After I Stole The Male Lead, The Female Lead Cried

Chapter 49


There is no class the next day.

After Qiao Xi had lunch, she went to look for Lu Huo.

She was curious, did Xiao Lu Huo get a tattoo at that time? What does he want tattooed on his body

In the living room, Zhao Yuxi was arranging flowers with Qiao's mother, and she saw Qiao Xi walking down wearing a light apricot silk skirt.

Qiao Xi's skin was fair, and she was dressed in such a light color. She had an indescribably clean aura all over her body. She walked over slowly, looking as if she was about to shine.

Mother Qiao, who was next to her, saw her daughter coming, and she immediately smiled, "You are going out now? You took the train all day yesterday, why don't you take a nap and have a good rest?"

Qiao Xi acted coquettishly to Mother Qiao, "Mom, I'm not tired."

Mother Qiao's face was full of pampering smiles, "Are you coming back for dinner tonight?"

Qiao Xi nodded, "I'm coming back, I want to accompany Mom and Dad to dinner." During this period of time, she was sketching outside, and she knew that her parents missed her very much.

"Okay, Mom asked the kitchen to prepare your favorite dishes. What kind of fish do you want to eat today?" When she heard that her daughter was going to eat with her, Mother Qiao's smile grew wider.

Qiao Xi has always liked to eat fish, and the chef at home cooks it in different ways, and she never gets tired of eating it.

Qiao Xi thought for a few seconds, then casually said, "Braised fish."

"Okay, I got it. Be careful when you go out. Have you brought the medicine with you?" Every time her daughter went out, Qiao's mother had to make sure that her daughter had no medicine with her.

Even though her daughter's complexion is very good recently, she seems to be getting healthier and healthier, and she hasn't had an illness for a long time, but she should be prepared just in case, she and her husband only have a baby like Qiao Xi, and she must not be lost.

Qiao Xi nodded obediently, "The medicine is in my bag."

Only then did Mother Qiao feel relieved, "Go, come back earlier, it will be your grandma's birthday in a few days, and I will take you and Xixi back to celebrate her old man's birthday the day after tomorrow."

In Qiao Xi's memory, grandma lived reclusively and liked quietness, so she nodded, "Okay."

Seeing Qiao Xi leave, Zhao Yuxi knew that the other party should be looking for Lu Huo.

She is not in a hurry, now that she knows that Lu Huo is from the Lu family and has been living in a remote place of the Lu family, she can find him.

Thinking of Lu Huo tattooing her name on him before she wore it back, Zhao Yuxi's heart warmed up. On the surface, he was cold and cold to her, but he remembered her.

Just like the previous life, no matter when Lu Huo was, he only had her in his eyes.

The car parked at the back door of Lu's house.

When Qiao Xi went in, she happened to meet Wen Qing, and she greeted him with a smile: "Sister Qing."

"You're here, is it fun to go out and sketch?" Wen Qing's expression was gentle.

Since the divorce, she has more and more smiles on her face, she is not as haggard as before, and her eyes are bright.

Her original appearance was not bad, but she used to do housework every day and had no time to dress up. Now that she is out of the sea of suffering, she has become more gentle and intellectual in her daily life.

Fang Zhihai went to find Wen Qing later, thinking that without him, Wen Qing's ex-wife would have a miserable life.

However, after seeing Wen Qing appearing, she became gentle and virtuous, which made Fang Zhihai unbelievable, and even regretted it. He begged Wen Qing to get back together.

Wen Qing didn't want to jump into the fire pit again.

Now she is living very comfortably, and her job in the Lu family is not hard. In her spare time, she can still read books and pick up medical knowledge again.

All of this is thanks to Qiao Xi's help.

"It's fun, as long as there is Lu Huo." Qiao Xi didn't need to hide it in front of Wen Qing.

Wen Qing was suddenly fed a big mouthful of dog food, she shook her head and smiled, and then reminded: "By the way, the young master of the Lu family came back from abroad two days ago. trip."

Lu Glory came back from abroad

Qiao Xi remembered that when Lu Huo was a child, Lu Rongrong, a little fat man, often bullied Lu Huo, and she was so angry that she wanted to beat him up.

She investigated and found that Lu Rongyao went abroad to study in university before, and it seems that he graduated this year.

Qiao Xi's eyes darkened, "Okay, I see, thank you, Sister Qing."

Wen Qing smiled and walked away to water. She has been idle recently and planted a lot of flowers in the small yard.

Qiao Xi went to look for Lu Huo, but the boy was not in the room, but in the study.

He was sitting by the window in a clean white shirt, the sunlight outside the window fell on him, and the boy's hair seemed to be shining.

On the desktop, a group of white snowballs are sitting upright, so cute.

Qiao Xi smiled and picked up the flameout, "I haven't seen you for a while, why have you gained so much weight, the flameout is really like a snowball."

The flame-out red eyes stared at Qiao Xi, you are Xueqiu, and your whole family is Xueqiu!

Qiao Xi rubbed its head before putting the rabbit back on the table.

She walked to Lu Huo's side and leaned against the desk. She looked down at Lu Huo and found that there were many line graphs on the other party's mobile phone. She was very surprised, "Are you researching stocks?"

Lu Huo didn't hide it from Qiao Xi.

"Are you interested in this?" Qiao Xi was curious.

"A little bit." Originally, he wasn't interested, but now that he was with Qiao Xi, he realized that for a pampered person like her, he had to earn enough money to support her.

He has nothing, nothing, not even an ordinary person, and he can't compare.

Fortunately, his IQ is not bad. He hopes that he can earn enough money to pamper Qiao Xi.

She deserved the best, but chose him, and he couldn't let her down.

Silt also wants to touch the moon in the sky.

Qiao Xi reached out and touched the boy's head, she smiled and said, "I will support you in whatever you do."

Lu Huo's thin lips curled slightly, and before he could be moved, he heard the girl say, "Take off your clothes."

Lu Huo: ...

The sunlight from outside the window shone in, and his Qingjuan face was obviously red under the light, "Xixi?"

"Do you have tattoos on your body?" Qiao Xi asked directly.

Lu Huo looked up at her in surprise.

When drawing Lu Huo's body before, he had nothing on him, but on the big screen, she saw little Lu Huo going into the tattoo parlor.

She wondered if little Lu Huo's actions would change anything. Now Lu Huo has tattoos on his body.

"You have tattoos, right?" Qiao Xi was curious.

Lu Huo pursed his lips, and told Qiao Xi slowly, "Well, there is one."

"let me see."

Lu Huo's slender fingers began to undo the buttons, "I got the tattoo when I was in junior high school."

Buttons were undone one by one.

The young man's body was thin and broad, completely exposed to the sun, and the "xi" tattoo on his chest clearly appeared in front of Qiao Xi's eyes.

Being stared straight at by the girl, Lu Huo tensed his body subconsciously. He wanted to button up his clothes: "It was impulsive at that time, and it was the first time I tried such a thing."

Qiao Xi grabbed his clothes and prevented him from putting them on.

Her big beautiful eyes stared straight at his chest, and the tattoo was very clear, right where his heart was.

She stretched out her hand and touched Shang Lu Huo's chest. The position of the tattoo was a bit different from the touch of the skin next to it. "Why do you want to tattoo this pattern?"

The girl's fingertips gently rubbed back and forth on his chest, Lu Huo's body became more and more tense, and he called out in a low voice: "Xixi."

"Why do you want to tattoo it?" Qiao Xi pressed her palm directly on the tattoo, her dark eyes were full of water, and asked Lu Huo.

The girl's palm was soft, pressing against his chest, and the tattoo seemed to be hot.

He seemed to remember something important, but he couldn't remember it all the time, "Forgot."

Qiao Xi felt that what she touched under her palm was not his tattoo, but the innocent heart of a young man, "Does it hurt when you get a tattoo?"

Lu Huo shook his head, "It doesn't hurt."

Above the head, small leaf buds popped out quietly.

How can it not hurt? The needle with the ink pierced the second layer of skin, and it was on the chest, so it must have been very painful.

Qiao Xi didn't know how Xiao Lu Huo survived that time.

"Why the tattoo on the chest?" Qiao Xi continued to ask him.

There was a trace of confusion in Lu Huo's dark eyes, "I forgot." He only remembered that when he got the tattoo, dense pain hit him, and he wanted to hold on to something.

He couldn't remember what important things he had forgotten.

But now, the girl's palm was pressed against his tattoo, and the heart in his chest was beating crazily, every time, strong and powerful, like a restless little beast, crazily bumping around, I can't wait to rush out and recognize Qiao Xi as the master.

"Xixi." Lu Huo was ashamed for a while, lest Qiao Xi find out that her heart was beating too fast.

Qiao Xi's nose was a little sore, and her eyes were also sore.

Is it because she asked him to remember her that Xiao Luhuo suddenly ran to get a tattoo

Qiao Xi looked at him: "You try to remember."

The system didn't let her tell Lu Huo what happened on the screen, so he could only wait for him to remember, "When you think about it, tell me why you want a tattoo and what it means."

Qiao Xi bent down, she withdrew her hand, her head gradually approached his chest, and she said softly, "Lu Huo, I like your tattoo."

The soft touch fell on his chest, and Lu Huo trembled all over.

I saw the girl kissing his tattoo dearly and sincerely, Lu Huo's clenched knuckles turned white, and he almost lost control, "Xixi..."

The chest was hot, and there were bursts of numbness and sourness.

It was as if the grievances he had been holding back for many years were healed all of a sudden.


His hands hugged Qiao Xi uncontrollably, almost drowning in her precious kiss.

Qiao Xi was a little moved, but also a little bit nasty. She opened her lips slightly as she was kissing his chest, and then bit down on the tattoo, biting "xi".

Lu Huo's body tensed instantly, "Xixi!"

Because of the excessive force, the muscles on his body were tense and painful. The girl didn't have any strength, just a light touch, and the weird numbness rushed up from his back crazily.

Turning off the flame seemed to have sensed something, its snowball-like body was facing away from the two, and it was too lazy to look at the kissing two.

The tattooed area was slightly itchy and stinging, but it almost made Lu Huo lose control.

Qiao Xi raised her head, her black eyes were full of wicked smiles, "There are teeth marks."

The tooth marks were on the tattoo, she stretched out her fingertips, and lightly touched the shallow tooth marks, she said domineeringly, "This is mine."

I don't know if the girl is referring to tooth marks, tattoos, or Lu Huo's heart!

Lu Huo leaned back on the wheelchair, his chest throbbing violently. The next second, under Qiao Xi's eyes, his feet turned into fish tails.

The veins on the back of his hand stood out, and Lu Huo's dark eyes darkened. He looked at Qiao Xi who was standing in front of him, feeling so ashamed that he wanted to hide his tail immediately.

Qiao Xi looked at the tail that came out suddenly, she held back a chuckle and said, "I just bit you, why..."

Lu Huo's cold and white face turned red bit by bit, his jaw was tightened, his face was stern, his emotions were beyond his control, "Don't look."

Even if it wasn't the first time to show it in front of her, he still felt uncomfortable and ashamed.

After eliminating 10% of the black energy yesterday, Qiao Xi noticed that the incomplete part of Lu Huo's tail seemed to have grown some, and even the black and blue part had decreased.

The golden tail is shining in the sun, very beautiful.

The boy in the wheelchair had bright eyes and moist thin lips, and was also very beautiful.

The mermaid prince is so pretty.

"Lu Huo, do you want me to touch your tail?" Qiao Xi asked.

The girl asked bluntly, Lu Huo's handsome face blushed again, he squeezed the armrest tightly, and refused with a stiff neck: "I don't want to."

He felt bored looking at such an ugly thing, how could he let her touch it too much

Qiao Xi looked at the swaying little leaf buds popping out of Lu Huo's head, and she responded casually, "Oh."

In a blink of an eye, she lowered her head and bit the little leaf bud without touching her tail.

Above where Lu Huo couldn't see, the corners of Qiao Xi's lips raised high. There is bad water in her eyes, like a bad little fox.

She lowered her head and bit down on the small green leaf bud.

In the wheelchair, Lu Huo's cold and pale face was flushed, and his knuckles holding the armrest were blue and white.

He didn't hold back, and called out in a low voice: "Xixi."

The boy's dark eyes were wet.

Qiao Xi didn't respond, a small soft leaf was in her lips.

The leaves of the lobular buds are soft and delicate, and Qiao Xi didn't dare to use force on her lips, for fear of breaking it.

Pursing her lips, Xiaoyeya was pressed by her soft lips, Xiaoyeya seemed to be frightened, it trembled violently.

In the next second, Lu Huo seemed to have been hit hard, and he leaned weakly on the back of the wheelchair. In the quiet study room, Qiao Xi heard him snort uncontrollably, and was completely sexy.

The boy's eyes were full of dazed water, and the ends of his eyes were red, and his chest heaved violently.

The small leaf buds on the top of the head are gone.

Qiao Xi stood up, and she lowered her eyes to look at Lu Huo. The next second, she saw his golden tail dangling under the wheelchair as if it was stimulated by something, and it even swayed!

Qiao Xi asked Fengfu: "Did I get dazzled just now? I seem to have seen Lu Huo's tail move."

Baofu told her: "Master, you read right just now, Lu Huo's tail moved a little bit, as long as you continue to eliminate 10% of the black energy, Lu Huo's feet can move, and his tail can also swing."

Qiao Xi burst into joy.

She looked forward to Lu Huo's tail swimming in the water, it must be very beautiful.

The teenager in the wheelchair didn't know that because he lost control, his tail flicked unconsciously.

He clenched his teeth tightly, thinking of his gaffe just now, he closed his eyes fiercely, almost fainting, "Xixi, don't look."

At this moment, he must be very ugly. He is afraid that the girl's clean eyes will be dirty.

Qiao Xi didn't listen to him, she kept staring at him with burning eyes.

The young man was breathing lightly, the tattoo on his chest was covered with teeth marks, his clear face was stained with a light blush, and even the tips of his ears were rosy. No matter how you looked at him, he looked like a seductive monster.

Qiao Xi's little heart was trembling, and her throat was dry.

She was very mean, so she deliberately approached Lu Huo and asked him, "Guess what I'm thinking of now?"

Lu Huo's voice almost made people's ears soften, "What?"

Qiao Xi licked the corner of her mouth, "I suddenly thought of the stewed fish that I'm going to eat tonight. The meat is so tender, it's dipped in juice, and it's delicious and sweet. I can eat it all."

Sitting in the wheelchair, the young Qingjuan's face turned even redder, his eyes were bright, as if the girl was not eating fish, but him.

Qiao Xi didn't leave until the sunset was about to set.

Just as Wen Qing watched Qiao Xi go to the back door, she turned around and saw the door of the small courtyard being pushed open. A man in a suit stood at the door, and the other party looked here.

Wen Qing's heart tightened, and she wondered if the other party saw Qiao Xi leaving.

She stabilized her mind and hurried over, "Master."

The chubby Lu Rongyao back then had turned into a tall man. Compared to Lu Huo's overly outstanding appearance, Lu Rongyao's appearance could only be considered handsome. He smiled and asked, "Is my brother in there?"

"Master Huo is resting." Even though she had never been in contact with this young master, Wen Qing felt that the other's smile seemed to hide a knife in her smile, which made people very uncomfortable.

"Rest?" Lu Rongrong smiled again, "Then I'll come see him another day."

His crippled brother has grown up and learned to hide women in the house, does grandpa know