After Marrying the Evil God

Chapter 96: past


When is the third time backtracking

Qi Ye stood in the chaotic torrent of time and space, closed his eyes and pondered.

Cha Cha lived for tens of thousands of years before meeting him, and it was impossible to tell him everything in detail. Qi Ye searched all over his memory, but couldn't find any dangers that Cha Cha had encountered in the past.

When is it...

Countless majestic memories quickly flowed through Qi Ye's mind, suddenly capturing something. He slowed down the memory and recalled it clearly.

"Haven't you received the message sent to you by the gods of the 108th world? Paskel, the demon king of the 108th world, came to our world through the cracks in time and space. Your Excellency the gods reminded you one by one."

Qi Ye suddenly opened his eyes.

The third danger time is actually very near. Not before Cha Cha met him, but after Cha Cha met and even fell in love with him.

Cha Cha was hospitalized with an inexplicable fracture, and Qi Ye has never been able to find the murderer. Later, Cha Cha told him that it was the handwriting of Paskel, the otherworldly demon king. But when Pascal was about to poach his godhead, he fell into a coma. After waking up, Pascal disappeared inexplicably, and then he received a message from Herman, the god of world number 108, claiming that Pascal was dead.

Cha Cha thought that Herman used a secret method to capture Paskel back to the original world and killed him. The matter was over, and Qi Ye could no longer pursue this matter, so he didn't pay too much attention.

But one night, Qi Ye accidentally clicked into the chat box with the god Herman and found this conversation.

Heavenly God: Dear Evil God Your Excellency, Paskel, the demon king of my side, has absconded to your territory. Pascal is powerful, be sure not to confront him, I will try to ask the Lord God for help, please be careful.

Cthulhu: [Auto reply] Do not disturb.

Cthulhu: Killed


In Qi Ye's memory, he never sent this message.

At that time, Qi Ye wanted to ask Herman about it, but after that, he met Li Jin and fell into a confused state of mind. He forgot about it for a while.

Afterwards, he had an evil attack and lost his memory, and even the myth was directly uninstalled, completely forgetting this matter.

Now that I think about it, the three words "killed" are the biggest doubts.

The myth of the gods cannot be hacked, these three words are definitely sent by him. But since there is no impression in the past memory, it means that he will go back to the past in the future, send these three words, and leave a reminder to him at this moment.

After thinking about the cause and effect, Qi Ye immediately returned to the day when Cha Cha had an accident.

Qi Ye had just arrived at this time, hiding in the clouds, and when his consciousness landed on the mountain villa, he heard such a conversation.

"Give him back to me!"

Fu Mingye was trembling with anger: "He's mine... You can't touch him... "

"Can't touch him? This seems a bit familiar." The Demon King with red eyes and black wings grinned, "Oh, I remember, he said the same thing when he answered your phone just now, he told me not to touch you. I wasn't very happy with the tone, so I killed him. Look at you, he let me let you go at the cost of his life, why do you have to bring it to your door yourself?"

"To shut up!"

"You're so excited, you don't fall in love with him, right? The evil god actually knows how to love?"

"… "

"What a childish child."

"Any complete world has light and darkness, good and evil. You are the evil god of this world. Of course, you are born with no understanding of love, only plunder and possessiveness. You are the same existence as me, how can you love him? , I think you just want to fall in love with him, right? You still have to look like a gentle lover, it's hard to deceive him, right?" Paskel sighed, "Why suppress yourself? Release your nature, you will happier."

"How can I be the same as you? Don't put gold on your face." Fu Mingye glared at him with red eyes, "You are not allowed to insult Cha Cha, I will tear you to pieces!"

He said that he was about to shoot Paskel, but he was not the opponent's opponent at all. He was stunned by a slap and fell to the ground unconscious.

Qi Ye: "..."

There are times when he is weak.

Qi Ye's memory has almost completely recovered. In his current memory, he has always been a strong man. Even if there is an opponent, he should be the level of the one from the Ten Thousand Gods Realm, not this kind of demon king who can't stand on the table.

It was so vulnerable.

Over the past ten thousand years, his strength has been limited by the new world, and his score has been compressed and weak.

"Look at your appearance, it's really embarrassing for the evil camp. When did an infatuated species appear among us?" Pascal tutted his head and shook his head. It will definitely make the most of it.”

He said that he stepped forward and stretched out his hand to seize the godhead of the evil god.

Seeing this, Qi Ye directly attached himself to Fu Mingye at this moment.

Let alone Chacha, the evil gods of this period have to fall. The main god who jumped out of the shackles of the law is not affected by the paradox of time and space. The fall of the evil god in the past will not cause Qi Ye, who has been restored to the main god, to die, but it will undoubtedly change history.

The powerful divine soul settled in the body of the evil god, and the evil god's consciousness fell into nothingness, replaced by the will of the main god.

Paskel frowned suspiciously at the motionless body.

He could not see the godhead of this evil god.

How is this going

There are only two situations in which you can't see the godhead. One is that the other party is not a god, and the other is that the other party is stronger than you.

How could this new world have a god stronger than him.

Paskel was puzzled, and while he was thinking, a sudden pain came from his heart.

Qi Ye opened his eyes that were as deep and cold as night, without a trace of emotion. In his hand, a silver blade turned into a silver blade, which cut out Paskel's heart.

Pascal's blood-colored pupils dilated, and he couldn't help but say: "How could..."

Qi Ye stood up slowly, raised his eyes, and lightly took out the whole devil's heart, pinching it into a cloud of blood in front of Paskel.

His hands were still slender and clean, and those blood stains could not stain him. Qi Ye stabbed the silver blade again in the Demon King's painful expression, slowly turned the direction, and turned Paskel's internal organs upside down.

Paskell was half-kneeling in cold sweat, his lips white.

"Let me release my nature." Qi Ye glared at him coldly, and pulled out the silver blade with a half-smile, "I'm afraid you won't survive."

"It's you who hurt him." Qi Ye stared at him gloomily, "I've been looking for you for a long time."

"These eyes are pretty good-looking. I dug them out and gave them to Cha Cha. He must..." Qi Ye neatly cut out the Demon King's ruby-like eyes, thought about it, and turned them into powder with disgust, "Forget it. , he must not like it. The Dragon Ball has already been given, and it is not new to give it to the eyes. Look at you, it is not even worth as a gift."

Pascal screamed in pain and was about to run away, when Qi Ye easily grabbed his wings and pulled him back.

"You are also worthy of stealing his godhead?" Qi Ye sneered.

"You better not even think about the things I gave him."

After cutting the bird man into a skeleton, Qi Ye sent a message to Herman, the god of the 108th world.

Cthulhu: Killed

He and the evil god of this time and space belong to the same soul, of course, he can use the myth of the evil god to send messages.

The three words he left behind were the reminders to himself who had retraced the time and space for the third time, telling himself that the time point of the third time was here.

Pascal was killed by himself.

After dealing with these matters, Qi Ye hurried to the curtain and pulled it open.

The sight of the goal made his heart suddenly tighten.

It hurts in the eyes, and I feel suffocated even breathing.

The boy has turned into his body, curled up on the ground in a coma. His white hair tangled on the ground, his face was pale and beautiful, and his body was mottled with blood.

Qi Ye immediately crouched down to check his injuries. The result made his heart sink, and the strong hostility soared sharply: "It's cheaper for him!"

The muscles and veins were broken, and the bones of the gods were broken.

It was much more serious than he had known.

If it wasn't for Paskel's ashes, Qi Ye would have wanted to resurrect the Demon King and kill him 10,000 times to vent his hatred.

"It turns out that you were injured so badly..." Qi Ye lowered his eyes and seemed a little silent.

He has never protected him well, and even by his side, Cha Cha was still injured so badly.

Whether it is the snow god who is bruised and bruised under the dragon's claws.

Still the blood-stained boy at the moment.

Or the earliest time I can remember...

He is always one step behind.

Watching his white snow melt away.

Baixue can't see the sun, and all living beings cannot live without the sun, but the snow will melt as soon as it meets. Perhaps from the very beginning, God had destined the catastrophe of the Snow God, so that he was born to be gentle and loving all things in the world, but he was also ill-fated and always favored by the god of death.

What if you can't see the light.

Night loves him desperately.

The passage of time in the dark night has to keep him.

Qi Ye watched him quietly, with a gentle and helpless tone: "Every time I see you, you treat yourself like this. It's really... It makes me worry."

It also made him feel bad.

"Qi Ye at this stage is too weak to protect you. You can't even see your identity, and you have nothing to do but love you." Qi Ye raised his hand to treat his wound, "Useless things make me mad. "

At this time, he didn't even know Cha Cha was the Snow God, let alone protect him.

The voice of the aloof lord god was calm, but his eyes were slightly red.

"Chacha don't despise him, he will become me to protect you."

"If you say that you don't have the heart to protect the world, you can't become a god. But Cha Cha," Qi Ye gently stroked his cheek, "I don't want to be the patron saint of the world, I only have the heart to protect you."

I renounce my godhead and my position, change my instincts and natures, renounce authority and glory, and seal strength and memory.

This new world was created to protect you.

Snow God's injury was quickly improved by the treatment of divine power, and the boy's brows gradually relaxed.

Qi Ye watched him for a long time, then lowered his head and kissed the boy's forehead: "I'll wait for you in the future."

The past has changed.

Our future is infinite.