After I Transmigrated as a Mermaid, I Transmigrated Back

Chapter 7: Confronting the Vampire (2)


Zhao Xiaokui found a motorcycle in Shen Zhifei's garage.

She didn't know why there were motorcycles in Shen Zhifei's garage.

But there is no doubt that it came at just the right time, just in time.

Because Zhao Xiaokui's skills did not include car driving.

After all, even if you are taking a driver's license test, the driving school will require you to be an adult - Zhao Xiaokui was not even eighteen years old on his ID card when he crossed.

She is very familiar with motorcycles.

Just as the streets are full of schoolchildren under the age of twelve riding bicycles, the age limit for motorcycles is rarely observed before being checked by the traffic police.

The first contact between Zhao Xiaokui and the motorcycle was at the age of sixteen. When her grandmother died that year, she looked like a kite with a broken string.

She mingled with the delinquent teenagers in the school. The first time she rode a motorcycle was after getting drunk and participating in a race on the road around the mountain.

After the first round, she kicked the little yellow hair off the bike, twisted the accelerator herself, rushed out like a madman, and went home with a championship.

She remembered that the prize seemed to be a cigarette and a large package of snacks.

City S at night is not as congested as it is during the day, even if it is a city that never sleeps, most people fall asleep at this time.

Zhao Xiaokui turned the accelerator all the way, and the roar of the motorcycle rang from the street to the end of the street.

As for the speeding issue...

It is the same as Kai Wushuang sneaking. As long as there are no witnesses, it is a perfect sneak. As long as the camera does not take pictures, there is no speeding.

The resolution of hundreds of millions of human eyes is not easy to be blinded, but the electronic eyes with only a few million resolutions

It is only necessary to manipulate the water vapor to change the trajectory of light refraction, and she does not exist under the electronic probe.

Zhao Xiaokui is not a well-behaved child. When her grandmother was still alive, one of the actions she did the most was to point her forehead with her finger, and she said helplessly and indulgently: "Look at you, you can't keep calm all day long. ."

But she is a law-abiding person. Except for the few years of rebellion after her grandmother's death, she secretly followed Biao several times, and she never even crossed the road.

So that for the first time, doing something like escaping a ticket secretly, she was more nervous than facing an unknown enemy.

Before she got to the place, she discovered the abnormality.

The entire building where the auction house was located at this time was surrounded by a faint black smoke, like a chimney that was not completely sealed, so that smoke was exposed everywhere.

In order not to disturb the enemy in the dark, she parked the car on the side of the road, stepped on the ground with bare feet, and then rushed towards the parking lot where the dark fog was thickest.

The underground parking lot with its opening outwards was spewing a thick black mist, like a crocodile lurking underwater, only revealing its big mouth.

The thick black mist looks very scary, full of the villain's sense of sight.

Zhao Xiaokui carefully focused his perception into the black fog—

She infiltrated easily.

What's the fat thing

It's too easy, isn't it

It easily made her wonder if there was some conspiracy hidden in it.

For fear of being misled, she carefully felt the inside again.

Of the seven people, four of them were unconscious on the ground.

Oh no, it should be blood sucking.

She smelled blood.


The identity of the creature hidden in the dark is really easy to guess, and it is not difficult to decrypt at all.

As the seventh person, Shen Zhifei was sitting in the car in the corner of the parking lot. He didn't know whether he was found or found, but because of the distance, he didn't care about her for the time being.

The investigation was too clear, but Zhao Xiaokui did not dare to venture in.

The vampire in her memory was not so weak.

Although this race has as many shortcomings as the stars, their strong physique and strength, as well as the long lifespan that countless people envy, are enough to make up for most of the shortcomings.

Perhaps because vampires are terrestrial species, human cognition of them is not as wrong as that of mermaids.

The girl who was serving the vampire with food was flushed red, as if she had been drinking too much, and her expression was dreamlike.

The water vapor in the black mist is quite dense, Zhao Xiaokui manipulated the water molecules to wrap himself up, and silently merged into the black mist.

She couldn't see the strength of this vampire, she didn't want to face an unknown enemy, and planned to save Shen Zhifei directly.

As for the girl - I hope vampires know what sustainable development is, and remember to keep the roots when cutting leeks.

She can't save everyone, and she can't save everyone.

Zhao Xiaokui's self-awareness has always been very clear, even if the strength of the vampire is not as good as her, she will not easily risk her own life.

Only those who have died once will know how precious life is.

The vampire who was eating did not notice Zhao Xiaokui's arrival.

His red eyes were filled with greed, and the two fangs were like straws, inserted into the girl's blood vessels, swallowing her blood.

As the blood loss increased, the girl's face turned from red to pale, her body began to tremble uncontrollably, and her face showed a painful expression.

The threat to her life has made the poison on her fangs gradually wear off, and she will wake up soon.

And the vampire in front of her was still trying to suck every drop of blood from her body.

On the other side, looking at the smooth-lined and well-sealed car, Zhao Xiaokui's face showed a dazed expression.

How is she going to communicate with Shen Zhifei

Both the sound and the light source attract the vampire's attention, so there can be no sound and no light.

But without these, how could she tell Shen Zhifei that she was here

She could feel that the girl's life was fading fast. This vampire obviously had no concept of sustainable development. He acted like he caught a sheep and smashed it to death. Man, if it doesn't suit his liking, his next target is likely to be Shen Zhifei who is sitting here.

But soon, she remembered the contract she left with Shen Zhifei.

The abnormality of the heart just happened, Shen Zhifei noticed it.

These black mists seem to have the effect of inhibiting the physiological activities of the human body. Not only does she feel heavy psychologically, but her heart rate is also physically lowered.

However, her heartbeat has returned to normal at this time, not only normal, but also has a tendency to accelerate, but the heaviness brought by the black mist has not been erased.

It was as if there was an external force exerting a force on her, controlling her heart to beat faster.

Almost at the moment when Shen Zhifei thought of external power, he thought of the pattern on his heart that he only had time to glance at during the day.

It's Zhao Xiaokui.

She slowly approached the car door, her heart beating gradually accelerated as the two hearts approached.

Shen Zhifei took a deep breath, she didn't know what was going on outside, but if she died in the car, she would die when she went out, so she might as well give it a shot.

The car door slowly cracked a gap, Shen Zhifei's hand stretched out first, she waited for a while, no danger, and then gradually opened the car door.

In order not to make a sound, she took off her high heels and stepped on the ground with her bare feet. The darkness made her unable to see her five fingers when she stretched out her hand, so she could only scratch around like a blind man who had lost his light.

A soft and slender hand was grabbed by her.

She stretched out her hand and hugged him tightly, feeling an unprecedented sense of peace of mind.

Zhao Xiaokui caressed her back silently, soothing her emotions, then released the person and wrote a word in her palm.

Shen Zhifei nodded lightly, thinking that Zhao Xiaokui could not see, and squeezed her hand again.

Zhao Xiaokui led the person towards the direction they came from.

The mermaid's night vision ability is very good, but Zhao Xiaokui did not dare to look more, because the reason why her eyes can still capture objects in the absence of light is because she can spontaneously illuminate.

In other words, her eyes are now a pair of bulingbuling light bulbs, which humans may not notice, but in the eyes of vampires who are also sensitive to light, they are as dazzling as turning on high beams.

She lowered her head, narrowed her eyes, and pulled Shen Zhifei forward.


The sound of the door automatically closing is not loud, and it is almost silent in normal times.

But in such an environment where even a needle dropped, it was as loud as a loudspeaker from a two-dollar store was shouting.

Zhao Xiaokui made a decisive decision, pushed Shen Zhifei away, and at the same time quickly leaned back.

When she finished all this, a gust of wind mixed with the smell of rust had almost hit her face.

She kicked out without any hesitation.


This time the sound was much louder than the car closing.

In Zhao Xiaokui's view, vampires are powerful and fragile beings.

For real high-level creatures and prepared people, they are vulnerable, because their weaknesses are so obvious - afraid of the sun, afraid of silverware, afraid of blood-like toxins.

Sometimes a simple light spell, or a silver knife and fork, or the bite of a venomous snake that happens to be aimed at the blood, can kill them.

But sometimes they are so powerful - far exceeding the speed, physique, and vitality of creatures of the same order, making them difficult to kill.

Zhao Xiaokui's response was not slow, but her body had just accepted the soul, and the two were like newly equipped machines, they had not yet passed the running-in period and could not play the highest efficiency.

Therefore, for a long time, she was passively defending, or more precisely, being beaten.

In the darkness, the sound of "bang bang bang bang" could be heard incessantly.

Shen Zhifei tried his best to widen his eyes, trying to capture the traces of a scale claw, but he couldn't see anything.

The situation of the two can only be guessed from the violent crashing sound and Zhao Xiaokui's rapid breathing.

It made her feel uneasy.

She couldn't judge from the data, who was stronger between Zhao Xiaokui and that unknown creature.

You can only pray in your heart like a fool, hoping that victory will be on your side.

It made her feel helpless and angry—anger at powerlessness.

She didn't even dare to move her body, for fear of causing extra burden to Zhao Xiaokui.


Zhao Xiaokui wiped the blood from the corners of her mouth, her eyes showing a bit of dark golden light in the dark were cold, like some kind of beast eyes, she stared at the man who was no better than her and said, "I should already."

His eyes were red, like a vampire with pink eye disease. He didn't know what this sentence meant, but he quickly understood.

Zhao Xiaokui's fighting style has changed from before—

If the pure passive defense before was like waiting to be beaten, now she is predicting, every time she stretches out her fist and swings her elbow, it seems that she has already anticipated the man's next move. , and waited there before he arrived at his own speed, so that it didn't look like she was beating someone, but more like a vampire who had bad eyesight and sent him to look for a beating.

The sound of "bang bang bang bang" continued after a brief pause.

Only this time, the positions of both sides have dropped one by one.


A final bang ended the fight.

Zhao Xiaokui wrapped his arms around the vampire's neck and twisted it off with a click. At the same time, two sharp swords turned into water flowing directly into his eye sockets, twisting his brain.