After Marrying the Evil God

Chapter 3: premeditated


This sentence was like pressing a switch. The temperature in the room suddenly rose, and Fu Mingye slapped the person into his arms. Qi Baicha wrapped his arms around the man's neck and buried his face in his arms, his long eyelashes hanging down to hide the glimmer in his eyes.

This is not the first time. The first time it was a nervous, even a joke - and it didn't work out in the end.

Qi Baicha and Fu Mingye have been in love for two years and have been married for one year. When the love is strong, it is inevitable that there will be a time when the gun goes off the rails. The most over-the-top one was on a rainy night, when the two hadn't lived together yet. They were dating at an amusement park and had fun all day long. It rained in the evening, and Fu Mingye drove Qi Baicha home, and kept sending people upstairs.

It was raining heavily outside, and it was pouring down like a pouring rain, and the crackling sound of the rain hit people's pounding hearts. After Fu Mingye sent the person home, he was about to turn around and go downstairs when he was caught off guard by his sleeve.

He turned his head and saw the thin and beautiful young man's lips fluttering. His voice was very soft, but it clearly passed through the heavy rain and beat his eardrums: "The rain is so heavy... just stay."

Everything is messed up.

They all know what it means. There is a word called rain or shine. Heavy rain will never be an obstacle. Fu Mingye has a raincoat and an umbrella. After going downstairs, he can get into the car directly. No matter how bad it is, he still has supernatural power... He will never catch a drop of rain.

But heavy rain can also be an excuse.

In the face of the ambiguous signal sent by the youth, the heavy rain can be an excuse to stay openly.

Fu Mingye could have refused, but he chose to re-enter the door and kissed the person against the door panel.

... What happened later can be imagined. From the living room to the bedroom, they were entangled all the way, tore, their clothes fell one by one, and they kissed inextricably. Fu Mingye still remembered that the human body is very fragile. When he asked the young man if he could bear it, the young man froze for a moment and panted, "I cleaned it up beforehand."

Qi Baicha is talking nonsense. God does not eat five grains, and there is no need to cleanse the body at all. But that's all I can say right now, it seems like he's already prepared.

When Fu Mingye heard the answer, his eyes suddenly darkened.

He chuckled softly: "I really doubt that this rain is also your plan, Mr. Qi."

That really wronged him. Qi Baicha closed his eyes and thought, the rain is not up to him.

What's throbbing in your chest? Are you excited? Snow God's heart is exquisite and clear, cold and quiet, and it has been like this for thousands of years.

Now this heart is not under his control.

Making the invitation to stay was impulsive, and he was out of his mind, but he didn't regret it. This uncontrollable feeling is very unfamiliar, Qi Baicha thought, it's over, he has to regain some initiative.

How could it be planted on a mortal who is not even a fraction of his own age.

So he pretended to be a veteran in love: "I saw the weather forecast and made an appointment for today."

"Mr. Fu, I did have a plan."

Fu Mingye narrowed his eyes: "Really?"


"But Mr. Qi." Fu Mingye joked, "Your face is very red, you dare not look at me, and I can hear your rapid heartbeat."

Qi Baicha paused and didn't turn his head: "This is the first time I planned this kind of thing, I was a little nervous."

"Relax." Fu Mingye gently kissed his heart, "I accept your plan."

Up to here, all events are in line with the development of idol dramas.

What happened after that turned the idol drama into a comedy in an instant.

At the critical moment, just before the door, the two sides suddenly woke up, stopped at the same time, and sat on the bed silently.

After a long while, Qi Baicha said, "I have hemorrhoids."

Fu Mingye said at the same time, "I am impotent."

Qi Baicha: "… "

Fu Mingye: "..."

The scene was very embarrassing.

At the last moment, they simultaneously remembered that a mortal body could not withstand a union with a god. If you want to not hurt the other party, you have to seal most of your own divine power to ensure that it will not affect your lover's body.

What a misstep.

After the impulsive rollover, neither of the two mentioned the matter of going to bed again.

The god of nature was born strong, and it took Qi Baicha a long time to seal the divine power to 1/10,000 of the original, so he dared to try it with Fu Mingye on the wedding night.

The results were beyond imagination.

That night, Qi Baicha shyly told Fu Mingye that his hemorrhoids were cured, and Fu Mingye happily answered that his impotence was also cured.

Then... Qi Baicha was tossed so badly that he really got hemorrhoids.

It hurts so much, how could it be so painful.

How could Fu Mingye live so badly.

What makes Qi Baicha even more puzzled is that he is a god, even if his strength is only one ten thousandth, even if this young man's appearance is not his true form, the strength of his body is far beyond the reach of mortals.

It was a miracle that he didn't hurt Fu Mingye, but Fu Mingye could actually hurt him.


In fact, Fu Mingye was quite frightened when he saw Qi Baicha's pale face.

He has sealed his strength to 1/10,000, just because he was afraid of hurting his weak wife, but he didn't expect that Cha Cha would still hurt like this.

Seeing the always gentle and tough young man with a pale face, huddled on the bed and biting his lips, Fu Mingye felt so distressed that he blamed himself to the point of bursting, for fear that Qi Baicha's body had a problem.

He kept asking Qi Baicha what was uncomfortable, and he had to say what was uncomfortable.

After Qi Baicha calmed down, a pillow slammed into Fu Mingye and said angrily, "After you have practiced your skills, touch me again!"

Fu Mingye was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously replied, "But I can only find you to practice?"

With the conscience of heaven and earth, although Lord Heretic God has lived countless years, he has always been single because of his critical eyes. He disliked the gods and fair appearances, disliked the filth of human souls, disliked demons, ghosts, and monstrous ugliness... In short, none of them were eye-catching.

Who would have thought that after the long live, long live, long live, the iron tree bloomed, fell in love with a clean soul, and explained it all over the body and mind.

Natural technology is not much better.

Hearing this, Qi Baicha looked even more annoyed.

Fu Mingye could never forget that cold look in his eyes. He felt that his little wife might even have the heart to kill her husband at a certain moment.

Fortunately, Lord Snow God, who has experienced all the world's affairs, will not leave a psychological shadow over this matter. The day before, he was so angry that he didn't want to care about Fu Mingye, and the next day he threw himself into her husband's arms and acted tenderly.

No way, lover's life is too short to waste time on anger. Qi Baicha thought sullenly when hugging Fu Mingye.

He wants to cherish every day he spends with Mr. Fu.

Fu Mingye was flattered at the time, and felt more pity for the little wife in his arms.

Cha Cha has such a good temper, she is a little angel.

He must treat Cha Cha well.

The determined Cthulhu worked hard, studied hard, read countless pictures, and finally evolved from a novice to a veteran driver, and lived a happy and harmonious husband and wife life with his little human wife.

I believe that today, they will have a good night too.

Fu Mingye carried the person into the bedroom. The coat and tie were thrown in the living room, and only a thin shirt was left, which was quickly taken off, revealing a smooth and beautiful figure.

Dressed to be thin, undressed and fleshy, he was probably talking about Fu Mingye.

He was very tall, 1.89 meters tall, and his skin was not the honey-colored or wheat-colored popular among handsome men, but very fair. Whether it is the slightly raised Ruifeng eyes, or the thin lips that are born with a little upturn, they are more inclined to be beautiful than handsome.

Pretty evil.

God is born and raised, both men and women, except for a few outliers with peculiar aesthetics, they are all first-class beauties.

He was originally the turbid air in the chaotic period, with spirit but invisible. After the birth of all things, the body was born due to the selfish desires of all things, and after the emergence of human beings, they became gods due to the evil thoughts of human beings. In terms of the age of becoming a god, he is an extremely young god. But in terms of surviving age, it is older than all the gods of nature, but it has been conceived for too long, and it has been dragged into a younger brother.

The evil god is not an evil god, but a god who listens to the evil thoughts of the world. Good thoughts and evil thoughts are all in one thought. To sacrifice oneself for others and pray for the common people is good, but to harm others and benefit oneself and to be insatiable with greed is evil. But all things have greed, even gods can't guarantee the purity of the six senses, some evil thoughts are not unforgivable, Fu Mingye doesn't mind mutual benefit with all beings.

The evil god is just an ordinary position in the gods. However, because of the nature of his occupation, he is exposed to some negative energy every day, and the evil spirit is also eccentric and a little world-weary.

He is maverick, can't play with mainstream gods, and is the most arrogant god.

His strength is profound, and all living and dead are his followers, and he is the most powerful god of prayer.

Of course, these fancy names are not comparable to Chacha's husband, Chacha's lover, Chacha's licking dog...

Fu Mingye kissed Qi Baicha's fingertips, his eyes lingering on the young snow-white slender waist.

His tea is simply too beautiful to be ordinary.

As a real snow god, no one is qualified to say that his skin is white and beautiful in front of Qi Baicha.

Qi Baicha could feel the tremors at the fingertips. He loves this person, so he can give the most honest response to every kiss from the person in front of him.

He groaned and called softly, "... Mingye."

The atmosphere in the room was on fire.

Fu Mingye clasped his five fingers and kissed every inch of his body.

They embraced, kissed, kissed, made eye contact, and rubbed their ears together like any couple in the world.

They are indeed a pair of enviable and unparalleled gods.

After tasting all the delicious pre-dinner desserts, just as Fu Mingye was about to start his dinner tonight, a ringing of his cell phone suddenly interrupted the fiery atmosphere in the room.

The movements of the two were stagnant at the same time, and the senses quickly cooled down.

Fu Mingye said, "Your phone number."

Although he is very unhappy to be disturbed at this time, Fu Mingye has always left Qi Baicha a personal space to deal with his own affairs, and he will not use his magic power to spy on his lover's privacy.

Although Fu Mingye has no experience in love except for Qi Baicha, he has heard the appeals and prayers of the world countless times, many of which are troubles in love. Some of them love but can't, some once loved but didn't cherish, they want to reunite but can't get it back.

It's normal to have problems with love. But Fu Mingye is an evil god, and all he hears is evil thoughts. So what he listens to every day is not the ignorant questions of young boys and girls, but "How can I make him leave me, kidnap him and break his leg, can he stay with me forever?" "God, bless me, let her be a real boyfriend. Go to hell, so I can get her" "Is there any way to make her not in a hurry to divorce, I haven't finished transferring the joint property of husband and wife" ... and so on.

The human heart is really an interesting thing, and it is boring to see a lot. This kind of request, he is impossible to ignore.

Not for justice, just not caring. Satisfying these dirty souls doesn't bring him much divine power, and those rats can't afford to pay any precious price.

God loves the world. This is the nature of most gods given to them by the laws of nature.

Divinity is something more ingrained and immutable than human nature. The law endows the snow god with gentleness, holiness, clarity and cleanliness, and love for all beings. Qi Baicha is such a god.

But the evil gods hate the world.

Wanton, perverse, cynical, hating all things. This is the nature of the evil gods given to them by the laws of nature.

For thousands of years, I have heard these despicable and dark thoughts. Lord Heretic God feels that he is just tired of the world and has not been blackened to the point of destroying the world. He has already given the world a lot of face. The law should give him the "Most Tenacious Heart Award".

But after meeting Qi Baicha, the world has become gentle and lovely. The noble Cthulhu Lord felt that he could barely stay in the world for tea and deal with these stupid mortals.

Closer to home, I heard a lot of similar troubles, and Fu Mingye summed up a set of experiences. If you love someone, you want to possess them, and you want to keep them by your side all the time; if you love someone for a long time, you have to respect them and know how to give each other proper space.

So the critical moment is interrupted or something... He, one, one point, all, no, angry, angry, eh.


Fu Mingye, who had already made a long speech in his heart and barely suppressed his anger, kindly handed the mobile phone on the bedside table to Qi Baicha and said the simplest word.

Qi Baicha picked up the phone, and the caller showed Zhuang Jingyi's parent.

Zhuang Jingyi was the female student he met in the cake shop today, and he was the first to greet him.

At this point, the parents of the students called, something must have happened.

Qi Baicha answered the phone, and before she could say "hello", a woman's anxious cry came from the other end of the phone: "Mr. Qi, I'm Jing Yi's mother, our Jing Yi hasn't arrived yet, do you know her Where have you been?"