After I Transmigrated as a Mermaid, I Transmigrated Back

Chapter 58: Fishing (1) [Long Review Plus Update]


ding dong—

With the sound of the microwave, Zhao Xiaokui's consciousness became slightly clearer. She looked at Shen Zhifei, who was wearing heat-insulating gloves and took out the hot dishes from the microwave, and asked, "How long have I slept?"

Shen Zhifei put the last dish into the microwave, pressed the heat button, glanced at the clock on the wall, and said, "Two hours."

Zhao Xiaokui stretched and let out a comfortable sigh, "I thought I slept for two months."

When I woke up, my head didn't hurt, my eyes didn't dazzle, and I was full of energy.

"By the way," she said, "I just had a dream."

Shen Zhifei's hand paused, but Zhao Xiaokui didn't notice, she got up from the sofa, put on slippers and walked to the kitchen to get the tableware and chopsticks, and said, "I dreamed that I broke a book in the library. Forbidden book, what was sealed in the book turned out to be an image of a golden seraph, which scared the baby to death, but fortunately it was a dream, otherwise I would be wiped out now."

Shen Zhifei came over with the hot dishes, sat down at the table, and asked, "Seraph is very powerful?"

"Of course." Zhao Xiaokui scooped a bowl of soup for himself, took a sip, and said, "Angels are the gods I often tell you. They have no gender. They are born at the fourth rank and have two wings. The improvement of the wings will continue to increase, the six-wing is the highest, it is said that the angel of the ninth rank can grow three pairs of wings, and if you want the wings to change from white to gold, you must be promoted to the tenth rank."

"Tenth order, isn't that a true god?"

"That's why I'm afraid, it's a nightmare."

"Will there be any consequences for peeping at the True God?" Shen Zhifei asked without a trace.

Zhao Xiaokui didn't notice her intentions, bit her chopsticks and recalled the books she had seen, and said, "It's hard to say, it depends on which race the true god is watching, and what level you are when you watch."

"If you are a creature above the seventh rank, you may be injured by watching the true god, but if the other party does not attack you, there should be no big problem. If you are below the seventh rank, your life is likely to be in danger, but this also Points, if it is the true god of the abyss family, the mental body and soul are easily polluted, causing the low-level voyeurs to die and go crazy, and the true god of the gods is easy to brainwash you. If you have no other beliefs, no other gods If you are sheltered, you may become his brain-dead followers, join his camp, and the neutral depends on fate."

Shen Zhifei said: "According to what you said, isn't it easy for the Protoss to recruit believers?"

"No, only true gods above the tenth order have such a strong brainwashing effect, but this effect can be resisted as long as they reach the fourth order or above, and the extraordinary people below the fourth order..." Zhao Xiaokui paused, "Should not be able to bear it. Live the pressure of the level, just die. In comparison, the abyss family has more advantages. You don't need to see the real face. They only need to whisper beside the extraordinary for two days, and they can easily pollute an extraordinary. the soul of the person.”

"I see."

"Why do you suddenly want to ask this?"

Zhao Xiaokui held a piece of green vegetables in his mouth and cast a suspicious look at her.

Shen Zhifei smiled and gave a perfect answer, "Curious."

Tonight's Zhao Xiaokui was still sleeping in the bathtub in Shen Zhifei's bedroom on the second floor.

As soon as she entered the door, she let out a wow.

"Is this a new bathtub for me?"

Shen Zhifei stood outside the door, "Do you like it?"

Zhao Xiaokui jumped over, hugged his girlfriend and slapped her face, "I like it, I like it so much."

Shen Zhifei wanted to laugh a little.

When others fall in love, they send bags, cars, and rooms, and she sends bathtubs.

However, it could be seen that Zhao Xiaokui was very satisfied with the new bathtub, so he changed his clothes and lay in it.

The bathtub downstairs was actually replaced with a new one, but neither of them mentioned it.

In the bedroom, Shen Zhifei and Zhao Xiaokui lay down at the same time.

The bathroom door was open, and the two of them couldn't even talk about a wall.

"Shen Zhifei, can I go to the company with you tomorrow?"


"Can I eat saliva chicken tomorrow?"


"Can I have three ice creams?"


"Good night then?"

Shen Zhifei, who was lying on the bed, smiled and said softly, "Good night."

The sound of rushing water came from the bathroom.

It was the sound of Zhao Xiaokui diving into the water.

Shen Zhifei closed his eyes, and his consciousness sank to the deepest part.

At this time, a picture flashed in her mind.

"You are a good boy. It is Xiaokui's luck to meet you."

"Fate is a very magical thing. It makes two people who can't fight together. One day you will understand that many things have already been predestined. No, what I said is destined is not an explanation. The kind of destined to rain or the sun, but when you look around, you can see a net, all the possibilities and the impossible are already doomed, all you need to do is to go when the choice comes. Go the way you want."

"Don't change your destiny easily, have you heard of the butterfly effect? Every change in a node will bring earth-shaking changes. Of course, sometimes the change itself is already written in the destiny, but you can't notice it. , but when you see change, that's when you pay the price. Everyone pays for what they do, you do, and so do I."

At that time, she didn't quite understand Zhao Xiaokui's grandmother, why she suddenly said such inscrutable words to herself, but now she understands a little.

It turned out that these days, what she was dreaming was not a dream, but a real participation in Zhao Xiaokui's past.

Zhao Xiaokui, who was struggling alone in the deep sea world, is not a picture of memory, but a real existence.

She was suddenly very happy.

I'm glad that I participated in Zhao Xiaokui's past, and that she happened to be there when she opened the seal of the book.

The picture disappeared, she stood quietly in the middle of her sea of consciousness, raised her head slightly, and looked at the mermaid statue of equal proportions.

Yes, Zhao Xiaokui in the form of a mermaid is much taller than her, and the tail alone is nearly two meters.

Even though the statue has its tail upturned and the base is added, Shen Zhifei still needs to tilt his head slightly to see her face.

Below the statue, is a mass of white flames, licking the skin of the statue.

However, the omnipotent flames in Zhao Xiaokui's sea of consciousness seemed to have suddenly lost its power, becoming fragile and incompetent, and even a small scale of the statue could not be melted.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Shen Zhifei's lips slightly raised.

The so-called brainwashing is nothing more than rebuilding a new order from the ruins.

And her heart, as long as Zhao Xiaokui is in one day, can never be swallowed by flames.

the next day.

After a good night's sleep, Zhao Xiaokui got out of the water, and after controlling the water vapor on her body, she smiled at the clothes hanging on the stand, and took it through.

It was still a soft and loose material, and it was like a second layer of skin when worn on the body. It was light and thin. Zhao Xiaokui, who was accustomed to wearing combat uniforms these days, looked at herself in the mirror and was a little dazed for a while.

Her fingers nimbly tied a bow on her waist, and the long ribbon hung down loosely, just right to outline her slender waist.

Downstairs, Shen Zhifei, who was reading the newspaper, heard the movement and looked up, his eyes suddenly fixed.

Zhao Xiaokui's skin was already fair, and she was more radiant when she was lined with a red dress.

The tightly covered upper body conceals her lack of plumpness. The length of the skirt is ten centimeters above her knees, just right to highlight her pair of straight and long beautiful legs - this is still on the premise of not wearing high heels Down.

When Shen Zhifei was choosing this dress, she thought that Zhao Xiaokui would look beautiful in it, but she didn't expect that she would be so charming... moving.

She has always known that Zhao Xiaokui is very good-looking, especially because of the mermaid's natural charm, her beauty can even reach the point of bewitching people, but in order not to cause trouble, Zhao Xiaokui has been deliberately restraining her breath, plus the usual Her character is rather childish, and Shen Zhifei sometimes treats her as a lover, and sometimes treats her as a child to spoil her.

But this time, she's pure... can't take her eyes away.

She folded the newspaper, "Change another."

Zhao Xiaokui pulled her skirt and glanced down, and asked, "Is it not good-looking?"

She felt fine when she looked in the mirror.

"… Too beautiful."

Zhao Xiaokui raised her head, looked at Shen Zhifei, who averted her eyes and didn't dare to look at her, raised her lips, and ran downstairs while stepping on her slippers.

She tore open the newspaper, straddled her long legs, and sat on top of Shen Zhifei, holding her face and forcing her to look at herself, "Jealous?"

Her eyes were sparkling, as if there were stars twinkling in them.

Shen Zhifei felt a little helpless when she met her gaze, she stretched out her hand, pinched Zhao Xiaokui's ear, and honestly admitted, "Yes."

But after saying one word, her ears were mostly red.

Zhao Xiaokui was so happy that her eyes turned into crescents, she kissed Shen Zhifei's lips, "Ah, it's so cute that our Zhifei is jealous."

Shen Zhifei was helpless, she hugged Zhao Xiaokui's slender waist, lest the person who was moving around her like a puppy would fall off, and changed the subject with a little bit of disagreement: "Didn't you say you want to go to the company with me? Go have breakfast soon."

Her way of changing the subject was really crude, but Zhao Xiaokui didn't dismantle it. She kissed her twice before jumping off Shen Zhifei, "I'll change my clothes and I'll be down in a while."

As soon as she left, Shen Zhifei covered his face.

In her thoughts, if the two are in love, they should respect each other and understand each other...

She should not have interfered with what Zhao Xiaokui was wearing.

But if love can be controlled with reason, it needn't be called love.

Fortunately, Zhao Xiaokui is not a very determined person when it comes to dressing up. In high school, she lived a rough life. A sweater and jeans can be worn all year round, and there is no concept of dressing up at all.

Her current clothes were also prepared by Shen Zhifei for her. She didn't mean that she didn't respect my thoughts by asking me to change clothes. Instead, she was very happy to see Shen Zhifei jealous.

She happily chose an ordinary piece of clothing and put it on her back. She also added a hat of the same style to herself. The brim of the hat could cover most of her face with one click.

She walked out of the room, circled the stairs, and asked, "What about this one?"

Shen Zhifei: "..."

The white dress that Zhao Xiaokui changed for the second time was longer than the previous red dress, and the hem dropped to the knees.

The style is also quite simple, with few extra decorations except for a few small laces, and the sleeves are long enough to reach the wrist.

Zhao Xiaokui gave Shen Zhifei a sweet smile.

Shen Zhifei shook his hand.

She had the feeling that she had kidnapped a high school girl.