After Marrying the Evil God

Chapter 52: Otherworldly


No. 493 World.

In the foggy blood forest, the beautiful white-haired elf fluttered its wings weakly, stepped on the red leaves, and panted violently while leaning on the trunk.

He looked back hesitantly.

That vampire... catches up

In a world where 90% of the area is ocean, these land races did not work together with the enemy, at least the blood race did not have this plan.

When the sea clan did not put their ambitions on land, the blood clan and the elves were natural enemies. The vampires live by sucking blood, and the race in the recipe is the elves. The blood of sea creatures can make do, but they are not as delicious as elves, and elves are often sucked out of their blood to death. The elves are close to nature and have a good relationship with the dwarves for generations. They will collect crystal cores from natural elements and give them to the dwarves for blessing. The dwarves are addicted to forging, forging weapons with crystal cores, specializing in hunting vampires and protecting elves.

The three major races are mutually reinforcing, forming a triangular relationship in which elves supply dwarves, dwarves deal with vampires, and vampires hunt elves.

493 The world's land area is very small, basically a vast forest. In order to protect the elves, the elf god used a barrier to divide the forest in two long ago. The lush green in the east is the forest of elves, and the deep jungle is the kingdom of elves. The bloody red in the west is the Blood Forest, which belongs to the territory of the blood clan. There are arrogant vampires living in the castle manor. Under the soil is the underground kingdom of dwarves, and the living space is extremely small.

The entire forest is surrounded by the sea, like a floating island on the sea.

No one can cross this barrier, vampires can only rely on fishing and bloodletting to satisfy their hunger and endure the unpleasant fishy smell.

This balance continued until the Sea God tried to drown the last piece of land in the world and take over the entire world. After the three major races suffered heavy casualties, they barely stopped the civil war. The blood god, the elf god, and the dwarf god united unprecedentedly and fought together to defeat the most powerful sea god. The suppression was in an unknown place. The enchantment needed three gods to continue to cast spells to reinforce it.

After the battle of the four gods, all the gods have disappeared. The sea has lost the sea god, and the various races in the sea have started civil strife. The mermaid and the octopus are fighting for the status of the hegemon in the sea every day, and they have no time to pay attention to the shore.

All the power of the elf god must be used to strengthen the barrier of the town god, and the barrier that protected the elf disappeared.

Once the protective barrier disappeared, it was undoubtedly a delicious paradise for the vampires.

The dwarves who are in the way will always appear to disturb their eating, but occasionally there are elf who are alone and lost, hit by the vampire who is going out, just in time to have a good meal.

Like this snow elf.

Daniel is a vampire, a hungry vampire.

There are many types of elves. The most common ones in the forest are flower elves and wood elves, and rare ones are snow elves, wind elves, and water elves... Today, he was obviously very lucky, and he came across a cute snow elves when he was out hunting.

He was tired of drinking the elf blood whose blood was scented with flowers and plants. It was rare to meet a snow elf. The blood of a snow elf had the sweet smell of snow water...

Daniel laughed excitedly: "Can't you fly? You've already been bitten by me and lost too much blood, why are you running? Come here, let me suck you dry-"

The snow elf was terrified and was about to continue to run away. The vampire wrapped his neck around his neck, his fangs bit into the artery, and he greedily drank donated blood.

Snow Elf's complexion is getting whiter and whiter.

Until the end, he fell silently to the ground, the blood dripping from his neck dyed the leaves even more red.

Daniel burped contentedly and licked the blood from the corners of his lips: "Snow elf tastes good."

He walked away leisurely, leaving the snow elf lying on the spot alone, unable to rest his eyes.

Qi Baicha was still in the deep sea vortex one second, and the next second appeared in the fiery red woods.

With dead branches and fallen leaves under his feet, a cold wind blows through the forest.

He came through the space-time crack, but the place he conveyed was not near the space-time crack in this world. The violent time and space torrent will randomly take him to any place in this world, where he settles is purely a matter of luck.

It seems to be good luck so far, at least he was not teleported into the mouth of the great white shark.

90% of the ocean area, he actually teleported to land.

The octopus monster is not here, I don't know where it was teleported, and it feels good to return to my hometown.

Qi Baicha was thinking about it when he suddenly felt something stepped on under his feet.

He looked down and looked back at a pale and lifeless face.

Qi Baicha: "… "

He stepped on a hand.

"Sorry." Qi Baicha immediately moved away.

He crouched down to check, frowning slightly.

already dead.

There was a wound on the neck that was pierced by sharp teeth, which was drained of blood and died. He had retrieved information from World 493 before, and knew the food chain of this world. This should be an elf killed by a vampire.

Just came across a dead body. really...

It just happened to come in handy.

Qi Baicha found a token on the waist of the corpse, which read "Ferry" in Danish.

I don't know why it's in Danish, but he recognizes the text here, which is undoubtedly good news. If it is a brand new text, then he will have to speak the language for a while, and it will be inconvenient to do things.

From this token, Qi Baicha learned two things.

One, the lingua franca of the world is Danish.

Second, the elf's name is Ferry.

After Qi Baicha got the important information, he closed the eyes of the Snow Elf. The body of the snow elf gradually turned into countless flying snows, drifting away with the wind.

Snow elf is the incarnation of snow, it is better to fly with the wind than to rot in the sludge.

The law of survival of the weak is the law of survival in nature, and Qi Baicha can only do this to the deceased in another world.

Then, he transformed himself into the appearance of Pharrell.

Putting on the snow elf's costume and waist badge, his face changed to his appearance, and a pair of transparent wings grew out of his back.

There are no human beings in this world, and maintaining a human appearance is undoubtedly telling other creatures "I am an alien and I have a problem". Since he encountered a corpse as soon as he arrived, this identity is naturally unnecessary.

Qi Baicha looked at his current appearance by the stream, it was very good, and he couldn't see the original shadow at all.

Now he can find his way back.

So where is the way out

Looking at the mangroves, which are the same in front, back, left and right, and can't even see the head when flying up, Qi Baicha fell into contemplation.

"Hiccup." Daniel ate too full at one time, burping for a long time, "I can't eat dinner after I go back."

He walked back slowly, and a man suddenly fell from the tall mangrove tree in front of him.

Daniel was startled and took a big step back.

"What are you?" Daniel looked at the alien in front of him in amazement.

There is no mermaid tail, no elf wings, no vampire fangs, and he is a lot taller than a dwarf.

What kind of creature is this? He had never seen it.

The man who fell was obviously impatient to talk nonsense to him. Seeing that he was speaking in Danish, he stood up and asked in the same language: "Have you ever met someone like me?"

Daniel shook his head.

This is the first time he has seen such a strange creature, and there is no other like it.

Fu Mingye saw that he didn't know, so he bypassed him and planned to continue searching.

"Wait a minute, do you think I'm Daniel's air?" Daniel's eyes lit up, and he started to move again, "Although I don't know what new species it is, I'm already very full, but the blood on your body smells so good..."

Can it be delicious? That is divine blood.

Daniel stretched out his fangs, spread a pair of black bat wings behind his back, and his red eyes showed greed.

This scene made Fu Mingye suddenly feel familiar.

It seems that at a certain moment, there was also a creature with red eyes and black wings on its back... which brought danger to Chacha.

And there was nothing he could do.

This scene flashed by, Fu Mingye couldn't capture anything at all, he just felt more and more irritable. Cha Cha's life or death is unknown, his whereabouts are unknown, and he has no time to waste here.

This feeling of powerlessness and helplessness disgusts him.

Daniel had no idea that a certain evil god was on the verge of going berserk, and he was not afraid to come and taste the fresh blood. Unexpectedly, before the sharp teeth pierced the skin, he fell to the ground by himself, clutching his neck in pain.

The invisible black air wrapped around his neck, tightening more and more tightly, making Daniel's eyes pop out, struggling desperately, and he lost his voice after a while.

Fu Mingye simply and neatly destroyed his body and wiped out his traces, turning himself into the appearance of Daniel, and said thoughtfully, "I almost forgot, I still need an identity."

No god in any world would welcome an uninvited visitor and expel it when discovered. He couldn't show any strangeness until he found Chacha.

What a pity, Daniel hit the muzzle at this time.

Inside the castle.

"Why hasn't Daniel come back yet?" The blood clan elder looked at the only vacant seat dissatisfied, "He's the only one left."

There are a total of twelve pure blood vampires in the blood family, and Daniel is the most inconspicuous one. Vampires do not need to drain the blood of elves to eat, they can support elves completely, and drink a little blood each time, they can develop for a long time, which is enough to satisfy their hunger for a long time.

Daniel has a very bad taste. He has to eat a lot every time, killing the elf at one time, which is a waste. He is still very diligent, a thousand years old, with countless bed partners, but not even a single marriage partner. It is difficult for blood descendants to be born, and it is even more difficult for pure-blooded descendants of noble blood to be born. They are all worried about it.

"Daniel is more playful, and I don't know where to steal it." Another female vampire held up the goblet and sipped the blood in the cup. "We won't wait for him if he doesn't come back, let's just start."

"Today's dinner is really rare. Is this the blood of water spirits? Like the smell of stream water..."

Before he finished speaking, a huge octopus monster suddenly descended from the sky, smashed through the ceiling, and smashed the table into pieces.


The vampires fled immediately. The castle has been built very wide and magnificent, but this octopus will squeeze them all out of space.

"Is this octopus the main dish for today?" A vampire asked stupidly while being shocked.

The octopus monster stretched out its tentacles and slammed the wall into a shaky blow.

The vampires hurriedly fled, screaming: "Obviously you are its main dish!"

Once again lost in the forest, Qi Baicha looked at the darkening sky and stopped.

The forest is so big that no matter where you go, there is no end in sight.

He has not seen the map here, nor does he know the origin of the power of this world, so he cannot mobilize divine power to explore the way.

Qi Baicha sighed, sat quietly on a large rock, and began to think about life with his chin up.

It would be nice if someone passed by here, he could also ask for directions.

Just as he was thinking, the sound of the grass being pushed aside suddenly came from behind him.

Fu Mingye, who was also lost, looked at the snow elf in the moonlight, and his eyebrows moved.

That's great, there's someone to ask questions.