After I Stole The Male Lead, The Female Lead Cried

Chapter 6


Qiao Xi squatted in front of him, raised her head, and looked at him with a smile.

Her dark eyes seemed to be filled with him.

Lu Huo's face was tense, and his fingers on the armrest were stiff. For the first time, he saw himself in the eyes of others.

Qiao Xi's hand was kept under Lu Huo's eyes, and she said pitifully, "My legs are numb from squatting."

Lu Huo's deep voice was a little hoarse, "Get up."

Qiao Xi was playing tricks, shaking her beautiful little hands in front of Lu Huo, "Here, you hit me just now."

Lu Huo lowered his eyes and looked at the girl's white back of the hand, not to mention a little red, not even blemishes, very smooth and delicate.

How could there be such a little rascal? Thick-skinned to the extreme, can't be scolded, can't be beaten!

Clenching his fingertips tightly, Lu Huo sighed, and stretched out his hand to hold Qiao Xi's wrist, the white part was too slender.

Lu Huo didn't see it, but the energy bar on the back of Qiao Xi's hand became brighter.

He picked up the thin light green ribbon with a blank expression, awkwardly wrapped it around her wrist, and tied a crooked bow.

Qiao Xi looked at the sudden increase in gold energy, and she deliberately said: "It's ugly, you tie it up again."

Lu Huo let go of her hand, glanced at the rogue girl in front of him lightly, and warned her, "Qiao Xi, don't be too greedy."

Qiao Xi blinked and watched the number on the energy bar jump from 10% to 12%. She really wanted to touch Lu Huo greedily.

She snorted, stood up, and the light green skirt brushed against Lu Huo's black trousers, "I'm leaving."

This time, Lu Huo did not keep silent, he responded softly, "Yes."

The bright spring colors are gone.

He was like a piece of mud, continuing to rot away in the gloomy little house.

In front of Qiao's house, Qiao Xi happened to meet Zhao Yuxi who had come back from outside.

In just two days, Mother Qiao had already prepared a lot of clothes for Zhao Yuxi. Now she was wearing the new season's clothes. She used to be pretty, but now she was dressed up a lot more delicately.

Looking at Qiao Xi, who had a bright white face and a rosy complexion, Zhao Yuxi was secretly surprised. The other person's face seemed to be better than yesterday, "Xiao Xi, did you go out today? Is there any discomfort in your body?"

Qiao Xi met Zhao Yuxi's sympathetic gaze, she thought it was funny, and said casually, "Same as usual."

Zhao Yuxi nodded, "You just came back from outside, take a good rest."

Her rebirth changed the timeline quite a bit. Qiao Xi must have been influenced by her to delay her death.

The voice of the rich little milk sounded, "Master, this woman has become stinky again."

Qiao Xi was puzzled, "Zhao Yuxi stinks?"

"Master, she carries a system that absorbs green energy." Fengfu asked Bawang yesterday, "As long as the opponent's system is upgraded, the smell will increase."

"Absorb green energy?" Qiao Xi felt miraculous. She had only seen Lu Huo's gold energy and black energy, but had never seen any green energy.

Suofu explained: "Not everyone will have green energy, only those who have kindness in their hearts and live in darkness will have it. Green energy can support and protect them. If they lose it, they will die."

Fengfu said before that black energy is people's resentment, so can she understand that green energy is people's beliefs.

She looked at Zhao Yuxi in front of her. Did her golden finger heroine filter rely on the belief of sucking people

It's no wonder that rich people say that they smell bad, can things that take people's lives not smell bad

Qiao Xi asked Fengfu again, "I absorb Lu Huo's gold energy, will it really not harm his life?"

Although she wants to live, she is not so selfish that she wants other people's lives in exchange.

The rich little milk voice was full of affirmation, "Master, as long as the black energy on Lu Huo's body is eliminated, the gold energy will not disappear. You will never be able to absorb all the gold energy on Lu Huo's body, and it will have no effect on him."

Only then did Qiao Xi feel relieved, "You said just now that Zhao Yuxi stinks again, is it because her system was upgraded?" Does this mean that she got green energy and one person died

"Yes, when the opponent's cheating level reaches the tenth level, she will become a heartthrob. Everyone loves her crazily, likes her, and listens to her." Fengfu said: "Master, the other party's system is low-level. I can hear their conversation."

Qiao Xi narrowed her eyes, "Are you a millionaire?"

"Master, I heard that bad system talking to the bad woman about the next target." The voice of the rich little milk was full of excitement, "Master, you are going to save people."

Qiao Xi raised her eyebrows, "What Zhao Yuxi does has nothing to do with me."

She herself is also a short-lived person, and she still needs to rely on Lu Huo to save her life, so she has no time to care about others.

"However, if you don't stop Master, her system will be promoted to the tenth level and become very powerful. At that time, everyone will only have her eyes, will only like her, and will only listen to her."

Qiao Xi didn't respond.

She and Zhao Yuxi walked into the living room together.

When Mother Qiao saw Zhao Yuxi for the first time, she smiled and asked her where she was going, whether she was hungry or tired, and she was very concerned. After a while, she came back to her senses, as if she had just seen her daughter.

"Xiaoxi, did you come back with Xixi?" Mother Qiao looked at her daughter with a guilty expression. Why did she only care about her niece just now and didn't find out that her daughter was there at the first time

Qiao Xi shook her head.

Seeing her daughter's silence, Mother Qiao felt distressed and worried, "What's the matter, is there something uncomfortable?"

"Mom, I'm fine."

The expression on Zhao Yuxi's face was not obvious, but her heart was still uncontrollably excited.

Her golden finger has been promoted to the second level, and she can see the effect now. The aunt who has always loved her daughter is the first person who cares about her. In her previous life, she was stupid, chasing after Huo Yu all the time, so that she got the golden finger but didn't upgrade, the effect was very small, and she didn't know the importance of the golden finger until she was reborn.

Back in the room, Qiao Xi became silent.

Because she has golden energy, Zhao Yuxi's golden finger has no effect on her, but the people around her are different.

If Zhao Yuxi continues to upgrade, I'm afraid everyone will not only see Zhao Yuxi in their eyes, but also obey her. Thinking of this, Qiao Xi's eyes completely darkened.

Baofu felt Qiao Xi's entanglement, and he moaned and scolded Zhao Yuxi for being a bad woman, making his master annoyed.

It shared good news with Qiao Xi, "Master, I know the way to save Lu Huo."

Qiao Xi was lying loosely on the bed, her long black hair was spread out, and her small face became more and more delicate and beautiful.

She didn't know that gold energy also had a cosmetic effect, and her complexion got better and better in the past two days because of absorbing gold energy.

Qiao Xi: "Speak."

Feng Fu told her, "The master consumes 5% of the gold energy, and can extract a small treasure box."

"Consume 5% of gold energy? What is the function of the small treasure chest?"

"Master, you will know if you try it."

Now there is only 12% gold energy, and Qiao Xi's heart will ache at the thought of almost losing half of it at once.

She gritted her teeth, "Smack!"

In the next second, the gold energy on the energy bar was reduced by 5% to 7%, and a small red treasure box appeared in front of him.

Only Qiao Xi could see the little treasure chest. She reached out to open it, and a huge screen popped up in front of her eyes.

"What's this?"

Qiao Xi was shocked.

On the screen, what appeared was the small house of the Lu family.

In a dimly lit room, a little boy about three years old is sitting in a small wheelchair. He has beautiful facial features, big and round eyes, black and bright, a small nose, and a small mouth. Every part is very delicate. , like an obedient little angel.

I don't know if he just woke up, but the messy bangs on the little guy's forehead are curled upwards, it's just dumb and cute.

Qiao Xi's heart trembled, she realized that this was Lu Huo's childhood.

There was no one else in the room, he turned his back and changed his clothes sensiblely and laboriously.

He changed into a small white shirt with a puppy printed on it, a pair of long pants, and his hair was messed up, which did not affect his cute appearance in the slightest.

Little Lu Huo turned the small wheelchair and returned to the bed. Seeing that a large piece of the sheet was wet, his big black eyes were filled with tears, and he said in a childlike voice, "Huo Huo didn't do it on purpose."

He was in a hurry, his legs couldn't walk, and he couldn't hold back until he got up slowly.

he did not do it on purpose.

Xiao Luhuo was shy and guilty. He lowered his head, and his ears were red.

After a while, he struggled to turn the small wheelchair, took a small quilt, and covered the wet area.

Not seeing is equal to not having.

Qiao Xi amused himself, the little guy learned to deceive himself.

Xiao Luhuo pretended nothing happened, he turned the little wheelchair and went to the small yard.

The picture on the big screen changed, and several children gathered together in the garden. One of them was a fat little boy who twisted the candy paper and put the candy on the stone table.

The colorful and bright candy paper is very beautiful.

I don't know who shouted: "Come on, come on, here comes the little trash, hurry up."

Several little boys ran away in a swarm.

Xiao Lu looked at their running figures with envious big eyes. He didn't understand why other children could walk and run, but he could only sit.

He wanted to turn the wheelchair to chase them and play with them. The next second, his eyes were attracted by the shiny and beautiful candy wrappers on the table.

He knew it was sugar, he had seen the aunt who took care of him eat it.

Xiao Luhuo sucked in his saliva, he turned the wheelchair and went to the stone table.

He eagerly picked up a candy.

"Little trash stole my candy." Behind him, a fat little boy suddenly appeared, and he shouted arrogantly, "He stole my candy, hit him."

Xiao Luhuo looked dumbfounded, he shook his head, how could he explain, "I don't steal, I don't."

The fat little boy is Lu Rongrong. He is two years older than Lu Huo and is Lu Huo's cousin.

"It's you, stealing my candy, a little trash turned into a thief, shame on me." Lu Rongrong was used to messing around, and no one could fix him except Mr. Lu.

He reached out to push Xiao Luhuo's wheelchair, "Let's push him to the backyard."

Lu Rongrong knew that he couldn't let other people see him bullying Lu Huo, otherwise he would be blocked.

"I won't take candy anymore." Xiao Luhuo couldn't understand what "little waste" and "thief" meant, but he knew it was a bad word.

Lu Rongrong and several other children pushed little Lu Huo to the utility room. After Lu Huo lived in the original utility room, another small one was built here.

Several little boys pulled little Lu Huo out of the wheelchair. Lu Rongrong used the wheelchair as a toy and asked another child to push him behind, "Hurry up, speed up."

Xiao Luhuo was pushed to the ground and sat up with difficulty.

He looked ignorantly at Lu Rongrong sitting in his little wheelchair. The other party had a good time and smiled, and he also smiled silly, with a small grin, dumb and cute.

It turns out that other children also like his chair.

"My mother said that wheelchairs are only for people with disabilities. If you sit in a wheelchair, will your feet be like little wastes and you won't be able to walk anymore?" A little boy in blue clothes said terrified.

The other little boys who originally wanted to line up to sit in the wheelchair looked at Lu Rongyao in the wheelchair in fear, "Oops, get down quickly."

After all, Lu Rongyao was a child. He quickly jumped out of the wheelchair, then kicked the wheelchair angrily, "Those things that hurt people, trample them to pieces."

He kicked the little wheelchair down and stepped forward with the other little boys.

Xiao Luhuo wanted to stop them from stepping on the small wheelchair, "Don't step on it, it will break."

Xiao Luhuo only received a small wheelchair this year. He likes this chair very much. Before, he could only sit on the bed and could not go anywhere. Since he has it, he can go out of the yard and go to the garden.

Now that the little wheelchair was trampled, could he just lie on the bed again

Xiao Lu's big black eyes were moist, and the big teardrops hung on the long eyelashes, so pitiful.

Qiao Xi's heart ached to death.

Although Lu Huo is cold and hard, and is fierce to her, but little Lu Huo is cute.

The picture on the screen is still going on.

One of the children suggested, "We put the little waste there, he must be crying."

They don't know what malice is, they don't know what kindness is, they just want to play tricks on Xiao Luzhuo, and take pleasure in torturing him cruelly.

Qiao Xi followed the child's fingers and saw an old wooden dog house not far away.

Lu Rongrong took the lead. He pulled little Lu Huo by his collar and dragged him to the dog house.

"Huo Huo hurts, neck hurts." The collar was on Xiao Lu Huo's neck, and his little face flushed.

The small body was easily dragged by several little boys and stuffed into the dog house. His cherished white clothes were covered with dust and dirty.

The dog house is very dilapidated, has a bad smell inside, is also dirty, and can accommodate two little Lu Huo.

"Lock the door quickly, don't let him escape." Lu Rongrong said anxiously.

Another little boy closed the doghouse door and fastened the iron lock from the outside.

"It's so dark, Huohuo is afraid." Little Luhuo slapped on the door in fear, "I want to go out."

Lu Rongrong was sure that little Luhuo would not be able to get out, and when he heard little Luhuo knocking on the door in fear, he proudly left with a few friends.

Qiao Xi was distressed just now, but now she is full of anger.

In the dark dog house, Xiao Lu Huo's eyes were red, and she tapped on the door in fear. She wished she could beat those little kids just now, how could it be so bad.

In the dim light, Xiao Lu Huo patted on the door for a long time. He was too small, and he didn't have much strength.

He was leaning against the wooden boards of the dog house, his two calves were stretched out, and he could not move.

Then, Qiao Xi saw that Xiao Luhuo opened his tightly clenched little hand, and inside was a candy he was holding. Just now, when Lu Rongrong suddenly appeared, he was terrified, and he hadn't had time to return it to them.

The light fell on the little hand through the gap, and the candy paper was shiny and beautiful.

Xiao Luhuo lowered his head, he doesn't want candy anymore, can they let him out

Qiao Xi felt distressed when she saw it, and she asked Fengfu, "Didn't you let me eliminate Lu Huo's black energy? How to eliminate it?"

Rich said: "Master, you need to draw a small treasure chest to get props."

"Is it a prop to eliminate black energy? Do you want to deduct 5% of my gold energy?"

"Yes Master."

Qiao Xi's brows were tightly frowned. She only has 7% gold energy now, and after deducting it, there are only 2% left, which means that she only has 6 hours of lifespan.

"The gold energy is not enough now, can you eliminate Lu Huo's black energy next time?"

"Master, every time a small treasure box is drawn, there is only one chance to eliminate it."

At this time, on the big screen, Xiao Lu Huo carefully peeled off the candy wrapper, and he put the candy in his mouth.

In the next moment, teardrops kept rolling down from his big black eyes.

He cried.

Qiao Xi gritted her teeth, "Okay, I'll smoke!"