After Marrying the Evil God

Chapter 105: freeze


This time, Cha Cha is really sleeping at home, and the calamity comes from heaven.

He was just lying in bed on a sunny afternoon and had a dream, thinking that he could wait until his brother came when he woke up. In the end, it was not his brother who woke him up, but a shaky shock.

Cha Cha wakes up instantly.

The bed under him was shaking, and the pillars in the temple were shaking, unable to support the black dome at any time.

Cha Cha frowned.

… is this an earthquake

The earth is Qi Ye's domain, and when Qi Ye is not there, Cha Cha doesn't understand what's going on. It stands to reason that even if there is an earthquake, the cornerstone of the Evil God Temple is unshakable.

He immediately left the temple, flew into the sky, and was quickly forced back to the ground by the collapsed ceiling.

The ground beneath my feet cracked open countless cracks, the sky was collapsing, and even the sun flickered on and off.

Not just the ground, the whole world is shaking.

The divine power in the body is rapidly draining.

What exactly is going on.

The other gods also did not understand what was going on, and they gathered in panic. Fengshen asked Chacha anxiously: "Where's Your Majesty the Evil God?"

Qi Ye is the most powerful god in the world. What they don't know, they can only get the answer from Qi Ye's mouth.

Cha Cha shook his head: "He's not here."

"Not here?! Where has he gone? He couldn't have made this movement, right?" Luna looked irritable. She felt her moon power dwindling, and this feeling of rapid reversal of power made her extremely uncomfortable.

Ordinary gods who can cause such a collapse? It is understandable for them to suspect Qi Ye. After all, apart from being good at tea, Qi Ye is really not a good god in other respects.

Cha Cha just said: "It's not him." The existence of the Daqian world is not known to the gods at present, and he is inconvenient to disclose that his brother went to the world of the gods to participate in the trial of the main god. He could only be sure that what happened now had absolutely nothing to do with his brother.

The other gods don't know the situation, they only know that the most suspected god at present is Qi Ye. Concerning their divine power, Tiger God was impatient and said directly: "His Royal Highness Snow God, don't hide it at this time, if you know something, just say it—"

"Ah!" A god of arts suddenly screamed, and the godhead burst on the spot, and he died directly.

"Bobo!" The Textile Goddess screamed.

The silk is woven by a unique yarn weaving technique, from which the goddess of silk and silk was born. From the perspective of kinship, she belongs to the daughter of the textile goddess.

The natural fall of the God of Arts is the loss of skills, not such a sudden and sudden death!

Before the gods recovered from the sudden death of the goddess of silk, more and more gods of craftsmanship were destroyed and their bodies were annihilated. The gods of prayers from all over the world also began to fall, and then it was the turn of the gods of all things...

The skills have not been lost, beliefs have not disappeared, and the lifespan of all things has not been exhausted. The countless gods of craftsmanship, gods of prayer, and gods of all things have all fallen for no reason. The scene is shocking.

Only the most powerful gods of nature have not been affected, but they are not much better, and they will not last long.

It is this world that is destroying, and these accompanying gods can only be buried with them.

The end of the world is also the end of the gods.

But they don't even know the reason for the destruction of the world, and they don't understand it until they die.

Snow God's state was also very bad, his face was pale, and his headache was splitting.

It's the godhead that can't hold it anymore.

The status of gods of nature can only make them last longer, and it is only a matter of time before they fall. The world begins to collapse from the inside, and no one can escape.

Brother... Has he become the main god

Cha Cha was distracted by the extreme headache.

If my brother becomes the main god, he can leave this small world and not die with the world...

I heard from my brother that if you become the main god, you can also control time and turn back time. Cha Cha didn't know what happened to this world before it would be destroyed, but if Qi Ye became the main god and came back at this time, he would be able to turn the tide, and everyone who was still alive would not die.

But that hope is too slim. Qi Ye doesn't necessarily become the main god, and if he does, he won't be able to come back in time. Even if he does... Can he survive until then? Can I see my brother again

No, the cracks in the Godhead are growing. He was about to fall.

A god whose godhead is destroyed can never be resurrected, and will completely disappear from the world.

He really wanted to... take another look at his brother.

The light of the sun in the sky dimmed, and it turned into a stream of fire and fell to the ground. The sun god appeared to be half-kneeling on the ground, and the light and flames on his body were almost extinguished.

"I saw it in the sky..." Sun God said with difficulty, "The place where the destruction was the most serious at the beginning was in the capital on earth."

But they have no energy to find out what happened, and it is too late to make amends.

"I can't help it, I can only wait to die." Vulcan frowned, "I can't die to understand, I'm really unwilling."

"You'll be fine." Cha Cha whispered.

"What's wrong?" The other gods looked at him one after another.

The water god was stunned: "Xuecha, what are you doing?"

Cha Cha raised her icy blue eyes, and her hands condensed a powerful frozen power: "I swear to the law in the name of the Snow God - I am willing to sacrifice my body in exchange for the immortality of all things."

He can't change the end of the world's destruction, but he can freeze time in this moment.

After all, he has been by Qi Ye's side for so many years, and Qi Ye feeds him all kinds of elixir like jelly beans. In terms of divine power, the Snow God is probably second only to the Evil God, and even the most combative Sun God and Vulcan are far behind him.

It's just that Snow God doesn't like fighting and has never had a chance to play.

He cannot turn back time, but he can make time stand still. Time is the highest meaning of all things, and if the snow gods cultivate to the extreme, they will reach the entrance to the realm of time.

The freezing technique is the basic technique of the Snow God, but he has already cultivated to the peak.

Lightly condensed into white snow.

In the middle, everything is frozen.

Heavy freeze time.

At most, Chacha freezes the time of a small life in a small area on weekdays. For example, at the moment before the chick is about to fall, he freezes time and can save a small life.

But this time, he wants to freeze the whole world and freeze these companions who are also gods, so that they will not fall.

This is too much of a move. Not the main god but delusional retention of time will only pay a painful price.

He is the burning godhead casting spells, saving the whole world at the cost of life. When the world freezes successfully, his godhead will run out of power and shatter, disappearing from the world forever.

Chacha thinks it's really worth it. If he does not save the world, he will also perish with the destruction of the world, and no one can escape. He used his body as a sacrifice to freeze time. Although he still couldn't live, all living beings, these gods and companions, and the world that nurtured him, were still fine.

This is the best result.

When my brother comes back as the main god, thaws the world and turns back time, there will still be many lives to survive.

It's a pity... the fallen god can never come back.

The vast divine power poured out from the palm of the Snow God, rushing in all directions. Wherever the divine power passed, the peaks turned into icebergs, the river surface froze instantly, birds and beasts, traders and pawns, and buildings all turned into immobile ice sculptures. Before the gods with shocked expressions could speak, they were covered by ice.

The sea freezes, the sky freezes.

The time of the world stands still.

As the frozen area became wider and wider, the Snow God's face became whiter and whiter. Finally, he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, which landed on the white clothes, shocking.

In the stillness of everything, the only dynamic picture is that of the white-haired boy who indifferently wiped the blood from his lips with his sleeve.

The godhead was completely shattered, and his life had come to an end.

In the icy world, the Snow God closed his eyes and let his half body turn into flying snow and disperse.

It turned into an overwhelming snow and fell into the world one after another.

Snow has fallen twice worldwide.

For the first time, the Snow God was conceived and born by the world, and the world celebrated the first heavy snowfall.

It was a joyous eulogy.

The last time was the Snow God who fell to save the world, and used his own life to drop the last snow for the world.

It was a tender lament.

When Qi Ye came back, he saw that the sky was freezing cold and the snow was flying. His tea was quietly melting into the world and buried with a heavy snow.

Qi Ye's heart was trembling, and he immediately rolled up Feixue to save Chacha's body and took him in his arms.

"...Chacha?" Qi Ye called softly.

No answer.

Qi Ye held his face: "What happened to you?"

In extreme grief, he lost the simplest thinking.

On the contrary, Yan Zhao, who came over, calmly pointed out: "Dead."

He followed because he was dissatisfied with Qi Ye's abstention. After becoming the main god, he has been able to freely enter and leave other worlds.

I didn't expect to see such a scene.

The deity in Qi Ye's arms should be the one that Qi Ye was thinking of. Although he was hugged by Qi Ye and couldn't see his face clearly, he could see at a glance that the other party had long since lost his godhead, and was just an empty shell.

"How could this be..." Qi Ye's mind was a mess, and he couldn't understand his thoughts at all.

"The gods associated with the destruction of the world will also fall, don't you have it in your legacy memory? As for why your world was destroyed, I don't know. It seems that your world hasn't been destroyed because of this... It should be the Snow God. The time was frozen by him, and the price was his self-destruction of Godhead." Yan Zhao, who was a bystander, analyzed rationally, "He is quite strong. If he is stronger, he should be able to become this trial player."

Qi Ye didn't say a word, and the whole god revealed a dead silence.

Obviously not as full of hostility as in the secret realm, but more gloomy than then.

Yan Zhao felt that Qi Ye was now widowed, so he comforted him out of basic morality: "Sorry, but God cannot be resurrected from the dead. I can fight with you and let you vent your grief."

Qi Ye: "... Get out!"

Yan Zhao was startled.

Because Qi Ye's voice was choked up.

The heartless, heartless, and ruthless evil gods who had been neutral in the secret realm for seven thousand years collapsed in this cry of "go away".

"I shouldn't have stayed longer." Qi Ye whispered, "I should have come back earlier."

Yan Zhao said again: "I converted the time. He already destroyed his godhead when we were still in the secret realm. It's useless for you to come back early." It is easy to calculate.

Qi Ye turned around and couldn't bear it any longer: "Shut up."

Yan Zhao looked at him lightly: "Why are you crying?"

Qi Ye was too lazy to talk to this emotionless sun god.

When the divine personality is destroyed, the divine soul will immediately dissipate in the world and will never be found again.

Even if he is the main god, there is no way to recover.

Why... Even though he has become the main god, he still can't change this result.

Qi Ye's eyes were flushed red, and he held the Snow God's icy body, his knuckles turning white.

A tear slid across his face and landed on the young man's long eyelashes.

But the boy in his arms could no longer open his eyes and call him "brother".

The snow all over the world suddenly froze, and countless goose feather-like snowflakes condensed together to form a faint soul.

The soul was too weak to see his face, but stopped in front of Qi Ye and gently stroked his face.

"Brother, don't cry."

Qi Ye was startled.

Even Yan Zhao was surprised for a moment.

"The godhead has been destroyed, how can the soul persist until now?" Yan Zhao was also the first time he saw such a spectacle.

"Chacha, you..." Qi Ye's expression changed drastically.

"Before my fall, my biggest obsession was not being able to look at my brother again." The young man's voice was clear and gentle, "I will hold on until now, and finally wait for my brother to come back."

"Brother, I can't take it any longer..." The spirit is getting weaker and weaker, and it is about to dissipate.

Qi Ye immediately applied divine power to the soul, making the soul more solid. He whispered: "Chacha hold on for a while, my brother will save you."

"How do you save?" Yan Zhao felt absurd, "His godhead has been destroyed."

"He's ruined, I still have it." Qi Ye's face was filled with joy that he lost and found, "I'll give him half of it."

"Are you crazy?" Yan Zhao frowned, "How hard did it take you to become the main god—"

"So what, it's for him." Qi Ye smiled, "I love him."

Yan Zhao didn't understand what "love" was, but he just reminded: "Your world is already being destroyed, and it's all because of the Snow God that stops time to prevent it from collapsing completely. You are the main god, so you can reverse time and save the world, but once the time is reversed, His soul will completely dissipate. And if you give him half of the main godhead first, he can indeed be resurrected, but at that time you two are not the main gods, and there is no way to reverse the time. His time freeze is limited. So this world will continue to collapse after it is thawed, both of you are going to die. Qi Ye, you can't have the best of both worlds."

Qi Ye looked at him: "Isn't this with you?"

Yan Zhao: "?"

Qi Ye arranged the task: "I'll give him the Godhead, and you're responsible for going backwards in time."

Yan Zhao thought it was ridiculous: "Why should I listen to you? Are we on good terms? What benefits can you give me?"

Qi Ye: "If you promise me, I will fight with you."

Yan Zhao: "Okay."

Only then did he react: "Qi Ye, when you have only half of your godhead left, what qualifications do you have to fight me!" He came to find an opponent, not to crush weak chickens!

Qi Ye hooked his lips: "I believe that the bright and righteous Sun God will definitely do what he says."

Yan Zhao: "..." was put together.

His divinity did not allow him to go back on his word.

Qi Ye: "I need your help with one more thing."

Yan Zhao: "I won't agree."

Qi Ye continued to talk to himself: "I don't know what happened to our world to destroy it. Even if the time and space restart, this thing will definitely happen again. In order not to repeat the same mistakes, I hope you can give me the information after checking it out. Hint. Otherwise, Cha Cha and I will have to die again."

Yan Zhao said coldly, "Does it have anything to do with me?"

"Yes. After becoming the Lord God, you and I are almost omnipotent, but I don't know why this world is destroyed, so I think that it should be something that the Lord of all gods can know." Qi Ye strategized, "To sum up, I think It is your duty to save us, future lord of the gods."

Yan Zhao said coldly, "I will definitely see you beat you once in the future—"

"Whoever sees each other again in the future is a dog." Qi Ye was rude.

"..." Yan Zhao was expressionless, "I'll remind you one more thing, your godhead is incomplete, you can no longer become the main god, and your world is no longer qualified to breed the main god. Your chaos period, ancient times are so It's long because you are the main god reserve and need enough time to grow up. Now you can't be the main god, even if the world restarts, your age will be greatly shortened. In other words, it is equivalent to a young new world, suppressed by the laws of the world, You will become very, weak, small."

"Oh." Qi Ye didn't care.

"Also." Yan Zhao couldn't get used to Qi Ye's calm appearance after calculating, and always wanted to block him, "Your relationship is a childhood sweetheart?" One evil god and one snow god, he really couldn't figure out how can come together.

Qi Ye: "We have been together since the era of chaos."

"That's it. Your bodies are pure and turbid, and you are naturally opposed to each other. It is all thanks to this bamboo-horse friendship that you have the upper hand." Yan Zhao said, "But you destroyed half of your godhead and your vitality was greatly damaged. You may not be able to fight this time. Once you get clean, history will change accordingly. If you don’t have the feelings that you have accumulated for countless years in chaos, and you don’t know each other when you meet again, wouldn’t you instinctively hate him? Just like you do to other gods.”

"No." Qi Ye said firmly.

"I will definitely fall in love with him at first sight."