After I Transmigrated as a Mermaid, I Transmigrated Back

Chapter 44: Join the Nightcrawler ((2)


Yu Youmin and the two captains looked at each other.

"It's a matter of time," he said, "Miss Shen can take a look at our statistical table over the years, the number of extraordinary people has been growing, the ratio of extraordinary people to ordinary people, from the 10,000 people in the early days of our Nightcrawler's establishment. From one-tenth to one-thousandth of the present, one day, this matter will be spread out and brought to the fore."

This is a matter of common knowledge in the entire transcendent world.

Over the years, the number of extraordinary people has continued to increase, although compared to ordinary people, their number is still very small, and many people's awakened extraordinary abilities are very weak, and some are even so weak that they can't find themselves. However, according to the data limitations of various countries, the number of extraordinary people in the world is indeed increasing.

Yu Youmin knew what Shen Zhifei was worried about, he said: "Since the day Nightcrawler was established, we have already thought about the possibility of the extraordinary being exposed to the eyes of ordinary people, and prepared countless emergency plans, Miss Shen can rest assured. ."

Shen Zhifei nodded and discussed other issues before asking Zhao Xiaokui to sign the contract.

From now on, Zhao Xiaokui will have a Nightcrawler's certificate in addition to the Extraordinary's certificate.

However, if he wanted to participate in the mission, Zhao Xiaokui had to undergo a three-month training.

First of all, although she is talented and has extraordinary abilities, Yu Youmin envies her, but before she acquired extraordinary abilities, she was just an ordinary person.

Second, there are a lot of equipment in Nightcrawler, and they all need special training before they can get started.

"So I haven't seen my family Shen Zhifei for three months?"

Zhao Xiaokui, who didn't expect this at all, looked at Su Mingyue with a bitter expression, hoping that she would say a word.

Su Mingyue smiled and shook her head, cutting off her beautiful imagination, "This is necessary to become a night traveler, and it is also to better protect yourself when you perform tasks in the future."

In this matter, Shen Zhifei did not intercede for her, but hoped that the training would be stricter.

She couldn't separate the distance between Zhao Xiaokui and the extraordinary world, and she even stepped in, so she could only hope that Zhao Xiaokui would be as strong as possible before facing possible dangers in the future.

As early as when Zhao Xiaokui decided to join Nightcrawler, the base began to prepare her training plan, so as long as Zhao Xiaokui nodded, the training could start at any time.

Su Mingyue suggested that Zhao Xiaokui can go back to rest for two days before participating in the training, but she categorically refused.

You will die sooner or later, and you will die sooner or later.

She immediately said that if she could, she would be ready to participate in the training today.

Finish training early and leave early.

At the entrance of the base, Zhao Xiaokui, who was unable to leave when he arrived, bid farewell to Shen Zhifei.

She held Shen Zhifei's hand, possessed by the spirit of the show, and said, "Fei, you have to wait for me, don't marry someone else, I will make a good transformation in it, and I will definitely come out and marry you."

It was obviously training, but what she said was like going to jail.

Shen Zhifei: "..."

She said, "I'll come and pick you up when the V family is shooting."

As I said before, Zhao Xiaokui will continue to work in the entertainment industry. She is not an actress and does not need a whole period of time, so she can participate in the action at any time, but in the same way, the official should give her enough support on the bright side. .

When talking about this, Yu Youmin couldn't help but want to laugh, "We Nightcrawlers have indeed cooperated with some stars, but this is the first time that a star has joined our Nightcrawler."

When Shen Zhifei drove away, Zhao Xiaokui held a facial tissue that he didn't know where it came from, and waved it in his hand with a sad expression on his face. Woolen cloth.

"As for it?" The big straight man Gou Rixin didn't understand the delicate feelings of the little girl at all, and he spit out: "Three months, not a long time, and in the middle, can you meet when you go out to shoot commercials?"

Zhao Xiaokui glanced at him resentfully: "Uncle Gou, you are single, you don't understand."

Uncle Gou: "..."

What's up with the single dog! Single dogs eat your dog food!

Gou Rixin went to Lin Bai for comfort.

Lin Bai: "..."

Lin Baili didn't even want to pay attention to him.

However, Zhao Xiaokui's sorrow only lasted for five minutes.

After Su Mingyue invited her to visit the base, she immediately became lively.

Even though the base of Nightcrawler is underground, there are quite a few climbing walls in the gym and swimming pool.

Especially the indoor swimming pool, perhaps because the extraordinary people are not ordinary people, the swimming pool here is long and deep, like an aquarium in an aquarium.

I don't know how to do it underground.

"Can I come for a swim?"

Zhao Xiaokui asked with bright eyes.

After she returned to the human world, she hadn't been able to go underground.

Although Shen Zhifei said that he would take her to live in a real estate in the suburbs, it was too far away. If Shen Zhifei lived in the past, the time Shen Zhifei spent on transportation would at least triple, and Zhao Xiaokui would rather soak in the bathtub by himself.

And Zhao Xiaokui didn't want to go to the gym and the public swimming pool—

It was difficult for her to enjoy the happiness in the water in full view.

Su Mingyue said meaningfully: "If you have time."

They visited the training area of Nightcrawler, and Zhao Xiaokui's eyes widened with countless equipment.

Occasionally, I will meet the night runner who is training. Su Mingyue's popularity in the night runner is obviously not low. Almost everyone recognizes her and greets her.

Of course, some people wondered why Zhao Xiaokui was here.

The news inside the Nightcrawler is not so circulating. Each team has a heavy task and is busy running around every day. Not everyone knows that Zhao Xiaokui is also an extraordinary person, and even joined the Nightcrawler business.

But it didn't prevent these sweaty people from recognizing Zhao Xiaokui's identity and boldly approaching her for an autograph.

At this time, Zhao Xiaokui would always say, "Of course, do you want a to sign?"

Many people don't know Zhao Xiaokui, but they have basically heard Zhao Xiaokui's songs.

Following the trend and following the crowd is one of human nature, and even becoming an extraordinary person cannot change it.

After Zhao Xiaokui signed the two people's signatures, someone soon followed.

An uncle in his 40s and 50s just got off the treadmill and was sweating. He held a notebook and handed over a pink Kate cat gel pen, "Miss Zhao, my daughter likes yours very much. Ge, her room is full of your posters, she is in her third year of high school this year, I hope you can write her two words of blessing."

"Me, and me."

In the end, seeing more and more people coming around, Su Mingyue had to come forward and stop her: "Everyone go back to training, the little girl just came today, don't be scared away by you, it will grow in the future, when will you sign your autograph? Not a sign?"

"They are all very friendly." Zhao Xiaokui said on the way out.

She could feel the kindness of these people.

Su Mingyue said: "Yezhi people are a group of violent madmen. You will know when you see them more in the future. I will take you to our research area to have a look."

The atmosphere in the research area is very different from the training area.

One is warm, one is quiet, one is passionate, and one is mature and prudent.

The research institute wearing white coats shuttled between the equipment with a focused expression. When they passed by the window, almost no one raised their heads and glanced in the direction of Zhao Xiaokui and Su Mingyue.

"This is the plant research room, this is the animal research room, this is the microbiological research room..."

Su Mingyue gave Zhao Xiaokui a brief introduction while walking. When passing a corridor, Zhao Xiaokui saw many slates piled up outside, and asked curiously, "What are these?"

"This is the relic research room. By the way, you still don't know what the relic is, do you?"

Su Mingyue took her to the relics research room, "Usually we believe that human civilization originated tens of thousands of years ago, and has gone through three revolutions in cognition, agriculture, and technology to come to today. digging and discovering, we have evidence that there was an even more ancient civilization before our human civilization. Unlike us, in this civilization, it is not technology, but extraordinary power, we have The reason is to believe that they used extraordinary power to create many magical objects. Unfortunately, because the distance is too far, there are not many things we can find, and it is very difficult to interpret."

As they got closer, Zhao Xiaokui saw those slates in his eyes, and his heart was pounding.

They didn't recognize what it was, but she did.

This is book.

This is a book in an extraordinary world.

Suppressing the surprise in his heart, Zhao Xiaokui asked curiously, "Can I take a look at these things?"

"Look at it, it's nothing important, the text on it has been recorded."

Seeing Zhao Xiaokui's interest, the gray-haired old professor generously let her take a look.

Su Mingyue: "Professor Gu."

Professor Gu looked at Su Mingyue who was squatting on the ground and asked curiously, "Is this your student? Are you an adult?"

"She's not my student, she's a new night executive, Zhao Xiaokui. She's grown up, she's twenty-two years old, the little girl is too young, she lost her memory before, and is about to attend training, I'll take her around ."

Professor Gu nodded, "Oh."

Zhao Xiaokui carefully probed into her mental power as she did in the mermaid world, but soon, her brows wrinkled without a trace.

These slates are indeed books in the extraordinary world, but the content inside is either distorted or incomplete, or completely blank.

Seeing that she watched for a while, but still hadn't woken up, Professor Gu asked with a smile, "Did Xiao Zhao find anything?"

That being said, he didn't expect a new superhuman to find any secrets from these things that their entire research institute couldn't see.

However, to his surprise, the little girl who heard his question had a hesitant expression on her face.

She said: "…I feel like there is something."

The expression on Professor Gu's face changed.