After Marrying the Lord of the Underworld

Chapter 57: Tattoo


At the end of the day, everyone feels that things are going wrong.

What is more important is to offer a sacrifice of Lu Yingjiu to help millions of people.

The villagers found their candidates and dispersed happily; Yao Gou thought that he would be the one to take part in the ceremony, so he happily went to arrange the ceremony; Jing Xian... Jing Xian was also very happy, and took Lu Yingjiu and went straight to the homestay introduced by Yao Gou.

When we arrived at the B&B, the owner waived all his fees as soon as he heard that the visitor was a master, and even said that he would give him the best room.

The people went up to the second floor.

Although the room is not big, the environment is good and it is very clean and tidy. As soon as Lu Yingjiu opens the curtains, she can see the green trees outside the window.

Just now, Lu Yingjiu randomly grabbed someone from the crowd and listened to the situation.

People from the Chu family had been here many times before.

After all, the Peacock God's dream was shattered here, so no matter how you think about it, there is something fishy. As the Peacock's contractor, of course he has to do some research.

But at that time, the village was peaceful and quiet. Not to mention the evil spirits, even a few ghosts were not seen. The Chu family had been hanging around in the village for too long and were once regarded by the villagers as criminals roaming around. The investigation was fruitless and they had to give up.

A few years ago, a female ghost suddenly appeared here and started haunting.

And it was a female ghost from decades ago.

Although she didn't know whether there was any connection between the two, Lu Yingjiu still told Chu Banyang the situation.

Chu Banyang said he knew about it, discussed it with the Chu family, and asked someone to come over.

In fact, it was urgent. Lu Yingjiu said, "Do you think you don't have enough manpower? With me here, anything that happens here will be fine."

Everyone in the Chu family is a busy person.

Of course, many have already stopped being exorcists and are concentrating on business and making a fortune.

Chu Banyang said: We still have to ask someone to come over. I will try to make time for it myself.

Lu Yingjiu replied: OK, I'll take a look at the situation

After putting down his phone, he originally wanted to find Yao Gou to find out what happened.

As a result, as soon as Yao Gou arrived at the B&B, he dropped his bag and went to chat with some villager. He couldn't find the person at all, and he didn't reply to the message, saying that he had cheated several more 50 yuan out of him.

Lu Yingjiu went downstairs directly, thinking of finding someone to ask about the situation.

As soon as Jingxian and I went downstairs, we smelled the fragrance of tea.

He looked over and saw that it was the owner of the B&B making tea.

The boss was quite leisurely, and had a solid wood tea table in the hall. The table and stools were shiny brown, and a pot of boiling water was always boiling. He would greet customers when they came, and when he was free, he would make tea and take a nap while drinking.

Seeing someone coming downstairs, he called out again: "Hey, Master! Come over and have a cup of tea!"

Jing Xian said to Lu Yingjiu, "The tea he makes is definitely not as good as mine. If you want some, I'll make it for you when I get back to my room."

"You just happened to be chatting with someone else," Lu Yingjiu looked at him helplessly, "It's always good to hear some news. Why do you even want to compare this?"

"I'm getting married soon, so I want to show off in front of you." Jing Xian said as a matter of course, "I'm looking forward to the wedding night."

Lu Yingjiu glared at him and said, "I knew you were thinking about this kind of thing."

Respect and laugh when you are free.

The man went over and sat opposite the boss.

The boss poured him a glass of Da Hong Pao and said, "You, the master, have come all the way to our village. I can only act as a junior in front of you. Let's not talk about backup. Just call me Tan."

Lu Yingjiu: “…”

The boss looked to be in his forties or fifties, and his face looked a bit old, with wrinkles all over his face, which would all become crowded together when he smiled.

At least a tricycle bigger than him.

In short, he finally uttered the word "Tan".

He changed his address to a more conciliatory one: "Hello, Mr. Tan. I want to ask about the specific situation of the ghost."

"Oh, about this," Boss Tan sat up straight and wiped the water off his hands with a towel, "You must have read the news report, how she came to our village."

"I probably know." Lu Yingjiu replied, "You can tell me more later."

"Okay, I'll make it short." Boss Tan said, "That family wanted to have a son to reproduce, so they bought a woman. The son's name was Yan Hao, and the woman's nickname was..."

He paused, looked around suspiciously, and lowered his voice: "Master, if I say her name like this, I will be retaliated, right? No one in my village dares to say it."

"It's okay." Lu Yingjiu said, "If you're not worried, you can write it down on paper."

Boss Tan hesitated for a long time, but still didn't dare to say it.

He finally took a pen and paper and wrote a line of crooked words: He Wanbai.

He pointed and said, "Let's call it this character."

After showing it to Lu Yingjiu and Jing Xian, he suddenly crossed out the word "‌" with a black pen, crumpled up the paper and threw it into the trash can.

It seems that he is extremely scared.

Then Boss Tan cleared his throat and said, "Let me continue. It was about this Miss He. At that time, the law was not perfect and the village was indeed very prudent. She wanted to escape but failed and ended up jumping into a well. A few days later, the whole family died."

"I was working in another city at the time, so I didn't know the details. It was only later that a friend told me about it."

"After the family died, the villagers were very scared. Several people said they could hear women crying in the middle of the night. They thought they couldn't live like this anymore, so they went out of town to invite a very skilled exorcist."

Lu Yingjiu took a sip of tea.

The light fragrance of Dahongpao blooms on the tip of your tongue, and the warm taste makes you feel relaxed.

He casually asked, "Do you know who was invited?"

“I don’t know.” Boss Tan frowned.

This made the wrinkles on his face more obvious, as if they were squeezed into a ball. After a long while, he finally said, "It seems to be a surname of Chu. I've heard that the Chu family is quite powerful."

"It's quite interesting." Lu Yingjiu replied.

He thought, if it was from the Chu family, he might still be able to find him now.

Boss Tan also said that after the exorcist surnamed Chu came, he lived in his village for a year before leaving - his clothes looked expensive, and it was obvious that he was from a wealthy family in a big city, which was incompatible with the economic situation of the village at that time.

Outsiders were very welcome at the time. Of course, the hooligans in the village did not dare to rob him or steal his things, for fear of being retaliated by the exorcist's "evil ways".

No one knew what he was doing here. They only saw him running to the back mountain all day long, often not coming back for three days.

However, after the exorcist surnamed Chu arrived, the female ghost was indeed seen.

The villagers thought that the female ghost had been eliminated long ago.

Unexpectedly, she appeared again many years later.

Lu Yingjiu asked again: "What has the ghost done recently?"

"Oh," Boss Tan sighed, "She didn't really kill anyone, she just looked for people everywhere and tattooed them."

Lu Yingjiu: “Hmm?”

"It's literally a tattoo," said Boss Tan. "I heard that she worked in a tattoo shop before she was trafficked, so it's her regular profession..."

Before he could finish his words, there was a sudden cry from outside the door.

Someone shouted: "Something happened, something happened!!"

Another person shouted, "Where are those masters? Call them over quickly!"

Lu Yingjiu and Jing Xian looked at each other, put down their teacups, and went out to see what was going on.

I saw people hearing the cry for help and running to a nearby house. Now there was a crowd of people surrounding the door.

There was a crowd of people, and Lu Yingjiu vaguely saw Yao Gou's fat body.

He and his men went over.

The door of that family was wide open, and Yao Gou had already squeezed in. There were a lot of people, and Jing Xian walked in front of Lu Yingjiu, easily squeezed through the crowd, and pulled Lu Yingjiu in with one hand.

Lu Yingjiu was led by him and went in without any effort. She thought that if Jing Xian was willing to squeeze into the supermarket, he would definitely be the nightmare of the supermarket aunties.

When I entered the house, I smelled a bloody smell.

A man was sitting under the bed in the bedroom, leaning against the wall, his face pale.

His upper body was naked, his facial features were twisted in pain, and there was a pool of blood on the ground, which was slowly spreading.

The blood was all flowing from his right arm.

Yao Gou had asked someone to get a few thin towels and wrap them around his right arm, and then he kept slapping talisman paper on it through the towels.

The talisman paper has the effect of cooling and stopping bleeding.

Even so, the effect was far from enough. Blood continued to flow out of the wound, and the towel turned red.

Yao Gou was so anxious that he was sweating all over his forehead, and he quickly pressed the talisman paper on top again. The people around him were also anxiously making phone calls to see if they could send him to the hospital.

Lu Yingjiu squatted down beside him, held down Yao Gou's hand that was holding out the talisman paper, and said, "Let me take a look."

"Oh, okay, okay." Yao Gou replied hurriedly, "Look, look."

Lu Yingjiu gently lifted up a towel.

His movements were gentle, but the towel still pulled off a piece of rotten skin, and the man gasped.

What caught the eye was the red and swollen skin, and the hideous blue-black streaks on it.

The dark blue color looked like ink, and seemed to form a corner of the pattern, just like... a tattoo.

Lu Yingjiu then took off the towels one by one.

Yes, the entire red and swollen arm appeared in front of him.

On the skin, dark blue lines spread wantonly, like some vicious vines, outlining from the shoulders to the wrists, drawing a vivid dragon.

The dragon's head was pointed at his neck and head, its eyes wide open and its bloody mouth agape, as if it would pounce on him and bite his neck in the next second.

This tattoo was full of sinister meanings. And unlike normal tattoos, the wound looked like it was cut directly with a knife. The lines were so fine and delicate, and the skin was torn apart. No wonder he was in so much pain.

Lu Yingjiu's face darkened slightly. He took out a piece of talisman paper and gently placed it on the man's shoulder.

The effect was immediate.

A cool feeling spread from the talisman paper, covering the entire right arm, and the pain was immediately relieved.

The blood was originally gushing out, but now it has begun to seep out slowly.

The man's face suddenly looked much better and he was breathing heavily.

Lu Yingjiu looked back and asked, "Is there a car to take us to the hospital?"

"Yes, yes." One person nodded repeatedly, "I've already hung up the phone, and the car is coming."

Lu Yingjiu looked at the man and asked, "Can you still tell me what happened?"

The man took a few more breaths, took the water that Yao Gou handed over, and drank more than half a cup before he barely recovered. He said, "I, I was taking a nap, but while I was sleeping, I felt a pain on my arm as if it was scraped by a knife."

He shuddered: "I really want to wake up, but my body feels so heavy that I can't even open my eyelids!"

Lu Yingjiu thought, it sounded like he was haunted by an evil ghost and was suffering from sleep paralysis.

"The knife just kept scraping my body!" The man's face turned even paler. "I don't know how long it was, at least an hour, it scraped my flesh again and again! My flesh was almost shredded by it! It was so scary, I would rather die than experience it again!"

His excitement caused the blood to seep out faster and flow down in a stream.

Lu Yingjiu held him lightly with one hand and said, "Calm down, it's okay, no one dares to come over here without me."

His calm tone really made the man feel a little relieved.

Just recalling the horrible feeling of being cut into pieces by a knife, the man still trembled. Until now, he dared not look at his bloody right arm, for fear that he would faint at the sight.

Lu Yingjiu asked again: "Have you had any contact with her? In other words, have you messed with something unclean these days? It's possible that you often walk at night or look in the mirror in the middle of the night."

Hearing this, a subtle look appeared on the man's face.

But the next second, he shouted again: "Absolutely not! Of all those people, why did it have to be me?! Masters, you have to think of a solution first. If this continues, everyone in the village will be in danger!"

Hearing this, the faces of the people around him changed.

"You're lying."

When such a voice came, the man subconsciously argued: "How could I possibly..."

When he looked up, he happened to meet Jing Xian's eyes.

Jing Xian was watching the fun from the side and said something casually. Every word he said was nonchalant, yet it made people feel that he was stating a fact.

The man wanted to say a few more words, but when he looked at Jing Xian, he felt a chill in his heart, as if a sharp knife was hanging over him. He immediately fell silent and closed his mouth tightly.

Yao Gou, who was standing next to him, clapped his hands and said, "Hey! I have an impression of you when you mention this. I was wondering why your face looks so familiar! Your face was definitely on the report back then!"

The man flinched.

Yao Gou became more and more excited as he spoke: "Master, you are so serious about your work. I have read all the information! You are obviously very familiar with the family of the victim - isn't their son called Yan Hao? You are Yan Hao's good brother. I remember the report also said that it was you who gave him the idea in the beginning, asking him to buy a wife!"

The people around started whispering again.

"Is that true?"

"It seems so. I remember my brother said that he and Yan Hao do have a good relationship."

"Ah, so it was his idea. No wonder he is being retaliated against now..."

The man's face turned even paler.

After a long while, he struggled to say: "She is threatening the whole village now! How can a ghost be smart! She has gone crazy!"

Lu Yingjiu said: "You made an academic mistake. In fact, many evil spirits are intelligent, and those who specifically choose people for revenge are only a minority..."

The man was choked by his words and suddenly became speechless. His mouth opened and closed like a fish that was stabbed in the vitals. In the end, he couldn't utter a word.

There was a shrill sound of an ambulance outside the house. He heard it and it was like he had grabbed a life-saving straw: "Quick, quick, quick! Let me get in the car! I'm not going to stay in this village anymore! It's a ghost! Hey, you guys, now that you've taken the money, get rid of the ghost quickly! Don't say all that nonsense!"

After saying that, he stood up, cursing: "Everyone of you should be more careful! She said she would come to your house tonight!"

No one came to help him, and he felt a little embarrassed, so he walked out by himself, holding on to the wall.

After listening to Yao Gou, Lu Yingjiu found out that the previous victim of forced tattoo was a neighbor of Yan Hao's family.

Similar to the man just now, the neighbor had a knife cut on his back that left a scar on his face. He was in so much pain that he had to stay in the hospital and had been bedridden for several days.

After further investigation, it turned out that when He Wanbai tried to escape, she was seen by the neighbor. The neighbor told Yan Hao, so He Wanbai failed to escape and was caught again.

After asking almost all the questions, the three of them returned to the B&B.

After Boss Tan poured tea for the three of them, he answered a phone call and went back to work.

Lu Yingjiu sat at the table, took a sip of tea, and said, "It seems that she is just taking targeted revenge. And her attack is not severe. She has no intention of killing. She just wants to torture."

"In other words," Yao Gou thought for a moment, "she is a good ghost. I can just ignore her and take the money and leave."

Lu Yingjiu smiled: "That's what they said. One is that after she has avenged her enemies, she may change her target and hurt other villagers. We can't risk the safety of others. The other is that the final resting place of ghosts is here, so we still have to send her to the ghost world."

Jing Xian also said: "Okay, I can take care of her."

Lu Yingjiu was a little surprised.

Most of the time, when he was solving supernatural cases, Jing Xian just stood by and did nothing.

Just like just now, he was concentrating on looking at the victim's arm, and Jing Xian was concentrating on looking at him. The division of labor was clear - anyway, to Jing Xian, these ghosts were not worth worrying about. If Lu Yingjiu allowed him to do whatever he wanted, he would have flattened the mountain long ago and continued his honeymoon with Lu Yingjiu.

So it was the first time he heard Jing Xian express his opinion so firmly on the case.

Could it be that there is something special about this case

Lu Yingjiu was guessing secretly when she heard Jing Xian continue, "How can we ignore her? We still have the wedding to go on. The wedding can't be canceled. It's already been agreed upon."

Lu Yingjiu: “…”

Jingxian is still Jingxian after all.

"Oh. What the two masters said makes sense. I admire them very much. I'm very grateful for their advice." Yao Gou thought for a while and said, "So, I have to do as you said. I still have to hold the wedding! Lure her out!"

He scratched his head and said, "I've just walked around the back hill and found the wedding hall. Everything is ready, except for the east wind. I just want you two to pack up and get married!"

"Why is there a wedding hall in the back mountain?" Lu Yingjiu asked.

"Well, it's a long story. Just come with me and you'll know when you see it." Yao Gou drank the tea in one gulp and stood up. "Come on, let's go now!"

Yao Gou is full of energy.

Maybe the money given by the villagers was too much, so he simply refused it, which is the perfect example of the phrase "blinded by money".

He hummed a song along the way and headed towards the back mountain with Lu Yingjiu and Jing Xian.

Yao Gou was very happy.

Jingxian was also very happy.

Although Jing Xian didn't show any expression along the way, Lu Yingjiu didn't know when he started to be able to accurately judge Jing Xian's mood from that expressionless handsome face.

... What's more, Jing Xian didn't know what he was thinking. Once he and Lu Yingjiu looked at each other, he smiled unconsciously.

Lu Yingjiu held her forehead with her hand and said to him: "Are you really that happy? It's not like you've never been married..."

"That's the same thing," Jing Xian retorted immediately, "Last time, I didn't even show up, and a ghost figure came out and reluctantly married you, and you didn't see it."

Lu Yingjiu didn't see it at that time.

But the fortune-teller and the master of ceremonies both saw it—that’s why he was frightened like that by Jing Xian.

Lu Yingjiu said, "You said you were asleep for more than ten years."

"Yes," Jing Xian said, "There are some... resistance."

"You are not immune?" Lu Yingjiu thought for a moment, "Are you injured?"

According to his understanding of ghosts, long periods of deep sleep are generally caused by injuries. Just as people need to stay in bed to rest when they are sick or injured, ghosts also need to rest and recuperate.

"That's all," Jing Xian obviously didn't want to talk about this topic, so he glossed over it. "Anyway, I slept for a while, and then woke up at the wedding."

Lu Yingjiu found it funny: "How can you wake up in the middle of sleep? And how do you know I'm married?"

"This is called telepathy and mutual understanding," Jing Xian said, "If that master summoned a ghost for you and you married her, I would be dead. So I was asleep at the time, and suddenly I felt very happy all over - the kind of happiness that someone would take away your wife, and then I woke up."

Lu Yingjiu: “…”

He had never expected this.

Jing Xian woke up with a start from his sleep, and was actually woken up by a police officer. He actually did it just to marry him, which was commendable.

Jing Xian continued, "After I was awakened, I came to find you. Unfortunately, I could only send a wisp of my soul to the human world to worship you, and then the wisp of soul dissipated."

He looked at the whole village again: "Although this is a fake wedding, at least it can make up for it. When I have time later, I will definitely give you a luxurious wedding - hey, you tell me, where should we hold our wedding in the future, in the world of the living or in the ghost world. How about holding both? Invite all the people and ghosts I know, the more lively the better."

Lu Yingjiu said: "There may still be some hope in the world of the living. As for the underworld, you can only bury me..."

"Okay, then you can have a wedding before and after you die," Jing Xian said straightforwardly, "I'll wait for you to die."

Lu Yingjiu: “…”

No matter how you listen to it, it sounds weird.

But when he thought carefully about what Jing Xian said, he found it even more strange.

At that time, Jing Xian could only send a wisp of soul to the human world, and it only lasted for a few seconds.

I guess Jing Xian’s injuries were very serious.

Lu Yingjiu thought that if there was a chance, she would ask him about the details. What a terrible thing it must be to be able to injure Jing Xian like that.

He turned his head.

Just right, I looked into Jingxian’s eyes again.

Jing Xian raised the corner of his mouth.

To others, this smile was simply evil and crazy, full of the charm of a domineering president, and any casual shot would be able to be on the cover of a magazine, but no matter how Lu Yingjiu looked at it, she felt that something was wrong.

He asked, "Why are you laughing like that?"

Jing Xian replied: "I was thinking, do I have the chance to have a wedding night this time? I have a lot of things I want to show you, the kind that I can slowly show you all night..."

Lu Yingjiu: “…”

Lu Yingjiu said: "You are spitting out ivory."

Jing Xian said: "Although I feel like you are calling me a dog, as long as you kiss me, I won't care."

Lu Yingjiu: “…”

Jing Xian actually reacted! I was careless. It seems that Jing Xian is seriously learning the idioms of the world of the living.

Jing Xian continued to suggest: "What do you think, is this deal a good deal?"

"Okay, okay," Lu Yingjiu said perfunctorily, "Just kiss me, just kiss me, and just take your hand off my waist."