After Marrying the Evil God

Chapter 79: rescue


It is impossible for the army to listen to a stranger for no reason, and Qi Baicha's hand won him the right to talk to the military's top management on an equal footing. Tan Shiyuan and Su Yu were asked out of the conference room, and Qi Baicha stayed inside to continue the conversation with them.

Su Yu worried: "Do you think that uncle and the others will listen to Mr. Qi's words?"

Tan Shiyuan was very calm: "Did you forget that Mr. Qi is a god?"

He was also shocked at first, and the surprise can't be completely dispelled by now. Especially after hearing the misty conversation between Mr. Qi and President Fu in the morning, Tan Shiyuan seemed to have a clearer understanding of the world.

There really are gods in the world.

There may be many worlds outside of the world they live in.

Tan Shiyuan can be called a dragon and a phoenix among human beings, and his family background, appearance and talent are all top-notch. He once thought he was on the peak of life. It was only now that he discovered that he was still as small as an ant. When you cross a mountain, you can't look down on the world from above, you will only encounter a higher mountain, so high that you can't even look up.

When he looked up, he could only see thick, misty clouds, telling that his glimpse of the world was but the tip of the iceberg.

Tan Shiyuan has no ambition to explore the wider world, and he is not reconciled because Qi Baicha's outspoken words will erase his memory sooner or later.

People should have self-knowledge, and they should properly put aside their curiosity. Trying to spy on heaven's secrets is bound to be punished. Tan Shiyuan is a businessman and does not trade at a loss.

Su Yu nodded: "That's right, Mr. Qi will definitely be able to convince uncle."

Sure enough, the door to the conference room was opened again shortly after it closed.

The whole group looked at Qi Baicha with respect.

Qi Bai tea does not need to spend a lot of mouth. He doesn't need to be convincing with reason, just tell the truth, "I am the God who came to save you." Of course it is ridiculous to listen to it alone, but it is the most powerful proof when it is coupled with his far surpassing human power.

The military originally thought that Qi Baicha was an ice-type power user. After all, after the red rain, there are not a few people with abilities, but they are not as powerful as Qi Baicha.

Then Qi Baicha proved with his actions that he was not just a power user.

Soldiers lined up to obey orders, ready to go, ready to go to the East District to rescue. Most of them are young people, all of them in neat uniforms and valiant.

Before leaving, they saw a protruding young man who stopped for a moment in front of each military truck, stuck his hand on the body for a few seconds, and then went to the next truck to do the same. Touch a car and drive a car, only the truck that has been touched by him can start.

The soldiers were bewildered. Time is running out to save people, they don't know what this young man is doing, isn't this a waste of time

But the commander didn't speak, and they didn't dare to object.

A middle-aged officer asked Li Jianhua, "Old Li, what are you doing?" He was on inspection just now and didn't participate in that meeting, so it's a bit baffling now.

Why did a group of old friends suddenly start listening to a hairy boy

Li Jianhua said solemnly, "Blessings."


He said in disbelief, "The world has changed, do you believe in ghosts and gods?"

Li Jianhua is a staunch atheist.

Li Jianhua was silent, and his mood was complicated.

If there is a person who can reveal all the eighteen generations of their ancestors in the first meeting, their life stories and deeds are all in great detail, and in which mission they have made great achievements involving state secrets, as young as a few years old Where are the lost teeth hidden... All of them can be seen as a treasure.

They also had to believe in a god who might actually be there to save them.

At such a critical juncture, it is better to believe what it has than not to believe it does not.

Qi Baicha finished casting spells on all the trucks and walked to Li Jianhua: "That's it."

His spells can make zombies avoid these trucks, even if they smell the smell of living people on the trucks, they will not swarm, effectively avoiding the conflict between humans and zombies. It also accelerated the speed of the truck. It took only 20 minutes to drive from the central area to the east area, which was a huge time saving.

In fact, he can shorten the time to two minutes or even two seconds, but in that case, the human body may not be able to bear it. The essence of teleportation is to compress the spatial distance, and the longer the distance, the greater the fluctuation. It is difficult for humans to endure violent spatial fluctuations, and twenty minutes is already the limit within the safe range of soldiers.

Li Jianhua nodded and said sincerely, "Please."

The army set off for the East District, and Qi Baicha was able to get away to go to the other four districts to do business. Tan Shiyuan and Su Yu were ordered by him to stay in the military.

Qi Baicha swept across the sky with his divine sense. There were no zombies in the military headquarters, and it belonged to a safe area. He set up a protective barrier to cover the military headquarters, making the entire military headquarters absolutely safe and keeping them from going out.

A protective barrier is different from a blocking barrier. The former can enter and exit freely, leaving the enchantment means leaving the protection range; the latter cannot enter or exit. Qi Baicha could not restrain Tan Shiyuan's personal freedom all the time, so he could only remind him again and again.

The safety of the Luck Child is the number one priority. Child of Luck is ruined, and everything is busy in vain. Tan Shiyuan is outside, no matter how low the probability is, there is a possibility of an accident. Qi Baicha made three orders and five applications to let Tan Shiyuan feel at ease as an otaku, and Su Yu was responsible for watching him.

Tan Shiyuan was puzzled: "I should help at this juncture, how can I hide and let others charge?"

Qi Baicha said calmly, "You are helping a lot by hiding."

Tan Shiyuan still wanted to ask, but Su Yu pulled him away with a wink: "Let's do what Mr. Qi said, and it won't hurt you."

Qi Baicha saw them pulling and closing the door before disappearing.

The soldiers thought that the rescue would have to go through a hard fight. It's not that they don't know the situation they are about to face, the superior has told them the situation before. An inexplicably biting monster appears in the city of B, which can track the smell of people. As long as he is bitten, he will soon assimilate into that kind of monster. Those monsters used to be citizens, and they were not allowed to shoot unless they had to.

This sounds really difficult, if one is not careful, there will be no return.

But wearing this military uniform, who is not ready to see death as home

With the determination to sacrifice their lives, they went retrograde among the crowds fleeing to the safety zone. The young warrior stood in the truck, gun in hand, looking around warily.

If there were monsters, they had to hit the legs immediately, incapacitating them.


The streets are deserted.

Not a single monster.

The cold wind blows, rolling up the leaves, revealing desolation.

Soldiers: "..."

What about the monster

In the imagination, the monsters smelled the flesh and blood of the living and swarmed up, and the scene of the two sides fighting hard did not appear at all.

It was as quiet as a dead city, and only the train was carrying the living.

After feeling the divine power contained in the truck, the zombies avoided far away, and even found a place to hide.

They have no sanity and still have an instinctive fear.

The smell on the truck has one big word for them: Dangerous.

The soldiers went all the way unobstructed, but within 20 minutes, they saw the street sign in the East District.

"… "

The journey is a little weirdly short. The soldiers were stunned when they remembered the reminder before the officer came.

In order to prepare them psychologically, the commander told them before departure that the young man was casting spells. At that time, no one cared about it, just thought that the officers were desperately ill and went to the doctor, even believing the words of the gods.


They also wanted to say goodbye.

There are obviously a lot of zombies in the Eastern District. The zombies all went out of their homes to hunt for food. There were mountains and seas of corpses on the streets, and the corpses were moving. It was impossible to hide.

The people on the truck looked at the dense zombies, their scalps went numb, and they picked up their guns again.

Now it's time to cheer up.

Unexpectedly, an unexpected scene appeared.

When the zombie army saw the convoy carrying the living people, they wanted to escape, but the street was too crowded, so they could only be divided into two rows on both sides, which seemed to welcome them.

Warriors: "...?!"

It's so dreamy.

They didn't stay in a daze for long and rushed into rescue operations.

With the blessing of Qi Baicha's divine power, there is no difficulty in the rescue operation. The zombies did not dare to approach the convoy. The soldiers stayed in the truck and were also contaminated with the breath of the gods. They would not be attacked by zombies when they temporarily got out of the car for rescue.

They don't have to fight, just search for survivors and bring them into the car. I don't feel like risking my life to save people from monsters, but simply to help people move...

The soldiers worked hard for several days and nights, and the progress was gratifying. Most of the search and rescue work was completed.

The easier the task, the more they respect the mysterious young man that day.

If it wasn't for the youth casting spells, they still didn't know how many comrades in arms would be lost. How could the death hell mode directly become the invincible opening mode as it is now.

I don't know who is the master.

On the fifth day of the apocalypse, the soldiers' convoy collided with Qi Baicha head-on.

The search and rescue work is still in the final stage, and Qi Baicha thought that it was time to meet. When the rescue team is done in the East District, he can throw all the zombies in the other four districts into it.

Although Qi Baicha has not shown up these days, his reputation in the army is quite famous. The soldiers thought about how to thank him for seeing him countless times, but they were too frightened to speak when they met.

The youth is indeed young and handsome, with unparalleled elegance, which makes people fascinated by sight.

... But the large group of zombies following him is a bit unnerving.

In the past few days, the soldiers also knew that this kind of monster is called a zombie. What they experienced was really the end of the world.

In film and television works, there will be a savior at the end of the apocalypse. They are very lucky. At the beginning of the end of the world, a great god descended from heaven to save people from water and fire.

Qi Baicha: No, if we are lucky, there will be no end times in our world at all.

Of course, ordinary people don't know what Qi Baicha is thinking, but they just stare straight at the bunch of zombies behind Qi Baicha.

It is really a large string, neatly arranged in two columns, followed by Qi Baicha, unable to see the edge at a glance.

The zombies chasing him seem to be lined up from here to France.

In fact, it's not that exaggerated. Qi Baicha just controlled all the zombies in the four areas, and it was arranged from the east area to the west area.

His method of manipulating zombies does not have much technical content. After all, it is not a system, and it is impossible to have the skills to deal with zombies.

Looking through the information, it can be seen that zombies will be attracted by the flesh and blood of living people, and they will attack and bite; they are afraid of high-level zombies, and they will avoid them when they encounter high-level zombies.

Therefore, Qi Baicha made the truck smell similar to the Zombie King, so that this group of zombies without IQ can retreat three feet.

He turned the smell of his body into extremely sweet flesh and blood, which was comparable to the attraction of Tang Monk's flesh to goblins, and the zombies in the four districts naturally followed him obediently. With his scent, those zombies lost interest in the flesh and blood of other ordinary people.

The soldier didn't know the reason, and asked tremblingly, "Mr. Qi, you, what are you doing?"

Qi Baicha didn't turn his head back: "Drive away the corpse."

"… "

I have only heard of chasing zombies, but this is the first time I have seen chasing zombies.

Great god.