After Marrying the Lord of the Underworld

Chapter 29: acting


Lu Yingjiu pulled Fan Xin to the shore.

On the other side, Jing Xian threw Chen Qi aside like trash. Chen Qi fainted and lay there motionless.

Chen Qi was a very smart guy. He had the agility of a monkey and he unbuckled his seat belt in just a few seconds before falling into the water. He climbed out of the front window and was smashed to pieces along with the car.

But after the monkey was crushed to death by Jing Xian, he lost his ability and sank to the bottom of the sea like a stone.

Shuizhong Lu Yingjiu held Fan Xin in her arms and exchanged glances with Jing Xian, barely calming Jing Xian's murderous intent, and went over to save Chen Qi with disgust.

Fan Xin leaned against the shore and coughed hard, her heart was broken, as if she wanted to cough out her lungs. Her calves were burned by the monkey, and large areas of skin and flesh were red and swollen, which was painful to look at.

In the distance, under the iron blue sky, the wind was howling, and more than a dozen cars drove over, accompanied by loud sirens.

On the way here, Lu Yingjiu notified the Qingdeng Society and the Chen family, and the group of people finally arrived.

Lu Yingjiu and Jing Xian were both wet, it was drizzling, and the sea breeze was icy cold.

Lu Yingjiu pinched a piece of talisman paper, wiped it on their bodies, and then looked at Jing Xian.

The rain soon soaked them again, leaving deep and shallow raindrops on their clothes.

A few drops of water slid down Lu Yingjiu's fair cheeks and dripped onto her chin.

He had just finished praying to the gods, and the signs of ghosts and gods on his body had not yet dissipated, but there was still a strange color in his pupils, and even short ghost horns appeared on his forehead, exactly the same as the ones on the little black beast's head - if the atmosphere hadn't been wrong, Jing Xian would have wanted to reach out and poke it out.

The two looked at each other.

When you are free, I want to remind you of what happened just now.

Just now he was impulsive, watching the sea water around the spirit ape boiling and about to affect Lu Yingjiu, the ghost hand he summoned was simply eerie. Lu Yingjiu happened to be summoning the spirits again, and was at his most sensitive stage, how could he not notice it

No matter how outrageous the things he did before were, they were all shady.

It's completely different from this time.

He was a little uneasy.

No matter what, Lu Yingjiu is an exorcist. What would he think of a ghost that disguises itself and stays by his side

What should he do, confess or...

Lu Yingjiu spoke up, and he raised his chin towards the sea: "Your millions are soaked in water."

He was referring to the leisurely Maybach.

"It's no problem." Jing Xian said, thinking that he was the one who was about to get into big trouble.

The sea breeze blew their clothes.

Lu Yingjiu wiped the water droplets from her face with the back of her hand and smiled at him.

The meaning of this smile is unclear.

He said, “It’s finally over.”

To Jing Xian's great surprise, Lu Yingjiu did not mention this matter for a long time afterwards.

Taking statements, looking for traces, interrogating prisoners, cooperating with investigations... Lu Yingjiu was so busy these past few days that he suddenly returned to his days as the chief.

When he got busy, his daily routine became extremely chaotic, and he had to rely on Jingxian for three meals a day.

In order to make full use of the teaching achievements of New Oriental teachers, the menu changes every day and meals are delivered in time no matter where the guests are.

While other exorcists were having instant noodles, Lu Ying, the bartender, was holding a lunch box with love, eating the ingredients that were made with pure money without any pretense. The aroma wafted out, making the others' eyes red. There was also a toast sitting next to him, holding a drink, asking him which one he wanted to drink, whether it was better hot or cold, and if he wanted to eat anything, he could tell him.

After finishing the meal and being busy all afternoon, Lu Yingjiu left in a luxury car again - although he was too lazy to research what brand Jingxian had chosen today.

Ye Feng was also shocked by this, and secretly pulled Lu Yingjiu to talk to him: "Is this person named Jing Xian really an intern in your firm?"

"Yeah." Lu Ying, a bartender, was drinking the grape juice that Jing Xian bought for him.

"You pay him a salary?"


"How much a month?"

"Six thousand."

"Six thousand?!" Ye Feng's eyes widened. "He is doing this kind of thing with a salary of six thousand. What is he after? If he is not after your money, then he can only be after your sex."

Lu Yingjiu bit the straw and said nonchalantly, "Maybe the young master wants to experience the life of the mortal world, so he condescends to come to my place."

Ye Feng looked at the blue Pagani parked outside the door, hesitated for a while, and said, "Are you sure you are not being kept by him?"

Lu Yingjiu almost choked on his wine, his expression complicated: "No matter how poor I am, I won't be to the point of being kept by someone. Besides, how could anyone be so blind as to fancy me?"

Ye Feng glanced at him and thought, how could anyone like him? He has as many as he wants... And no matter how he looked at Jing Xian, there seemed to be something wrong!

Ye Feng said: "When I look at you now, it's like looking at a juicy cabbage."

Road to welcome wine:

After more than ten days of contact, we finally found out everything we needed to find out.

Jin Xiaoyang's death was caused by several cronies of Chen Qi - they were worried that Jin Xiaoyang had been in contact with Chen Minlan and knew the information from that year, so they took ruthless action under Chen Qi's instructions.

Lu Yingjiu heard a fake cry for help at Xiangdong Bar and was tricked into a private room, which was also Chen Qi's doing. Since they met the first day, Chen Qi saw that he was interested in investigating the case, so he wanted to frame him.

From the Sidong slaughterhouse to the Zhongli warehouse, they uncovered a whole production line of human skin masks. Most of the people involved were Chen Qi's cronies, including local gangs. Although there were inevitably many fish that slipped through the net, as long as they followed the clues and slowly searched, they could catch all the participants.

Fan Xin said everything that needed to be said about the family-massacre case.

She explained in detail the story of how she and Chen Yanyan exchanged identities, how she met Chen Qi, and how she put on human skin/mask and brought ghosts to the Xiangdong Bar.

Finally, the girl leaned back in her chair and gave a complicated smile: "This is the whole story. At the beginning, I didn't expect things to develop into this. I just wanted to take revenge on Chen Yanyan, to disfigure her, and to experience how my family felt when they were threatened. What she often said to me before was, 'Fan Xin, you are so brave that you are caught by others. Tell your family to be careful. I am from the Chen family.'"

She took a deep breath and said, "But, think about it carefully. Chen Qi told me that he would give me a mask to make me look better, which is also the main reason why I agreed. I really envy her. Chen Yanyan is beautiful and rich. I worked so hard to get into this good school, but she just gave me some money and got in. Why do all the good things fall on her?"

"But I never imagined that I would play her for so long."

Lu Yingjiu said: "Do you still think Chen Yanyan is beautiful now?"

This time, Fan Xin was silent for a long time.

It took so long that she wouldn't say a word even when asked to drink wine.

Then she said slowly: "Well, I still think she is very beautiful, and I still want to have her face."

"I want to own her."

She smiled at Lu Yingjiu and said, "Am I hopeless?"

Lu Yingjiu also smiled and said, "Everyone actually has some hopeless parts. The only difference is where the bottom line is."

This conversation ends here.

Before leaving, Lu Yingjiu took one last look at Fan Xin.

The young woman has a pointed chin, a full forehead, and a few pimples on her skin, but she looks youthful no matter how you look at her.

"You know what," Lu Yingjiu suddenly said, "I think you're pretty good-looking, too."

Fan Xin was stunned for a moment, then pulled down the corner of her mouth, revealing a smile that she couldn't tell whether it was real or fake.

The truth came to light and Lu Yingjiu was cleared of suspicion.

On the day after the case was closed, Lu Yingjiu went to the hospital to see Chen Xin.

He brought a bunch of orchids and placed them on the bedside table. There were also a large bouquet of flowers sent by others and a few baskets of fresh fruits. The apples were bright red and juicy.

The liquid in the infusion bottle was clear, and the data from various instruments were jumping. Chen Xin had just finished several major operations and was lying on the hospital bed, completely exhausted. When he saw him coming, he could only support himself with great difficulty.

The two haven't seen each other for a long time. The last time they met was not very pleasant. Chen Chen's words were trying to force Lu Yingjiu to leave, and Lu Yingjiu directly called him an idiot... and they went through so many things in between, including the incident in the bar, it was really embarrassing.

If Lu Yingjiu was going to unplug Chen Xu's ventilator this time, it would probably be reasonable.

Lu Yingjiu didn't want to say much. He just said a few simple words to him, told him to have a good rest, and then got up to leave.

Originally, he came here purely because of their long-term friendship. To say this was already quite benevolent.

"Wait!" Seeing that he was about to leave, Chen Yu forced himself to stand up straight, "About the investigation..."

Lu Yingjiu turned around and looked at him.

Chen Yu took a deep breath and said, "The investigation is not groundless. I definitely did not fabricate any evidence. I really believe that you are related to the murder case."

Lu Yingjiu raised his eyebrows: "What is the evidence?"

Chen Yu looked embarrassed.

According to the rules, he absolutely could not tell Lu Yingjiu.

Lu Yingjiu said, "Forget it. It doesn't matter. I will figure it out myself sooner or later."

He opened the door and heard Chen Yu speak again: "Are you free the night after tomorrow? I'll have someone contact you."

Two days later.

Lu Yingjiu and Jing Xian stood in front of the Qingdenghui building under the night sky.

At the back door, an exorcist peeked out stealthily, looked around, pointed at himself and said, "I'm Xiao Ning, and President Chen asked me to come."

He handed something to Lu Yingjiu.

Lu Yingjiu took a look and saw two work cards with black backgrounds.

The work badge with a black background has the highest authority. With it, you can go to almost all places in the Qingdeng Society.

The exorcist took them to the elevator and all the way to the top floor terrace.

He whispered, "Wait here for now. There are people in the evidence room right now, so it's not very convenient. In another ten minutes, they should be off work. I'll come up to find you later."

Lu Yingjiu nodded, and the exorcist went downstairs.

So there were only him and Jing Xian on the rooftop.

From here, the city at night is full of bright lights. From such a high place, pedestrians are as small as ants, and all you can see is the continuous flow of cars, like countless glowing rivers.

Lu Yingjiu stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window, overlooking the entire Lujiang City.

As usual, Jing Xian would stand beside him.

Lu Yingjiu was thinking about something, stroking the longevity lock on his chest.

After a long while, he said, "Jingxian, you know that ghosts should not stay in the human world. The phrase 'humans and ghosts have different paths' is not something that comes out of thin air."

Jingxian's heart tightened.

Lu Yingjiu finally wanted to settle accounts with him.

Lu Yingjiu continued, "I don't know how you know me well enough to find the most suitable candidate, 'Big Dog', from my social circle. He and I have known each other since childhood and have been in contact for a very long time. We have also met each other, and we have other mutual friends. Even if I suspect you, I can't find anyone to verify it."

"Besides," he took a deep breath, "from the beginning when you contacted me, you have completely occupied all the contact information of 'Big Dog'. There is no way for me to contact the real Big Dog."

Jing Xian listened in silence.

He had nothing to refute.

It was indeed him who borrowed this fake identity.

Seeing that he remained silent, Lu Yingjiu sighed inwardly and turned around to say: "To be honest, I..."

Before he could finish his words, Jing Xian grabbed his wrist. Jing Xian took a half step forward, almost forcing him to the French window. Lu Yingjiu stepped back subconsciously, but was blocked by the glass, and was forced to raise his chin and look at Jing Xian.

He saw a pair of deep eyes, lit up by thousands of lights outside the glass.

It was like meeting the sun for the first time. Jing Xian looked at him with a bright light in his eyes, as if thousands of words were hidden in them.

Jing Xian leaned too close, and their breaths blended together.

Jing Xian whispered, "So, Great Exorcist, are you going to get rid of me?"

Lu Yingjiu was stunned for half a second, then said with a smile: "If I really do it, will you obey me?"

He originally meant this as a joke, but Jing Xian also smiled.

The smile was a cover for his calmness, full of evil and arrogance. It was not until this moment that Jing Xian showed his evil nature, his eyebrows were full of aggression, and his eyes carefully swept across Lu Yingjiu's face, from his eyes to his temples.

He placed Lu Yingjiu's hand on his chest and said word by word, "As long as you want to kill me, no matter how many times, I am willing to do so."

Lu Yingjiu could feel his subordinate's heart beating pounding.

After a few seconds, he lowered his eyes: "Don't confuse me with a pervert."

He retracted his hand and wanted to gently push Jing Xian back to the normal social distance, but the push was ineffective.

Jing Xian refused to budge, still holding him against the French window, and whispered in his ear: "I'm still waiting, you will get rid of all the ghosts you see."

This is also the attitude of most exorcists.

They believe that "humans and ghosts have different paths".

What’s more, Jing Xian came here pretending to be his old friend, and no matter how you look at it, he seemed to have bad intentions.

"Why," Lu Yingjiu said, "Do you really think that I will take action as soon as I find out that you are a ghost? Or that I might be prejudiced against you?"

Jing Xian looked at him silently, almost in agreement.

Lu Yingjiu didn't know why, but suddenly smiled: "Now I'll tell you a secret."

He took out his cell phone and looked through the chat history between himself and Ye Feng.

Lu Yingjiu: Please make a call for me, 138xxxxxx68

Ye Feng: Who is it? What should I say after I call

Lu Yingjiu: Just say you forgot to note this number and want to see who it is

Jing Xian frowned slightly.

This was indeed Da Gou's phone number. He used some tricks so that anyone around Lu Yingjiu who called or texted this number would go to his number - Ye Feng was no exception.

But he still remembered that Ye Feng had called him.

Lu Yingjiu swiped down the chat history again.

Lu Yingjiu: Wait a minute

Lu Yingjiu: Forget it, don't fight

Ye Feng: ? Why is it so sudden? Who is this

Lu Yingjiu: Okay, I changed my mind.

He also looked for Chen Xiaoling, but in the end he asked her to check. He considered that if Jingxian was really a fake, people around him, such as Chen Xiaoling or Ye Feng, must be well guarded.

Lu Yingjiu opened another chat window, which was between him and Xiao Li.

Lu Yingjiu: Xiao Li, are you studying in another province now

Xiao Li: Yes

Lu Yingjiu: Can you help me find a friend from out of town who has nothing to do with exorcism

Xiao Li: Damn... Brother Lu, what’s the matter

Lu Yingjiu: I'll send you my phone number, and you can ask a friend to send a text message.

Xiao Li: Hmm, what’s the content of the text message

Lu Yingjiu was actually hesitant at this moment.

He didn't want anyone to have anything to do with him, otherwise it would be meaningless, so he couldn't just say the name "Lu Yingjiu".

He said: Do you have a way to find this person

Xiao Li: Let me think about it...

Xiao Li: Brother Lu, I have a friend who happens to be involved in telecom fraud. Do you think it’s okay

Road welcome wine:…

Road welcoming wine:

So Xiao Li took his wonderful friend to the stage.

Lu Yingjiu turned to the next page of chat history.

Jing Xian opened his eyes slightly.

Xiao Li: He got the information out of the phone number. The owner of the phone number is now in his hometown, Pinghua County.

Xiao Li: His surname is not Jing either, it’s Yao

Xiao Li: Hehehe, I found that I still have a talent for fraud. Brother Lu, is this enough

After a long time, Lu Yingjiu replied: Enough

Time goes back to the present, in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window, Lu Yingjiu turned off the screen of his mobile phone.

On the dark screen, Jingxian's face was reflected.

Lu Yingjiu said: "So, you are not the only one who can act."

Jing Xian was silent for a long time, and after a while he said, "When did you know about this?"

Lu Yingjiu looked up the periodical of their chat.

August 24th.

He smiled and said, "You've been here for a day."

"So," he looked up at Jing Xian with a bright light in his eyes, "how could I possibly kill you?"