After I Transmigrated as a Mermaid, I Transmigrated Back

Chapter 87: Tides of Destiny (2)


Guan Huimin is missing.

In one of the most upscale communities in S City, a living person suddenly disappeared under countless surveillance cameras.

It stands to reason that this kind of ordinary disappearance should have nothing to do with the night walkers, and the police are responsible for it.

But Guan Huimin is not the first person to disappear recently, and in Guan Huimin's disappearance case, they found a symbol that can be used as a breakthrough point.

It was because of this that Zhao Xiaokui met Nie Fu, because in similar cases, the first thing to do is to confirm whether the person closest to the victim has any connection with the evil god.

When she arrived with the team, Nie Fu was sitting on a chair in the police station, hunched over his back and covered his face with his hands. breath.

Seeing the people of Nightcrawler come in, the policewoman sitting in the room reminded: "Mr. Nie, the members of the special action team we invited for your wife's disappearance have arrived. They have a few questions to ask you, I hope you will cooperate. ."

Nie Fu wiped his face, raised his head, and looked at the group of people in front of him.

The night walkers all wore uniform combat uniforms, black trousers wrapped from head to toe, masks on their faces, only a pair of sharp eyes, and a round medal on their shoulders was embroidered with a snow-white long sword that seemed to cut through the night sky. The sword, with a sturdy and awe-inspiring temperament, is unusual at first glance.

The panic in his heart suddenly decreased a lot, and he suppressed the pain in his heart and said, "Ask, ask."

With Zhao Xiaokui is Zhang Hongyi's team. As a second-order extraordinary, she is already qualified to lead the team independently, but Zhao Xiaokui doesn't like being a leader and prefers to walk alone. Therefore, to perform the task now, she will directly assign a familiar team to cooperate. her actions.

Zhao Xiaokui and Zhang Hongyi looked at each other and handed over the question to each other, while they looked at Nie Fu without a trace.

"Did anything special happen before your wife disappeared?"

"No, everything is the same as before."

"Have you made any new friends?"

"No, it's all the people at work."

"Did you bring anything special home?"

This question made Nie Fu think for a while, then shook his head, "I didn't, but I don't know if my wife ever brought me..."

After asking, Zhang Hongyi looked at Zhao Xiaokui, who closed the file photo taken by the police at the scene, shook his head at him, and said that he didn't see anything, and said, "We may need to go to your house to take a look at the layout of the house these days. Nothing has changed, has it?"

"No, since Huimin disappeared, I haven't made any changes to my family. I'm afraid I've missed some information from Huimin."

Several people took Nie Fu to the car of the night man.

Hong Ying said: "Mr. Nie, is it convenient for you to describe what happened the day your wife disappeared? It's better to be careful and start from waking up in the morning."

Nie Fu's eyes were red, but he did not resist the request.

She just covered her face with her hands and was silent for a while, and after she eased her emotions, she said slowly, "I woke up at 6:30 that morning, and Huimin had already made breakfast for me. She cooked preserved egg and lean meat porridge. After dinner, I left the house... At twelve o'clock, Huimin called me and said that she bought a new doll, which was very cute, and asked me if I would go home for dinner at night... I should go home, I Should have gone home... if I had gone home, she would have been fine."

The car was silent except for the man's suppressed cries.

After a while, Nie Fu continued: "Around four o'clock in the afternoon, I suddenly felt very flustered, my eyelids kept jumping wildly, and I couldn't explain the reason. I thought it was something wrong with my body, so I asked my assistant to make an appointment. During the time of the hospital examination, I sent a message to Huimin about this matter, and Huimin also asked me to pay attention to the combination of work and rest…”

"When did you find out that your wife was missing?"

"Around ten o'clock in the evening, when I just got home from work, I found that the lights were not on at home, it was deserted, and everything was messy, like a thief had entered. I was afraid of Huimin's accident, so I called her, but Her phone has been blocked, the police comforted me maybe at a friend's house, but I know Huimin is not that kind of person, she will tell me wherever she goes..."

"Also, on the wedding photo on the bed in our bedroom, I found that someone had written a death sentence in blood, and also stabbed Huimin's face with scissors..."

Zhao Xiaokui did not speak, nor did he intend to reveal his identity.

She sat in the passenger seat silently, recalling her meeting with Guan Huimin.

Although the two had met just once, she had a good impression of the woman, and when she heard that something had happened to her, she was inevitably a little irritable.

Soon he arrived at the community where Nie Fu's house was located.

Nie Fu lived in the kind of sunny high-rise that the rich people like now. There are only seven or eight floors in a building, and there is only one family on the first floor. It is very suitable for a star like Nie Fu who needs sex.

Nie Fu took a few people upstairs and opened the door with the key.

It was as Nie Fu said, it was a mess, and it looked like nothing had been moved.

"Wait a minute." Zhao Xiaokui suddenly spoke, stopping Zhang Hongyi who was about to move.

Zhang Hongyi raised his foot and stopped in the air, wondering, "What's wrong?"

Zhao Xiaokui said: "Go back."

Zhang Hongyi stepped back along the footsteps of his own door.

As an extraordinary person, he still has this instinct to control his body.

"You haven't come back these days, have you?" Zhao Xiaokui asked Nie Fu.

Although Nie Fu felt that the voice of this special action team member was too young, he did not despise her because of this. When the police suggested that his wife's disappearance might involve some special groups of people, the private detective who took the order refunded the money one by one. When he couldn't do it, he had put all his hopes on this special action team.

"No, I haven't been back to this place since the police told me I need to report it to me, and I live in another house."

Zhao Xiaokui turned on the flashlight, switched it to the developing mode, and then gently placed it on the ground. Soon, a few messy footprints were revealed.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Zhang Hongyi's pupils shrank, "Has anyone come in?"

Lin Bai quickly analyzed: "It has been three days from Guan Huimin's disappearance to today, but the footprints were left yesterday, and the person who kidnapped Guan Huimin came again yesterday!"

Nie Fu's teeth clucked, "I can give them anything they want, as long as they return Huimin to me."

Recording the photos of the footprints, they found more footprints in Nie Fu's bedroom and kitchen.

Several people checked and collected the traces separately. The bedroom was handed over to two girls, Zhao Xiaokui and Hong Ying. As soon as they entered the door, they could see the wedding photos of Nie Fu and Guan Huimin, as he said, with the words "death to death" written in blood. Guan Huimin's The face is empty.

Zhao Xiaokui asked, "What kind of blood is this blood?"

"Human blood," Hong Ying said, "the police confirmed that it should be stolen blood from the blood bank after sampling."

"Inside the blood bank..." Zhao Xiaokui sniffed, perhaps because she had absorbed the power of belief of all living beings. At this time, her five senses became more acute, and her spirituality was more than a hundred times stronger than before. I don't know if it was her illusion, she always Feeling a sense of death lingering on these two bloody words, he couldn't help but say, "Can the blood bank find information about blood donors? Let the police track him down to see if this person is still alive?"

Hong Ying came back to her senses and said solemnly, "You mean...?"

After experiencing the incident of Shen Zhifei being splashed with acid, and seeing many cultists doing things simply and directly, Zhao Xiaokui really didn't think they would go to great lengths to steal a bag of blood from the blood bank just to write two words.

These two words are more like a casual act of anger.

Zhao Xiaokui opened the closet of the two of them, and when she opened the door, she was startled by a doll with her head tilted inside. She stopped her heart beating wildly and asked, "Mr. Nie, your wife likes this kind of doll very much?"

She also thought that the doll Nie Fu was talking about was a rag doll, but she didn't expect it to be a scaled-down 3D doll that was infinitely close to a real person.

Looking at the lifelike face, if she hadn't felt the danger, she might have been blasted out with a fist.

"My wife likes children very much, but because of physical reasons, we have been married for almost ten years, and she has never been pregnant, so she especially likes this doll... "

"What's wrong with the doll?" She walked over to take a look, and found the doll with its head and body in two different places. After a moment of silence, she said, "...It's a bit infiltrating."

"There's a very light breath, I'm not sure."

Hong Ying nodded and put the doll in the evidence bag, knowing that the breath she was talking about was the breath of the evil god.

Zhao Xiaokui swept over the two people's clothes one by one, and suddenly asked, "Mr. Nie, I remember that you have a blue shirt with a bauhinia flower embroidered on your chest. Did you wash it?"

When she and Shen Zhifei ran into Nie Fu at the temple fair, the other party was wearing that dress.

Nie Fu was stunned for a while before he could hear what she was talking about. Although he didn't understand why Zhao Xiaokui knew he had such a piece of clothing, he shook his head and said, "No, it should be in the closet. This piece of clothing was given to me by my wife this year. She likes bauhinia very much, I wore it out with my friends once during the New Year, and after I washed it, I hung it all the time."

Zhao Xiaokui stepped aside and said, "Come and look, there are some clothes and pants that you have an impression of, but they are missing."

After thinking about it, she added, "Especially your clothes that are close-fitting, such as shirts and underwear."

Ten years ago, Nie Fu probably didn't have any impression of what clothes and pants were in his closet. Anyway, when he didn't go out, he wore them blindly. When he went out, his own assistant matched the clothes for him. He only needed to enjoy himself in front of fans. Just show off your personal charm.

After getting married, Guan Huimin likes to praise him in a different way, what clothes to wear to be handsome, what to wear to look young, what to wear to look good... In front of a lover, men always hope that they can behave better, Nie Fu's brain Inside, only an area was set aside to carry these things.

This search, really found something wrong.

The money at home, whether it is a bank card or a passbook, or even the cash and gold bars at home, is not less.

But Nie Fu's clothes, the impressive shirts, have been lost several times, all of which can be found in the pictures taken on the Internet. There are also several pants missing, all of which are very tight and have been praised by fans several times after wearing them. The kind of buttocks, not to mention panties, as soon as the drawer for panties was opened, there were only a few half-pulls left, and only a few packs of unopened new ones remained.

Nie Fu's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Zhang Hongyi didn't know why, Gou Rixin touched his bald head, and explained to him very well: "This is most likely an illegitimate fan who committed the crime."