After Marrying the Evil God

Chapter 53: distance


Qi Baicha looked back and saw that the visitor had pale skin, a high nose bridge, bright red lips and eyes, and he looked very good.

Of course it looks good, the blood and elves are not ugly.

Needless to say, this is a vampire.

Bad luck is not bad either. Fortunately, he just wanted to ask someone to ask, and he passed by one. The bad thing is neither the elves nor the dwarves who have good relations with the elves, but the blood race, the natural enemies of the elves.

Not a big problem. Although the elves are the source of food for the blood race, they are not the only ones. Before the Four Gods disappeared, the Elf God set up a protective barrier, preventing the two races from meeting. The Blood God also ordered that the vampires were not allowed to drink elf blood.

Under the double protection, the two ethnic groups have coexisted peacefully for many years. It was not until the gods disappeared and the enchantment failed that the blood race began to be bold.

After all, they did not dare to hunt and kill elf blood after discovering the delicacy of the blood god, but they dared to catch a few and bring them back to the ancient castle, where they would bled regularly and provide food.

Only a lunatic like Daniel would suck the elf dry in one go.

Therefore, when an elves encounter a vampire, they do not have to worry about their lives.

Moreover, Qi Baicha is not an ordinary elf. The other party really wanted to suck his blood, so he just beat him. If you can't ask politely, then ask violently.

Fu Mingye has already come to Qi Baicha.

He walked steadily and looked calm.

It doesn't appear to be the vampire who killed Ferry. If it was the murderer, he should have been shocked to see him alive.

Qi Baicha analyzed rationally.

As long as it is not a vicious vampire, there is the possibility of communication.

After all, the Snow God is still peace-loving, and does not like to fight and kill, and use violence to solve problems.

The snow elf sitting on the big rock raised her delicate and beautiful face and asked timidly and weakly, "I got lost in the forest, can you take me out?"

Fu Mingye's footsteps suddenly stopped.

Also lost

That's useless.

So Qi Baicha watched as the vampire walking towards him changed direction as if nothing had happened, and walked over in front of him.

Completely ignored him.

Qi Baicha: "… "

He quickly got up and followed.

It is also more efficient to follow each other than to wander aimlessly here.

Qi Baicha didn't have time to wait for the next passerby. What worries him the most is that the flow of time in the two worlds is usually not the same, and he doesn't know what the ratio is. If one minute has passed here, one year has passed in his world, then he will not catch up with his own funeral when he goes back, and it is estimated that even Mr. Fu's funeral has been missed.

If you want to go back, you have to find the space-time crack in this world. But the world is so big, it's easier said than done to find it. He doesn't even have a map of the world.

Fu Mingye didn't take a few steps when he found that the elf was following in the distance.

He didn't like being followed, so he turned around and said coldly, "Don't follow me."

The snow elf said, "Stop on the way."

The vampire sneered: "You are a lost elf, where did you get your way?"

"...Can't you have a little love?"

"A vampire doesn't drink your blood is his greatest love."

The Snow Elf bit her lower lip, her brows wide and her eyes bright.

The vampire said bitterly, "Are you going to go home crying to find your mother?" The best thing to do is to scare this little elf away. He really doesn't like to be with any creatures other than Chacha.

The evil god has no kindness.

"I want to go home, but I can't find my way home." Snow Elf said sadly, "My husband is still waiting for me at home. If I don't go back, he will be worried if he can't find me."

The elf is also married.

"Oh." The vampire showed no sympathy. "Is it related to me?"

The snow elf raised her eyes and looked over, frowning, her eyes full of worry.

That appearance suddenly hit Fu Mingye's heart.

He was really worried.

He couldn't find his tea, and Fu Mingye was worried to death.

Is Cha Cha looking like this now, waiting for him to pick him up and go home.

Comparing heart to heart, Fu Mingye can understand each other's feelings a little.

He was merciful: "Keep a distance of three meters."

This is what allows the Snow Elf to follow.

Three meters is a safe distance. Chacha didn't like him getting too close to other creatures, and Fu Mingye didn't like it either.

The Snow Elf smiled gratefully: "Thank you."

"No thanks. I don't know him anyway." The vampire didn't look back. "To be honest, I'm also finding my way out."

Qi Baicha: "… "

Then what were you just pulling! ! !

He really wanted to slap the vampire's face with his wings.

After a long time, neither of them knew the way.

It doesn't matter, two people who don't know the way get together, at least the exclusion method can be used.

"I've walked this road just now, but it doesn't work." Snow Elf thought deeply.

The vampire said, "I just came over there."

"… "

There are too many directions, excluding two is still tantamount to wandering.

Fu Mingye stopped his steps expressionlessly: "It's so annoying." How could he find Chacha in such a big world if he couldn't even walk out of a forest.

It's basically looking for a needle in a haystack.

This sentence made Qi Baicha suddenly fix his eyes.

He remembered that when he was in love not long ago, he first offered to have a date with Mr. Fu for dinner, and set a restaurant location. He has already arrived, but Mr. Fu is too late.

He didn't like that others were not punctual, so he called to ask, and the other side was silent for a while, and reluctantly said: "...I'm lost."

Qi Baicha: "..." This reason is really unexpected.

He said, "You turn on the navigation."

"It's driving, just following the Gaode map." Fu Mingye said depressedly, "Now it tells me that the destination is 100 meters ahead."

Qi Baicha: "Then come here."

"But there is a river in front of me." Fu Mingye said, "Am I going to jump down to eat the fresh water?"

Qi Baicha thought about it for a while: "If you change the route, it may be that the map has not been updated since the road was built."

"It's so annoying." The man on the other end of the phone was gloomy, "It should be called a wicked map." The first time Mr. Qi took the initiative to ask him out for dinner, he left an hour early, and he was just late because of the navigation. Smashed the date.

Now Mr. Qi knows his embarrassment of getting lost.

Really lacking virtue. pissed him off.

Qi Baicha: "Pfft."

The dignified President Fu Da lost his way, and it was a little cute.

This experience completely shattered Fu Mingye's business elite character and made Qi Baicha change his opinion of him.

Now, the three words that the vampire said were exactly the same as Mr. Fu's, and even the endings were the same elongated and drawn down.

Qi Baicha was a little lost.

He was really anxious and crazy. He had been away for so long, and he thought of Mr. Fu so much that he could even think of him when a vampire said three words casually.

How could Mr. Fu be here? Mr. Fu was still on the shore of another world waiting for him to come back.

"Hello." The vampire's red eyes swept over coldly.

Qi Baicha: "Huh?"

"It's within three meters." The other party reminded.

Qi Baicha looked down and looked distracted just now, didn't pay attention to the distance, and took two more steps.

He stepped back and said, "As for the calculation?"

"You stay away from me." The vampire said politely, "I am a family man."

Qi Baicha: "?"

If there is a family, there is a family, so why say it in a showy tone

As if no one was married.

"You think too much." Qi Baicha said sincerely.

He wouldn't like any creature other than Mr. Fu.

The vampire sneered: "Did you just stare at me in a daze and think I didn't see it? Although I am handsome, so that you can fall in love with me across species, but you are not one ten thousandth as good-looking as my wife's elf, don't I? I'll take a fancy to it, let's die."

In the original world, Fu Mingye's identity and appearance destined him to be admired by many people, including many married women. Even at a banquet, many people deliberately fell into his arms. He has already learned a mature method of "killing the admirer in the cradle".

Qi Baicha: "???"

He was in a daze just now because he thought of Mr. Fu, what was this vampire doing to himself

And the snow elf's appearance is already very beautiful and cute. Is his wife a fairy

"I'm married." Qi Baicha emphasized, "I also want to go home to find my husband."

"That's the best." The vampire hummed softly, "I'm looking for my wife, you look for your husband, it's irrelevant."

Qi Baicha asked keenly, "Is your wife also missing?"

The vampire seemed to have been stabbed in the sore spot, and his face sank all of a sudden.

He was silent for a long time and said, "No, I am missing. I am a lost person like you now."

What's the matter with this feeling of being at the same time in the end of the world

In a moment of silence, the leaves piled up on the ground suddenly moved.

A dwarf pushed aside the leaves covering the hole with both hands and climbed out from the ground.

As soon as he came out, he saw a vampire-elf looking down at him.

The dwarf was stunned for a moment.

Elves and vampires for a while

The first reaction of the dwarves was that the elves were captured by the vampires. That's what those disgusting bloodsuckers love to do, capture elves and drink their blood.

Every dwarf is responsible for protecting the elves. He immediately jumped up and blocked Qi Baicha with his small body: "Go back to your vampire castle! Don't try to take away the elves!"

Fu Mingye raised his eyebrows: "Where is the castle?"

"The castle is over there!" The dwarf pointed in the direction of the vampire castle without hesitation.

Fu Mingye left without hesitation.

At first glance, this elf was ignorant, and when he returned to the base camp, he could get more useful information.

The dwarf was dumbfounded.

Is this gone? He hasn't even drawn his weapon yet.

It was the best vampire he had ever seen.

And why would a vampire ask where the vampire castle is

The dwarf didn't bother to think about it. Seeing the snow elf beside him, he asked with concern, "Aren't you scared?"

Qi Baicha: "No."

"That's good. I'll escort you back to the forest of elves." The dwarf said enthusiastically, "It just so happens that I'm going to the elves to get crystal cores to make weapons."

It is too dangerous for elves to go out, so the transportation work of taking crystal cores and sending weapons is left to dwarves. The blood of the dwarves is highly poisonous to the vampires, and it is very safe to walk outside.

Qi Baicha looked back at the vampire's fading back, and nodded.

The dwarf chattered: "You actually met Daniel. If I came a step late, you would be dead. That guy is too cruel."

Qi Baicha: "...I didn't see it." The extreme narcissism is true.

"You're too naive, an elf like you shouldn't run outside. The outside world is dangerous."

"Is there any danger?" Qi Baicha asked calmly.

Generally, where space-time cracks occur, there will be changes. For example, air pollution, undersea vortex... If you find something unusual in this world, it is likely to be a space-time loophole.

"Aren't vampires dangerous enough?"

"I mean, is there anything else dangerous?"

"Others? I don't know, the underground kingdom is safe anyway. But recently there seems to be an infighting on the bottom of the sea, who cares, it's great for them to have an infighting, they won't think about how to drown the land all day long. Anyway, they disappeared from the gods. After that, life was not peaceful…”


World 493 is an ocean world, and the possibility of space-time cracks on the ocean floor is much higher than on land.

"What happened to the disappearance of the gods?" Qi Baicha asked.

Species in this world obviously know the existence of gods.

He remembered the witch Pudala mentioned by the post-song system. He sent a message to the three gods in the 493 world about this matter, but there was no reply. Poseidon is even offline.

What happened to the gods of this world

"You don't know about this?" the dwarf said in surprise, "You are an elf born in recent years, right?"

"Indeed." Long live Xue Shen said without changing his expression.

"It's like this..." The dwarf couldn't help but tell the history of World 493.

When the story is finished, they have come to the Forest of Spirits.