After Marrying the Evil God

Chapter 8: history


Fu Mingye drove the car to the exclusive parking space downstairs of the company. As soon as he got out of the car, a group of men in sunglasses and suits came over to greet him with great pomp.

Seeing the car that Fu Mingye drove today, everyone felt a chill in their hearts.

The bodyguard bowed respectfully and said, "Hello, Mr. Fu."

Fu Mingye strode into the office building with no expression on his face, surrounded by the crowd, and made the image of the cold-faced president deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

The evil god has never liked people, he just likes Chacha alone.

Meanwhile, in the office building, a group of employees pressed their faces to the window panes, huddled together to observe the situation downstairs nervously.

This is the time when the president goes to work, and they must do a good job of reconnaissance to determine whether the next day can be spent happily.

"How's it going?" The employee who couldn't squeeze in jumped up desperately behind him, "Mr. Fu is in a good mood today?"

"It doesn't seem to be very good." A new female employee said uncertainly, "with a cold face, it scares people to death."

The others said anxiously: "Speak the point!"

Mr. Fu didn't have a cold face one day? Can be called the living king of the company.

Another senior employee immediately focused: "President Fu drove a Porsche here!"

Everyone was shocked and their faces turned pale.

Mr. Fu is very annoying today.

Mr. Fu was troubled, and all the staff had to finish.

"It's over, it's over, I don't dare to enter the president's office today! Xiao Zhang, please help me hand this plan to President Fu. It doesn't matter if you wrote it!"

"Are you asking me to take credit for you? You are asking me to die for you!"

Employees who have been in the company for a long time can find out a set of experience about the president's mood. Although their anger and anger are not visible, their faces are paralyzed for ten thousand years, and they are cold as if they want to kill people when they smile occasionally, but his mood is still very good to guess!

Because he will change cars!

When Mr. Fu drives a Rolls-Royce, it means that he is in a calm mood, and usually nothing happens all day.

When Mr. Fu drives a Lamborghini or Ferrari, it means that he is in a relaxed and happy mood. On that day, the atmosphere in the company will be full of joy, because when Mr. Fu is happy, he will give people a promotion, a salary increase, and a year-end bonus.

This usually happens because Fu Mingye and his petite wife did morning exercise and came to the company with a good mood.

If you drive a Porsche and a Maserati, it means that Mr. Fu is upset or angry, and it is best not to disturb him at this time. Last time, a certain executive went in for a trivial matter because he didn’t have eyesight that day, and was assigned to mining in Africa the next day. Ordinary employees may be fired if they make mistakes…

The last time Fu Mingye was gloomy was because Qi Baicha forgot to kiss him good morning.

If it's a black Mercedes-Benz... that's over, Mr. Fu is in a state of sadness and autism, and no one will take care of him all day, as if he has to be ready to attend a funeral at all times.

However, Fu Mingye hardly drives a Mercedes-Benz. The only time was because he saw the funeral team on the road the day before when he was getting off work. Then he thought of the fragility of human life, and then thought of the loss of Chacha... That was the first time he realized God and man. The difference in life is so big, I was sad all night, and I woke up the next day still very sad, but I made Qi Baicha inexplicable.

"What are you doing all around here!" She looked at the rigid and stern woman in professional formal attire and scolded, "President Fu is coming, so why don't you get back to your position and work hard!"

The employees were excited and returned to their original positions: "Yes! Sister Linda!"

Linda stepped on her high heels again and left with a stern face.

The boy who followed her with a pile of documents said cautiously, "Sister Linda, Mr. Fu... is he... that scary?"

Linda glanced at the new assistant: "You were in a bad mood when you caught up with President Fu on the first day you took office. Don't shake your hands and knock over the cup later." With the momentum of President Fu, she couldn't bear it even when she got cold. , not to mention this fledgling young man.

Wei Songnan smiled: "I'll do my best." He paused, and added with a little pride, "My coffee is good."

This sentence seems to be superfluous.

Linda frowned: "Forgot to mention, Mr. Fu doesn't drink coffee, only white tea."

In the love of Wu and Wu, Fu Mingye loves all kinds of white tea.

Wei Songnan was taken aback for a moment, wondering: "I don't know how to make tea..."

"Learn within three days." Linda continued to walk forward without looking back. "There are many people out there who want to take up this job."

In other words, if it doesn't work, replace it.

Wei Songnan gritted his teeth: "...Yes."

Old woman, arrogant now, when I become the president's wife, I won't let you get out of bed! he thought bitterly.

Linda said nothing and went to greet the arrival of the president.

Linda is Fu Mingye's secretary and deputy. She is a strong woman with strong working ability and dedication to her career. She also helps Fu Mingye manage the company at ordinary times.

Although she acted resolutely and vigorously, she was not unfriendly. She would give some advice to newcomers who are just entering the workplace, and the employees of the company admired her very much.

Fu Mingye just wanted to be a hands-off shopkeeper. He won the Fu family just to have enough capital to pursue Chacha and give Chacha the best life. He wasn't too lazy to deal with these messy chores, he might as well spend more time with Chacha.

The reason why he still goes to get off work every day is not to waste time managing company affairs, but to deal with those prayers in the office alone, and to find ways to make mortals immortal. Before it was successful, it was inconvenient for Chacha to know about it.

God came to the world for a while, he wanted to see it and went back, but then he stayed for a person, and everything he did was only for that person.

Fu Mingye was upset today because that dream stimulated him again.

He has to find a way as soon as possible to make Cha Cha live forever.

Front desk: "Hello, Mr. Fu."

Company employee: "Hello, Mr. Fu."

"Hello, Mr. Fu."

"… "

Fu Mingye stepped into the office building, entered the elevator for the president, and went all the way to his own office on the 16th floor. Along the way, company employees kept nodding their hellos to him, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he walked by without looking away.

"Mr. Fu." Linda greeted her as soon as she went up to the sixteenth floor.

Fu Mingye didn't respond coldly, and walked straight to his president's office.

Wei Songnan was dumbfounded the first time he saw Fu Mingye.

He is a fast piercer, and his task is to designate characters in each world strategy system. After the favorability is full, he can commit suicide and go to the next world.

Originally, he was still very dissatisfied when he learned about the target of this world's strategy. He was just a company president who had lost his wife at the age of 32. Although he was decent enough, he was barely considered a dragon and a phoenix, but he was better than the high-quality men he had attacked before. Still not enough.

But I didn't expect to really come to this world. As soon as I checked Fu Mingye's Baidu information, Wei Songnan fell completely.

Who is this handsome man? Why is it different from the photos given by the system? And only twenty-seven

He has traveled many worlds, and he claims to be used to seeing good men, but Fu Mingye still kills them all.

Looking at China, the rich and rich like Fu Mingye are not as young and handsome as him, and the young and handsome men are not as rich as him.

He hurriedly asked what was going on with the system, but the system couldn't answer, and in the end he just said that there was a bug in the transmission data and corrected it again.

Wei Songnan has high fighting spirit now. The purpose of his entry into Fu's was very clear, that is, to catch Fu Mingye.

It's a pity that there are deviations in the data, and Fu Mingye in this world has not lost his wife yet. He had a sensational wedding of the century with his same-sex lover a year ago, but in order to protect his lover, the other party's photos were not exposed in the public eye.

The system secretly wondered, it remembered that Fu Mingye's wife was obviously a woman... She was essentially a cheating gay, how could she suddenly become a same-sex lover.

There is something wrong with this world. The system couldn't find the reason, so it could only keep silent, watching the confidence of its host fans.

What if you're married? Wei Songnan thought confidently that he didn't rob married men.

There has never been a man he can't beat. Winning the hearts of high-quality men, playing them with applause, and watching them agonize over his death is the best thing to satisfy Wei Songnan's vanity.

Such a strong evil thought clearly entered the ears of Fu Mingye in front of him.

That otherworldly soul coveted him.

Fu Mingye saw at a glance that the mortal came from another world, and he also carried a high-tech product called a strategy system. That person probably used this thing to jump through the loopholes in time and space to jump into the world.

But he didn't care.

To gods, mortals are ants. No matter how high-tech things are, in the eyes of God, they are all low-level things. He is the god of this world, which does not mean that he does not know the existence of other worlds. Powerful gods can even tear apart time and space with their bare hands to travel to other planes.

But no god wants to do such a thankless thing. If gods go to other worlds without authorization, they will be repelled by the world consciousness, and they will also become enemies of the native gods of that world. No god likes gods of other worlds to invade their own territory.

—It’s not because Lord Heretic God is not strong enough to tear apart time and space!

If he is strong enough to break the plane, he will overwhelm the law, and he will not be limited by the natural law of this world that "mortals cannot live forever".

Restricted by the laws of nature, gods cannot exploit the loopholes in time and space, otherwise they will be punished by heaven and sleep for tens of thousands of years. God is even responsible for patching loopholes, expelling souls from other worlds, and maintaining the stability of the world. This is the responsibility of the great gods.

It's just that the evil god is too lazy to deal with it. He doesn't have such a strong sense of justice. These uninvited guests from other worlds are making waves in the world. As long as it doesn't affect him and Chacha, he doesn't want to pay attention.

He stopped and turned to Linda, "Is he the new assistant?"

Wei Songnan was ecstatic, did Fu Mingye notice him so quickly

His charm is irresistible.

Wei Songnan suppressed his joy, stepped forward and said, "Hello, Mr. Fu, my name is Wei..."

"Change it." Fu Mingye interrupted him and said lightly, "I don't like this one." Then he turned around and entered the office.

Wei Songnan froze in place, her face turning blue and white with embarrassment.

Linda was also puzzled. Although Mr. Fu would hate his subordinates when he was in a bad mood, he was always justified and never targeted anyone for no reason.

It can only be said that this newcomer is unlucky, just in time for President Fu's anger.

"You leave." Although Linda sympathized, she was helpless.

Wei Songnan's eyes reddened: "Sister Linda, can you beg President Fu and give me another chance..."

Linda hesitated.

"Ten minutes later, the assistant hasn't changed." Fu Mingye's calm voice came out, "I don't mind changing the secretary too."

Linda said decisively: "Please go out immediately, and I will call the security if you don't leave."

Wei Songnan: "..."

As soon as Qi Baicha entered the classroom, the students shouted, "Mr. Qi, Zhuang Jingyi didn't come today!"

"Zhuang Jingyi is all right." Qi Baicha reported to the students that she was safe, "She asked for leave today."

"What happened?" the students asked curiously.

"I was entangled by the gangster. Fortunately, nothing happened and it has been resolved. After she comes back, don't ask questions." Qi Baicha only said, "Let's start the class now."

Teachers clock in for work at 8:30, and have the first class at 8:40. Before that, students had gone through breakfast, morning reading, radio gymnastics.

Qi Baicha sometimes thinks that today's children are also very hard. But I think of the ancient stories of chiseling walls and borrowing light, and sacs of firefly reflecting the snow. This has always been the case.

In the past, the children of the poor could not afford to go to school, and only the children of the nobles could read and write. Later, the commoners studied hard for ten years to get the fame, and women were still unable to enter the school. Then they went to Daxing in the Republic of China to set up a private school for women, and now both men and women can study in the same classroom. … This wonderful sense of the changing times can only be seen and experienced with my own eyes.

He was fortunate enough to witness the world grow up.

"Turn to page 42 of the textbook, today is about..." Qi Baicha said with a pause.

It's an old man.

Two thousand five hundred years ago, the world was in the Dali Dynasty. Snow God travels the world, meets two or three friends, plays chess pieces, and drinks wine. At that time, it was considered a new-born calf who was not afraid of tigers, but a dude, a rude man, and a newcomer in martial arts all dared to brag about it. , One wants to fight with the sword and fight for righteousness.

When asked about the Snow God, the young man pursed his lips and chuckled softly, and said softly: "I have no ambitions in my life, I just want to idle clouds and wild cranes, cook snow and make tea."

In the end, she had a good time, but a soul from another world traveled through the emperor's harem at that time, killing the emperor to win the dragon energy, and using the luck of the entire dynasty to nourish her power.

The emperor's qi is not exhausted, and it should not be damaged here. The traversers move the qi of the whole world. Once it is successful, the world will collapse at an accelerated rate, and eventually will be destroyed.

The gods are the patron saints of the world and will never allow this to happen.

After Snow God noticed it, he mercilessly killed the soul of another world. But the emperor is dead and history has been changed. Snow God has no other choice but to change into the emperor himself, manage the government for more than ten years, and put history back on the right track.

... It did come back, and even because he was too holy, the luck of the Dali Dynasty became stronger.

Those three friends also realized their ambitions, one eventually became a supreme official, one became a young general, and the other wandered around the world, wandering around the world. It's just that the prime minister and the general don't know that the one on the throne is their former best friend under the skin.

When Dali's luck is strong, the luck of the next dynasty will be weak. In order to make up for it, the Snow God went to the Yunyue Dynasty after that and became a prime minister and a general once to balance the luck of the two dynasties. After that, he decided not to be involved in the political power center again. It was really tiring.

This unit is dedicated to the Dali Dynasty, and Qi Baicha naturally sees many familiar names. He smiled slightly, and greeted his former friends after 2,500 years.

"I know I know! Today I will talk about the two famous ministers of Dali, Prime Minister Li Heran and General Wu Dingchuan!" A student with a wealth of extracurricular knowledge remarked eloquently, "Li Heran is a son of an official and has been diligent and eager to learn since he was a child. He likes poetry and songs. Strict with self-discipline, the wastepaper basket at home is filled with the words he practiced and useless every day..."

"No." Qi Baicha shook his head, "When he was young, he was an ignorant and ignorant boy. He visited the brothel every day and loved rouge gouache, so he was pulled out of the brothel by his father and asked for a family law. The next day Drag the injury, and then ran out to fight crickets with people."

"...Huh?" The student was stunned, "That's not what the book says."

Qi Baicha asked, "What else does the book say?"

The student replied: "I also said that General Wu Dingchuan was a general with both civil and military skills.

"It's a big mistake." Qi Baicha simply closed the book and said eloquently, "Wu Dingchuan was born in the rough and illiterate, and he climbed up by relying on numerous military exploits and real guns. Later, he also made a lot of jokes because of his literacy... "

He treated the daily trivial things in these memories as interesting stories and told them to the students, and the students listened with great interest.

They liked Teacher Qi's history class the most, not only because of Teacher Qi's beautiful voice and good looks, but also because they could hear many stories that others could not hear.

Qi Baicha looked at the children below who were listening earnestly and narrowed his eyes slightly.

He was the only one of those people who was still alive, and he was the only one who remembered those things.

Being able to tell it to others in the form of a story, at least he is no longer the only one who knows this.

The relaxed and pleasant class ended soon, and the students were still a little unfinished. Someone chased after him and asked, "Mr. Qi, how do you know so much? Where can I see these interesting stories?"

Qi Baicha chuckled and pointed to his head: "Here."

Qi Baicha went back to the office. After one class in the morning, he had no class today. He only needed to correct the history homework assigned yesterday.

After correcting a few assignments, Qi Baicha took out his mobile phone to check today's news hotspots. He was stunned when he entered Fu Mingye's day but the password failed to unlock, and immediately realized that it was Fu Mingye's phone.

Fu Mingye's mobile phone password is also the birthday on Qi Baicha's ID card. The two knew it well, but neither had the habit of looking at each other's phones.

Qi Baicha's and Fu Mingye's mobile phones are of the same model as a couple, with the same model and a pair of mobile phone cases. This morning, they were in a hurry to go out, and the two of them got the wrong mobile phones.

His phone was fine, and he had no contacts. Fu Mingye manages such a large company, and there must be important information and contact information of business partners in his mobile phone.

Gotta get it to him quickly.

Acting alone, Qi Baicha had no worries and teleported directly to the vicinity of Fu's office building.

Wei Songnan was still wandering downstairs in the company, scratching his hair distractedly.

"System, what is Fu Mingye's favorability toward me now?"

The system replied: "Zero."

"Zero?!" Wei Songnan said in shock, "Did you make a mistake? I'm equipped with a love at first sight halo, and the target of the strategy will automatically increase their favorability by ten when they see me at first sight. Have you made a bug again?"

The system said: "But the host, the target person didn't look at you right now."

Wei Songnan: "..."

He died before he left the apprenticeship, and he couldn't swallow this breath.

"No, I have to find another way to get close to him."

This conversation between Wei Songnan and the system was carried out in his mind, Qi Baicha didn't hear it, but he could see at a glance that it was a soul from another world.

Before God, man really has nothing to hide.

Outsiders will disrupt the order of the local world, ranging from changing the fate of one or two people, or at worst, coveting the fate of the entire world like the transmigrator that Qi Baicha met.

As this god, it is his duty to maintain world order.

When encountering outsiders who smuggle through the loopholes in time and space, Qi Baicha usually handles them according to the situation. Those who are safe in An'an will be expelled back to their original world; those who have died in the original world and cannot go back will be cleared of the memory of another world, so that they are no different from those of the natives; those who have caused a catastrophe or deliberately took the body of a living person , soul slaying.

Of course, there is another case, the time-travel department approved by the regular department Time and Space Administration. The establishment of this department is because some gods of the world have all fallen into a deep sleep, and can no longer protect the world. When the world is on the trend of collapse, out of plane humanitarianism, there will be people from other worlds to save the world.

However, this world obviously does not need to be saved yet, and his Snow God is not dead yet.

Qi Baicha walked to Wei Songnan and greeted politely, "Hello, this gentleman."

Wei Songnan suddenly felt a gust of cold wind blowing, and shivered.

He looked up and saw the bright and cold young man smiling and said, "Do you have a work permit for the Time and Space Administration?"