After Marrying the Evil God

Chapter 27: The content of the first math class, and the second history class.


Tomorrow morning and afternoon will be recorded in English and Chinese respectively, acquired sports, followed by a special session of music and performances.

The recording speed of a variety show is very fast, not counting post-editing, it can be as short as a week or as long as several months. Obviously, "Youth Never Ends" can be done in a week, and then everyone can end happily.

No matter what we do in modern society, it is fast-paced, and entertainment is becoming more and more impetuous and fast-food. Often a TV series can be shot in two or three months, let alone a variety show.

None of the guests who came to the show were from the 18th line. Except for Yu Yin, who did not participate in activities very much, the other itineraries were very full, and there was no time to stay in one place for too long.

A history teacher is Qi Baicha's own job in human society, and teaching this course is completely out of the question.

The content of the topic given to him by the program team is... Dali Dynasty, Emperor Renchang.

Qi Baicha glanced at it and threw away the content of the textbook prepared for him by the program team.

During the Yunjia period of the Li Dynasty, the Renchang Emperor Sima Fu was in power and reigned for 16 years.

Three years before Yunjia, Emperor Xu Shi had just ascended the throne. He was unskilled in business and had no faults in his political achievements. He was just an ordinary and prosperous emperor. However, three years after Yunjia, Sima Fu showed extremely powerful political skills, good at discovering worthy ministers, alienating traitors, convincing people with virtue, ruling the world with benevolence, and ruling evil with law. Many of the policies promulgated and implemented in politics can still be used today, and they can be called wise men through the ages.

Later generations have speculated why Sima Fu suddenly changed his personality in the fourth year of his ascension to the throne. Some people say that it is because of the rich work experience that the professional ability improves. Some people say that his favorite concubine died of illness, so his temperament has changed greatly for love, and he is angry and strong, and he has no concubine and no children in his life...

It's ridiculous.

Qi Baicha thought.

That's just because the real Sima Fu was killed by the time-travel girl three years ago in Yun Jia, and he replaced him for the next ten years.

The so-called favored concubine is the soul of another world who has traveled through. Back then, Sima Fu was so fascinated by her that Sima Fu dismissed the six palaces for her, but in the end, she was also the culprit of killing Sima Fu.

Sima Fu was the son of luck who supported the world at that time. He ascended the throne at a young age and had a bright future. If there is no arrival of the time-travelling woman, he will grow into a king who can influence the subsequent history after fading away his initial youth.

It's a pity that Transmigration Girl didn't give him a chance to grow up. She took away the sincere heart of a young man, strangled him in the cradle, and took away all his luck.

If it wasn't for Qi Baicha's timely remedy, the world would have collapsed long ago. When the world collapses, the accompanying gods will also fall.

He protects the world, but also protects his companions.

However, he was still a step too late and failed to save the real Sima Fu.

Telling people 2,500 years later the story of one of their lives back then is a wonderful experience.

Qi Baicha's lectures were lively and interesting, interspersed with the story of Prime Minister Li Heran and General Wu Dingchuan, and a group of over-aged students listened with great interest.

Fu Mingye held his cheeks and quietly watched Qi Baicha's serious lecture.

He knew that Cha Cha was a history teacher, but it was the first time he heard Cha Cha talk about history.

Qi Baicha's tone is humorous and humorous, and the guests can laugh from time to time because they hear some interesting things, and occasionally make a few jokes.

Fu Mingye always listened quietly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth and tenderness in his eyes.

Qi Baicha talked about the rise: "They also had a friend in the rivers and lakes, called..."

"What's it called?" Liu Kaisheng asked in support of the venue.

Qi Baicha suddenly stopped.

A person who has not even been recorded in the unofficial history exists only in his memory. On weekdays, it’s just a matter of teaching extracurricular knowledge to students in class. If it is broadcast on the program, it will definitely be questioned by many.

That was his old confidant, and since he didn't want to be criticized, why bother to mention it.

Qi Baicha thought for a while, then smiled: "...I don't know, let me make up a name first."

The crowd burst into laughter again, only when he was humorous again.

"Mr. Qi knows so much, so is it all made up?"

"Mr. Qi's story is also very interesting!"

"Hahaha, I'll just say it. I'm still curious about whether there really were rivers and lakes in ancient times? Is there Qinggong? Is there internal power?"

Qi Baicha looked at the ridicule and laughter below, and also smiled slightly.

some. he thought.

He met a young man, and they sang on horses together, talked about ideals, and roamed freely. It was the first time he entered the WTO, the first time he had a mortal friend.

He watched the boy go from a fledgling to becoming a martial arts hero, one of the famous towns, and on a normal afternoon, he heard the news of the sudden death of an old friend.

What kind of old friend, so young, less than a hundred years old, in the eyes of God, he is still a child.

How did he die.

It turned out that it had been so many years.

God has since then had the concept of time.

Then, he swept the centennial tomb for that man.

Fu Mingye, who was sitting at the bottom, smiled slightly and frowned slightly.

No one present knew Qi Baicha better than him. Although the young man is laughing, his eyes are haunted by a very light... loneliness and sadness.

What happened to Chacha

Chacha unhappy?

Who made Chacha unhappy? ?

Until the evening, Fu Mingye was still thinking about this question.

The show is recorded 24 hours a day, even how to sleep and get up. This week, the guests will stay at the school. In the evening, the guests will be divided into dormitories according to gender. They will sleep in the empty third-year dormitory buildings of the school, two by two, according to the lottery.

Of course, the only two actresses did not need to draw lots, Fang Ya'er and Qin Yirou were assigned together as a matter of course. The other four guests were drawn, and finally Cui Hao and Liu Kaisheng were the group, Jiang Yan and Yu Yin were the group.

Fu Mingye is a special guest, so there is no need to record at night, and the show crew doesn't have the courage to spy on the big guy's privacy. Qi Baicha is an amateur and does not need to be recorded.

But Fu Mingye still asked for a dormitory to rest at the school for the next few days, and also specified that he would live with Qi Baicha.

The reason is that "in order to test the quality of the school dormitory bed and sleep comfort, and to ensure the physical and mental health of students", Qi Baicha, as a school teacher, is obliged to accompany him.

Qi Baicha: ... I believe in your evil.

How dare the principal not agree, this school is owned by President Fu, so what does it mean to have two dormitory beds.

As for President Fu living in his own school, this matter has nothing to do with the program team.

Fu Mingye and Qi Baicha's dormitories are not equipped with cameras, they are just here to experience life...

"What kind of life do you experience?" Qi Baicha sat on the upper bunk, stared at Fu Mingye and asked, "Mr. Fu, why are you here with a bed as big as your home?"

It also caused him to squeeze into this little bed.

Fu Mingye said without changing his face: "The environment in the dormitory is quite exciting, Teacher Qi."

"..." Qi Baicha, "Don't come here, there is no camera here, don't take one teacher at a time."

Fu Mingye: "I think teachers and students can play really well..."

Qi Baicha reminded blankly, "Hemorrhoids."

Fu Mingye: "I don't have this idea!"

Qi Baicha: "You have great ideas written all over your face." Mr. Fu has been strange from the beginning, hesitating and hesitating.

"I want to ask." Fu Mingye was still very concerned about this question, he stood on the floor, grabbed the guardrail of the upper bunk, raised his eyes and asked Qi Baicha, "Chacha, in your history class in the afternoon, the one you said ... that who and that who's friends in the rivers and lakes, who are they?"

His feeling can't be wrong, after Cha Cha said that sentence, the whole person became sad.

He must figure out why Chacha is unhappy.

Qi Baicha looked at him for three seconds: "A character I made up for the effect of the show, do you still take it seriously?"

Fu Mingye narrowed his eyes: "I'm afraid this sentence is made up."

Qi Baicha was helpless and didn't hide it from him: "His name is Qi Ye."

Anyway, it's just a name that can't be found.

Fu Mingye's hand holding the railing slipped.

"I don't know which book it came from... Anyway, you don't know it. Mr. Fu, I've never seen you so interested in history before."

Not interested now. Fu Mingye corrected in his heart.

He is only interested in everything about Chacha. He always needs to understand what can make Chacha's mood worse, so that he can prescribe the right medicine and make Chacha's mood better.

But he really couldn't figure out how a person from more than 2,000 years ago could make Cha Cha feel his true feelings.

"Sleep, good night." Qi Baicha didn't want to say more, he straightened the quilt, got in by himself, and said good night to Fu Mingye.

"Good night." Fu Mingye went to turn on the lamp and lay down on the bottom bunk.

In the darkness, there was a moment of silence in the dormitory.

Fu Mingye suddenly said, "Chacha."

"What's wrong?"

"Put your hands down."

Qi Baicha was puzzled, but still obediently put his hand down from the upper bunk.

Fu Mingye changed something and stuffed it into his hand.

"What is it?" Qi Baicha retracted his hand and spread it out to see that it was a candy.

"Pfft - where did you get the candy? Give me candy at night, Mr. Fu, do you want me to get cavities?"

Fu Mingye said, "It's fun to eat candy."

I want to make you happy.

Qi Baicha narrowed his eyes and looked at the candy in his hand, suddenly feeling complicated.

Is Mr. Fu so sharp? He thought that he had hidden his emotions so secretly that he could detect it.

Obviously he is very rough in other aspects, and Mr. Fu is afraid that all his delicate thoughts are used on him.

Thinking of Qi Ye, Qi Baicha is always in a state of difficulty. He met so many people later, none of which was as impressive as the first one.

That was the first after all.

Qi Baicha peeled off the candy wrapper, put the candy in his mouth, and the candy was immediately sweetened.

He said, "Mr. Fu, your candy is so sweet."

Fu Mingye said, "Sweet is right."

No matter who or what brings you pain, you just need to remember the sweetness I gave you.

Qi Baicha smiled and said, "Then I'm going into sweet sleep. Good night, Mr. Fu."

"Good night." Fu Mingye said again.

Qi Baicha fell asleep.

Fu Mingye looked at the top of the bed, lost in thought.

Is it a coincidence


In ancient times, the chaotic air blended with the turbidity. Until the clear air rises, it becomes the sun, moon, starry sky, mountains, rivers, lakes and seas. One of the cleanest qi turns into a snow mountain, giving birth to the god of nature. It is as crystal clear as snow and as clear as tea.

The turbid air descends and sinks to the ground, darkening the sky. Later, the first god of prayer was born in the world, living in the eternal night, and the law calls it evil.

Born named Qi Ye.