After I Transmigrated as a Mermaid, I Transmigrated Back

Chapter 61: Fishing (4)


Explanation is necessary.

Otherwise, Zhao Xiaokui felt that she would most likely be asked to kneel on the keyboard.

Or... get spanked.

Shen Zhifei's expression really resembled the last time when she devoured the souls of the people of the World Extermination Religion and gave her a headache to death.

Zhao Xiaokui evaded and lightly explained the matter of offending the evil god, blurring the danger of the Wei domain, emphasizing how he turned the world around and brought out the two teammates by himself, and successfully used the word "idiot" to stun the evil god. .

If Shen Zhifei would be led astray by her, she would not be the one who could make Shen's Entertainment what it is today.

But she could see that Zhao Xiaokui just didn't want to worry herself.

She sighed and said: "Xiao Kui, we are lovers, we are lovers, I not only want to share your happiness, but also want to understand your pain, know the hurt you have endured, I know you want to protect me, That's why I'm reluctant to tell me these things, but have you ever thought about it, rather than worrying, I'd rather know what happened to you and what I can do for you, instead of pretending to be deaf Shut up, looking at you hurt."

Zhao Xiaokui was guilty of what she said. Seeing that Shen Zhifei's face was full of distress, but no blame, she felt even more uncomfortable. She rushed over and hugged Shen Zhifei and said, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have not considered your feelings, I just don't want you to know the evil spirit. Things, like His existence, will be felt by everyone who is known, you are the person next to me, I am afraid that He will find out when you think of Him."

"I'm an extraordinary person." Shen Zhifei coaxed softly, "What you can face, I can face too, you know?"

"I know you want to protect me, but Xiaokui, since the day I met you, I have been in it and can only move forward."

"You can protect me, but also let me learn to grow myself. I can't walk with your hand all my life."

Zhao Xiaokui hummed, "Why is it impossible?"

She just wanted to protect Shen Zhifei for the rest of her life, and when she passed the transformation period, she would go to practice desperately, to the extent that she was more powerful than anyone else, and it didn't matter if Shen Zhifei walked sideways on the earth.

The little girl's ideas are simple and beautiful.

The heart of the protected person was about to turn into water. She hugged Zhao Xiaokui in her arms and said softly, "I know."

Knowing that you want to bear the wind and rain for me, knowing that you want to be able to protect me...

She knows all this.

But that doesn't mean she can just enjoy it.

She felt a suffocating pain just thinking about how much effort her little girl had put in where she couldn't see.

She also wanted to do something for Zhao Xiaokui... so that she could relax.

Zhao Xiaokui hugged her, "I'm sorry."

This apology came from her heart.

She hadn't actually considered many things Shen Zhifei said.

Maybe it was because she was used to living alone since she was a child, and she was used to solving everything by herself.

Even if Shen Zhifei became an extraordinary person, she didn't need to worry about her lifespan, but she didn't think carefully about how to develop the extraordinary ability of Shen Zhifei.

"I won't anymore," she promised.

Shen Zhifei pinched her ears and said, "Trust your words for now, and see what happens next."

To develop Shen Zhifei's extraordinary ability, the source still had to fall on the slate book.

However, since the secret of the slate book was revealed by Zhao Xiaokui, there has been no follow-up news. Even the slate book originally placed in the corridor in the S city base does not know where it was placed.

The things should still be at the base. It is estimated that they have been deciphered in a more hidden place. A slate book in the base of S city can fill a corridor, and I want to come to the whole country more.

After Zhao Xiaokui handed over the slate book, she didn't ask any more, waiting for the result, but now she wondered if she could find a chance to push it.

It's not that she looks down on those experts and scholars, but compared to those who know almost nothing about the supernatural world, she is better than them in terms of knowledge and entry point.

But right now, she has not found a suitable opportunity.

The experience of the mermaid world is really too special, and she doesn't want to show it in front of people unless necessary.

When such a thing happened in the conference room, not only Shen Zhifei was taken aback, but the employees participating in the negotiation were also quite frightened. Seeing that everyone was in a trance, Shen Zhifei simply waved his hand and told everyone Everyone in the conference room took a day off with pay, and got off work early to go home to adjust their mood.

The office workers suddenly forgot their panic when facing the concentrated sulfuric acid, and cheered one by two.

"Long live the boss!"

For them, who are tired from running around day and night and tossing between reinforced concrete, what is concentrated sulfuric acid? It is the most important to be able to go home and lie down for a day and go out for an afternoon.

Although there were a lot of police officers on the field, no one wanted to take revenge on purpose. Most of the guesses were that the partner had sent a lunatic who was attacking indiscriminately.

On the other hand, everyone was amazed by Zhao Xiaokui's good skills. After leaving the company, they were still talking about it, and they sighed with lingering fears. If there is no such sharp kick, the ghost knows who the concentrated sulfuric acid in the crazy cup will be splashed on.

It's a pity that everyone was dumbfounded at the time and couldn't leave a video. They didn't realize what happened even after Zhao Xiaokui went crazy.

"Zhao Xiaokui's kick was really fierce, and he kicked out the phantom."

"Did you notice that person? After Zhao Xiaokui kicked for the second time, he huddled there and didn't move. The police came and dragged him off the ground."

"Today is really too dangerous, go for a walk, go shopping, and get rid of bad luck..."

Employees can take time off, but bosses can't.

After taking the transcript in another conference room, Shen Zhifei had to go to work again.

Zhao Xiaokui followed his girlfriend step by step.

When she walked to the door of the office, there was a slight vibration from the mobile phone she was holding.

Open the file, and at the top is the ID photo of the attacker who was just taken away.

From personal experience alone, the attacker is an ordinary person.

Ordinary education, ordinary job, ten years of hard work in the company, and then climbed to the middle-level position, the daughter is in high school, the son is the second child after the new policy, just a few months after birth, the wife is a full-time housewife , The livelihood of the whole family is on his head, a typical and common middle-aged man.

Colleagues who were taken away with him spoke highly of him, saying that he was a gentle man, a good man who cared for his family, and had a kind heart. He often collected old clothes in the company and gave them to the homeless. The matter of company cooperation is very dazed and unbelievable.

"Lao Xu is not like that."

"He usually has a good temperament and is a good old man."

"Did something happen to him at home?"

There is not much information from Nightcrawler's investigation, but there are a few things that have attracted Zhao Xiaokui's attention.

First, in order to give birth to a second child, Lao Xu's wife had three pregnancies. The first two times were when the child in her womb was found to be deformed at seven or eight months, and she was forced to induce labor. Born in peace.

Second, every Tuesday night, Lao Xu always goes to a bar, and sits from get off work until twelve o'clock in the evening before going home.

Third, in addition to the commonly used social software, Lao Xu's mobile phone also contains several relatively small communication tools, which are used frequently.

How did Zhao Xiaokui feel about these three points? She asked, "Can you find out the gender of the first two children who were induced?"

The night watchman on the opposite side quickly sent a message, and as expected by Zhao Xiaokui, they were all boys.

In other words, there is no possibility of giving preference to boys over girls, and deliberately knocking out girls in order to give birth to boys.

And the time for abortion is too late. When the newborn is in the mother's womb, the gender can be detected in four months. Induction of labor in seven or eight months is actually a very dangerous thing for the mother.

As for the fact that the two children are deformed, Zhao Xiaokui doesn't quite believe it, and the Nightcrawler obviously doesn't believe it either. Thinking of the blood sacrifices that are common in the sacrifice of the evil god, she has vaguely guessed that the two were denied their lives before they were born. whereabouts of the child.

The human mother is about seven to eight months pregnant, which is the time when the soul is formed, that is to say, the baby at this time can be regarded as a complete person.

If that Lao Xu is really what she guessed, then this cult is even more disgusting than she thought.

The bars where Lao Xu regularly went were also included in the focus of censorship by Nightcrawlers. As for those few niche communication tools, they were even followed by digging out the real identities of the people on the other end. Humans are social animals after all, and many things cannot be accomplished by just relying on one person. A huge sect that does unjust deeds hides in the crowd. In addition to being careful, they must cover each other up and rely on each other to be able to survive. Under the nose of the Nightcrawler, he has lived furtively until now.

"Return to zero to zero to zero-"

Shen Zhifei looked at Zhao Xiaokui and asked, "What are you doing?"

"I'm calculating what kind of weapons I can exchange for you with my points." Zhao Xiaokui took the mobile phone and copied the weapons that he had seen in the Nightcrawler Mall one by one on the paper, and then arranged them repeatedly, striving for her limited number of weapons. find the optimal combination within the integral of .

Although a small fish was caught today, Zhao Xiaokui's heart not only did not relax, but raised even higher.

With her eyesight, she could see without the need for a detector that the attacker was just an ordinary person without extraordinary power, otherwise she would not have felt the danger when he opened the glass bottle cap. She just pressed and searched the person.

This is the most difficult situation to guard against.

Although the attack of the superhuman is dangerous, it is a bomb that can be seen and felt. As long as the correct route is found, there is always a way to dismantle it.

Ordinary people's sneak attack is like a land mine buried deep in the ground. No one knows whether the road that has been traveled countless times in the past will suddenly explode today.

After a while, Zhao Xiaokui suddenly raised his head and glanced at Shen Zhifei, then lowered his head quickly.

Shen Zhifei, who was keenly aware of this gaze, raised his head from the document and looked at Zhao Xiaokui. The little mermaid lowered his head and swiped his fingers on the phone, not knowing what to think, his ears were red, and a light layer rippled on his face. smile.

Shen Zhifei suddenly had a bad premonition.