After I Stole The Male Lead, The Female Lead Cried

Chapter 10


The afternoon sun was scorching, and the ground was steaming, which made people feel irritable.

In the wilderness, Zhao Yuxi found a shady tree, took off her coat, and sat on the ground with a cushion.

She took off her hat and kept fanning it like a fan, which didn't reduce the sweltering heat at all.

The hair was wet with sweat and stuck to the side of the face and neck, the face was flushed from the sun, the clothes were stained with mud, and the whole person was in a panic.

After a busy morning, she has only planted 20 trees, and her hands have been rubbed red by the wooden handle of the hoe. If this continues, she will definitely grow calluses.

Zhao Yuxi gritted her teeth angrily.

The most deceitful thing is that every tree needs to be dug, planted, and buried by her own hands, even if one tree is missing.

There are 280 trees left, when will she plant them

In the hospital, Qiao Xi pushed Lu Huo, and the two followed the little girl.

The little girl walked to the elevator, maybe because she didn't know how to press the elevator, she turned around and walked back to the stairs.

Qiao Xi frowned, she couldn't walk up the stairs with Lu Huo.

"Why did you follow her?" Lu Huo realized that Qiao Xi followed the little girl just now.

"Didn't you see her running out of the ward by herself just now? She is so small, it's dangerous to run around, we have to care for children." Qiao Xi pushed him to open the door of the back stairs.

Lu Huo moved his lips, but still suppressed the doubts in his heart.

As soon as she opened the door, Qiao Xi saw the little girl sitting on the stairs. The little girl hugged her legs with her hands, her eyes were red, and she was crying softly.

Seeing someone coming, the little girl was startled. She rested her head on her knees in fear, curled up into a small ball, and wished she could disappear.

Qiao Xi stretched out her hand to Lu Huo.

The good-looking boy in the wheelchair raised his eyebrows, "What?"

"I gave you just now, bring it."

Lu Huo took out a small clip from his trouser pocket, which Qiao Xi bought before he came out of the mall. She didn't have a pocket on her body, so he asked him to hold it for her.

He put the little clip inlaid with two crystal strawberries in her palm.

Qiao Xi's hands are beautiful, soft and fair, with light pink fingertips. They are naturally delicate hands. The small clip is placed in the palm of her hand, which looks extraordinarily delicate.

Then, Lu Huo saw her walking to the little girl with a small clip.

The little girl felt that there was someone beside her, she raised her head in surprise, and found a very good-looking older sister sitting beside her.

"Here for you." Qiao Xi handed her the small clip in his hand, and Fengfu copied some information about the little girl from Zhao Yuxi's system.

"Does my sister know me?" The little girl is Huang Lili, who is only in the second grade of elementary school this year. She is thin and thin, her lips are very pale, her speech is weak, and her body is very weak.

Like Qiao Xi, she suffers from heart disease, and she is about to undergo surgery recently.

"Well, I know you, your name is Lily, and you are a good boy."

"I can't take things from my sister." Huang Lili looked at the beautiful crystal clip, a little reluctant to take her eyes away, but she knew that she couldn't ask for things from strangers, and she couldn't accept gifts from others casually.

Qiao Xi bent her eyes, "You saved a kitten when you were out of school, and I accidentally lost it."

According to the information displayed by Fengfu, Little Lily often feeds some stray cats. Recently, she rescued a dying kitten from other children.

Qiao Xi said softly, "Thank you for saving it."

Little Lily was surprised, "Is the kitty yours?"

"I lost it by accident." Qiao Xi coaxed little Lili, she stroked little Lili's soft hair, "Can you tell my sister, why did you cry just now?"

Knowing that the little cat belonged to the beautiful sister, Lili felt that the sister in front of her was a little more kind. She looked at Qiao Xi, then at Lu Huo who was sitting in a wheelchair opposite, and said nothing.

"Don't worry, you tell my sister, maybe I can help you solve it, you saved my cat, I should help you." Qiao Xi coaxed.

Little Lily said in a low voice: "My parents are very sad when I am sick. They have to work hard every day to earn money to help me treat my illness."

"There is no money in the family, and my father owes a lot of money to other uncles."

"I don't want to be treated."

"My tablemate told me that if you don't treat the disease, you will die. I am not afraid of death. I am afraid that I will not see my parents in the future."

"But if I die, my parents won't suffer."

Little Lily has many, many troubles. She is supposed to spend her childhood innocently and lively at such a young age, but serious illness weighs on her small body.

"Sister knows." Qiao Xi put strawberry clips on Lily's hair, "If you help me, sister will help you too."

Kind and well-behaved children should be happy every day.

Little Lily was a little at a loss.

"You won't die after the operation, and don't say such things in the future." Qiao Xi looked at the green energy on the back of her hand, "After you are cured, you can always be with your parents, and do things what you want to do."

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"

"Gourmet." Little Lily was a little shy, she was embarrassed, her tone was full of innocence and longing, "I want to eat a lot of delicious food."

Qiao Xi smiled and nodded, "When you grow up, you can go around the world and eat all kinds of food."

"I'm going to take my parents to eat..."

Little Lili's big red eyes were full of light, and the green energy on the back of her hand lit up bit by bit.

Lu Huo was sitting in a wheelchair, and he quietly looked at Qiao Xi who was on the opposite stairs.

He didn't know why Qiao Xi was looking for this little girl to comfort her, but she was sitting on the floor of the stairs, her light blue skirt was spread out, her long black and smooth hair hung down behind her, and she was incredibly gentle.

She lowered her eyebrows and talked softly, chatting with the little girl, and their happy voices filled the empty back stairs.

Lu Huo lowered his eyes, not daring to look closely.

Qiao Xi watched the green energy on the back of Lily's hand skyrocket, directly reaching 100%, she couldn't help laughing, children are easy to coax.

The voice of the rich little milk sounded: "Master, only when the green energy is less than 10%, the villain can take it away. Now that the green energy is 100%, the villain can't take it away no matter what."

Qiao Xi didn't expect that this mission would be unexpectedly easy.

Suddenly, little Lili leaned close to Qiao Xi's ear, stretched out a small hand to cover her mouth, and whispered, "Sister, that pretty brother is secretly looking at you."

Qiao Xi raised her eyes and met Shang Lu Huo's dark eyes, but the other party calmly looked away.

Her beautiful lips curled up, imitating the appearance of little Lily, and leaned close to her ear, her voice was not low enough for Lu Huo to hear, "Go and ask brother, is sister good-looking?"

Little Lili was instigated by Qiao Xi, and she really walked over. She said innocently, "Brother, isn't sister pretty?"

The boy in the wheelchair looked at the girl trembling with laughter opposite him, and the tips of his ears under the short black hair turned slightly red.

Little Lili's parents just came back from the outside, and they stood at the door of the ward, unaware that their daughter had just left the ward.

The faces of the two were full of sorrow.

The middle-aged woman gritted her teeth, "I said."

The man grabbed her, his hands trembling a little, "If you think about it again, even if you sell blood, I will make enough money."

The corners of the middle-aged woman's eyes were sore, she brushed the messy hair on the side of her face a few times, and made up her mind, "Or we will sell the house in the country later."

The house in the country was the family's last shelter. It was not a big place, but it could accommodate a family of three.

The man's hands trembled again, his lips moved, but he couldn't make a sound. He lowered his head and his shoulders slumped weakly, "Sell it."

The door of the room opened suddenly.

The husband and wife looked at the amazing little face that suddenly appeared behind the door of the ward, their eyes were full of astonishment, "You..."

"Little Lili's surgery money, I will pay for it, and I will have someone contact the hospital to arrange it as soon as possible." Qiao Xi didn't beat around the bush, "As for the money, just treat it as a loan from me, and you write an IOU , Taste it slowly later.”

Even if they didn't pay back the money, Qiao Xi wouldn't do anything to them. After all, it was Lili she wanted to help, and the IOU was just in case of future troubles. After all, she didn't know the two of them well.

The man and the middle-aged woman looked at each other in shock, and couldn't believe it, this is a fairy sent from heaven to help his family!

Knowing that Qiao Xi was going to leave, Xiao Lili reluctantly hooked her finger, "Sister, are you leaving?"

Qiao Xi patted her head, "When you recover from illness, go to school well, don't think about life or death, grow up well, if bad people come to do bad things to you, or say bad things, you will Tell your parents, you know?"

Little Lili nodded obediently, and she pulled Qiao Xi's with soft fingers, "Sister, I want to kiss you."

Qiao Xi was taken aback, and she subconsciously looked at Lu Huo beside her.

"What do you think I'm doing?" The young man turned his eyes away like a disturbed fish.

Qiao Xi pursed her lips, and she lowered her head.

Little Lili kissed Qiao Xi gently on the cheek, "Goodbye, beautiful sister."

The tip of the heart is a little soft, as if soaked in warm water.

Originally, Qiao Xi thought it would be troublesome and forced to stop Zhao Yuxi's strategy mission, but now, she suddenly discovered that it was quite interesting.

In the wilderness, Zhao Yuxi, who was planting trees under the scorching sun, suddenly heard the system announce: the mission failed and she was punished.

"What?" Zhao Yuxi paused the hoe in her hand, "I'm still planting trees, why did the mission fail?"

System: Moldy for a week.


Zhao Yuxi was really confused this time, how could this happen? Is there a problem with the system? Besides, why should she be punished

After leaving the hospital, it was already evening when Qiao Xi sent Lu Huo back to Lu's small house.

She is already very familiar with the arrangement in the small house, "I am very happy today."

She came to look for Lu Huo at ten o'clock this morning, and it is now six o'clock in the evening. She had absorbed nearly eight hours of golden energy, and she took the opportunity to touch Lu Huo from time to time, especially on the way back. Pretending to be asleep, she rested her head on Lu Huo's shoulder, and the golden energy was continuously absorbed by her.

Now she has 36% gold energy, which means that she can last 108 hours, which is more than four days.

Qiao Xi couldn't be too happy.

"You should go back." The girl looked at him with burning eyes, and he looked away unnaturally, and the roots of his ears were a little hot.

Qiao Xi had already absorbed enough today, she nodded obediently, and did not continue to lie around, "I will come to you tomorrow."

Lu Huo didn't respond.

At this time, the maid suddenly knocked on the door, "Master, the housekeeper brought Dr. Jin to show you your feet." She thought of something, and added deliberately, "They are at the gate of the yard, and now they are coming."

Qiao Xi's face was full of astonishment, it was too late for her to leave now, "Where am I hiding?"

The small house is not big, the furniture is simple, and you can see everything at a glance.

Lu Huo had a calm expression on his cold face, and he found it funny to see the anxious eyes of the girl who had always been doing bad things.

"Go to the study."

"Your study room can be seen at a glance, and nothing can be hidden." Qiao Xi looked at him with disgust.

Lu Huo didn't make a sound. He turned the wheelchair and walked into the study first. He turned on the light and went to the desk. "Hide under the desk, don't come out later."

There is a baffle under the desk, and it is really impossible to see anything hidden inside.

Qiao Xi could only nod obediently, she walked over and got under the desk.

The girl's skirt spread out and was exposed, Lu Huo bent down, trying to help her hide it.

"Master Huo, you are in the study." Steward Lu's voice suddenly sounded from behind, and Lu Huo froze.

The expression on his face remained unchanged, he held the corner of the girl's skirt and hid it under the desk before he sat down.

"Master Huo, what do you want to pick up, I'll help you." The housekeeper took a step forward.

Lu Huo turned the wheelchair and moved it behind the desk, just in front of Qiao Xi, with a calm expression on his cold face, "No need, I picked it up, what do you need from me?"

"The master asked Dr. Jin to come and look at your feet." Even if Lu Huo's feet couldn't walk, they couldn't let them shrink or even get worse.

At this time, Dr. Jin also came in, "Master Huo."

There are four people in the small study room, and Qiao Xi's slender figure can completely hide under the desk.

Suddenly, she remembered that her mobile phone was left outside, and she quickly reached out to pull Lu Huo's trousers, trying to remind him.

Lu Huo looked down at Qiao Xi under the table.

The girl had snow skin and black hair, bright eyes and bright teeth. She hugged her legs pitifully and squatted under the table aggrievedly, blinking at him with her big beautiful eyes.

She is like a seductive leprechaun.

Lu Huo had no expression on his face, and clenched his fingers on the armrest tightly.

Qiao Xi was a little anxious, she let go of Lu Huo's trousers, and changed her soft little hands to hold Lu Huo's feet.

The body of the boy in the wheelchair tensed.

Under the desk, Qiao Xi mouth-shaped: "Mobile phone, my mobile phone..."

She didn't know it, because of urgency, her body was next to Lu Huo's leg.

The slender curve pressed against the boy's black trousers. Lu Huo looked at the light misty blue that was close to his trousers, and his eyes gradually darkened.

"Master Huo, what's the matter?"

Lu Huo lowered his eyes, "It's okay, my legs are a little itchy."

Qiao Xi under the table saw that the small leaf buds on top of his head popped up again and kept shaking.