After I Stole The Male Lead, The Female Lead Cried

Chapter 64


The sun shines through the floor-to-ceiling glass, falling behind the boy.

Hearing Qiao Xi's words, Lu Huo turned the wheelchair and walked towards her.

Qiao Xi hurriedly said, "Wait a minute, that's not the case."

She locked the door and stood in front of it, "Lu Huo, try moving your feet."

"Huh?" Lu Huo looked at the girl with some doubts in his eyes.

Qiao Xi stood there tall and graceful, "I didn't ask you to come here in a wheelchair, but to come here."

"Xixi?" Lu Huo thought that the girl was playing tricks again and wanted to play tricks on him.

"Lu Huo, try to move your feet."

The young man's expression was gentle, and he restrained the loss and despair in his eyes, "Xixi, I'm sorry, I can't move my feet." He couldn't do what she asked.

Qiao Xi walked over, she squatted down in front of him, and directly interlaced her two little hands, lifting his calf.


"Move your feet." Qiao Xi looked up at him with a small face.

Lu Huo squeezed the armrest tightly, and he tried to exert force on his legs. Just when he thought his legs would be weak as usual, his legs moved.

"It moved!" Qiao Xi's face was full of joy, "Did you see that? Your foot moved just now."

Lu Huo's breathing stagnated, he lowered his eyes, and met the girl's overly bright eyes, "My feet..."

"Move again." Qiao Xi let go of her hand, she stepped aside and looked at him.

Lu Huo obviously took a deep breath. He stared intently at his legs. He tried to flex and stretch. Although it was very difficult, his feet could really move.

Lu Huo tried to move the other leg, and sure enough, he could move it too.

"Xixi, I feel like I'm dreaming now." Lu Huo's eyes were full of disbelief.

There was her in the dream, and his feet could still move in the dream.

Qiao Xi couldn't help laughing, she stretched out her hand, pinched Lu Huo's face with her thin white fingertips, "Does it hurt?"

Lu Huo shook his head.

Qiao Xi was reluctant to pinch him just now, but now she used a little strength, "Does it hurt?"

"Xixi, try harder." Lu Huo's thin lips curled slightly, and his eyes lit up.

How could Qiao Xi be willing to pinch him so hard? She let go of her hand and moved closer to him. She opened her white teeth and bit his lips lightly, "Do you feel it?"

A slight tingling sensation came, and the young man laughed softly, "Well, I have a feeling. Xixi, this is not a dream."

From childhood to adulthood, he has had countless such dreams. He dreamed that one day he would be able to move his legs and walk like a normal person.

However, after waking up from dreams again and again, and gradually growing up, he no longer has such expectations and fantasies.

He accepted that he was different from others, and also accepted the fact that he could not walk with both legs in this life.

And now, what he dreamed of seems to have come true

Lu Huo clenched his hands tightly, his knuckles turned white, and the intense pain woke him up.

Qiao Xi's face and eyes were full of smiles, "Try to stand up."

Lu Huo looked at her.

"You can do it." Qiao Xi encouraged him.

"Yeah." Lu Huo supported the sides of the wheelchair with his hands, and he learned to exert force on his legs.

Maybe it was because he was not used to it, or he hadn't mastered the strength yet, his legs trembled slightly, and slowly, his body stood up bit by bit.

On the side, Qiao Xi took a few deep breaths, feeling very nervous, she pursed her lips tightly, staring at Lu Huo reluctantly to move away.

She was secretly nervous, not daring to disturb Lu Huo.

Qiao Xi's eyes were full of joy until she saw him stand up completely and straighten his waist. Her lips were raised high, and she couldn't hold back any longer. She stepped forward and hugged Lu Huo, "Stand up!" gone."

Standing up for the first time, Lu Huo was a little unsteady. He was hugged by the girl and stabilized his body.

"Xixi." He hugged the girl back and tightened his arms, almost embedding her soft body into his own.

"Lu Huo, you can stand up now." Qiao Xi's face rubbed against his arms.

Lu Huo's dark eyes were wet and bright, and the tails of his eyes were red, "Yeah."

Qiao Xi leaned in his arms, she looked up at him, and could only see his hard and cold jaw, "Lu Huo, you are so tall."

She has always known that Lu Huo's legs are long and he should not be short, but he has been sitting in a wheelchair. She has fantasized about Lu Huo standing up many times, but they are not as good as the one in front of her. He is tall, more than 1.8 meters, She was only as tall as his chin.

Lu Huo looked down at her, "Are you satisfied?"

Qiao Xi blinked, "Huh?"

A deep smile appeared in Lu Huo's eyes, "Is Xixi satisfied with my height?"

Qiao Xi hugged the boy's thin waist tightly, "I love you so much!"

Taller than she imagined him to be.

"Lu Huo." Qiao Xi withdrew from the boy's arms, "Try to see if you can leave."

She let go of his hand and walked a few steps away from him, "You come to me."

Lu Huo nodded, "Okay."

He had never walked before, and he tried to take the first step, which was clumsy and strenuous. His legs did not have much strength, and it was very difficult to support them, and they were precarious.

When he successfully took the first step, a lot of sweat had already soaked on his forehead.

Seeing that he was about to take the second step, Lu Huo fell to the ground in the next second.

"Lu Huo." Qiao Xi hurried forward, "How is it, did you get injured?"

"I'm fine." Lu Huo was a little bit embarrassed, but his clear brows were still full of joy, compared to his completely immobile feet, he has improved a lot now.

Qiao Xi pushed the wheelchair over, "We should take our time, I was too anxious."

Lu Huo didn't sit in the wheelchair, "I'm fine, Xixi, I want to walk again."

Everything today is like a dream, he wants to experience the feeling of walking like a normal person.

Qiao Xi felt his joy, she nodded and supported him, "Okay."

Lu Huo can only walk twice at a time, and then he will not be able to support himself and fall to the ground. However, he will get up again after falling down again and again. He will not let her help him, but clumsily, like a baby learning to walk , walked with difficulty.

The boy's stubborn face was covered with sweat.

Qiao Xi felt distressed when she saw it, and she asked Fengfu: "Why hasn't Lu Huo fully walked yet?"

The voice of the rich little milk sounded: "Master, Lu Huo still has 30% of the black energy left, and now the strength in his legs can barely support him to stand upright and move a few steps, not enough for him to walk completely. Then Down, the less black energy he has, the faster he recovers, the master will work hard to eliminate the black energy."

Qiao Xi was stunned for a moment, "Okay, I see."

She was not lost, she was already very happy that Lu Huo could stand up, and as long as she eliminated all the black energy, he would be able to walk like a normal person.

The boy fell to the ground again, obviously in such pain and exertion, but he didn't groan.

Qiao Xi hurried over and supported him, she slipped into his arms, not letting him move any more, "Lu Huo, take a rest for a while, haste makes waste, you can just walk, don't use your legs too much. "

Now he still has 30% black energy left, no matter how much he practices, he still can't walk smoothly, and can only wait for the black energy to be completely eliminated.

"I know." Lu Huo wanted to push her away, "Xixi, I'm covered in sweat, don't hug me, I'll touch you."

Qiao Xi raised her head, and she kissed his chin, deliberately said, "Mmm, it's a bit salty."

The boy blushed all of a sudden, "Xixi, don't kiss, it's dirty, I'll take a shower first."

Qiao Xi smiled, "I lied to you." Her eyes lit up when she thought of something, "Lu Huo, I want to see your tail, your feet can move, maybe your tail can move too."

"Let me see." Qiao Xi really wanted to see Lu Huo wagging his tail.

Lu Huo's face was a little unnatural, but he still responded: "Yes."

The bathtub was filled with water. This time, Lu Huo was still wearing a white shirt. He was soaking in the water, while Qiao Xi moved a small stool and sat by the bathtub.

She took the initiative to lean over and put her arms around the boy's neck in the water. Thinking of how he was wolf and wild on the screen, constantly bullying her, Qiao Xi wanted to get it back.

Instead of kissing his lips, she deliberately bit his chin.

"Xixi?" A slightly itchy sting came, and with a wet and greasy feeling, Lu Huo subconsciously clenched his hands in the water.

Qiao Xi bit it lightly and loosened it. Still not satisfied, she lowered her head, and under Lu Huo's slightly dazed gaze, she bit down on his Adam's apple.

The juvenile's Adam's apple is protruding. Especially when he swallows, it slides up and down, which is very tempting. She has long wanted to touch his here.

"Yeah." The vulnerable position was bitten, and the fatal stimulation came, and Lu Huo couldn't help but hum in a low voice.

The tip of Qiao Xi's tongue lightly scraped over her Adam's apple, and the next second, the water in the bathtub rippled, and Lu Huo's legs turned into fish tails.

The golden tail shone brightly in the water, the water rippled, and the tail was beautiful and dazzling.

Qiao Xi let go of her small mouth.

On Lu Huo's Adam's apple, there was a shallow tooth mark.

Qiao Xi looked at the tail that he couldn't control his body, and laughed, "You haven't kissed yet, why did your tail come out?"

Hearing the girl's teasing, Lu Huo's thin eyelids trembled slightly, he reached out to hug her tightly, and kissed her lips shamefully.

The girl is too bad, she asked the question knowingly, just wanted to see him lose control and make a fool of himself.

With wet lips and teeth, Lu Huo kissed her heavily, crushing the soft lips, hooking her bit by bit, greedy for her sweetness.

When she let go again, Qiao Xi's lips were red and bright, stained with water, and her jet-black eyes were also full of water, looking more and more bright.

Lu Huo was panting slightly, his eyes were dark, and his cold brows were stained with lust, as if he was going to swallow the girl in front of him in the next second.

Qiao Xi didn't forget to see Lu Huo wagging his tail, "You haven't wagged your tail yet."

Lu Huo had never swung his tail, and the girl stared straight at his tail. Feeling ashamed, he couldn't help reaching out to cover her eyes, "Don't look."

Her big hands were moist and hot, her eyelids were wet with the water in his palm, and her black eyelashes fluttered in his palm, making his palm go limp.

"No, I want to see." Qiao Xi pushed his hand away, she walked to his tail, and reached out to pinch his most vulnerable end.

"Xixi!" Lu Huo softened his body directly, holding the edges of both sides of the bathtub with his hands, so that his body did not completely sink into the water.

Lu Huo gritted his teeth, pleading in a deep voice, "Xixi don't pinch."

Qiao Xi turned her small face to the side, and she asked him with a sweet smile, "Will you show me?"

"I'll show you!" Lu Huo clenched his masseter muscles to restrain the strange feeling of the big butt coming up from his tail. If he was pinched by the girl again, he couldn't bear it at all.

Qiao Xi bent her eyes in satisfaction, she couldn't bear to blink, and stared straight at his tail, "Then you move."

His feet could move, and so could his tail.

The girl looked forward to it, and Lu Huo couldn't bear to let her down.

His tail, like his legs, had never been able to move, and he hadn't learned how to do it, so he could only try to shake it awkwardly from side to side.

Compared with walking on the ground with two feet, his tail seems to be easier to swing in the water.

After shaking it for a while, Lu Huo tried to shake it again.

The water in the bathtub was rippling, and the golden tail was swaying in the water. Against the background of the water, it shimmered and gave off an indescribably beautiful fairy air.

Qiao Xi couldn't bear to look away, she couldn't help but said, "Lu Huo, your tail is so beautiful."

If the incomplete part of the tail can be healed and the blue and black parts can be dissipated, it will definitely look better.

The boy's cold and white face was flushed. This was the first time he swung his tail. He never thought that Qiao Xi would like something that he always thought was ugly.

He held back his shame, and wagged his tail again.

Qiao Xi's heart trembled at the young man's beautiful tail, it was so pretty.

She didn't restrain herself, and directly reached into the water to touch the slippery, soft golden tail, "Lu Huo, let me take you swimming."

Now in the bathtub, his tail can't be used at all. It would definitely look better if it swung wildly in the water.

Lu Huo couldn't care less about not going swimming, because the girl's little hand took advantage of the gap between his words, and she pinched the most vulnerable part of his tail.

He wanted to shake his tail and shake off her little hand, but now he was exhausted. He took a few deep breaths, and his voice became hoarse: "Xixi, don't play."

Coming out of the bathtub, Qiao Xi's skirt became wet. It was wet from the splash of water when Lu Huo's tail swung.

Her snow-white face was full of satisfaction, and there was a smile on her beautiful little mouth.

Behind, the boy in the wheelchair followed slowly.

The roots of his neck were red, and even the back of his ears were red. The wet and messy bangs on his forehead couldn't hide the shame in his eyes. He leaned a little weakly on the wheelchair, as if he had been played badly.

Qiao Xi in front turned around, her delicate eyebrows were full of pride, "Lu Huo, I'll go swimming with you next week, and I will take you to a place where there are no people."

Seeing through the cunning in the girl's eyes, Lu Huo's face became hot, and he responded softly: "Yes."

Whatever she wants to do, he will accompany her.

Qiao Xi stayed in the villa for a long time. After she left, Lu Huo practiced walking alone in the room.

The recent food that has been put out of the fire is very good, and it has gained a lot of weight, and its snow-white body has become chubby again. It squats aside, watching Lu Huo in front of it fall over and over again.

The sweat on the boy's forehead kept coming out, and his white shirt was wet again.

Falling to the ground again, Lu Huo lay down directly to rest, with one hand on his forehead, and closed his eyes.

There was light in the dark eyes, and it became brighter and brighter.

Perhaps, he can be worthy of his Xixi.