After I Stole The Male Lead, The Female Lead Cried

Chapter 72


Leaning in Lu Huo's arms, Qiao Xi's pale face gradually recovered.

The small snow-white face was glowing with a light healthy pink, and the red color was restored on the small mouth, where there was still the sick, pale and weak look just now.

"Is it still uncomfortable?" Lu Huo tried to relax his body as much as possible, so that the girl in his arms could lean more comfortably.

Qiao Xi's heart didn't hurt anymore, she said pitifully, "Well, there's still a little pain."

"Would you like to go to bed and rest for a while?" Lu Huo asked.

"Don't go." Qiao Xi still remembered what he said to her coldly just now, she snorted, her small eyes filled with complaint: "You're lucky to let me stay here, how dare I sleep in your bed ?”

The boy's face became hot from the girl's words, but it was indeed him who drove her away just now.

He didn't know what was going on, his body and emotions were completely out of his control, but were involved by her, as if engraved into his bones.

He obviously didn't know her, but when he saw her sick, he lost his mind in an instant, his hands and feet flustered with fear, as if something happened to her, and he followed her.

The young man sighed, as if accepting his fate, he called her name in a low voice, "Xixi." A sense of familiarity came, as if the name had been called countless times in his mouth.

"I was the one talking nonsense just now, and I'm going to scold you back?" He lowered his head and moved closer to her, his dark eyes were bright, "Or, let you hit me to vent your anger?"

How could Qiao Xi be willing to hit him, she turned her head and ordered him, "You carry me to the bedside."


Lu Huo put her on the bed and covered her with a quilt thoughtfully.

Qiao Xi had a fit just now, and she was indeed a little tired. Now lying on the bed, she obediently closed her eyes.

The room fell silent.

Compared with the girl's arrogant appearance just now, she is quiet and well-behaved now sleeping with her eyes closed.

Lu Huo sat on the edge of the bed and watched, his eyes fell on her face, and he couldn't move his eyes away.

The girl's eyelashes are long and look like two small fans after closing her eyes. The nose is straight, and the tip of the nose looks like snow, so cute that people want to take a bite.

Moving her eyes down, her little mouth regained its blood color, red and inviting to kiss.

Suddenly, the girl opened her eyes, "Lu Huo, are you peeking at me?" She turned her head to meet his eyes, smiling smugly.

Just now he said that he didn't know her, and he was unwilling to recognize her, but now he was secretly peeping at her.

Being caught by the girl, the teenager felt a little uncomfortable, "No."

Above the head, small leaf buds popped out.

The smile in Qiao Xi's eyes grew stronger, like a little fox trying to play tricks.

Lu Huo stretched out his hand and covered the girl's eyes, "Take a rest."

The girl blinked her long eyelashes, and gently touched the palm of Lu Huo's hand, which was very itchy.

Qiao Xi snorted, and let the boy cover her eyes.

It was pitch black in front of her eyes, but the corners of her mouth were raised high, "Lu Huo, you are just peeking at me."

She was complacent, and praised herself without shyness at all, "I am so good-looking, it's normal for you to like to look at me, you don't need to peek, you can look at me openly."

Lu Huo didn't know what the other girls were like, but the one in front of her was so squeamish that she wanted to hold her in the palm of her hand, and when she was angry, it made her teeth itch. Bullying hard in his arms.

After arguing for a while, Qiao Xi obediently closed her eyes and rested.

At this moment, the doorbell rang suddenly, and Qiao Xi, who was asleep on the bed, frowned subconsciously.

Lu Huo hurriedly turned the wheelchair to open the door.

Standing outside the door were Zhao Shangliang, a boy wearing glasses, Zhang Jian, and a female team member. The three of them called Shang Lu Huo to have dinner together.

Zhang Jian said enthusiastically: "Lu Huo, we are going to have dinner, and now it's time for the buffet, let's go together." After all, Lu Huo's legs are not convenient, and they should take care of each other when they come out to compete.

Lu Huo thought of the girl in the room, and he shook his head, "Go and eat first, I'm not hungry yet."

"Aren't you with us?" The female team member also spoke.


"That's okay, let's go downstairs first." Zhao Shangliang was a little impatient. They took the initiative to look for Lu Huo, and they were already taking care of the weak, not because they didn't want to take him.

Zhang Jian hesitated, "Okay, let's eat first. If you come later, you can find us on the fifth floor."

Lu Huo nodded.

Zhang Jian pushed his glasses, glanced at Lu Huo's room inadvertently, and his eyes suddenly stopped.

On the bed in the room, a foot was exposed under the white quilt. The back of the foot was white, obviously it was a girl's foot.

He blinked, trying to see clearly, Lu Huo seemed to notice his sight, and he closed the door instantly.

"We haven't finished talking, why did he close the door?" The female team member looked puzzled.

Zhang Jian said hesitantly: "I seem to see someone on Lu Huo's bed."

"You must be dazzled. There are only four of us participating, and all three of us are here. Why is there someone in Lu Huo's room?" said the female team member.

"Who knows what's going on." Zhao Shangliang disapproved, "Let's go, go eat."

After closing the door, Lu Huo turned the wheelchair back to the bed, only then did he realize that the girl's feet had come out of the quilt. Obviously, from the angle Zhang Jian was standing just now, he should have seen it.

Thin lips pursed slightly, Lu Huo pinched the girl's slender ankle, saw a small fish without a tail tied to it, he couldn't help poking it with his fingertips, and then hid her feet under the quilt.

When Qiao Xi woke up, the sky outside the floor-to-ceiling glass had already darkened.

Only one warm yellow light was turned on in the room. The young man was sitting by the bed, holding an exercise book in one hand and a pen in the other, easily calculating on the book, with a serious look on his face.

He lowered his eyebrows, the light reflected his side face, his facial features were green and deep.

Qiao Xi moved over quietly, her hand stretched out from under the quilt, and grabbed his sleeve, "Lu Huo, I'm hungry."

"Are you awake?" He put down the exercise book in his hand, "Get up, I'll take you to dinner."

Qiao Xi's expression was lazy, she fell asleep, her snow-white face was dyed crimson, and it became more and more charming, "Pull me up."

Lu Huo was very indulgent, and reached out to pull him up.

Qiao Xi lifted the quilt, then put on the disposable slippers in the hotel and followed Lu Huo out.

There are many people in the restaurant.

Lu Huo found a table for two by the window, "What do you want to eat?"

Qiao Xi had just woken up, her expression was still lazy, her jet-black eyes were full of water, and her small appearance made people feel strange, "Whatever."

Lu Huo asked the waiter to come and place an order.

Sitting not far away, Zhang Jian returned to his seat with a plate full of food in shock, "I saw Lu Huo."

The female team members had a great time eating, and the buffet was filled with her favorite seafood, which was so cool, "He came to eat? Where is he? Didn't you ask him to sit with us?"

"No, I saw him with a girl." He put down the plate in his hand, took off his glasses and wiped it, "I said I saw it right, there was a girl sleeping in Lu Huo's room just now."

The female team members gossiped, "Maybe it's his girlfriend."

"It should be. Lu Huo is really happy to come to the game with his girlfriend." Zhang Jian looked envious, "The main reason is that his girlfriend seems to be pretty good-looking? It's a pity that he didn't see the real face."

The female team members peeled the shrimp shells, dipped their hands in oil, and asked casually, "Didn't you see the other party's appearance? Does it look as good as our super flower?"

"I didn't see it, probably not." Zhang Jian thought of something, and looked at Zhao Shangliang next to him, "Senior, I heard that Super Flower seems to be your girlfriend?"

Zhao Shangliang raised his eyebrows, "You are well informed. Our main focus is on studies, and our relationship is second."

The female team members were quite surprised. They didn't expect Zhao Shangliang's girlfriend to be a super flower. They were tall and thin, dressed in fashion, and were very famous in school.

Zhang Jian looked envious, and Zhao Shangliang gave him a thumbs up.

Zhao Shangliang's eyes were full of pride, "There is nothing to envy, as long as you are good enough, you will be liked by good people."

His words paused, "My girlfriend is quite sensible. She knew that I was going to participate in the competition, so she didn't bother me and let me concentrate on the competition. But what happened to Lu Huo, who came to participate in the competition and let his girlfriend come too?"

"Maybe his girlfriend lives in City S?" the female team member said, "It doesn't matter if they meet each other."

"Our school has not won a place in the league for two years. This time the school attaches great importance to this competition. I heard that Lu Huo has no competition experience. Compared with us, he is too weak. Before the competition, he did not Do a lot of questions, prepare for the competition, and still have the mind to fall in love, I am afraid that it will drag us down and waste a place in the school." Zhao Shangliang's tone could not conceal his contempt.

"Probably not, Lu Huo's grades have always been the first in our grade."

Zhao Shangliang disagreed: "You also have competition experience, you should know that the knowledge points tested in the competition are different from those in ordinary tests."

Zhang Jian smiled awkwardly, unable to refute.

At the seat by the window, the waiter served the food.

Before Qiao Xi could speak, Lu Huo took the initiative to help the girl peel the shrimp shells.

His fingers were beautiful and slender, with cold fingertips. They looked like hands suitable for playing the piano or holding weapons, but they deftly peeled the shells of shrimps. Qiao Xi was very moved when he saw it.

The pink and fresh shrimp meat was put into Qiao Xi's small bowl. Qiao Xi said deliberately: "How dare I ask you to peel the shrimp shells for me? What if you drive me away later? know me."

The boy's lowered eyelids trembled, and he looked up at her, "Xixi."

Qiao Xi likes to see his helpless and conniving appearance the most.

Not far away, Zhang Jian and the others had already finished their meal, and they came over to say hello to Lu Huo.

"Hello." Qiao Xi knew that these were Lu Huo's team members, so she raised her head and smiled at them.

Zhang Jian pushed his glasses in a panic, secretly marveling at how good-looking Lu Huo's girlfriend is.

The female team member has a bright personality. When she saw Qiao Xi, she couldn't hide her surprise in her eyes, and she couldn't help but praise: "You are so beautiful."

The other party is much prettier than their school's class flower, or even the class flower.

Her gaze fell on Qiao Xi's hand holding the small silver spoon inadvertently, and she saw that the other's fingers were slender and white, and they were too good-looking.

The female players couldn't bear to look away, who doesn't like to look at beautiful beauties

"Are you accompanying Lu Huo to participate in the competition?" the female player asked.

Qiao Xi nodded and said with a smile, "Yes."

Beside, Zhao Shangliang reminded Lu Huo, "We will have a test the day after tomorrow. I suggest you spend more time on the questions and don't waste our school's quota."

Lu Huo helped Qiao Xi peel the shrimp shells. He said calmly, "You don't need to remind me of this."

After saying hello and leaving, the female team members showed reluctance and envy, "Lu Huo's girlfriend is so good-looking, she looks so good-looking, if I look like that, I can walk sideways, no, I have half of her looks , I wake up laughing from my dreams.”

I don't know how the other person grows, his skin is fair and tender, watery, and there is no blemish at all.

If Lu Huo hadn't given her a gloomy look just now, she would have reached out and pinched his girlfriend's face to try the feel.

"I only know that Lu Huo's grades are good, but I didn't expect him to have such a good eye, hiding such a beautiful girlfriend." Zhang Jian pushed his glasses, his eyes were full of envy, and he didn't know where Lu Huo found such a good-looking girl. girlfriend.

Beside, Zhao Shangliang snorted coldly.

His tone was harsh, "Now is the time to prepare for the competition. Lu Huo still has the mind to fall in love with his girlfriend. He doesn't care about the school's honor at all. He is selfish and only cares about having fun, wasting the school's quota. "

The female team member couldn't help but said: "Senior, you are too serious. He is just eating with his girlfriend, and his grades are good. Even if he has not participated in the competition, he will not be far behind."

"Which one of the participants in the competition has excellent grades and is at the top of the grade?" Zhao Shangliang said with a bit of arrogance, "When the results of the competition come out, Lu Huo will lose face to our school."

Zhang Jian felt the atmosphere was awkward, he hurriedly said haha, and calmly persuaded: "Isn't there a senior here? You must take the first place to win honor for our school."

Hearing this, Zhao Shangliang frowned and felt comfortable. Indeed, it has nothing to do with Lu Huo's grades, as long as he takes the first place.

He slowed down his tone, "I just wanted to say a few more words out of kindness."

After less than a day, the female team members found that the other party was not easy to get along with, and they had high self-esteem and narrow-mindedness.

She didn't respond, and she didn't intend to have a deep friendship with the other party. Anyway, after the competition, they would have no interaction.

Zhang Jian smiled kindly and echoed: "I understand, everyone wants to win the school's reputation."

At night, after Qiao Xi took a shower, she put on the white bathrobe from the hotel, tied a bow around her waist, and walked out.

Just after taking a bath, the ends of her hair were wet, and her little face, which was blush by the hot water, was still covered with drops of water, like a washed peach, tender and juicy, sweet and attractive, making people want to wait Take a sip.

The neckline of the bathrobe was a little low and short, barely covering her thighs, so she stepped on her wet slippers and walked towards Lu Huo.

The legs under the bathrobe are slender and straight, and the skin color is milky white, which is very eye-catching.

Lu Huo tightened his hand holding the exercise booklet, and he raised his eyes, not looking at the girl's legs, "Is it done washing? Where are the clothes?"

"In the bathroom."

"Yeah." Lu Huo put down the exercise booklet and said, "Go to sleep first."

Qiao Xi had already taken a nap in the afternoon, and now she is very energetic, so there is no sleepiness.

When she saw the boy go into the bathroom, she even started to help her wash clothes.

"Lu Huo, I can wash it myself." Qiao Xi stood at the door, watching the young man roll up his sleeves and rub her skirt clumsily.

"You know how to wash?" The girl's hands were white and tender, and she had obviously never done any housework.

Qiao Xi shook her head.

Obviously, Lu Huo already knew the answer, "Go and rest first."

In front of the sink, the boy was not at all feminine, his thick arms were in stark contrast to the overly thin fabric on his hands.

It wasn't the first time he had seen him help her with laundry, however, she would still be fascinated.

at night.

Lu Huo came out of the bathroom after taking a shower. He was wearing dark blue silk pajamas and turned his wheelchair to the sofa.

There is a chaise longue sofa in the room. Lu Huo has long legs, and he can only bend his legs when lying on it.

Qiao Xi sat on the bed, looked at the boy lying on the sofa aggrieved, and said dissatisfiedly, "Aren't you going to sleep with me?"

Lu Huo's eyes trembled slightly, he didn't expect the girl to ask such a question, "I'll just sleep here."

"You don't want to sleep with me?" Qiao Xi asked.

Lu Huo closed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "I don't want to."

Where can he sleep with her? Even if the girl is familiar with him in words and deeds, but there is no relationship between them, how can he sleep in the same bed with her.

Qiao Xi saw the small leaf buds on Lu Huo's head shaking constantly, she had a smile in her eyes, "Are you sure?"

The corners of the boy's lips were slightly pursed, and he responded: "Yes."

The small leaf buds shook even more violently.

Qiao Xi's eyes were full of smiles, "It's up to you."

As she spoke, she turned off the bedside lamp, and the room darkened and fell into silence.

On the sofa, Lu Huo closed his eyes, hiding the disappointment in his eyes. After all, he couldn't restrain himself, and he became greedy and expectant.

He sighed softly.

Suddenly, the warm and soft body burrowed into his arms.

Lu Huo opened his eyes abruptly. Taking advantage of the moonlight outside the window, he looked into the girl's black eyes with a smile on his hair, and his voice was full of shock, "Xixi?"

The sofa was originally not wide, and it became very narrow for two people to lie on it.

Qiao Xi pressed close to Lu Huo, her beautiful red lips curled up, and her tone was affirmative: "You obviously want to sleep with me."

The girl's body was fragrant and soft, and she leaned hard against him. Lu Huo's whole body was tense, and he didn't dare to move at all. He closed his eyes hard, "Xixi, don't make trouble, go back to bed and sleep."

Qiao Xi was afraid that she would fall off the sofa, her limp body squeezed towards Lu Huo, and she even put her arms around his thin waist, very willfully, "I don't."

The light in the room was dim, and the facial features became more sensitive.

Lu Huo could clearly smell the faint fragrance from the girl's body in front of the tip of his nose, which smelled sweet and very pleasant. She seemed worried that she would fall to the ground, her body kept getting close to him, and she kept shaking in his arms.

Lu Huo tightened his arms on his side and held them tightly. His deep voice was very clear in the room, "Xixi, good boy, go back to bed."

However, Qiao Xi didn't listen to him at all, she acted recklessly in his arms, and deliberately leaned into his ear like a little villain, "I just let you sleep on the bed, not let you sleep..." Her lips gently Touched the tip of his ear, "Me."

"Suddenly", Lu Huo's ears seemed to be on fire, burning up, and the tips of his ears were so red that they were about to bleed.

The veins on the back of his tightly clenched hands were prominent, and the knuckles turned white due to the tightening, "Xixi, don't make trouble."

Qiao Xi was not afraid of what Lu Huo would do to her at all, she smiled triumphantly in his ear, like teasing a little fox who succeeded with a bad plan, she was so bad, it made her teeth itch, but there was nothing she could do.

The soft mouth deliberately brushed against Lu Huo's tight chin, and a pair of small feet burrowed between his feet. The soft body was moving restlessly, almost torturing Lu Huo crazy.

The hand she held around the boy's waist could easily feel his muscles tightening. Qiao Xi asked with a smile, "Lu Huo, what are you nervous about?"

"Xixi." When he spoke again, Lu Huo's voice was unbelievably hoarse, and his big hand pinched the girl's little hand on his waist.

Warm, calloused fingertips gently rubbed against the back of her hand, Lu Huo said in a hoarse voice, "I'll carry you back to bed to sleep."

"You too?" Qiao Xi couldn't bear to let Lu Huo bend over and sleep on the sofa, looking pitiful.

"You sleep by yourself." The girl's little hands were soft and smooth, as if they had no bones, and Lu Huo slowly squeezed them.

Qiao Xi gently touched his palm with her fingertips, and said with a smile, "No."

As soon as she finished speaking, the young man seemed unable to hold back anymore. He squeezed her hand tightly, pressed the back of her head with his other hand, and rushed towards Qiao Xi ignorantly and recklessly, pressing her lips.

Heart was beating wildly.

In the darkness, the darkness in Lu Huo's eyes was thick, as if he wanted to drown and swallow the girl in his arms.