After Marrying the Evil God

Chapter 11: rule


Having asked the school for an afternoon leave, Qi Baicha returned home and took out the two balls of light.

Bai Guang turned into the soul body of a villain, the man was plain looking, and he didn't even have the beauty of the real Wei Songnan. At this moment, he was sitting in Qi Baicha's palm in horror, not knowing what happened.

The system shivered and dared not speak.

Qi Baicha asked the system, "What are you?"

The pink light group shivered: "The Raiders System..."

"Who created you?"

"My master is... the love demon."

What is love devil? There has never been such a creature in this world.

Think of it as a souvenir from other worlds.

Qi Baicha remained calm, just staring at the strategy system.

The Raiders system was so frightened that he told the truth: "I come from World No. 520, which is a world full of love. The law of nature is that everyone likes love and peace, and there is no war and evil in the world. But... There are still a lot of love demons in that world. , are the natural enemies of human beings. They feed on plundering love, creatures whose love is plundered will become evil, and love demons who have received love will become stronger."

"I was created by a powerful love demon. It is not satisfied with the love in one world, but also created our systems to bind the host to attack people with luck in other worlds and gain their love Value. After the success of the strategy, the luck of the target person will belong to the love demon. The power that these children of luck can provide it is far greater than the love of an ordinary person.”

And people who have their luck taken away have since become mediocre, even more unlucky than ordinary people.

Knowing this, Qi Baicha looked even colder.

"Who is the god of your world?"

"Not long after our world was born, there is only one patron saint... Eros. Lord Eros hunts and kills love demons every day, but there are too many love demons, and she is too busy to find out what my master is doing. ." The Raiders System didn't want to betray its master, but in front of God, it really didn't have the courage to lie.

"Now she has found it." Qi Baicha said.

He had already made a sound transmission through divine language in his mind just now.

The gods of various worlds usually perform their duties and cannot go to other planes, but it does not mean that there is no way to contact them. Because there are often creatures in one world that go to another plane to make troubles through time and space loopholes, at this time, the gods of the original world are obliged to contact the gods of the other world, so that they can prepare early and deal with outsiders.

This is equivalent to encountering a criminal gang committing crimes across provinces, and the local public security bureau has to call another local public security bureau to cooperate with the case.

When each world is born, it will be assigned a random number that will never be repeated by the main god. The gods of all parties lock the world through the number, and then they can contact a god in the opposite world and express their intentions to them.

Of course, this is only for business contact. Don't talk nonsense, you will be blocked.

Just now, Qi Baicha sent a voice transmission to the god of love in the world in the name of the snow god, and the wording was very official: "Respected god of love, there is a love demon in your world who has created a large number of strategy systems and traveled to various planes. Grab the luck, and now one of them has been captured by me, I remind you to pay attention."

There was a reply there soon.

A mature and charming female voice resounded in her mind: "Dear Lord Snow God, thank you very much for your reminder. I didn't find out that there was a love demon who did such a bad thing. This is my dereliction of duty. I will definitely check it out, love How are you~"

"..." Qi Baicha cut off contact and said, "Now she has found out."

The Raiders system was instantly ashes.

The god of love has already noticed that it will soon find the owner and destroy it. When the master dies, all the systems they have been created from are no longer valuable.

The soul of the fast wearer listened in the clouds and fog for a long time, and finally understood the origin of the system.

He used to think that the system was a very high-level thing, and he was refuted by the cold words "insufficient host authority" several times when he scolded the origin of the system.

Young people have the ability to let the system know everything and say everything. What is the origin? !

The quick-wearer was in shock when he saw the young man glance at him lightly, and he felt a coldness like falling into a cold pool.

The quick piercer quickly cleared the relationship: "I am the soul that this system grabbed casually, and I am just a tool for attacking the target person! I am all instructed by it, I can't help it, it's none of my business!"

"Do you know that every time you transmit the body of a living person?" Qi Baicha asked, "Do you know that every time you commit suicide and leave the world, you are killing people?"

It was not the first time he had seen such a system. The way the transmigrators get out of their bodies is always death, never thinking about the mess left behind.

Quick wearers stay for a while.

"I, I don't know," he said.

Qi Baicha nodded: "Indeed, those who don't know are innocent."

A look of hope appeared on the face of the quick wearer.

But soon, his soul was covered by a cloud of white light. The light went from bottom to top, enveloped him gently, immersed, swallowed, and dissipated his soul body inch by inch.

The quick wearer watched his soul disappear, from the legs, to the waist, to the chest... In the end, only one head was left screaming in desperation: "What's going on! Why is my body not-" Soon, His mouth was gone, his eyes stared at Qi Baicha, and in an instant the white light did not pass over the top of his head, not even a single strand of hair remained.

Soul flies away.

Qi Baicha's calm tone was no different from the previous sentence: "However, the murderer is the original sin."

He just returned all the resentment, despair, unwillingness, and pain of the souls who died because the fast piercer occupied the body to the quick piercer.

Raiders system: "..." It's really scary.

After solving the quick wearer, Qi Baicha asked the system again, "Which time-space loophole did you come from?"

The Raiders system tremblingly reported the coordinates: "...Z City."

In the blink of an eye, Qi Baicha teleported to a city thousands of miles away.

This is a big city with heavy industry, there are many chemical plants, and the largest waste treatment plant in the province is also located here. There are countless industrial waste gas, automobile exhaust gas and sewage discharge every day, and the environment is seriously polluted.

Qi Baicha saw the huge mushroom cloud rising over the city from a distance, and the sky was shrouded in a dim yellow haze. The stinky smell made the snow god, who was known to be obsessed with cleanliness, not want to get close.

Air pollution has destroyed the ozone layer and has created a hole in the ozone layer. If the damage continues, the loopholes will expand and the consequences will be unimaginable.

This is also a type of space-time loophole, caused by humans.

Human beings are so small, but their destructive power and creativity are equally powerful.

With Qi Baicha's divine power sealed to 1/10,000, it is not enough to repair the loopholes in time and space.

After hesitating for a moment, he rose to the sky above Jiuzhongtian, and after confirming that such a distance would no longer affect the human world, he lifted the seal and released all his divine power.

Once the divine power is released, it will take several months to seal it back. After he returns, he has to think about the reasons why he can no longer have the same room with Fu Mingye...

The top priority is to make up the sky.

Lord Xue Shen, who had recovered all his divine power, made up for the sky with ease. This is not a big loophole. He used his divine power to quickly fill in the hole in the ozone layer, and then continued to make seals with his hands, and a snow fell on the world.

When the people on the ground touched the cold, they raised their heads and said in surprise, "It's snowing!"

To be honest, the air quality in City Z is worrying. They worry about acid rain every day, but they never thought it would snow. And... it's fucking summer!

"Damn it, why does it snow in June?"

"The mushroom cloud in the sky seems to have faded..."

"Hey, this snow is sweet!"

"The sun shines through the clouds! Heaven, hurry up and take pictures, the smog in City Z is always so thick that the sun can't even shine in!"

"What kind of sun do you want to take? It's obviously snowing in June, and it's more worth taking pictures!"

Qi Baicha was hidden in the clouds, quietly overlooking the world, then turned and left.

The flying snow in June is a blessing and a warning to people.

After the heavy snow, the haze dissipated, and people could see the blue sky.

Snow has the power to purify. This snow can purify the air of the whole city, so that people will no longer get sick because of the seriously polluted environment.

However, this is temporary, not the root cause. As long as these chemical plants with excessive emissions continue to operate, the city will remain the same in the long run.

If we want to truly solve it, we also need human beings to protect nature autonomously.

But this is not something that God should intervene in.

The god of nature is born with the world, is the patron saint of the world, never the patron saint of a certain species.

He has seen countless species go extinct. If human beings make mistakes and get the bitter fruit, it is the price they should bear.

However, Qi Baicha didn't mind putting a report letter to the local environmental protection department before leaving.

The rest is for people.

"Small eyes but no pearls, I didn't know you were Lord Snow God..." If the Raiders System had an entity, it would have knelt down by now.

It can snow when the youth raises his hand, but he still doesn't know the status of the youth.

"If the love demon who created you dies, what will happen to you and the other systems?" Qi Baicha asked.

The strategy system desperately said: "It will be scrapped, and once the love demon dies, the love and luck it plundered will return to the original person. We will also lose our power source and automatically untie from the host."

This time, it freed countless victims of occupied bodies.

The gods of nature do not gain power through vows, but they can also accumulate virtues and do good deeds, and these virtues also make the gods powerful.

Qi Baicha has been running around to defend the front line of the world for thousands of years. When other gods and companions wake up, I am afraid that they will find that the most powerful person in the world will become the most gentle and peaceful snow god.

"Those skills that the host acquires from the system..."

"It will also disappear," said the Raiders system, "I love demons need love and luck. The host earns love for luck characters in exchange for points, and the points are exchanged for skills and items in the system mall, which is essentially an exchange. Those skills are originally It's the power that Ima gave them, and when Ima dies, they will become normal people again."

"However," said the Raiders System, "some items in the mall can continue to exist and use, because they are the real objects in our world, but they are only brought to another world. The things in our mall are colorful and dazzling. , everything..." It suddenly began to take on a salesman's tone.

Qi Baicha suddenly asked, "Is there an elixir of life?"

When he was giving his students a history class in the morning, a terrifying episode suddenly occurred to him.

Hundreds of years later, the students in the class have changed again, and he remains incognito as an ordinary history teacher.

He asked the students to open their textbooks and told them about the development history of China for nearly a hundred years. As he talked, he talked about a man named Fu in Huaguo, who became the richest man at a young age, possessing supreme glory and wealth.

… was his husband from hundreds of years ago.

"… "

Qi Baicha didn't dare to think about it.

He is obviously someone who has long been used to saying goodbye, but he doesn't seem to be able to bear to understate Fu Mingye as a past history.

It hurts to even think about it.

He wants to be with Mr. Fu for a long time, and he doesn't want to see Mr. Fu across the history books.

Qi Baicha was moved.

The laws of this world do not allow mortals to live forever, there is no elixir of life, and today's thin aura cannot make mortals cultivate immortals. The ghost after death will dissipate without reincarnation, or turn into a powerful ghost.

But how could Qi Baicha be willing to let Fu Mingye become a ghost, not to mention that Fu Mingye didn't have any resentment for becoming a ghost.

If there is no way in this world, it may be possible to borrow items from other worlds.

It's just that God's duty is to expel those foreigners from the outside world, and the things in the hands of foreigners are considered illegal smuggling. If even he uses these illegal items for selfish desires, it is not a disqualification.


But he still asked.

"Is there an elixir of life?"

When Qi Baicha asked this sentence, her eyes were light and her voice was as calm as ever.

He follows the rules for the world, and also wants to break the rules of the world for Mr. Fu.