After Marrying the Lord of the Underworld

Chapter 112: The Ghost King's Zoo


Things are looking different.

Most of the time, Lu Yingjiu would stay in the world of the living, doing commissions, and running bars and offices. But every once in a while, he would accompany Xianfei back to her parents' home.

They still went back and forth to the gate of the ghost world through the formation.

As time went by, Lu Yingjiu improved the formation, and Jing Xian also gained experience. The gate to the ghost world could not cause any harm to them, so it was actually very simple to go back.

One day before going to bed, the two were whispering to each other.

Jing Xian suddenly mentioned that he had ridden a Qilin before.

Lu Yingjiu was immediately interested.

—To be precise, he has always been very interested in the ghost world, and often catches new species of ghosts to study. In the ghost king's palace, there are many rare species... For example, his colorful unicorn team, mountain ghost band, furry nine-tailed fox and fiery red Chongming bird.

Jing Xian said: "We will go to the upper level of the ghost world for a walk every morning. If we want to catch a ride, we have to get up early."

In the afternoon, before daybreak, Lu Yingjiu and he had already gone around to the back of the palace.

That large green area was home to various monsters, ghosts and gods. The Qilins were standing beside the blue spring, looking up at the sky of the ghost world, feeling extremely excited.

There were auspicious clouds floating around them, and there were also dots of light under their hooves. They had lion heads, deer antlers, dragon scales and ox tails. They were domineering and energetic, and they felt especially good to rub. After seeing the two of them, they swarmed over and rubbed him and Lu Yingjiu with their big heads.

When the sky starts to turn pale, it's time for us to set out.

Several unicorns rode on the clouds, their feathers flying and wisps of golden sky light flowing, running towards the rising sun of the ghost world into the distance.

Lu Yingjiu rode on a scarlet Qilin, grasping its soft mane. His body floated lightly, the ground and the palace disappeared, and all the long streets and ghosts of various shapes and sizes turned into lines, then into black dots, and finally were covered by a white cloud.

The wind blew, bringing with it moist water vapor.

When the sun finally broke out from behind the horizon, the whole world was golden, dazzling, and filled with an incomparable light. They shuttled through the golden clouds, and the newly condensed water droplets rolled down.

When he broke through the clouds and saw the thick land, all the colors between heaven and earth were lit up. He saw green forests, sea-blue lakes, towns with yellow and dark red interweaving, and it seemed that there were translucent dragons flying in the sky, walking with them. Looking further, the hideousness of the ghost world was in full view - black and gray mountains, iron-blue plains, blood-red, fluttering flags, gloomy bones lying in the wild, and ferocious beasts fighting each other, splashing dark poisonous blood on the ground.

Looking at the scene from afar, Lu Yingjiu couldn't help but think that this is how the legendary gods must feel when they overlook the world, right

Everything is under his control, yet he stays out of it.

So carefree that it seems as if nothing in the world is worth stopping for.

In a sense, those priests, ghosts and gods are very close to gods.

The Ghost King is the most carefree one among them. He shouldn't have any concerns.

However, many years ago, on the mountain where ghosts were rampant, the boy threw himself into the arms of the exorcist in white.

It's fate.

‌Love at first sight.

Lu Yingjiu turned her head and happened to meet Jing Xian's eyes.

The wind was whistling, but he could still hear Jing Xian's voice, which was smiling: "How is it? I tell you it's great, right?"

"Yeah." Lu Yingjiu couldn't help but smile, her tone gentle, "Great."

The Qilin raised its hooves and galloped towards another huge cloud.

Soon they reached the upper level of the ghost world and arrived at the boundless wilderness.

The upper level of the ghost world is doing its best to green the area, and because the environment is close to the earth, there are thick green grass and flowers everywhere, and the air is moist and fresh, making it a holiday resort. When the Qilins arrived at the edge, they dispersed and had fun everywhere.

The horses they had ridden were inside.

The black horse and the bay horse came up, snorting. The two rode side by side across the vibrant land.

By the time we had enough fun, it was already dusk.

Lu Yingjiu and Jingxian rode their horses to find the Qilins and prepare to return to the palace.

The unicorns were rolling on the grass, two by two huddled together, rubbing their ears together, extremely intimate, as if they were in a love affair.

Lu Yingjiu sighed, "Everyone has a partner these days."

"Yeah." Jing Xian happily put his arm around his waist.

The scene in front of him was warm, and the orange-red light fell on the scales and long horns of the Qilin, sparkling. Lu Yingjiu looked at it again and suddenly felt something was wrong.

He pondered for a while, pointed at the pair of Qilin lovers and asked, "I remember the red Qilin and the black Qilin, both of them are male?"

"Yeah." Jing Xian replied.

Lu Yingjiu: “…?”

"Isn't it obvious?" Jing Xian said, "You have been in love for a hundred years."

The more Lu Yingjiu thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

He looked at the other Qilin couples again, recalled for a moment, and said: "Why do I feel that every Qilin couple together is of the same sex..."

"Yeah." Jing Xian shrugged. "You are free to fall in love. When I brought you to the palace, I paired males and females together because I was afraid they would be lonely. I don't know why it turned out like this."

Lu Yingjiu: “…?”

Lu Yingjiu: "Okay."

—At this moment, Lu Yingjiu just felt strange and did not realize the seriousness of the matter.

It was not until later that he discovered that all the rare species in Jingxian Palace were in love.

Two male nine-tailed foxes licked each other's fur and could stick together all day long, whispering to each other in sweet tones; two emperor jiangs transformed into pretty little girls in different shapes, walking in pairs hand in hand all day long, with laughter as sweet as silver bells; even the two male horizontal fish of the same sex in the pond would blow bubbles together every day.

Lu Yingjiu was deeply shocked.

He asked Jing Xian: "Why are all the things you raise bent?"

"People are free to fall in love," Jing Xian said, "I can't control them."

"But this is too outrageous." Lu Yingjiu said, "Too outrageous, too outrageous. From a scientific research perspective, the number of people who like the same sex should not exceed 10% at most... How come it is 100% in your palace?"

"Love is free." Jing Xian didn't care about scientific theories at all. He insisted on saying the same thing, hugged Lu Yingjiu and continued to kiss her.

After being shocked, Lu Yingjiu began to observe his surroundings and confirmed his theory: Sure enough, all the things raised by Jingxian, all the birds and beasts, were bent and were in love.

… ‌It’s too scary!!

It turns out that love brain can be contagious! ! !

Fortunately, the scope of love that Jingxian can influence is not large.

Otherwise, the ghost world will be completely destroyed.

Seeing that he was shocked for a long time, Jing Xian added: "In fact, there is one last piece of pure land..."

Lu Yingjiu raised his head suddenly, grasping a glimmer of hope: "Really?"

"Really." Jing Xian said, "Do you remember that I once smuggled a three-headed hellhound..."

The next day, he took Lu Yingjiu to see the three-headed dog—it was said that the three-headed dog was the only single dog in the palace and his sexual orientation was temporarily straight.

The kennels for single dogs are deep inside the palace's layers.

Jing Xian sent a bunch of little ghosts to take good care of her.

As soon as Lu Yingjiu arrived at the side hall, he saw a pile of pet toys scattered on the ground: torn dolls, tortured teething sticks, balls that had been soaked with saliva countless times...

After taking another step, I saw three pairs of scarlet eyes lighting up in the darkness in the corner.

The color was bloody and rich, making people shudder.

In the next second, the beast pounced out! !

… and fell down.

“Ahhh—” “Woo-woo—” “Woof woof woof!”

Three aggrieved barks were heard, and three little black dogs lay on the ground aggrievedly, and it looked like they were hurt from the fall.

Lu Yingjiu: “…”

He had imagined a terrifying, bloodthirsty beast in his mind, but it turned out to be a cute little puppy that was not even as big as his knees.

"Why did you fall again?" Jing Xian walked over, speaking in a doting tone, and picked up the child.

The three-headed dog wagged its tail desperately in his arms, and Jing Xian got three times the kisses.

Lu Yingjiu walked over and scratched his chin, which caused the three-headed dog to cheer and lick his palm with its tongue, which felt rough. He couldn't help but laugh: "What's your name?"

"Three blacks." Jing Xian replied.

Lu Yingjiu: "… the name is quite casual."

Jing Xian put Sanhei on the ground. Sanhei jumped up and down happily, ran around the hall for a few circles, and came over to play with them with a toy in its mouth.

It's a pleasant time to pet the dog.

It would be even more perfect if the three dog heads didn't quarrel, fight, or bite each other for vying for favor.

Before leaving, Lu Yingjiu took Jing Xian's hand and said, "You must protect this piece of pure land."


Jing Xian said: "It doesn't matter, the others all have partners, so there's no chance for you to be gay."

Lu Yingjiu asked, "Does the ghost world also have a husband-wife system... or a husband-wife system?" He tried to ask tactfully, "You won't join others, right?"

Jing Xian: “…I don’t think so.”

The two of them discussed it and felt generally reassured.

Jingxian plans to continue smuggling new three-headed dogs in the coming year so that Sanhei will have a companion.

However, it is said that when a couple is together for a long time, their thinking will gradually become similar.

—They forgot something together.

There are more than three black single dogs in the palace.

Whenever Jing Xian wanted to spend some time with Lu Yingjiu and do something that Jin Jiang couldn't write about, he would throw Mao Tuanzi out and let him play by himself.

Maotuanzi was bored too, so he walked around the streets with his 3cm short legs. Finally, one day, he accidentally entered the side hall of the three-headed dog...

The two dogs played with the ball and wagged their tails at each other.

From then on, things got out of control and we were fed up with each other every day.

By the time Lu Yingjiu realized something was wrong, Mao Tuanzi and Sanhei had already entered the stage of pairing up, and would whine sadly if they didn't play with the ball together. The two dogs' favorite thing to do was to run to the mass grave together to dig bones and stick to each other.

Lu Yingjiu: "… How could this happen!"

The Pure Land is gone! His son is gone too!!

Jing Xian: "Ahem, freedom of love, freedom of love."

After saying this, he pulled Lu Yingjiu, then lightly mounted on the Qilin, riding on the clouds and mist, and flew away towards the rising sun.