After Marrying the Evil God

Chapter 98: recover


Sima Fugong stepped back, Qi Ye looked at the desolate night, and finally had to face a terrible fact.

What should come sooner or later, what he did to Cha Cha during the amnesia stage, it's time to repay.

Qi Ye thought about it for a while, but he didn't actually do anything too much for Cha Cha.

It's just-

Take him back to the temple to lock him up, say a few middle-of-the-road quotations, tore his favorite clothes, and demand too much, day and night...

The more you think about it, the more terrifying it becomes.

Avoidance does not solve the problem. Qi Ye entered the temple with the determination to die, and met the peaceful sleeping face of the young man.

The beautiful and beautiful Snow God sleeps with his eyes closed, his white clothes are all over the world, his long hair is laid out, and the silver bells on his ankles are quiet, his expression is quiet and beautiful, it is a static painting.

Qi Ye's expression softened instantly.

In fact, he didn't expect that after losing half of his godhead, his vitality was severely damaged, and he was so weak that he would sleep in this world for ten thousand years.

The first time I woke up, I was guided by Godhead and went to the human world.

See his snow still there.

It's been a thousand years since then.

Qi Ye recalled the long past, and looked at the young man's eyes softer and softer. At this moment, Qi Baicha suddenly opened those icy blue eyes, and the coldness in his eyes was so intense that it couldn't be opened.

Qi Ye: "..." What, what happened

Qi Baicha looked at him coldly: "You still know how to come back."

Qi Ye was silent.

He suddenly remembered that although he spent those months in time and space, real time did not flow. But he merged the godhead of Li Jin, but it was a fusion of seven days and seven nights...

In the past, he went down to the earth to fight the remnants of ancient beasts to vent his anger, and at most one or two days was enough, but this time he disappeared for a full seven days.

Leave Chacha alone here.

Chacha can't go out yet.

It's over, there's one more thing to kill.

"As long as I'm a mortal, you can only see my body when you come back." Qi Baicha said indifferently.

He was forgotten for seven whole days!

Although he had a mobile phone in his hand for the past seven days, he could watch movies, read novels and play games, and the days would not be boring, but he was still very upset about Qi Ye's behavior of disappearing for so long without saying hello.

Especially Qi Baicha just happened to read a forced love novel, in which Gong also imprisoned Shou, and locked him in one place and did not allow him to go out. In the beginning, water and food were delivered regularly every day. The two only communicated physically. Later, they slowly began to chat and talk about love. In the end, they both moved their true feelings. Gong, who only knew how to plunder, said "I love you" to Shou for the first time. three words.

How much like how he and Mr. The husband lost his memory, the husband seized him, and the husband fell in love with him again. The sense of substitution is very strong, and Qi Baicha thinks this article is of great reference value.

Just when Qi Baicha thought that the follow-up development would be an HE sweet pet article, I don't know what the author was stimulated, and the style of writing suddenly changed from a sweet fairy tale to a dark and realistic one. Gong's family was so busy that he forgot about Shou, and he didn't see him or deliver meals for a whole week.

In the end, Shou was starved to death, and when he returned, he could only collect his body.

Of course, the comment area exploded, and one of the high praise comments said: Gong doesn't like Shou at all, and his nature of only plundering and possessing will never change. As long as he really cares about Shou, he will never forget such a big job no matter how busy he is. people.

Qi Baicha: "… "

He removed the novel from the shelf with a blank expression.

Substitution feeling is very poor.

Qi Ye was so guilty that he didn't dare to speak, and he looked like he didn't want to say anything.

Should he explain first, or kneel first, or should he kneel first, or should he kneel first...

Qi Baicha stood up, lazily stretched his wrists into the handcuffs hanging by the head of the bed, and took the initiative to tie himself up: "Of course, it's not impossible for you to rape a corpse, anyway, I'm just a tool for your desires. Please excuse me. , Lord Evil God."

Qi Ye knelt down decisively: "Cha Cha..."

Qi Baicha raised an eyebrow.

The teenager took his hands out of the handcuffs again, and asked suspiciously, "Have you really recovered your memory this time?"

Qi Ye looked at him and nodded.

All recovered.

Not just these three years, but these ten thousand years.

There are also many, many years of memories that can be called past lives.

He remembered it all.

Qi Ye took a deep breath and started to admit his mistake neatly: "I was wrong, I'm an idiot, Master Cha Cha will be beaten and scolded..."

The rest of the speech came to an abrupt end.

The young man quickly got off the bed and threw himself into his arms, his slender arms tightly wrapped around his waist, his whole face buried in his chest, hugging tightly.

The body in his arms was shaking.

Qi Ye was startled, and when he lowered his eyes, he could only see the long snow-white hair of the young man.

"Forgive you." Qi Baicha whispered, "Just come back, sir."

It was the most gentle hand of snow in the world, and it fell gently in the arms of the night, never wanting to melt it again.

"Actually, what I remember is not only the memory of the past four years." Qi Ye said, "There are also some things from a long, long time ago."

"A long time ago?" Qi Baicha asked, "Didn't you always sleep before?"

Qi Ye: "...Not really."

It's actually quite simple to make Chacha remember the past, as long as Chacha's divine personality becomes complete.

Half of Li Jin's godhead merged with him, and the other half stayed with Yan Zhao.

That guy Yan Zhao didn't want to take the initiative to find him, so he just waited for him to come to the door automatically. As if whoever finds the other side first, bows his head and loses.

Qi Ye stammered, for the sake of tea, he would admit defeat if he admitted defeat, and what to do if he cared about this face.

He temporarily ignored those things from a long time ago, and took out two dragon balls from God's Domain: "Do you remember this?"

"Why don't you remember? The wedding ring I gave you... But why are there two?" Qi Baicha's tone became puzzled.

The other dragon ball was not with him, and was taken away by the black-robed god he had been looking for for a long time. Who the black-robed deity is is still an unsolved mystery.

Now the two dragon balls in Qi Ye's hands are obviously a pair.

Qi Ye said: "When you slaughtered the dragon, did a black-robed god appear to save you?"

Qi Baicha was surprised: "How do you know?" He didn't mention this to Mr.

Qi Ye said: "Not only do I know, I also know that he dug up two dragon balls and asked you to give one to the person you like in the future, and he took the other one away, and when he left, he repaired your clothes. The one torn off."

Qi Ye said such details, Qi Baicha was quiet, his eyes widened: "Have you met him?"

Qi Ye couldn't help laughing: "Yeah. He's here to match us."

Qi Baicha hurriedly asked, "Where is he?"

"Chacha cares about him so much?" Qi Ye pretended to be jealous, "You won't even take off the clothes he gave you."

"He rescued me at the beginning, but I searched for a long time and couldn't find it." Qi Baicha firmly said, "There is cause and effect in the world. If I accept his kindness, I have to repay him. The grace of saving my life—"

"Should I promise each other?" Qi Ye answered.

"Don't talk nonsense." Qi Baicha glanced at him, "I can tell the difference between kindness and love. If I knew who he was, I would definitely do my best to repay him."

"You have already repaid your kindness." Qi Ye looked at him, his palms slowly caressing Qi Baicha's back.

"Where is it? I don't even know who he is—" Qi Baicha lowered his eyes and looked at him for a while.

The clothes on his body have become exactly the same as before.

There are no two identical snowflakes in the world, no matter how he copied it with divine power, he couldn't make one after the clothes were torn apart. But Qi Ye managed to restore all the patterns.

"I am that black-robed god." Qi Ye smiled, "Chacha, you have already promised yourself."

Qi Baicha was at a loss for a moment.

How could it be—isn't time and space retracing only the main god's ability? How could Qi Ye appear before he was born

Qi Baicha looked up at him fixedly.

After a long while, he asked, "Qi Ye, did you lie about your age?"

Qi Ye: "..."

"I know you don't believe it." Qi Ye said again, "Then I'll tell you something."


Qi Ye said, "You just let them bully you?"

Qi Baicha was puzzled. He didn't understand such a speechless sentence for a while.

Qi Ye chuckled: "Two thousand five hundred years ago, in a tea shed, I met a young man in white clothes who was being robbed by three bandits. The young man was clearly a god, but he didn't do anything when he was offended. I watched When he was angry, he killed the bandit and said this to him."

Qi Baicha's shocked expression grew stronger, apparently remembering it.

This is his first encounter with Brother Qi...

"That little boy's name is Lu Qinghuan. He said that this place is remote and asked me why I passed by there. I said at the time, I was wandering around the world, and I happened to pass by, so I did it."

"Actually, I lied." Qi Ye looked into Qi Baicha's eyes, laughed, and moved his eyes, "I should say—"

"I made a special trip to find you."

Qi Baicha and Qi Ye looked at each other.

Silent for a long time.

"So, you lost your memory?" Qi Baicha asked, "I asked you before, and you said you were definitely not Brother Qi."

"I really didn't know at that time." Qi Ye coughed lightly, "I have returned to the past three times in the past seven days. I will tell you the specific reasons later."

"Oh, so you clearly know that your cooking is unpalatable. It's not enough to poison me now. Do you want to go back to 2,500 years ago and leave a psychological shadow on me back then?" Qi Baicha sneered, "I'll just say you guys. It's like, how can there be another person who can make such a bad meal."

Qi Ye: "..." Is this the point? ?

"You said backtracking three times." Perhaps because there were too many explosive messages received at one time, Qi Baicha became calmer instead, "Tell me, what other vests are there?"

"...It's nothing, the third time is very close." Qi Ye said slowly, "That is, do you still remember the Paskel incident?"

Qi Baicha: "What? Are you Pascal? Then I can understand that he suddenly disappeared because you left that time and space?"

Qi Ye: "How could I be him! He hurt you like that! I killed him in the past!"

Qi Ye felt distressed as he spoke: "You didn't tell me that you were hurt like that..."

"You, kill, Paskel?" Qi Baicha looked at him, "Qi Ye, did you quickly become a master god in seven days?"

It was amazing, for the first time he knew that the Lord God could still make it fast.

Qi Ye nodded and admitted, "You can say that."

"But it's not a pie from the sky." Qi Ye added, "It's me who was originally the main god."

Qi Baicha nodded, and then said, "I don't understand, it just feels amazing."

"It's right if you don't understand." Qi Ye said, "You don't have a complete memory now, and you still can't understand what I said. It doesn't matter, when I get you the other half of the main godhead and let you break through the main godhead, you will be able to remember."

Qi Baicha hesitated: "...I remember that the Lord God seems to be a realm that is difficult to break through."

Why in the mouth of my husband, the Lord God is like a roadside Chinese cabbage, jumping off the building and selling it.