After Marrying the Evil God

Chapter 77: announcement


This night, I don't know how many people hid at home, the doors and windows were closed, and they were trembling.

At one o'clock in the morning, a resident opened the curtains. Tossing and turning in the middle of the night, he wanted to see the night scene outside the window, but he saw a pedestrian on the road caught off guard by the terrifying monster behind him, attacked and swooped down, biting fiercely.

The residents were so frightened that they immediately let go and pulled the curtains back.

He suspected that he was dazzled, or that he had bumped into the scene of the murder. The monster seemed to be humanoid...

The residents quietly lifted the corner of the curtain again. This time I can see clearly, it is indeed a monster with a gray face, sharp teeth, and a rickety body.

Monsters don't eat people, they just go away after biting people unconscious. The unconscious wounded fell to the ground for a long time. Residents were frightened and hesitated to call the police.

Half a minute later, the victim was found by an unwitting passerby. The passerby hurriedly stepped forward to check. The unconscious man suddenly opened his eyes and bit the passerby's ear.

"Ah!" The passerby screamed, and the cry was extremely shrill in the middle of the night.

A minute later, passers-by slowly got up from the ground.

Two newly born monsters roam the streets.

Residents who witnessed everything upstairs quickly covered their mouths and restrained their screams.

He quickly locked the doors and windows, hid under the covers and shivered.

This must be a nightmare...

Da da-

Footsteps came from the corridor, from far to near.

thump, thump—

There was a knock on the door from the living room.

The resident's heart was about to jump out of his chest. He just witnessed such a strange scene, and now knocking on the door late at night, wouldn't he be called to the door...

He won't even open the door!

"Lao Zhao—" There was a familiar voice outside the door, very anxious, "Open the door!"

are neighbors.

Lao Zhao breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly put on his slippers: "Hey, come here!"

He didn't think about why the neighbor was looking for him in the middle of the night, and he didn't hear the pain in the neighbor's voice, as if he was forcing something.

Outside the door, the neighbor looked anxious and looked at the door of his house with fear.

My wife had a fever in the rain two days ago. I was lying in bed tonight to rest. I never thought that when I opened my eyes in the middle of the night, my wife turned into a monster, and she opened her mouth to bite him!

The neighbor was caught off guard and was bitten. The wife who turned into a monster moved slowly. He covered his wound and stumbled out. He wanted to run downstairs, but found that there were also several monsters in the corridor downstairs!

He was so frightened that he ran back quickly, and in desperation, he could only ask Lao Zhao for help.

Lao Zhao opened the door without defending his neighbors. The neighbor immediately squeezed in, locked the door, and blocked it with a sofa: "Where is the bedroom? Let's go in and hide."

It is safe to have two gates guarding against it.

Lao Zhao hurried into the bedroom: "What's the matter so panic?"

"It's evil, my wife suddenly turned into a monster, I see a few downstairs!"

Lao Zhao's face was earthy: "We also have them in the building?"

The neighbors didn't answer, they kept their heads down and didn't move.

"I just saw a few monsters on the road, wait—" Lao Zhao choked on his breath, "The injury on your neck..."

… He remembered that those people became monsters even after being bitten.

In the next second, the neighbor smiled strangely, opened his sharp teeth and rushed towards him—

"Ahhh!!!" Lao Zhao closed his eyes and screamed in fright, but the expected pain did not come.

He opened his eyes in fear, and the room was empty.

Was that a hallucination just now

Emboldened, he opened the curtains again.

He saw the most beautiful picture in his life.

It was a pale young man. He has a tall body and a graceful face, ethereal like a fairy.

The two behind the young man are also handsome men and beauties, but compared to the young man, they are like mortal bodies and immortal beauty, which makes people completely invisible.

He stood still on the desolate street, and the soft light flashed in his hand, illuminating the cold face white. The monsters on the whole street disappeared with this white light. Not only this street, this building, this area, all returned to peace.

Qi Baicha didn't stay here for too long, and soon disappeared in place, rushing to the next place.

Lao Zhao rubbed his eyes.

Has he seen a fairy

That night, many mortals saw the gods. It is said that it is a young man who is as gentle as jade, and his hands will emit a soft white light, which will kill all those monsters. It is said that it was a tall and handsome man who was alone, with black energy lingering in the palm of his hand, and all the monsters disappeared wherever he went.

Although the words are different, the things they do are the same, and they protect the defenseless mortals.

They come silently and leave quietly, taking away the disaster here.

Qi Baicha and Qi Ye were busy until dawn, and all the zombies in the densely populated areas in the East District were taken into the realm of the gods.

But still a drop in the bucket. The entire Eastern District is too large and has too many people. Even if they can clear the entire area, they cannot eliminate all the zombies in the city overnight. Only a part of the downtown area was cleaned up, so that the zombies would not spread quickly.

If the zombies are not cleared in time in densely populated areas, they will quickly bite and transform, and the number of zombies will increase exponentially.

After weighing, Qi Baicha and Qi Ye cleaned up the downtown area first. As for the desolate places, they had no time to take care of them for the time being.

If they have the strength of the Lord God, they can pause the time, there is no need to be so urgent. No, there is no need to be so troublesome at all. If it is the Lord God, there will be a way to restore all the zombies to normal, and the world order will return to the right track.

The Lord God is not bound by any laws of the world.

But they are not. It can only be more troublesome.

Tan Shiyuan and Su Yu ran around with Qi Baicha, their faces pale. For gods, teleportation is no different from ordinary walking, and for mortals like them, it is a hundred times more exciting than a roller coaster! ! !

"Lord God." Tan Shiyuan supported Su Yu and said worriedly, "Can you put us somewhere first, Xiao Yu is about to vomit..."

Qi Baicha's body froze and forgot about it.

He brought two mortals out of the way, but mortals' physical fitness may not be able to withstand the constant teleportation.

After staying with Mr. for a long time, he has forgotten how fragile a mortal is.

Qi Baicha threw the two of them into a shopping mall, set up a barrier around the area, and said, "Stay here, don't come out."

Tan Shiyuan nodded again and again. They were almost stunned by teleportation, and they still had their minds running around.

At sunrise, Qi Baicha and Qi Ye reunited in the shopping mall.

"Let's go on treating the symptoms but not the root cause." Qi Baicha shook his head, "There are too many people in city B, and we don't have time to collect all the zombies into the realm of the gods. Even if we had that time, the infection would have been over by then, and it would be meaningless."

"The cure is to turn zombies back into humans." Qi Baicha frowned, "But this world's power system is different from the apocalyptic world that produced this red rain. My purification power doesn't work."

No matter how powerful he is, he cannot heal the damage caused by the unique power of another world. The native gods are still bound by the native world.

This is a crisis from the outside world, which cannot be resolved internally, and must seek foreign aid.

There are three solutions.

Option 1: To untie the bell, it is necessary to tie the bell. Find out the world that produces the red rain, the 999 world does not have a way to turn zombies back into humans, and the apocalyptic world may not be absent. If you can contact the gods of the doomsday world, you may be able to know.

"It won't work." Qi Ye rejected the proposal first, "The loophole in time and space has been patched, even if it is not patched, the apocalyptic world is too fragile, and we can't rush there. Contact. I uploaded a photo of Red Rain and a zombie form on the Q&A section of the public forum last night, asking which world it is a special product of. If there is no god claiming it, the gods of the world where Red Rain is located should be asleep."

This is normal, and the gods of the apocalyptic world are rarely alive and kicking.

"And I guess that the doomsday in that doomsday world has just begun. They rained a red rain all over the world, and then the global corpse changed, and the end of the world began. But because of the gap in time and space, a small part of the red rain leaked into our world, causing Disaster in city B." Qi Ye calmly analyzed, "Usually in the last days, after years of struggle, humans will develop a vaccine to restore the mind of zombies, or some other way to cure zombies. But that's all in the later stage. Now that The world is also in the early stages of a disaster, and it is impossible to have a solution in the first place.”

As for how humans save themselves, it depends on the fate of people in that apocalyptic world. They are bound to pass such a test because they were born in a world destined to experience despair.

The 999 world is different, this is an unpredictable disaster.

Qi Baicha said unexpectedly: "You are still involved in this." It is not difficult to think of what Qi Ye said, but the key point is that it was Qi Ye who said these words.

Lord Heretic God is famous for not hearing things outside the window.

Qi Ye said calmly: "I have also read a lot of doomsday novels, and the love stories in doomsday have taught me a lot."

Qi Baicha: "What did you learn?"

Qi Ye: "Love needs to be said in time, otherwise it may die in the next second and never be heard again."

Qi Baicha: "...that's all?"

Qi Ye said seriously: "This is very important. At that time, I thought you were a mortal person, and a mortal person is no different from the next second in just a few decades. So I want to tell you that I love you every day. when you hear it."

Qi Baicha's face was slightly hot. He suddenly remembered that there was a time when Qi Ye had to tell him I love you many times from morning to night.

It is so.

Qi Baicha said naturally: "Okay, let's talk about plan two."

Option two, ask the Lord to help.

"I tried this." After Qi Baicha finished speaking, he rejected it by himself. "I sent a request to Lord Lord God last night, but there was no response. Maybe Lord Lord God is too busy..."

When the local gods encounter something they can't handle, they can ask the main god to take action. But the Lord God is in charge of countless opportunities every day, and is in charge of the operation of countless worlds every day. The disasters in the world are worse than they are, and there are many worlds that need the help of the Lord God more... The Lord God may not be able to get away.

The last time the four gods of the 493 world fell into another world and could not contact the gods of the 999 world, they also asked the main god for help. Lord God did not respond, and finally they found their own home.

Going back a long time ago, the 108th World Demon King Paskel fled, and his strength was disparate. The god Herman also tried to ask the main god for help. After Paschall was killed, the matter was over.

But from start to finish... The Lord God has not responded.

Thinking of it this way, the Lord God seems to be more lazy than His Excellency the Heretic God...

No, how could he have such rude thoughts. Qi Baicha thought to himself, Lord God must be busy with more important things.

That is the lord of the gods, and all the gods have a natural respect for that lord.

Except for the evil spirits.

"I hope the Lord God can be trusted, it's better for a sow to climb a tree." Qi Ye's tone did not show any respect, the Lord of the Gods was nothing but a false name in his eyes.

Whoever he is, it would be too much to not respond to Cha Cha's request. Qi Ye thought to himself that the Great Thousand World had leaked into a sieve, and the Lord God also had a certain responsibility.

Qi Baicha said, "Don't be rude."

"Okay, okay." Qi Ye said, "There is a third way."

The third option is to issue a commission to the Time and Space Administration.

There are countless loopholes in the world, the local gods cannot solve it if they are restricted, and the main god cannot do everything by himself, so there is the existence of the Time and Space Administration. The gods are bound to the main god system and travel through various worlds to repair the world line. Most of the tasks are monitored by the Time and Space Administration to monitor the abnormality of the plane, and automatically send envoys to complete them. If it is not detected, the local gods can submit quest requirements and ask for help.


"I also thought of it." Qi Baicha sighed, "I also issued a request to the Time and Space Administration last night, but I haven't replied... Huh?" He frowned suddenly.

Qi Ye asked, "What's wrong?"

Qi Baicha retrieved the message: "Just received a reply."

He swept across his mind very quickly, his face slightly darkened.

"The Time and Space Administration said that it has been very busy recently, and there is a serious shortage of divine envoys." Qi Baicha said solemnly, "They already know the situation in our world, and they said that they will send divine envoys to come, but they still need time to allocate manpower. It will take another half a month.”

Half a month is enough to turn the world upside down.

"Sure enough, something went wrong in the Great Thousand World." Qi Ye thought to himself, "It's probably still a big deal, otherwise it would be impossible to keep the Time and Space Administration busy. I just don't know what happened..." He paused.

Qi Baicha looked at him: "You saw it too?"

Qi Ye nodded slowly, looking strange.

In the Wanshen announcement group, which has been silent for ten thousand years, a message suddenly popped up.

Lord God: No. 6666 World character Rong and Awakening defected, and is now on a full-scale arrest. The gods of the world listen to the order and capture Rong and alive. @all members