After Marrying the Evil God

Chapter 39: public opinion


"… "

The director looked at the young Qing Jun's face, and then at the round pearl.

He quietly swallowed his saliva: "...Understood."

He suddenly understood why Mr. Fu, who was in charge of every day, had named him by name to participate in his little show.

Why do you want to enter the entertainment industry, and why do you like Jiang Yan.

The real Buddha is the one in front of you! ! !

No wonder Mr. Fu wanted to partner with this teacher Qi, and also indicated that he wanted to live in a dormitory. It turned out that he was to experience life with his lover. Who would have thought that the wife of the richest man in China could be a teacher in a certain school

The director felt a little dizzy, and the news really caught him off guard. He couldn't help but start to wonder if he had offended this great god in the recording before...

Fortunately not.

The director said cautiously: "Wait a minute, I want to make a call..." to confirm.

Just relying on a ring is too sloppy, what if you are cheated.

"No need to call." Qi Baicha turned the phone to the director, the screen was already showing the dialing interface of the phone, and the note was "Mr. Fu".

The director sat up in an instant, holding his breath.

The big guy on the other end of the phone!

However, the title "Mr. Fu" is too polite and a little divided between husband and wife... The director couldn't help thinking.

Most of the wealthy marriages exist and die, and it is normal for both parties to respect each other or be strangers.

The call was quickly connected, and Qi Baicha put the phone on the table and turned on the speakerphone directly.

He said, "Husband."

"..." There was the sound of the water glass being knocked over from the opposite side.

It took a while for Mr. Fu's voice to come over: "What's wrong, Chacha?"

Qi Baicha said: "There is a person in the program group, and I hate her."

In the president's office, Fu Mingye, who was leaning lazily on the back of the chair, sat up in an instant. The water in the cup wetted the keyboard, and he didn't even see it.

"Someone bullied you?" He said in a low voice.

He had only left for so long, and someone dared to show Cha Cha's face

Cha Cha is like this, it's too much like complaining to her husband and acting like a spoiled child after being wronged. Cha Cha seldom called his husband, always called "Mr. Fu" and "Mr. Fu".

Fu Mingye realized the seriousness of the matter, and his face became cold: "You wait for me for a while, I will come right away."

"No." Qi Baicha said.

In the monitoring room, the young man looked calm.

"I don't like Qin Yirou. There is enough evidence to block her. You can tell Xingguang that they don't protect her." Qi Baicha said in a low voice.

"Otherwise, I'll be unhappy."

Xingguang is the brokerage company signed by Qin Yirou.

How can someone like her be worthy of the word "starlight".

Fu Mingye replied without saying a word. Heaven and earth are not as important as tea and happiness.

When he was about to hang up, Fu Mingye specifically instructed: "You must tell me when you are wronged."

Qi Baicha smiled: "I'll make it clear to you when I get home. Goodbye, hang up."

Qi Baicha pressed the hang up button.

The way the director looked at him had completely changed.

He stood up, his attitude changed to 120,000 respect: "Mr. Qi, we have eyes but don't know Mount Tai..."

"Don't say more polite words." Qi Baicha picked up the phone, "Give me the video."

In the end, Qi Baicha successfully got all the videos.

It was enough to prove Meng Xing's innocence, and it was enough to destroy everything Qin Yirou had.

As soon as Qi Baicha walked out of the monitoring room, he met Qin Yirou and Wu Yun.

Wu Yunzheng took Qin Yirou's arm to comfort her. Seeing Qi Baicha, Qin Yirou's eyes burst with strong hatred, and she stepped forward and said, "Did you see it from the surveillance? How is it? Is there nothing? I'm disappointed you."

"Yirou!" Wu Yun persuaded her, "Don't get excited, he has the police to handle it."

In the classroom just now, they were coercing and enticing, but Qi Baicha didn't react at all, and finally left with a sentence, "Who do you think you are coercing?".

Just didn't pay attention to them.

Qin Yirou lost her head and didn't notice the ring on Qi Baicha's hand. Wu Yun noticed it, but didn't dare to think about it.

What does a ring say? After the photo of the ring came out, there were also many copycats... What does a poor teacher have to do with President Fu's lover

Qi Baicha ignored her and walked away.

"Don't you just want money? What's the matter!" Qin Yirou shouted behind him, "One million is not enough, is two million enough?"

Qi Baicha's remarks in front of everyone today, although not all the facts, turned out to be the truth.

The secret has always been exposed, and Qin Yirou is now a little nervous.

She has tasted the sweetness and can no longer bear to lose everything she has now.

All those who try to expose her will be hated by her.

"Yirou, what nonsense are you talking to him? Didn't you say that you didn't change the score, and did you stay in the dormitory yesterday? Since the surveillance can't find anything, what can the video of playing the piano alone prove? The company will help you. "Wu Yun told her to calm down.

Qin Yirou stared at Qi Baicha's back viciously: "I'm not finished with him."

Qi Baicha didn't seem to feel the vicious snake-like gaze behind him.

He has excellent ears, and of course he heard Qin Yirou's words.

Just don't care.

Still thinking about finishing with him.

She was almost done.

It was a quiet weekend when an explosive news suddenly appeared on the Internet.

The origin is a post published on one of the largest entertainment forums in China. This entertainment forum has a huge traffic, and there are many people in the industry. There are often many leaks from here.

Usually it's a little melon, but today's title is a shocking eye-popping big melon! The popular female singer Qin Yirou plagiarized other people's songs to make her debut, and she repeated her old tricks in variety shows. The original was forced to jump off the building with the stigma of plagiarism. What is the reason

Qin Yirou has been making her debut for several months. With her sweet appearance, moving voice, superb singing skills and outstanding talent, she has quickly accumulated a lot of fans, most of which are diehard fans. Seeing this title, a large group of fans rushed in and shouted that the rumor mill would die. However, before the words were typed on the keyboard, they were stunned by the hammer placed on the first floor.

The posters didn't talk much, and there were a few links on the first floor. In case there are fans who are too lazy to click on the link and scold the street, they also put a moving picture intimately.

The moving picture is the scene where Qin Yirou stole the song and put it in the bag.

Now it's hard for people to pretend to be blind and not see.

As we all know, Qin Yirou was able to become an instant hit because of Liu Kaisheng's appreciation for the piece "Doushou". Now it is revealed that she did not write the piece at all, but stole the piece that another composer named Meng Xing gave to his deceased relatives and put his name on it.

Link 1 is the scene where she changed the scene after stealing the song.

People's first reaction was still disbelief, that Qin Yirou would do such a thing. The mentality of seeking verification made them unable to resist clicking into the second video.

Linking in at two o'clock, it seems to be a recording scene of a program. According to the sign on the host's microphone, "Youth Never Ends" is being recorded.

In it, Qin Yirou played a very nice piece, which was praised by several judges. After hearing Mr. Li's question, she also humbly told her creative experience.

However, at this moment, another clear male voice appeared: "Miss Qin, did you create this piece on the spot today?"

The face of the speaker was not photographed in the picture, but the cold and beautiful voice made everyone watching the video cheered up, as if the heat in the hot summer had been reduced a lot.

That voice must sound good to sing. Is it a mysterious guest or judge invited by the show team

People couldn't help but listen patiently.

"Of course, our guests only got the topic today. What is Teacher Qi asking about?"

"It's really today, wasn't it prepared in advance?"

"Is Mr. Qi questioning me? The four-hour creative process in the morning was clearly recorded. Of course, I thought it on the spot. Do you need to watch the process again?"

"Last question. Is it really called Lost?"

"Is Mr. Qi dissatisfied with me? Of course I know what the song I composed is called. It's called "Confused"." This was Qin Yirou's voice.

"No. It's called Despair."

Afterwards, the youth played a video of another boy playing "Despair" and told Meng Xing's story.

"The child was slightly autistic and lost his relatives. He finally got out a little bit. The music he gave to his relatives was plagiarized, he was treated as a thief, he was mocked and bullied, he had a mental breakdown, and he committed suicide by jumping off the roof the day before yesterday."

"The child died?"

"No, I was saved."

"However, I was dismissed by the school because of this, and I will move out of the dormitory within three days, and I will be homeless."

"In such a state of mind, he created this "Despair"."

This concludes the second video.

So far, almost everyone is outraged.

There is such an injustice in the world! Plagiarists are popular, and original creators are notorious. He also answered the question in the title, where is the law of heaven

People can't wait to click on the third link, this time the original version of Despair. The boy in the picture is playing alone in the piano room, and the deep depression and sadness in the sound of the piano help to render everyone's heart. When the song was over, the boy fell on the piano and cried, and people watching the video could not wait to get into the screen to comfort him.

These three videos quickly spread all over the Internet within half an hour of their release, causing heated discussions.

Netizen 1: I don't believe it, I don't believe it, Yirou is so talented, even if there is no other works of "Double", it is still great, why is there any need to steal the song? Shouldn't it be sent to smear the family

Netizen 2: I have analyzed it with my roommate of the technical emperor. There is no trace of editing and synthesis in the video. It must be true. And there's one thing I've wanted to say for a long time. No matter how varied a person's style is, it's impossible to be so versatile. She has no professional music education. It's not certain whether other works are original by her...

Netizen 3: The house has collapsed, it's uncomfortable.

Netizen 4: Claws, the house collapsed into ruins, I still can't believe it, I think it's fake...

Netizen 5: It's disgusting, and plagiarism is even a rake. I have never seen such a shameless person, vomit!

Netizen 6: I remember this Meng Xing! At the age of 16, he won the gold medal in the original composition competition, and was admitted to the S City Conservatory of Music. It's so hateful, such an excellent child was almost ruined by Qin Yirou!

Netizen 7: I almost cried when I heard the song "Despair". How desperate should I be to play such a song? In contrast, what kind of thing was Qin Yirou playing? I stole the tune that was given to the deceased dean's mother, and now I even have to copy the original author's tune to express despair. It was also changed to be confused, fucking confused. It was the first time that Qin Yirou was so disgusting alone.

Netizen 8: I have been infected by "Despair" all the people who have no musical skills. I want to cry when I hear it. Qin Yirou is so expressionless that I don't know what to say. The difference between clouds and mud, see each other.

Netizen 9: It's really hard to push people against the wall. She did something wrong in this matter, but her talent can't be denied, right? Anyway, I don't care about plagiarism or not, as long as the song is good. If it wasn't for her popularity, would anyone know about this original work? Why didn't I see him come out to complain before, and I only posted the video when Yi Rou became popular. I think it was Meng Xing who got the heat, and I wanted to be crazy.

Netizen 10: The washing dog is late but arrives.

Netizen 11: What kind of brain damage did Qin Yirou wash away? After chasing stars, he lost his mind, and his basic moral conscience was eaten by dogs

Netizen 12: It turned out that the song was called "Star Wish", Duomei's name. Qin Yirou is simply not a human being. Do you deserve to describe the tune that they gave to the dean's mother as your girl Huaichun

Netizen 13: Is it only my focus that is different? This revelation came from "Youth Never Ends". Yesterday, "Youth Never Ends" Fang Ya'er was injured and was admitted to the hospital. Today, Qin Yirou was plagiarized. This program group is poisonous...

Netizen 14: What is the matter with the program team? The show team is really miserable, Qin Yirou's clip will definitely be cut as soon as this incident occurs. If there is still her footage, I will definitely not watch it, and resist plagiarism.

Netizen 15: Qin Yirou gets out of the entertainment circle!

Netizen 16: As expected of Mr. Li, I heard Qin Yirou's violin sound on the spot and had no emotion. How could her plagiarism dog understand Meng Xing's feelings? I bother!

Netizen 17: My focus is not the same. I'm the only one who thinks this little brother who disclosed the truth for Meng Xing is very sassy? The voice is nice and the people are righteous, the skin is white and the legs are long and the hands are very beautiful, I have become a fan of his brain without seeing his face!

Netizen 18: I think so too! ! !

Except for a small number of fanatical fans who are still washing, most netizens still have the correct three views, showing strong criticism and disgust towards Qin Yirou. Among the remarks of various netizens, there are also students from the S City Conservatory of Music who posted on Weibo to make their own comments.

[Fuck, I really cracked when I saw Qin Yirou plagiarized that post. I'm from the S City Conservatory of Music. I used to think that Meng Xing was arrogant and didn't communicate with people. I didn't know that he was autistic. My classmates thought it was a copy of Qin Yirou's "Diaoshuang". He kept saying that he wrote it himself, but no one believed him... This semester really everyone is discriminating against him, and I have secretly discussed with my classmates behind their backs. Two days ago, when he jumped off the building, everyone was watching jokes, thinking that he was a grandstanding and couldn't really jump. I'm sorry, I didn't know it was like this, I didn't know he was so desperate. The video of him playing the piano made our entire dormitory cry. I feel very uncomfortable now. I used to be a fan of Qin Yirou, but now I am, see you again. Am I not a fan of Meng Xing? 】

This Weibo quickly received numerous likes and reposts, and netizens expressed their love for Meng Xingxing.

At the same time, I also express my gratitude to Qi Baicha who disclosed all this. Even if Qi Baicha didn't show his face in the video at all.

Thinking that if the truth is not revealed, the life of a genius is so ruined, and the people who stole other people's lives are shining in the spotlight, they are as disgusting as eating flies.

In the computer room, Qi Baicha sat in front of the computer, watching the posts quickly build up tall buildings, the topic volume soared, and it jumped to the hot search on Weibo.

As a poster, the most difficult thing for him is how to choose an attractive title. For this reason, he really read a lot of breaking news headlines, so he didn't seem so unprofessional.

After thinking about it for a long time, he finally typed out this line with a blank face - shocking big melon! The popular female singer Qin Yirou plagiarized other people's songs to make her debut, and she repeated her old tricks in variety shows. The original was forced to jump off the building with the stigma of plagiarism. What is the reason

Then click Publish.

Where is the heaven

The sky closed his eyes, slept in a deep sleep, and no one could do anything about it.

Therefore I am here.