After I Transmigrated as a Mermaid, I Transmigrated Back

Chapter 67: Coincidence (1)


It's not that the Nightcrawler has never been in contact with the evil god.

But the evil gods of this year, fear is fear, mystery is mysterious, and his ability is not particularly great. Speaking of bad luck, most of them are choking on drinking water, falling on the ground while walking, losing money playing cards and other small incidents, and a joke among colleagues will be over in a short time.

It's not like Zhao Xiaokui now, who doesn't know it, thinks that he is shooting the god of death.

When the group entered the elevator, they still had lingering fears. Fortunately, Nightcrawler's elevator was still strong, and there was no accident of the steel cable breaking. In Hong Ying's nervous mood, it landed safely on the ground.

As they walked out of the elevator, the numbers behind them kept rising, and it was obvious that someone was about to come down from above. Before taking two steps, a loud bang suddenly sounded, and several people turned their heads in unison, and they all saw the horror in each other's eyes when they looked at each other.

Zhao Xiaokui: "..."

She felt the evil god's strong hatred for her.

Fortunately, after entering the Nightcrawler Base, Xu is because this is the base camp of the extraordinary, and many extraordinary people live in one place, disrupting the trajectory of fate, so although Zhao Xiaokui has a few minor accidents, but always. It's fairly peaceful.

But compared to the two guys who lived in the ward and only had some headaches, she was still considered unlucky.

Gou Rixin gloated on his lips and said, "Xiao Kui, remember to bring me with you when you form a team in the future. You are very stable in your boss' hatred. Xiaobai and I don't get as much attention as you."

Zhao Xiaokui rolled his eyes, "Listen to your cross talk."

There is no good cure for the influence of the evil spirit power on the spiritual power. It is known that the more relaxed the nerves, the faster the self-purification speed. Lin Bai's method is painting and listening to music. On the other hand, Gou Rixin was listening to the music, trembling all over while laughing, having a stomachache and a headache at the same time.

When Lin Bai saw her, he looked up and down, surprised by her good complexion, and said, "You recovered very quickly."

Zhao Xiaokui shrugged and explained casually: "Perhaps the superhumans of the water system have better self-healing ability?" To be honest, she herself couldn't figure out what happened.

She was telling the truth, compared to the more destructive Huo Lei and other familiar supernatural beings, soft superhumans such as the water system are indeed more capable of self-healing.

"What about you?" Zhao Xiaokui asked rhetorically, "Can your body hold up?"

Lin Bai smiled, his face still very pale, "I'm fine, the research is here."

The topic of the two naturally shifted to the physical changes of the extraordinary.

"Except for the supernatural beings like Gou Rixin who are directly mutated in their sense of smell, in fact, different supernormal people also have some unique evolutionary senses. Generally speaking, the water system is generally an extraordinary perception, of course, it is not that there are no other situations. , but it's the first time I've heard that your voice has changed."

The research institutes in the Nightcrawler Base research projects are almost everywhere, and there are no surprises. The research on the sound of extraordinary creatures was put on the research course early. However, since there are relatively few extraordinary creatures in S City, and most of them are humans, there are not many objects that can be used for research. Therefore, although the equipment has been purchased for a long time, not many experiments have been carried out.

It was cheaper for Zhao Xiaokui.

The recording studio in Nightcrawler's sound research room is a bit similar to the recording studio outside, but I don't know what materials are used here. The sound insulation effect is first-class. Lin Bai closed the door and Zhao Xiaokui was standing in a nearly fully enclosed space. When he wasn't talking, he could hear his heartbeat quietly.

Because it was a small test, although some people saw the two entering the laboratory, no one came to watch. Lin Bai sat in front of the computer recording the data and made an ok gesture to Zhao Xiaokui in the recording studio.

Zhao Xiaokui tried a few notes and began to hum.

In the recording studio, a faint light fell from the ceiling and sprinkled on the girl's long seaweed-like hair. She closed her eyes, and a light and mysterious singing voice poured out of her throat.

In a trance, Lin Bai saw a quiet deep sea.

Huge creatures shuttled slowly through the dark seabed, the volcano in the distance kept bubbling with bubbles, and the octopus gently pushed the water away...

In this sea, he felt unprecedented fatigue and warmth, as if he had returned to his mother's arms, and he couldn't wait to close his eyes, take a good night's sleep, wake up, and tomorrow would be a new day.

Those nightmares that haunted him day and night, like clouds and fog, were blown by the wind and scattered in the sea.

After the song was over, Zhao Xiaokui opened his eyes and saw Lin Bai on the opposite side had closed his eyes and was sleeping sweetly on the table.

Confused, she tapped her fingers on the glass plate and said, "Hello? What just happened? Is my singing really so hypnotic?"

She turned around to prepare to come out, and as soon as she opened the door, her ears caught an explosion.

Then the panicked voices of the researchers sounded—

"It's timed out, it's timed out, what the hell, why did both of them get distracted just now."

"I feel like I'd be as comfortable as a full body massage."

"Rescue your pot first and then talk. Did someone play a song just now? Where did this tune come from? I feel that the extraordinary power in my body has been appeased."

There is such a big commotion in the research institute, and it is naturally impossible for no one to know about it.

As the "culprit", Zhao Xiaokui was quickly approached.

Gu Siyuan, who hurried back from school, looked at the innocent and dazed little girl who looked like I didn't do anything, and said funnyly, "You really keep surprising us."

Zhao Xiaokui smiled shyly.

This limelight really wasn't her intention.

After all, who could have imagined that a song that neither uses extraordinary power nor any special skills would have such a bizarre effect. She is now in a circle and falls into the self of "Am I really that powerful?" in doubt.

The soothing effect of the song on the spiritual power is regarded as a treasure by the researchers.

"Our research has always shown that songs have a certain soothing effect on the spiritual body of extraordinary people, but we have never been able to find the most suitable song, so music can only be used to appease extraordinary people's mental violence/chaos, pollution, etc. An adjuvant to the problem, and with this song, we have a powerful dose of tranquilizer."

Zhao Xiaokui hurriedly said, "Will there be any side effects? Can I use it to release an album?"

The researcher pondered for a while, and said, "If there are side effects... I shouldn't listen to it while driving. It's easy to hypnotize and cause a car accident."

Gu Siyuan was more foresight, he said: "Xiao Kui, this song can be published, but it cannot be published directly, it needs to be modified."

Zhao Xiaokui nodded, not much resistance to this opinion, Gu Siyuan patted her on the shoulder and said with a smile: "In the words of you young people, you are really a treasure girl, our night traveler in China, with you From now on, there will be new changes happening almost every once in a while.”

Zhao Xiaokui smiled and said nothing.

Gu Siyuan looked at her young appearance and smiled.

Some people are born into this world, born to bring about change.

Spiritual power is a research problem for extraordinary people all over the world.

The seemingly simple brain is actually complex and mysterious, and it hides many secrets that humans have not yet explained clearly. They don't even understand what they can see, let alone what they can't see.

The appearance of Zhao Xiaokui has brought surprises to the researchers.

What surprised them was not just a song written by Zhao Xiaokui, but more importantly, it pointed out a direction, letting them know what kind of voice and what kind of tune is more likely to resonate with the extraordinary, and it is easier to understand the spirit of the extraordinary. force affects.

It used to be crossing the river by feeling the stones, but now it is equivalent to having a pole. There's still a risk of getting caught in the water, but it's better than walking forward with your eyes closed and your ears covered, seeing nothing and hearing nothing.

One afternoon and one night, Zhao Xiaokui was entangled by the researchers and couldn't get out.

"It's not just the song, but her own voice also has problems. The same song, her voice can give more power! This song is sung by ordinary people, or synthesized by a machine, and it will not be as strong as her. effect.”

Even playing the recorded sound with the best speakers, the effect will be compressed.

But that's enough.

After it was determined that it was harmless, a mental power-related treatment experiment was immediately carried out in the Nightcrawler Base.

It is also because of this that Zhao Xiaokui realized that almost all of the seemingly free and easy night-stalking people have more or less mental problems.

Some people are in contact with the evil god, and after being infected by the power of the other party, after many years, they still have nightmares from time to time, obviously a strong man with a height of nearly two meters, but in the dream, he is as fragile as a hand without ties. Children of chicken power; some have seen too much life and death, and even participated in real wars. Under the mild disguise, there is the pain of ptsd that cannot be escaped...

As soon as I heard that I was participating in the experiment of painless treatment of mental power, a group of people came in line.

Under the soft singing, the suffering person seems to be embraced by the sea, the soul wanders in the ocean, and gains strength little by little in the embrace of the deep sea.

Outside the ward, looking at the night-stalkers wearing earphones, lying on the bed and sleeping sweetly, a strange feeling surged in Zhao Xiaokui's heart—

She couldn't explain it clearly, but the corners of her mouth couldn't help but want to lift up, and her eyes lit up slightly.

The happiness that treatment brings is stronger than punishment.

In the office, Shen Zhifei suddenly covered her chest. She instinctively realized what was happening, so she relaxed and leaned back in the chair, her consciousness sank, and she soon came to the sea of consciousness.

Her eyes turned to the mermaid sculpture in the white flames.

This is a translucent, crystal-like sculpture, similar to the sculpture in the middle of the mermaid kingdom in the deep-sea world, but at this time, the mermaid's lightly raised fish tail did not know when it lit up with a golden light. As the light fell, several golden scales covered it.

She stretched out her hand and wanted to touch the scales on the fish's tail, but before she could touch the sculpture, she was blocked by the sudden flames.

Shen Zhifei's brows were slightly raised, and instead of forcing a breakthrough, he withdrew his hand, and just looked at the fish scales, full of tenderness.

her little sunflower...

Zhao Xiaokui, who had been dragged and tested all day, returned to her dormitory tiredly.

She threw herself on the bed, and before she could sigh, she heard a creaking sound.


She jumped up with a swipe, and then watched helplessly as the bed in front of her snapped a leg.

Fortunately, there was nothing under the bed, so she simply walked around the bed and removed the other three legs of the bed together, and then fell on her back.

She couldn't figure it out, she was fine when she went back yesterday, and there was nothing wrong, how could she be like this today

If her situation had manifested earlier, Yu Youmin would not have let her leave the base at all.

Zhao Xiaokui didn't understand, and didn't bother to think about it. Fortunately, according to the experience of Nightcrawler, the influence of the evil god on luck is a temporary thing, and the influence can be completely subsided in one to three days, so she doesn't need to worry too much.

She just hoped that her condition would disappear as soon as possible, so that she could be lazy in the name of sick leave, and she didn't want to waste her sick leave in the base, and then continue training.

Although she was so sleepy that she couldn't open her eyes, she still sent Shen Zhifei good night pitifully, and Shen Zhifei's message was almost back in seconds.

"Woohoo, it's so angry. Today, I just became a broom star waiting for me to spend this robbery ..."

Shen Zhifei looked at the news, raised his head, and moved his eyes to the computer.

Fall, car accident, explosion, disfigurement, contract termination...

Tao Zijin's day was not as cold as Zhao Xiaokui's.

The two seem to be on the bar, and they have to fight for one, two or three even if they are unlucky.

Could there be such a coincidence in the world