After Marrying the Evil God

Chapter 51: monster


Yu Yin hugged the boy, and not long after swimming up, she saw Jiang Yan who was chasing after him.

His pupils shrank slightly, then turned his head, letting his long hair cover his face.

Don't let humans see what the siren looks like.

In a hurry, Yu Yin didn't even dare to change back into human form, and threw the child in his hand in the direction of Jiang Yan, and swung his tail back quickly.

Jiang Yan was smashed by a child in the face, and he hurriedly caught it. Looking down, he could only see a fish tail that had disappeared in the depths of the ocean.

And long hair like algae.

The visibility of the human eye underwater is very low, and if he holds his breath for a long time, he will lack oxygen. If he is really an ordinary person, I am afraid he will think that he is hallucinating.

"...Really, what are you hiding from? Who is not a demon anymore." Jiang Yan pouted.

But you can't blame the little sea monster, he is relatively high, and the other party doesn't know that he is also a monster.

The safety of the child is more important, so Jiang Yan gave up the idea of chasing after the sound, and quickly swam back to the sea, holding the child to the surface.

"The child is here!" he shouted.

"Great, the child has found it!"

"Jeffrey, my Jeffrey!" The child's mother hurriedly hugged the child and returned to the beach to perform CPR on him.

Jeffrey spit out a mouthful of water and opened his eyes in confusion: "Mom..."

"I seem to have seen a mermaid." Before he falls unconscious, he sees a mermaid with a tail coming to his rescue, just like in a fairy tale.

"It's great that you're all right!" Mother hugged him tightly, "Scared my mother to death. It wasn't the mermaid who saved you, it was this brother—eh, what about people?"

Jiang Yan handed the child back to his mother and dived back into the water to find Yu Yin.

The tentacle was obviously wrong, leaving the little Kraken to face it alone, he was worried that something would happen.

Qi Baicha looked at the behemoth on the seabed in front of him, and turned an ice bow in his hand.

This thing looks a bit like an octopus, it is as big as three blue whales, and it is impossible to see the whole picture at close range. The eyes are like copper bells, and the empty mouth is open, with thick mucus flowing. There are no teeth in the mouth, and it can swallow countless tons of seawater and fish and shrimp in one bite.

It has tens of thousands of tentacles on its body, wriggling and waving all the time, and firmly attracting the prey it likes with its suction cups. Countless tentacles swayed, densely packed. None of the passing fish were spared, and large pieces of dead fish stuck to the tentacles like specimens.

I don’t know if it’s a paradise for tentacle lovers, but it’s definitely a nightmare for intensive phobias.

It is too big, with long and many tentacles, Qi Baicha can't get close, and can only use long-range attacks.

This creature obviously does not belong to any species in this world, and is an alien invasion.

Qi Baicha held a bow in his left hand, and condensed an ice arrow in his right hand, drawing the bow and arrow, aiming at the eyes of the giant octopus monster.

He couldn't just fight monsters here. It is too close to the sea, only a few hundred meters. There are countless people on the seashore and on the shore. If the battle spreads to a point, there will be corpses everywhere.

He had to lead the monster to the 10,000-meter-deep sea. The depth there is enough for them to cast, and even if the seal is lifted, it will not affect the sea.

Qi Baicha let go of his hand, and shot the giant octopus monster's eyeball with an accurate shot.

The countless tentacles of the octopus monster didn't even have time to respond, and the eyeball was shot, and it fell out of the eye socket and turned into a hollow.

It froze for a moment, and its tentacles danced wildly, about to smash Qi Baicha into ten thousand pieces.

Qi Baicha quickly swept to the bottom of the sea while it was in a daze.

For human beings, the deeper the seabed, the more terrifying it is. The 10,000-meter deep sea is a mysterious country that human beings have not been able to explore.

The gods and octopuses obviously did not have these constraints, and they came and went freely on the seabed. Qi Baicha deliberately lured the octopus monster behind him to chase, and slowed down the speed to the point where the octopus monster could keep up.

The octopus kept extending its thick and long tentacles, trying to catch him, but each time it was only a short distance away. It chased after it angrily, opened its bloody mouth, and wanted to suck Qi Baicha into its mouth.

The octopus took a deep breath, and tons of sea water poured into its mouth. The fish in the sea was swept up by this breath and flew into the mouth of the octopus involuntarily.

"No, that monster is here again!"

"Woooooo I'm so scared!"

"Ahhh I don't want to die!"

The fish in the sea screamed in fear, and Qi Baicha could understand their language.

He stopped and turned around, summoning the sea water with both hands, forming a huge ice barrier to block the hurricane.

Naturally, all living beings are treated equally by gods. It protects both the humans on the shore and the fish in the sea.

Besides, the Sea God had a good relationship with him before he fell asleep—the Snow God was very popular, and he had a good relationship with all the gods of nature. It was also a big effort to take care of his people for an old friend.

The fish hit the wall one by one, and they were dizzy and dizzy. Fortunately, their lives were saved.

"Oops, I seem to be getting a little dizzy..."

"Am I dead? Is this the world at sea? Or in the belly of a monster?"

"You are all awake! We are not dead, we were saved by that adult!"


The sea creatures all turned their eyes to the other side. In the deep sea, the giant octopus monsters that frightened them these days stood opposite a human, with a huge disparity in size, making the human even smaller in comparison.

But the octopus monster is blind in one eye, and the human has a bow and arrow in his hand.

No, it's definitely not a human being who can turn over an octopus monster with bare hands on the bottom of the sea without any equipment.

"Is Lord Sea God awake?"

"No, if Lord Sea God wakes up, the entire ocean life will feel it."

"Who is that?"

"That's Lord Snow God." An old voice said.

"Eh, Grandpa Turtle?" the marine creatures asked curiously.

White-shelled turtles are turtles that live in waters below 8,000 meters, with a life span of more than 4,000 years. It is a species that has not yet been discovered by humans. Although he has not cultivated into essence, he has already developed spiritual wisdom.

"Have you seen that ice wall and the ice arrow in his hand? That's the power of the Snow God. Long, long ago, most of the world was filled with glaciers and oceans, and the relationship between the Snow God and our Sea God was very good. Four thousand years ago, Lord Sea God hadn't slept yet. When I was a little white-shell turtle, whenever it snowed in the sky, the waves would happily catch it, that is, Lord Snow God came to see Lord Sea God to play, Sea God The lord will greet you." The old white-shell turtle had reminiscence in his eyes, "It has been four thousand years, and I finally see Lord God again."

Qi Baicha protected a group of marine creatures behind him: "You stay away, leave it to me here."

The marine creatures immediately swam away obediently, hiding in the distance and watching secretly.

Xu Shi realized that he was not Qi Baicha's opponent, and the octopus monster turned around and wanted to escape.

Qi Baicha condensed the seawater into a water rope and threw it far away, tying together hundreds of tentacles of the octopus monster and dragging it to the bottom of the sea.

Thanks to the same source of snow and water, he can also mobilize the power of these seawater.

The octopus monster was dragged for hundreds of meters, apparently not daring to get close to the bottom of the sea, struggling desperately, even breaking hundreds of tentacles to escape.

There are tens of thousands of tentacles on its body, hundreds of which are broken like a drop of a cow, but it looks ugly when they are cut off together. I don't know what exists on the bottom of the sea, so the octopus monster is very afraid, and desperately has to escape.

Qi Baicha unceremoniously tied it up again, this time tied half of it, and dragged it to the bottom of the sea.

Soon, they reached the deepest part of the sea.

A huge deep-sea vortex appeared on the bottom of the sea, with a strong attraction, and it continuously involved all creatures within a few hundred meters above the vortex.

That's... deep sea fissures.

This is the time-space loophole.

Space-time loopholes involve the realm of time and space. In addition to the specialized gods of time and space, only the main gods can comprehend the profound meanings of these two domains. For other gods, time and space are inscrutable knowledge blind spots. Even he cannot turn back time and tear space apart.

Therefore, when repairing this space-time loophole, he must lift all the seals. Even if it was just a small hole in the ozone layer last time, he would have to use his peak power to repair it.

The gods of all things, the gods of craftsmanship, and the gods of prayer other than the evil gods with average strength do not have the ability to mend the loopholes in time and space. Considering that the evil god would not do such a good thing, that is, only the god of nature can take on this great responsibility.

Qi Baicha didn't plan to unlock the seal now. He just came to see the situation, and now the situation is also seen. Mr. Fu is still waiting for him on the shore, he is now starting to patch the loopholes, and Mr. Fu can't think he is dead yet.

This giant octopus came from another world, and he planned to throw it back.

The attraction of the whirlpool was great, and Qi Baicha threw the octopus monster down effortlessly.

Seeing that the octopus monster disappeared, Qi Baicha turned around and was about to go upstream.

Suddenly, a tentacle stretched out from the whirlpool, wrapped around Qi Baicha's waist, and was about to drag him in.

Qi Baicha quickly cut off this tentacle, but the other tentacle was already ready to go, wrapping around his ankle and pulling it down.

I swear to pull a back.

... This monster can still make noises, and its big head is not white.

The power of time and space is the most difficult to resist. Qi Baicha wanted to release the seal and rushed out of the vortex for a moment, but then dismissed the idea.

No, it's too late. If he is still involved, his divine power will cause a large area of space in the two worlds to collapse during the heyday. This is also the reason why the gods cannot go to other worlds through the loopholes in time and space.

This is the common law of all worlds.

The seal can never be lifted.

Qi Baicha let go and let himself be sucked into the whirlpool and disappeared without a trace.

Just think of it as a trip to another world... I'm afraid Mr. Fu will worry about him. Qi Baicha was worried and helpless.

I hope it's not too late to come back, he doesn't want to appear at his funeral.

The second after Qi Baicha completely disappeared from the vortex, Fu Mingye appeared above the vortex.

The time difference between him and Qi Baicha is actually very close. He entered the water to find the trace of Qi Baicha. Only by ensuring that Qi Baicha was safe and sound, could he still have the time to save the little boy.

The depth of human diving is not deep. At first, he looked for it in the diving area, but he couldn't find it. Then he heard people on the shore cheering that the child had found it, and his ominous foreboding became heavier.

… Could it be that after the tentacled monster kidnapped the child, it found that Chacha was a bigger goal, so it gave up the child and took Chacha away

Fu Mingye immediately went downstream, and at the same time radiated his spiritual consciousness to sense the whereabouts of Chacha.

He sensed that a peculiar tentacle-type behemoth was descending at an extreme speed.

It must be it, it is bound to Chacha downstream!

When he thought of Chacha encountering a monster and being dragged into the deep sea helplessly and scared, Fu Mingye was very anxious.

Chacha wears shark tears on his hands, which can protect him from breathing freely in the deep sea from the pressure, but that behemoth can put Chacha in danger at any time...

Fu Mingye chased after him immediately, and he didn't even bother to look at the siren and fox he met halfway through. He was so fast that Yu Yin and Jiang Yan didn't even notice his existence.

In the end, he was still a step slower, and his perception disappeared.

The entire sea area could not sense the monster's breath, and his consciousness stayed here.

A deep sea vortex.

A space-time rift.

Fu Mingye looked at the terrifying whirlpool, his brows furrowed fiercely, his fingers were trembling.

Could it be that Cha Cha was brought in by that monster...

Fu Mingye chased into the whirlpool without thinking.

As for any law, let's go to the side, the law is not as important as tea.

But he also remembered that the seal was not lifted. If the space collapses after unsealing, Chacha will also suffer.

He didn't dare to take any risks.

The author has something to say: Qi Ye: When I think of Chacha encountering a monster and being dragged into the deep sea helpless and scared, I am so anxious, angry, and distressed that I have to hurry to save him!

Let's rebroadcast the footage to the other side.

Cha Cha cut off the tentacles of the octopus with one stroke.

Cha Cha shot the octopus eyeball with one arrow.

Chacha tied the octopus monster with a rope and walked into the sea, and the octopus monster broke his arm and wanted to escape and was tied back by him.

Chacha throws the octopus monster into the whirlpool.