After Marrying the Evil God

Chapter 35: Plagiarism


Qi Baicha took out his mobile phone and opened the navigation.

People's Hospital and Conservatory of Music are in two very different directions. Although the distance problem can be solved by teleportation, Mr. Fu won't be in the bath for too long, so he only has time to investigate one thing first.

The news of Fang Yaer's injury during the recording of the show has been on the hot search. The title of the national goddess should not be underestimated. A little bump is big news.

The program team and the public relations team behind Fang Ya'er were very fast. It wasn't long before she fell and the news was all over the sky. Xu Shi negotiated with Cui Hao's team. The program team and Fang Ya'er's team did not explain that it was Cui Hao's failure, only that Fang Ya'er was accidentally injured during the recording.

This news easily overwhelmed the news that Fang Ya'er was revealed to be in and out of the mansion. Yesterday, someone went to Weibo to question Fang Ya'er's character. Now Fang Ya'er's Weibo is full of distress and greetings. If there are still sunspots, they will definitely be attacked by a group, and they will be sprayed.

Fang Ya'er used this injury incident to suppress negative news, and the program team can also use this to stir up the topic and heat, and turn an accident into a win-win situation.

As expected of the entertainment industry, the response is fast, and there is no fuel-efficient lamp.

Now there are probably a large group of reporters squatting around the People's Hospital, wanting to get first-hand information and see how Fang Ya'er is injured. Needless to say, the wards would also be overcrowded and not fit for action.

Let's go to the S City Conservatory of Music first.

The child was rescued after jumping off the building yesterday, and his mental condition is still worrying. He needs to take a look at the situation.

After confirming the destination, Qi Baicha appeared in the Conservatory of Music in S City in the blink of an eye, and was blocked by a big tree.

This is the top music college in China. Because it is a university, there are still many students on the weekend, and most of them are not wearing school uniforms.

University uniforms are basically worn on important occasions, and students will not be forced to wear them every day. The reason why Meng Xing was able to let the police quickly identify the student here and find out his identity was because he was wearing a school uniform.

Maybe Meng Xing doesn't have many clothes to change. Whether it's a white washed school uniform or yellowed sneakers, it can be seen that he is struggling.

Qi Baicha came out from behind the tree and stopped a girl with a guitar bag: "This classmate."

The girl turned her head and saw the young man standing tall under the big tree, her expression stunned.

This one is too good-looking... There is never a shortage of handsome guys in the art academy, but this one is definitely the top. When was there such a person in the school, but was not discovered by the school flower and school grass wall

She hurried over and said, "Senior, what's the matter with you?"

Qi Baicha is twenty-seven years old in the world, and looks younger. On the university campus, he will only be regarded as a student rather than a teacher.

When the girl glanced at Qi Baicha's face, she was embarrassed to stare at it. She was afraid that her heartbeat would be disturbed on the spot.

She lowered her head to look at the young man's slender and fair hands, wondering if this is the senior of the piano department

"I want to inquire about something." Qi Baicha asked, "Do you know Meng Xing?"

Listening to the comments of several students last night, Meng Xing is quite famous in this school, but it is not a good reputation.

"Meng Xing?" The girl was taken aback for a moment, "Who doesn't know this school, the composition department was number one in the past." Obviously it was an honor, but it was a sarcastic tone.

"And yesterday he made such a big noise, the principal was alarmed..." the girl said, "little brother, you are not from our school, right? No one in our school does not know about him."

"What's wrong with him?" Qi Baicha asked, paused, and then added, "I really don't belong to this school. My sister studies here and often mentions how good Meng Xing is in their school. I don't interfere with her love, It's just that as a brother, I always have to come and ask about the situation, so I can rest assured."

My God, guard your sister, what a good brother of Huaguo!

The girl already envied the younger sister in her heart. If she had such a gentle and beautiful brother, she wouldn't look down on any other boys at all!

"Then you should persuade your sister. She must have been deceived by Meng Xing. Although Meng Xing looks good and has talent, but her character is not good. I don't know if this talent is true..."

Qi Baicha said, "I would like to hear the details."

The girl put her palm beside her mouth and whispered, "He plagiarized."

Qi Baicha: "... eh?"

"I heard from the seniors and sisters of the composition department that he was always arrogant and never communicated with other people in the department. Many people in the school disliked him. But he is a genius, and it is understandable to be arrogant." Said, "I originally thought so, but the score he gave to the tutor at the end of last semester actually plagiarized. This is a matter of principle. Anyway, I can't bear it..."

"Who copied it?" Qi Baicha asked.

"It's funny to say this. If he wants to copy it, don't copy it in a low-key way. He even dares to copy Qin Yirou and Liu Kaisheng's "Double Silk" without changing a single note of the melody. It's just blatant. He dares to copy a song of fire, when we are all deaf I look down on it." The girl shook her head, "I heard that there was a suicide yesterday, it's a lot of drama, he, it's a joke at school now."

Qi Baicha nodded slightly: "I see, thank you." He was about to leave.

"Hey, little brother, what's your sister's name and what department? I can help you watch her at school. That kind of person is not worthy of liking." Ai Ai, a girl, said regularly, "Let's... or leave a WeChat message or … phone number?"

She was a little nervous, it was the first time she approached someone. If it weren't for Qi Baicha's prosperous beauty, she wouldn't have said so much here.

Qi Baicha just smiled politely: "I'm going to pick up my sister, see you in the future."

"Okay..." The girl put down her phone in disappointment.

The handsome guy can only pass her by!

Principal's office.

"Meng Xing, what you did yesterday was really dangerous! Have you ever thought about what would happen if you jumped down and hit someone in the downtown area?" The principal patted the table heavily, his face full of anger.

Meng Xing stood with his head bowed and said nothing.

He has calculated the angle, and jumping from that place will not hit others, at most kill himself.

It just doesn't need to be said.

No matter what he says, no one will believe it.

"You are a gifted child. We believe in your talent, and we only admitted you in the first place. You have completed your schoolwork very well in the past four years. Knowing your family's difficulties, we will give you a bursary. You can also rely on it. I got the scholarship through my own efforts." The principal softened his expression and sighed lightly, "We are very sad and sorry for you when such a thing happened. Your supervisor is also very disappointed in you. But we still decided to give you a chance. Fire you straight away."

"I know that the school's recent remarks have put a lot of pressure on you, and we will restrain it. But people also have to bear the consequences for their own mistakes. If you don't do it, others will not criticize you." The principal himself is also against plagiarism. This kind of behavior is abhorrent, and the more the creator, the more he understands that originality is valuable and plagiarism is shameful. Meng Xing's bad behavior was enough to get him expelled from school. It was the principal who cherished his talents and felt that Meng Xing had gone astray, so he wanted to give him a chance to reform.

It is a pity that Meng Xing never realized his mistake, refused to admit it, refused to apologize, and even used suicide to gain sympathy.

Too extreme and too stubborn, such misbehavior, no matter how talented such a person is, it is not suitable for continuing to study.

Meng Xing is still the same sentence: "I didn't do it in the first place."

Disappointment and exhaustion appeared on the principal's face.

"The release date of "Diaoshuang" is earlier than your creation time. No matter how coincidental it is, it is impossible for every sound to be exactly the same from beginning to end. Meng Xing, this is a foregone conclusion. "

"Learn to be a good person before you can learn music well." The principal took a deep breath. "Your recent mental state is not suitable for continuing to study at school. If you leave this environment, I hope you can adjust your state and realize your mistakes."

"Meng Xing..." He looked at the child who was once admired as a genius by him, and closed his eyes sadly, "You can drop out of school. You can live in the school dormitory for three more days, take advantage of this time to find a good house and pack your things. Move out."

"… "

Meng Xing lowered his eyes and walked towards the door quietly.

"Thank you and your mentor for your kindness." Meng Xing stopped at the door and said calmly, "I have never done anything to disappoint you."

After saying this, he quickened his pace and left.

Meng Xing didn't go back to the dormitory and went to his own piano room. The electronic clock on the wall beat the numbers quietly, he opened the piano cover, and his slender fingertips paused for a second on the black and white keys, and a piece of shocking music flowed out.

He maintained a calm expression along the way, as if he had no emotions, but at this moment, the music under his fingertips was like a violent storm, telling all his emotions.

Depressed, wronged, lonely, dazed, nowhere to talk...

Overwhelming sadness.

When words and words cannot express inner feelings, God bestows music on human beings.

Even Qi Baicha, who was standing outside the window listening quietly, was affected by this piano sound, and the state of his heart was like a still water ripple.

Anyone can be surrounded by such emotions and cannot extricate themselves.

This passage is Meng Xing's improvisation, which he did casually when he was depressed.

But it has reached a world-class level.

If it is heard, it will definitely be praised by countless people.

But now only Qi Baicha is standing outside the window listening.

God heard his heart.

This kid is a well-deserved genius, and genius should not be destroyed by true plagiarists.

Qi Baicha recorded this improvisation on his mobile phone.

In the room, Meng Xing finished playing a song, lay on the piano, and finally burst into tears.

The handsome-looking boy cried with red eyes, out of breath, and his slender fingers trembled lightly on the keys, looking extremely pitiful.

Qi Baicha silently walked into the piano room and handed him a tissue.

Meng Xing was startled, hurriedly wiped his tears with his hands, closed the piano cover, and got up to go out.

This child is introverted and fearful, doesn't want to communicate with anyone, and doesn't want to be seen in a state of embarrassment.

"Meng Xing, I know you didn't plagiarize." Qi Baicha said.

Meng Xing paused.

He turned to look at Qi Baicha and whispered, "What did you say?"

"I said, it was Qin Yirou who copied you."

Meng Xing shook his head: "Impossible, she did publish earlier than me... It's just a coincidence... "

He has always been accustomed to shutting himself up in the room during the creation period and ignoring the outside world. He had no idea that the song "Double Silk" would be published during that period, and it would be the same as him.

But in theory, neither he nor Qin Yirou had the chance to read each other's original score. How could the other party copy him

"How could it be a coincidence." Qi Baicha smiled, there was no warmth in his eyes.

There is a kind of post-song system in the entertainment industry, which can plagiarize excellent musical works of various planes, as well as works that have not been published publicly by others in this plane, and publish them one step before the original, so that the host can reach the peak of life.

After learning about Qin Yirou's changeable music style and the speed at which she became famous, Qi Baicha knew what kind of system Qin Yirou had in hand. I am afraid that even the good voice and the good skin are exchanged with the system, far from the natural purity of the reverberation, how can it compare to the real voice of the sea monster.

It's just that the direct deprivation of this system is not enough. A life like Meng Xing, whose life has been affected and changed by the owner of the system, also needs to get justice and return to the original trajectory.

The system is a supernatural item, and it does not leave any traces, and the works of other planes cannot be traced back to its origin. Humans have no evidence to prove his innocence, and even Meng Xing himself is puzzled.

It doesn't matter, it's God's job.