is he handsome, but he also has a good face. I look familiar."

It turns out that this is Bian Jinyuan's father... Really... No wonder his mother looks familiar!

Lu Yunfei didn't know what to say for a while, but after being quiet for a while, he asked him again, "Then what do you think of your father who suddenly appeared?"

Bian Jinyuan said calmly, "Just watch it as a passerby."

"Do you hate him?"

Bian Jinyuan shook his head.

"Do you like him then?"

"how is this possible."

Bian Jinyuan looked out the window, "I am a person with very weak feelings. Most of the people here are just like passers-by. You don't hate a passerby, but you also don't like a passerby. That's how I am. You, my aunt, Shuangshuang, and others mean nothing to me."

Lu Yunfei was surprised, "I'm still there?"

Bian Jinyuan looked at him, "Are you honored?"

Lu Yunfei nodded, "It's an honor."

Bian Jinyuan smiled and squeezed his face with his hand.

The tutoring time in the evening passed quickly, as usual, Uncle Li sent Bian Jinyuan to the subway station after finishing the tutoring. Bian Jinyuan thanked him and walked back silently.

It was dark, he was walking on the road, and he slowly remembered a letter from a long time ago.

That was the letter Bian Ting wrote to him, and put it into his hand when he was dying.

Bian Jinyuan watched it so many times that he could memorize it without even thinking about it.

"Xiaoyuan, are you sad? Because mom is gone, if so, then mom can only say sorry to you, mom doesn't want to leave, but mom can't do anything, so don't blame mom, okay? People, here we go They will leave at a certain age, and if they encounter illness or other disasters in advance, they will speed up the pace.”

"Do you still remember your grandmother and grandpa? You don't remember anymore, but when you were a child, when you were very young, when you were held by your mother, you saw them, but they were old, so they left first. Now my mother is too, but after my mother leaves, you can go to the other world to reunite with your grandparents, so don't be sad."

"Xiaoyuan, you can't come here, because your aunt is still here. If we all come here, and only one aunt is left, the aunt will be too pitiful. You must be so kind to you. Be patient, so my mother hopes that you and your aunt can live well and live together."

"I still remember when you were just born, so small, in the blink of an eye, but you have grown so big. When you were young, you asked me, where is my father? Why is there no father at home? I don't know when, you didn't ask me But now, Mom wants to tell you about Dad. Because if you don't talk about it now, you won't hear it again. If you don't understand or don't want to read the content, then put the letter away, When I grow up, or meet your father, I'll watch it later."

"Xiaoyuan, do you believe in fate? I do. So, if one day, you meet your father, don't panic, don't be sad, and don't be resentful. He doesn't know that you exist in the world. At this point, He is innocent. You came into my body, full of love and tenderness when my love bloomed, so I gave birth to you."

"You were born with love. Like all children in the world, I love you, and I love your father. I don't know if you will meet in the crowd one day, but I hope that time will come. , you can follow your own heart. If you want to get close to him, get close to him. If you want to stay away from him, stay away from him. You are your own, and your life is up to you."

"It's just that all of this is based on the fact that he has not yet married. Your father is a man who likes freedom very much. He hates bondage, so he resists marriage and family. This is the reason why we finally separated. I am An ordinary woman, I want to have a home and children at the right age, but he doesn't think so. His life is rich and free, and he has time and feelings to squander, but I don't, so, I chose to separate from him."

"If you meet again, and he still hasn't married, then you can follow your heart, get close to him or distance yourself from him, as long as you are happy. But if he already has a new family, then you should leave him. Go further. Your birth is not what he expected, it has nothing to do with him, only me, and your growth has nothing to do with him, he should respect your decision. "

"I love you. In this life, I love you the most, so I only hope that you can be happy forever. After I leave, Xiaojie will take care of you. She is the person I love the most besides you. I am very relieved that you handed it over to her. In this life, the relationship between mother and son is too short, and before you grow up, you have to leave before you. I am so reluctant to give up, but I have no choice. Fortunately, in this world , and there are people worthy of my trust who can entrust you to her."

"Xiaoyuan, be good, be happy, grow up. According to your ideas, grow into what you want. This world is beautiful, you can enjoy it slowly. The best gift I give you in my life is to put You brought it to the world, where there are infinite possibilities and hopes, and you will realize them one by one."

Bian Jinyuan stood still unconsciously, he looked up at the sky, there was not a single star in the night sky of the city. He stepped forward and continued to walk forward.

I met him, he said silently and quietly in his heart, but I have no feelings for him, Mom, I don't hate him, I don't feel sad, I don't resent him, and I don't love him, so you don't have to worry, I will follow mine Honestly, take care of this.

He pushed open the door of the yard and walked into the yard, where a warm light was shining in his home.

Bian Jinyuan never regretted being born in this world, even when the family was in the most difficult time, he never had such thoughts. This world was the best gift Bian Ting gave him. She brought him to the world and gave him all her love. He lived in love and hope. Even if Bian Ting left later, Bian Jie didn't let him go. The light went out, but gently continued to light him.

So he didn't hate Yuan Shuo, he didn't reject Yuan Shuo, but he didn't feel that he needed Yuan Shuo. He lived a complete life, he had family, friendship, and love, and he didn't lack anything.

However, unlike him, Yuan Shuo needed him.

On the agreed Sunday, Yuan Shuo walked into the courtyard of Bian Jinyuan's house and followed him through the door. Looking at the cramped room in front of him, he was shocked, but more distressed.

Bian Jie had already prepared the meal, and Shuangshuang had already been sent to a friend's house. Bian Jie said, "Sit down."

Yuan Shuo looked at her face that resembled Bian Ting, and at that moment, he was a little surprised.

He seemed to see Bian Ting, who was once young, and Bian Ting, who was middle-aged like him, but he knew that in front of him was not the girl he once liked, but her sister, who she often mentioned in her mouth. Sister - Bian Jie.

Yuan Shuo sat down on the sofa, and Bian Jie and Bian Jinyuan moved two small benches and sat opposite him.

Just as Yuan Shuo was about to speak, he heard Bian Jie speak, "I've heard Xiaoyuan say something about you, but there's one thing I don't know, so I want to ask you, is that okay?"

Yuan Shuo naturally replied, "Yes."

Bian Jie was not embarrassed, she said straight to the point, "I don't know if Mr. Yuan is married now?"

Yuan Shuo didn't expect her to be so direct, so he was stunned for a moment, and truthfully said, "Not yet."

At his age, it is rare that he has not yet started a family, but Bian Jinyuan and Bian Jie have heard Bian Ting talk about his resistance to marriage before, so they just nodded and said they knew.

"Mr. Yuan is really the same as when he was young. He doesn't like to be restrained. At this age, he hasn't married yet. Mr. Yuan should be living a very comfortable life."

Bian Jinyuan glanced at his aunt calmly, and understood why his aunt wanted to see his cheap father. It's just unexpected that his aunt, who has always been gentle and gentle, can even speak with a gun and a stick.

What Bian Jinyuan saw, Yuan Shuo naturally saw it too. He remembered what Bian Ting had said before, that she has a good relationship with his sister, so he just smiled and said warmly, "It's quite comfortable, but Not so comfortable."

"Does Mr. Yuan plan to get married in the future?"

"Let's talk about it later."

Bian Jie laughed sarcastically, "Mr. Yuan is really looking forward to the future, there are so many in the future. When I was young, when it came to getting married, Mr. Yuan didn't say that he was in a hurry. I'll talk about it later. Now that I'm middle-aged, when it comes to getting married, Mr. Yuan Let’s wait until the future. Mr. Yuan’s future is really hard to wait. Thankfully, my sister left early, otherwise I’m afraid that my sister will not be able to wait for Mr. Yuan to get married until she dies.”

Yuan Shuo brushed his head up, with some anger in his eyes, staring at Bian Jie angrily.

Bian Jie didn't take his shame and anger in her eyes at all. She looked at Yuan Shuo with resentment and contempt in her eyes. She knew better than Bian Jinyuan what happened between Bian Ting and Yuan Shuo, and also knew that in order to raise Bian Jinyuan, Bian Ting, how much suffering a woman has suffered. She is Bian Ting's younger sister and stands by Bian Ting unconditionally. Yuan Shuo has long been labeled a scumbag in her heart. It's fine if Yuan Shuo doesn't appear. Since Yuan Shuo appeared in front of her, Bian Jie is too lazy to give him a good face.

Bian Jinyuan looked at the two people in front of him, lowered his head and poured a drink for Bian Jie, and said warmly, "Auntie, have a drink."

Then, he put down the drink bottle and reminded the man sitting opposite, "Take your eyes back now, if you can't talk to my aunt well, then you get out."

Yuan Shuo: ? ? ?

Yuan Shuo looked at his son in shock, did he not want to talk properly? It's clear that the person on the other side doesn't want to talk to him, he's too innocent, okay