After Marrying the Lord of the Underworld

Chapter 13: Matcha latte


They returned to the car, and Jing Xian said, "I'm not interested in the tourist attractions, why don't we just find a place to rest nearby."

"Okay, you decide. I'll make a call." Lu Yingjiu leaned back in the chair comfortably and took out his cell phone.

Instead of opening the address book, he entered a number from memory.



The phone rang for a long time before a clear female voice answered: "Hello?"

"It's me." Lu Yingjiu said, "Please help me look up a name, Xiangdong Bar, and there is a waiter named 'Xiaoyang' inside."

"Hey, Xiaolu, you never come to me for no reason. You always come to me when you have something to ask. This makes me very sad~"

I don’t know if it was Lu Yingjiu’s illusion, but Jing Xian leaned towards this side, as if he cared about the woman’s voice.

Lu Yingjiu replied: "Didn't I treat you to dinner last time? Do you want to come out again today?"

"Where are you?"

"White Sealed Area, with friends."

"Okay, send me the address later, and we'll see you there." The female voice let out a silver bell-like laugh, "I'll go out and check out your bar and Xiaoyang right now."

Lu Yingjiu hung up the phone.

Jing Xian asked: "Your friend?"

"Yes." Lu Yingjiu didn't explain much and looked at the navigation. The destination was "Shenyuan Coffee Shop".

Lu Yingjiu placed a cup of matcha latte beside her and read quietly. When she lowered her eyes, her long eyelashes cast a small shadow.

They have been sitting here for more than 20 minutes. The coffee shop is busy with people coming and going. It is crowded even on non-working days, with office workers and students crowded together. But the Lu Ying cocktail party caught people's attention at a glance.

It’s like the boy I liked during school days, with young features, sincere and beautiful, and the scent of sunshine between his freshly washed collar, making him shine in the crowd.

But when his face was expressionless, the alienation became more obvious.

This is actually in conflict with his gentleness and handsomeness.

A person's temperament is determined by many factors. His innate character, lonely childhood, and high position that followed together make up the "alienation" part. Many people have a very good first impression of Lu Yingjiu, but soon realize that he is difficult to approach.

A few little girls passed by, chattering, and looked at him a few more times. After seeing clearly the "Illustrated Book of Corpse Transformations" in his hand, they shrank their heads and walked back.

Their eyes fell on Jing Xian again. Jing Xian was wearing a black T-shirt today, looking very handsome. When he saw them looking at him, he raised his eyebrows and smiled - and also showed the "Corpse Transformation Atlas" in his hand.

Girls: “…”

Thump thump thump.

The sound of high heels came from far away.

A woman wearing a small suspender and wide-leg pants, with red lips like fire, walked over with a swaying manner, attracting countless people's attention. She had just had her hair done and painted burgundy nail polish, which was too exquisite.

You can tell from her temperament that she is a wealthy woman.

She walked all the way to the table, staring at Jing Xian intently, but her hand was on Lu Yingjiu's shoulder: "Xiao Lu, I haven't seen you for a few days, how did you make such a handsome friend?"

Lu Yingjiu didn't even raise an eyebrow and said, "Let me introduce you. This is Jing Xian, I've known him since childhood. Jing Xian, this is Chen Xiaoling."

Chen Xiaoling sat down next to Lu Yingjiu and said with a smile, "You can call me Sister Chen, Linda or Xiaoling."

She was not shy at all and reached out to take Lu Yingjiu's cup of matcha latte. Lu Yingjiu remained calm and moved the cup away faster than her, blocking it to her left.

Chen Xiaoling didn't drink, she curled her lips, and as soon as she looked up, she met Jing Xian's eyes.

Jing Xian's eyes were very dark, like a night that could not be stained by any color. He seemed not to notice the little action just now, and smiled and said, "Nice to meet you."

Chen Xiaoling felt a chill all over his body.

Perhaps women are born with a certain intuition, and she felt that Jing Xian was not happy at all.

But this cold feeling soon disappeared. She brushed her hair to hide her discomfort: "Me too—"

They ordered three Western dishes.

Chen Xiaoling said, "I only found out a little bit about what you asked me to check. It's the Ghost Festival recently, so the 'pigeons' are quite busy." She took out her phone and flipped through a photo. "Jin Xiaoyang, 27 years old, unmarried, has worked at Xiangdong Bar for 7 years, and lives in 5-12b Guobao Garden, Qiye Road. Xiangdong Bar was originally named Dongcheng Music Bar, and it was renamed 6 years ago. It is a very famous gay bar." She glanced at Lu Yingjiu and teased, "You are not interested in this part, are you?"

Lu Yingjiu ignored her and said, "Let's talk business."

Chen Xiaoling snorted: "So cold... There is an interesting rumor about why Xiangdong Bar changed its name." She glanced at Jing Xian and tugged at the corner of Lu Yingjiu's clothes under the table.

Under normal circumstances, she would have asked the other party to leave directly, but she felt inexplicably afraid of Jing Xian.

Lu Yingjiu said, "Jing Xian, why don't you go and rush to order the dishes we ordered."

“…Okay.” Jing Xian stood up.

After he walked away, Chen Xiaoling spoke up: "Xiaolu, do you know what happened to the Chen family six years ago?"

Lu Yingjiu thought for a moment and said, "Are you talking about the murder of a whole family?"

"Yes. Five people from the Chen family died in that incident. The deceased were the head of the family, Chen Minlan, and her son's family. It was said that they were killed by a fierce ghost."

Among the ghost-exorcising families, the four most famous and oldest are "Chu Ye Chen Zhang".

The four major families firmly occupy the top positions in the ghost-exorcising world. Each has its own strengths, and they assist and restrain each other. They are like four immovable mountains that attract everyone's attention.

Therefore, no matter how tightly the murder was covered up at the time, the news leaked out: it was too weird, and those five people were at the top of the pyramid after all, it was hard to imagine that they would die like that.

There are many rumors about this, some of which are that the Chen family is unkind and unjust, some of which are that the Chen family is doomed to disaster... In short, there is no definitive conclusion. Lu Yingjiu is not from a noble family, and has not been involved in this matter, so naturally he does not understand it.

Lu Yingjiu said, "Why did you suddenly bring up this matter?"

"Because," Chen Xiaoling took his hand, raised her head slightly, and leaned close to his ear - from outsiders, it looked like a young couple flirting, "Because the murder scene at that time was the private room of Xiangdong Bar."

Lu Yingjiu was stunned.

Chen Xiaoling smiled again and said, "Anyway, I'm just telling you that this is true. There's no evidence. Believe it or not. If you want to tell Jing Xian, I can't control you."

There were footsteps.

Jing Xian came back and sat down: "They went to the kitchen to urge them." He stared at Chen Xiaoling who was leaning on Lu Yingjiu.

Chen Xiaoling took Lu Yingjiu's arm, feeling confident and smiling. She wanted to get the matcha latte, but was stopped by Lu Yingjiu.

She complained: "Every time you go out, you throw away half of your drink. What a waste."

"Don't worry about it." Lu Yingjiu said.

Chen Xiaoling curled her lips again and stood up: "I'm going to read a book."

She left in all her charm.

Lu Yingjiu lowered her eyes, preparing to continue reading The Transformation of Corpses, when she suddenly heard Jing Xian say, "You don't want to drink your latte?"

"No, I'll be full if I drink any more." Lu Yingjiu shook his head.

"Give me a taste?"

Unlike Chen Xiaoling, it was more normal for boys to drink a bottle of wine and smoke a cigarette. Lu Yingjiu handed over the latte: "Just take it. To be honest, it tastes average."

For the next minute or two, Jing Xian held the latte.

He stood up quickly: "I'll go find a book too."

"Yeah." Lu Yingjiu didn't even raise his head, concentrating on studying the corpse's skeletonization.

Among the bookshelves, Chen Xiaoling was browsing history books.

Her green fingers slid across the spine of the book, and she quickly picked out a large history book. As soon as she pulled it out, her breath suddenly stopped—

Across the bookshelf, Jing Xian was looking at her.

He had handsome eyebrows and eyes, but was extremely aggressive. He was a patriarch that would be worshipped by the desperate criminals. This really scared Chen Xiaoling, and his scalp was slightly numb. He wondered why this man followed him.

Jing Xian smiled at her.

Even this smile looks like a beast with a smile.

He raised his hand and took a sip of... Matcha latte, and deliberately turned the cup towards Chen Xiaoling so that she could see clearly that it was the cup that Lu Yingjiu had.

Chen Xiaoling: “…”

Then, Jingxian walked away drinking in a good mood.

Chen Xiaoling: “…”

She murmured, "That kid named Lu said he wasn't interested in gay bars... Where did he get this ancestor from..."