After Marrying the Lord of the Underworld

Chapter 49: the truth


Hearing the scream, Lu Ying and the others rushed over.

Then they were all shocked by the chaotic scene:

A group of people huddled in a corner and shivered.

Ye Feng's second grandmother was crawling around on the ceiling.

Ah Mei was crawling on the ground, spitting blood.

Both parties are concentrating on their own things without interfering with each other, and there is a bit of strange harmony.

Xiao Li was stunned: "Brother Ye Feng, your second grandmother is also a Spider-Man! She climbs so fast!"

Ye Feng was also confused for a moment, not knowing which one to solve first.

Lu Yingjiu pushed him from behind and said, "Go and take Ah Mei away." Then she urged Xiao Li, "Take good care of the rest of the people."

After saying that, he drew out his dagger and walked quickly towards Zhang Nianyun.

Zhang Nianyun still used her hands and feet, no one knew how she stuck to the ceiling and crawled flexibly. Her messy hair hung down, swaying in front of everyone, and she sniffed around the ceiling, no one knew what she was looking for.

I don’t know if she was quietly following everyone on the road or just ran into them by chance.

Seeing Lu Yingjiu approaching, she turned her head 180 degrees and screamed at him! The next second she jumped down with her palms open, and her sharp nails pierced straight into Lu Yingjiu's throat.

No one would doubt that the nails could easily pierce a throat and nail a person to the wall.

Lu Yingjiu raised his knife and slashed it down. With a flash of cold light, her long nails were cut off at the root. The broken nails flew out, spun, and stuck into the ground for half a foot, still shaking.

Zhang Nianyun was extremely agile, and actually backed away like a monkey, avoiding Lu Yingjiu's stab at her heart. Her tattered skirt was blown up in the wind, and she kicked and jumped with both feet to cover a distance of three meters, instantly widening the distance.

Xiao Li was stunned again: "Second grandma knows gymnastics!"

Ye Feng finally brought Ah Mei to Xiao Li, and then he hurried over and shouted, "Grandma!"

Zhang Nianyun had no reaction, and there was no light in his cloudy eyes.

Ye Feng took another step forward: "Second Madam, do you still remember me? I am Ye Feng!"

Zhang Nianyun bared his teeth at him, revealing his canine teeth as sharp as a wild animal's.

Lu Yingjiu has seen many ghosts like this.

She is no longer sane and it is impossible to communicate with her.

I couldn't help but sigh slightly. On the one hand, I felt that Ye Deyong used such a despicable method, but in the end he didn't win back his lover, but instead made her look like this, which was really sad; on the other hand, I regretted that I couldn't ask about the photo.

Of course Ye Feng also knew this.

However, when it comes to one’s family, people always have unrealistic hopes.

‌ continued: "Don't you remember me? I used to follow you around the sanatorium. You also made ginger tea for me and washed my muddy clothes. You also said that when you were free, you would definitely take me for a walk in the mountains..."

Zhang Nianyun screamed again!!

The sound was so sharp that everyone couldn't help but cover their ears, as if their heads were being poked by a needle.

Zhang Nianyun climbed up the wall again using his hands and feet, and his severed nails healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ye Feng felt a pain in his heart.

Knowing that the situation would not get any better, she took out the talisman paper and silently said to herself that death was a relief for her. Fortunately, she was already crazy. If she knew that her resurrection was based on the lives of countless people, it might make her feel worse than death.

Lu Yingjiu looked towards him, and Ye Feng nodded slightly towards him and said in a low voice, "Let's do it."

Lu Yingjiu nodded.

He made a hand gesture to call the gods, and the fur ball appeared with a hum. Then, strength rushed out from every drop of blood, and his heartbeat accelerated, steady and powerful like the sound of a war drum.

‌Take a deep breath.

Everything in the world slowed down, and I could only see the traces of every dancing dust particle in the air.

Zhang Nianyun let out a few strange chuckles and slapped the wall, causing the ground to shake slightly.

Points of light appeared out of nowhere on the ground.

That was the light of a kerosene lamp.

Ghosts rushed out one after another, their skin was swollen, they were wearing the uniforms of nurses in the hospital, and broken needles were stuck in their arms. They gathered together, like a violent storm, crying together. Zhang Nianyun hid her figure among the ghosts, and at that moment, no one could find her at all!

Lu Ying, drunk, patted Ye Feng: "Burn it with fire!"

Ye Feng raised his hand, and the flames of the snake rushed towards the ghosts, and the heat rose in the small space. The heat forced them back, but a thick fog rose up, churning like milk, and the white mist made it impossible to see anything.

During the tumbling process, a harsh friction sound was heard.

Countless scratches appeared out of nowhere on the ground and walls. Huge stones were cut open with ease, and when they fell to the ground, they stirred up flying gravel and rolling dust.

Everyone in the corner was screaming and huddled together, trying to avoid the white fog.

We all saw how agile Zhang Nianyun's movements were just now. In the mist, if she killed them in the next second, no one would be surprised!

Lu Yingjiu stood there silently.

Countless ghostly faces emerged from the white mist, some pale and swollen, others dark and shriveled, and they all rushed towards him one after another.

He lowered his head slightly, listening to the ghosts howling in his ears.

The fur ball beside him looked around.

Its legs were short to begin with, and now its entire body was submerged in the mist.

It was not afraid of the scratches. Even when the scratches were almost in front of its eyes, it yawned lazily.

Just as the ghosts were about to touch Lu Yingjiu's body, he suddenly moved—

No one saw clearly how the knife was struck.

All they saw was Lu Yingjiu's figure, like a flying swallow, leaping up from the wall, a cold light piercing through the mist, a bright light like a meteor tearing through the night sky, followed by the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground! The ghosts howled and dispersed, and Zhang Nianyun fell to the ground, his throat almost cut off, blood bubbling out.

The knife accurately found its prey among the frenzied group of ghosts and thick fog, without any unnecessary movements from beginning to end.

The sword decides life and death, victory or defeat.

Lu Yingjiu landed steadily on the ground and he let out a long sigh.

He didn't even breathe hard.

The group of ghosts were leaderless and gradually dispersed.

Zhang Nianyun is dying.

She fell to the ground and twitched for a few seconds, with large pools of blood on the ground. Before she died, she stared at Lu Yingjiu, and strange colors slowly appeared in her eyes—

It's like some kind of last gasp.

For the first time, something worthy of being called "sexy" appeared in her eyes.

Looking at each other like this, Lu Yingjiu inexplicably felt that she had recognized him.

Although there are only photos of Zhang Nianyun when she was a child, traces of her past can still be seen in her eyebrows, eyes and bones.

What's more, she might have been watching her every move for quite a long time and was already very familiar with it.

But she was no longer able to speak.

The blow that Lu Yingjiu dealt to her was absolutely fatal. Even when Lu Yingjiu reached out and tried to cover the wound on her throat, it did not help her at all.

The goblin's cold blood gushed out.

After an unknown amount of time, Zhang Nianyun's lips trembled.

She said with her lips and vague pronunciation: "..."

Lu Yingjiu didn't hear clearly, so he bent down slightly and got closer to her face.

“… the back room,” she said.

Lu Ying was stunned: "What inner room?"

The light in Zhang Nianyun's eyes disappeared quickly, like the setting sun suddenly falling into the sea of trees, and the light was gone in an instant.

She didn't explain much more. In fact, she couldn't hear what Lu Yingjiu was saying.

In the last second of her life, she spoke again: "Lu Yingjiu."

"… Lu Yingjiu, your time has come."

Lu Yingjiu was shocked.

His hand loosened and Zhang Nianyun turned into a ball of gray mist and dissipated.

The room was dead silent, with only the mess and large amounts of blood on the floor.

Lu Yingjiu stayed there in silence for more than ten seconds before slowly raising her head and looking towards the corner.

The people in the corner were still shivering.

Ah Mei had returned to normal. She sat next to Xiao Li and coughed again with her head down.

The silence was broken by a violent cough, and she coughed up a large mouthful of blood. However, this time, it was not only blood that came out, but also some debris.

Like bits of offal.

She doesn't have much time left.

People retreated again and moved away from her.

Lu Yingjiu took a deep breath and calmed himself.

Ye Feng also looked solemn: "We can't wait any longer, let's go to the next pavilion now, and then go down the mountain."

‌‌ Turning around, he saw Lu Yingjiu staring at the ceiling and was stunned for a moment: "Is there a problem?"

Lu Yingjiu said: "Just now, she seemed to be looking for something on the ceiling."

‌I am very concerned about the "inner room" that Zhang Nianyun mentioned.

Could it be here

He told Ye Feng what Zhang Nianyun said, and read the circle carefully himself.

The ceiling had been damaged a lot during the fight, with steel bars exposed and some water seeping down from above.

While Xiao Li poured a cup of hot water for Ah Mei and went to comfort everyone, Ye Feng also helped to look for it.

I searched everywhere, but to no avail.

The ceiling is just a ceiling. No matter how hard you stare at it, you won’t see a flower.

Lu Yingjiu wanted to draw more talismans and look around. With his level, he could find them after spending some time.

But now time is running out and it may be too late.


Lu Yingjiu greeted him, "Come over here for a moment."

Jing Xian was originally teasing Maotuanzi and tried to pass two weeds to it to eat - he had promised Guo Lu Ying Jiu that he would not touch it, and he did it. It seemed that he had some obsession with feeding Maotuanzi.

Perhaps he considered himself the head of the family and had the responsibility to take good care of his wife and children. He not only had to insist on feeding Lu Yingjiu, but also had to take good care of Mao Tuanzi.

Only when a man is responsible can the family be happy!

Family happiness starts with eating!

But Lu Yingjiu would never allow Maotuan to eat junk food.

He hurried over, glared at Jingxian, picked up the fur ball with one hand, and took Jingxian's hand to the center of the room.

Ye Feng was originally immersed in some sadness, concentrating on looking at the ceiling, but when he turned around, he saw the picture of Lu Yingjiu with his family, and his train of thought was broken again.

He wanted to say something but stopped himself, and went back and forth for several times before he forced himself to look away.

Even though it's done this way, I don't feel sad at all.

—In a sense, the effect is immediate.

Lu Yingjiu clearly realized that Jing Xian was the best tool man here... or rather, tool ghost.

He then pulled Jing Xian to the middle of the room and said, "Help me find where the problem is."

Jing Xian's eyes lit up: "What benefits can I get?"

Seeing the look in his eyes, Lu Yingjiu knew that he was calculating something in his mind, and immediately shook the fur ball in his hand: "Where's the benefit? You feed it rotten food every day, and I haven't settled the score with you yet."

Jing Xian said: "Then we can't do this for nothing. Otherwise, the two of us..."

"No." Lu Yingjiu interrupted him bluntly.

But suddenly, I remembered something.

When dealing with the Chen family murder case, Ye Feng had promised Jing Xian that they would go to the amusement park after the case was over. Later, something happened to Ye Feng, and the amusement park plan fell through.

Lu Yingjiu changed the subject and said, “When this case is over, I will go to the amusement park with you.”

Jing Xian: "That's what you said last time."

"It's real this time." Lu Yingjiu promised, "You'll have a blast."

Then Jingxian's expression changed slightly.

Lu Yingjiu and ‌ looked at each other.

There is a saying that when people get to know each other well enough, they can tell what the other person is thinking just by looking at each other. And Lu Yingjiu was so lucky that at this moment, it was as if his Ren and Du meridians were opened up, and he and Jing Xian were in tune with each other.

In the short few seconds of staring at each other, Jing Xian's eyes kept changing, and Lu Yingjiu understood all of his thoughts from them: for example, holding hands and riding a roller coaster together, eating a ball of cotton candy together, playing in a haunted house together like shopping, and then kissing on the Ferris wheel...

These images are so graphic!

Jing Xian's inner thoughts poured into Lu Yingjiu's mind like water, leaving him no room for rejection.

Lu Ying had a headache after drinking and felt extremely regretful for the promise he had made.

Sure enough, Jing Xian grabbed his hand and said in a sonorous voice, "Okay!" Then he looked up at the ceiling, but after two seconds, he pointed to a corner and said, "The Yin energy there is the thinnest. There should be some kind of talisman paper there."

Lu Yingjiu and Ye Feng went over.

Ye Feng moved a table, stepped on it to look, and reached out to touch it. After a lot of effort, he finally saw some clues - just as Jing Xian said, there was a talisman paper pasted here.

In places like this, most of the talisman papers used are from the Ye family.

He came down again and simply drew five pieces of talisman paper and pasted them on the ceiling, which vaguely formed the shape of a strange snake.

‌I figured out a secret.

The talisman paper moved automatically without wind, making rustling sounds.

A few seconds later, the ground shook slightly.

A dull friction sound came from the end of the room, as if a secret door had opened.

When we went over, we found that there was a dead end at the end of the corridor, but now there was a new space.

The stench of decay hit me in the face, pungent and sour.

Lu Yingjiu thought that this was probably the "inner room" that Zhang Nianyun mentioned.

He asked Xiao Li to watch over the others outside, but as he was worried about Ah Mei's condition, he asked her to follow him.

Ye Feng was anxious and went in first with a flashlight.

Just a few steps in, the flashlight illuminated the wall next to me.

There are pictures hanging on the cracked walls.

The photos were arranged in chronological order from top to bottom, all of which were group photos of the mountain worshippers. The earliest one was on December 29, 1965, and then all the way down, until the last one was on November 30, 2002.

Ye Feng glanced at it quickly without looking closely.

There is also a small monument in front.

June 18, 1995

Ye Qunshan, Ye Fangfang

July 1, 2000

Ji Lan, Chu Qing, Ye Cheng

We mourn deeply and remember the six comrades who sacrificed their lives for our hospital.

"These are the victims of the mudslide." Ah Mei stared at them intently and pointed at "Ji Lan". "This is my mother. We should have erected a monument for her."

She smiled, with mixed feelings.

Ye Feng was eager to know what was hidden in the inner room, so he hurried deeper into the house.

The pale light of the flashlight flickered forward, but he stopped.

This room is very deep, estimated to be over a hundred meters.

At the end of the room was a huge stone tablet.

The stone tablet is 10 meters high, square in shape, and densely engraved with handwriting as thin as a mosquito's feet.

Ye Feng couldn't understand the writing on it. It didn't look like human writing, nor did it look like talisman paper. Every stroke seemed to be drawn casually by someone, without any rules. Some characters were extremely elegant, like the original works left by a calligraphy master, and some were childish and cute, as if they were written by a child.

But I felt creepy out of nowhere.

The stone tablet stands there, quiet and silent.

—It’s looking at me.

Ye Feng's mind was blank, with only this thought left.

This stone tablet is looking at me.

I don’t know how long I stood there.

His legs felt like they were filled with lead and he couldn't move at all. The hair on the back of his neck stood up and every joint was stuck. He was being carried by some huge force, unable to breathe, and drowned in its majesty, mystery and weirdness.

A few seconds? A few minutes? Or has a hundred years passed

Until a heavy weight was lifted from his shoulders.

He felt the warm body temperature and Lu Yingjiu's voice rang in his ears: "... What's wrong with you?"

Ye Feng suddenly came to his senses.

He gasped for air, greedily seeking oxygen. His back felt cold and was covered in sweat.

He wasn't the only one who was unusual.

When Lu Yingjiu turned around again, A Mei was actually kneeling in front of the stone tablet with her head buried in the ground, not daring to lift it up at all.

I went over and patted Ah Mei, and she struggled to raise her head as if she had just woken up from a dream, with a confused look on her face.

Lu Yingjiu reached out and pulled her up.

‌Don't know what happened.

When I saw the stone tablet, I just felt a little depressed, and not too many other feelings.

Jing Xian also looked normal.

Ye Feng panted and asked: "What's going on? What the hell is this?"

Lu Yingjiu shook his head and said, "This should be a very ordinary stone tablet used for worship. The Zhang family and the Chu family like to do this the most. These two families believe in the 'Way of Heaven' and the cycle of cause and effect the most. Many years ago, they carved many such inscriptions for worship."

After hearing this, Ye Feng slowly reacted.

After calming down, he looked at it carefully and indeed felt that the stone tablet looked familiar and ordinary, and no longer had that creepy feeling.

He just laughed at himself and said, "I'm getting worse and worse. I can even be scared by this."

Ah Mei whispered: "Maybe the atmosphere here is really too scary..."

Lu Yingjiu said: "There are still other abnormalities."

‌ then shone the flashlight on the corner of the stone tablet.

It was actually a skeleton.

Bones were scattered all over the ground. It was unknown how many years had passed, and the skull was cast a terrifying shadow by the light.

Ah Mei let out a small exclamation.

There was something next to the skeleton, and Lu Yingjiu walked over and picked it up.

A work badge and a notebook.

The paper on the work badge has faded and many parts are unclear.

But one can still barely see that the column for "Surname" says "Zhang Nianyun".

This turned out to be Zhang Nianyun's corpse.

No wonder Zhang Nianyun appeared as soon as they arrived here.

Ghosts hate others approaching their corpses. They barged in here rashly and alarmed Zhang Nianyun.

Ye Feng murmured: "Why did she fall here?"

She was all alone and helpless, and it was unbelievable that the Second Master didn't come to collect her body.

Lu Yingjiu sat down on the spot and carefully flipped through his notebook.

The pages were already pretty rotten, and one had to be very careful not to tear them.

‌ quickly scanned the contents of the notes and said, "Our previous guess about the satellite image was correct. She knew what Ye Deyong was doing. She wrote here that the Spider Mother is likely to invade the entire mountain range, replace the Li Snake, and occupy Wanming Mountain."

Ye Feng's eyes lit up: "Did she say how to solve it?"

Lu Yingjiu searched for a while again, pointed at the tree and said, "Burn it. Use the flame of the snake to burn the mountain, and that will cure it completely."

"So cruel." Ye Feng slightly widened his eyes, "Setting fire to the mountain means life imprisonment. As the saying goes, a fire on the mountain makes the director fall in love with me."

Lu Yingjiu patted his shoulder and said, "It seems that this is the only way for us to get down the mountain safely. Isn't it worth it for you to spend your whole life in jail to save so many of us?"

Ye Feng knew that he was joking, and waved his hands repeatedly, saying, "No, no, no."

Although I was very confused as to why the second grandma was lying here.

But after all, I found a way to go down the mountain, and I couldn't help but feel relieved.

Ye Feng bowed respectfully to the corpse, and then said, "Then let's go quickly. After we burn the spider mother and wait for those people to get down the mountain safely, I will come here with my family and have a good talk with Second Grandma to make everything clear."

Lu Yingjiu nodded, stood up and said, "There is no time to lose, let's go."

‌ held Ye Feng in his arms and walked out in quick steps.

Ye Feng was still thinking about how to set fire to the mountain.

Being so persuaded by Lu Yingjiu, I suddenly felt a little confused: Why is Lu Yingjiu so anxious

Moreover, I always felt that something was wrong.

As he was about to reach the door, he stopped and shouted, "That's not right!"

"What's wrong?" Lu Yingjiu said, "Let's go, people are waiting for us outside."

Ye Feng stopped and said, "How could my second grandmother know about the Spider Mother? This is totally wrong! And her body is very complete!"

The more I think about it, the more I feel I am right.

I think the order of events is this:

Zhang Nianyun died, and in order to resurrect her, Ye Deyong spent a lot of time studying the Spider Mother.

‌ used the ashes of the dead to pray for resurrection, but unexpectedly the Spider Mother brought back a crazy Zhang Nianyun, who gained the power to invade the mountains and wreaked havoc on the sanatorium and the entire village.

But if it was in this order, Zhang Nianyun shouldn't know about the Spider Mother, and shouldn't have written such notes.

Moreover, looking at Zhang Nianyun's body, there was no missing limbs, all parts were intact, how could there be ashes

Ye Feng said: "Lu Yingjiu, think about it, the logic of this whole thing is wrong. Second Grandma died later. Could it be that Second Master resurrected others?"

When it comes to this, my first reaction is to go see the monument.

Ye Qunshan, Ye Fangfang, Ji Lan, Chu Qing, Ye Cheng

‌I originally wanted to find out if there were other people who were close to Erye.

As a result, the victims of the mudslide were all unfamiliar with Chinese characters.


Ye Feng said: "Aren't there only five names? Why does the memorial say there are six people?"

I squatted down to look at the monument and found that the inscription after "Ye Cheng" showed signs of wear.

One name was deliberately erased.

His eyes lit up and he said, "Oh, I got it, it must be this person! We'll know when we look at the photos of you paying respects to the ancestors. Hey, Lu Yingjiu, after all these years, I finally caught you being slow to react. You actually discovered such a big bug! I can brag about it for the rest of my life."

Lu Yingjiu said nothing.

Ye Feng said: "Don't be angry, this is the highlight of my life."

I looked up at the photo wall and found the photo taken on July 1, 2000.

There are a total of 6 people in the photo.

The three strangers were Ji Lan, Chu Qing and Ye Cheng.

Standing in the front row were Ye Deyong, Zhang Nianyun, and Ye Feng, who was tanned at the time.

Ye Deyong was alive, but Zhang Nianyun passed away later.

So besides that stranger, the only one left is...

Ye Feng felt his thoughts froze.

A terrible feeling of coldness started to rush up from his spine, engulfing his brain and paralyzing the nerves in his limbs, making him feel as if he was falling into an icy cave.

It was the second time today that my hair stood on end and my teeth started chattering.

After an unknown amount of time, he turned his stiff neck.

Looking back, Lu Yingjiu was standing behind him in the light of the talisman paper.

The firelight flickered, and there was not much expression on Lu Yingjiu's face.

There was compassion in his eyes.