After Marrying the Lord of the Underworld

Chapter 77: Fire


Can the police car really capture Jing Xian

The answer is no.

I know that if he really gets in the police car, I will probably tell him happily when I come back that the police car looks very cool and why don't we get one too.

Lu Yingjiu couldn't help but feel worried, and felt that his journey to popularize the law was long and arduous.

Jing Xian held him all the way up to the second floor.

Zhang Chengzhou's office was not far away. The pale moonlight fell on the door, which was tightly closed, hiding many secrets.

Chen Xiaoling whispered, "He resigned from here two or three years ago. Why did he suddenly appear in the office?" She looked around, "Could it be that the ghost who wanted to take revenge on the tourist has something to do with Zhang Chengzhou?"

Lu Yingjiu shook his head slightly.

He walked closer step by step until he stood at the door of the office. Lu Yingjiu touched the door handle, and his fingertips felt the coldness of metal. He took a deep breath and twisted it hard.

Not twisted.

He exerted a little more strength, and the doorknob began to rattle, but it wouldn't budge.

Jing Xian laughed behind him, leaned over and whispered in his ear: "Do you want to come?"

Lu Yingjiu: “…”

He didn't answer and continued twisting the handle.

He must be very strong. In his many strange experiences of exorcising ghosts, even without the help of talismans, he could still knock down a strong man, carry a corpse up the mountain without breathing, and violently open the door to check people... But this door lock is really weird, and he can't open it no matter what he does.

Jing Xian said again: "Why don't you come?"

Lu Yingjiu said, "Just be quiet for a few seconds." Then he slapped a talisman paper on himself.

The talisman brought him endless power, and he now had enough power to even bend a door handle.

But it still doesn’t turn.

Chen Xiaoling poked his head out and said, "Director Zhang is so good at keeping secrets. The door is locked so tightly that some people would have thought he had a mistress hidden in his house."

The phrase "a beautiful girl in a golden house" obviously touched a certain nerve in Jing Xian's mind.

His attention was immediately no longer in the museum. He didn't know where his mind was wandering. He said to Lu Yingjiu, "Should we build a small dark room like this in the future? Should we put the handcuffs in it..."

"No." Lu Yingjiu flatly rejected it. He exerted force on his body and a thin layer of sweat appeared on his forehead.

The door handle was slightly deformed and still couldn't turn.

Lu Yingjiu had no choice but to relax. Jing Xian was always eager to show off in front of him, so he immediately got on top of him, the smooth muscle lines on his arms tensed—



The entire door was shaking under his strength. Less than a second later, with a loud bang... the entire door was picked off by Jing Xian and held in his hand.

Lu Yingjiu: “…”

Chen Xiaoling: “…?”

They both subconsciously looked at the wall. There was nothing behind the door, just a solid wall. It was embedded in the wall just now. No wonder Lu Yingjiu couldn't open it no matter how hard he tried.

"Go away." Chen Xiaoling murmured, "I still have a beautiful girl in a golden house, but now even the golden house is gone."

Jingxian next to him was still holding the door. Fortunately, he was very strong and could hold the thick door panel as if it were a piece of paper.

He studied it for a moment and said, "It's not in the right place."

"What do you mean?" Lu Yingjiu asked.

Jing Xian explained: "This is not the original location of the office, so there is nothing behind the door. We found the original location, put the door back on the wall, and then we can enter the correct room."

"So that's how it is." Lu Yingjiu nodded, "I've never seen this kind of door before. But, Jingxian, how do you know?"

Jing Xian said: "Oh, I'm curious about this thing. After a while, there was a palace full of doors like this. If you go through the wrong door, you will be burned to death by the magma behind the door. It's very interesting."

Lu Yingjiu: "… Why would you keep something like this at home? This is too shady."

He began to worry about his married life.

—Because Jingxian showed a sofa, and because of this broken door, the furniture made by the ghost is really not flattering. Now it seems that his stickman portrait may be the most normal thing.

He added: "You don't have any mountains of swords and seas of fire, guillotines, or mass graves in your house, do you?"

Jing Xian was very surprised: "How did you know? You are worthy of being my daughter-in-law."

Lu Yingjiu: “…”

He gave up thinking about his future safety, sighed softly, and said, "How about this, you just take this door panel and go for a walk around."

Jingxian nodded.

With one hand he continued to hug Lu Yingjiu, with the other hand he held onto the door panel, with a furry ball sitting on his shoulder.

It went straight from a family of three to a family of three in the process of moving.

When he returned to the stairs, he just met the trembling man in white clothes coming up.

The man was stunned when he saw him: "How come he even chipped the door off?"

Chen Xiaoling didn't show any displeasure towards this scumbag. He snorted and said, "Why should I care? It's enough for you to worry about yourself."

The man in white calmed down from his fear and said to him with a smile, "You shouldn't care, you shouldn't care. I will just follow you obediently and never say a word. I just want to get out of this museum."

After about ten minutes, he continued to follow the three people quietly.

Although it was quiet, he never let down his guard, constantly scanning the surroundings to find an exit. The few times he opened the door, he stared at the door in the corridor with obsessive compulsive disorder and whispered, "That door doesn't look locked... Is the lock loose?"

Chen Xiaoling warned him: "Don't mess around. If there's another moth behind you, I'll smash your head with these 10-centimeter high heels."

The man in white clothes smiled again.

Lu Yingjiu was determined to find the original location of the office, so he walked through both floors of the museum, but found nothing.

Until he came to the "Information Hall".

There are many popular science posters around the information hall, introducing the history of the museum, and headphones are provided for visitors to listen to the information. Lu Yingjiu shone the flashlight up and saw the portraits of the previous directors.

Until two years ago, all the museum directors were members of the Zhang family.

His eyes stayed on Zhang Chengzhou's photo: the middle-aged man was more handsome than expected, and he still maintained a good figure in his fifties. He pursed his lower lip tightly, without any smile, and his eyes were sharp.

Lu Yingjiu stared at him for a few seconds.

He had seen so many exorcists, and he knew at a glance that Zhang Chengzhou was definitely not an idle person and must have a very high level of attainment in exorcism.

Then he looked away and said, "Let's go."

The information hall is not big and you’ll almost reach the end after turning the corner.

There are no headphones here, only film materials, and a projector standing alone in the middle.

The man in white shuddered.

He wanted to run, but thinking back to Li Yuanhang's experience, he knew he couldn't escape no matter what. He stopped abruptly and moved towards Lu Yingjiu.

Chen Xiaoling looked at the wall and said, "This is it. The person in charge of the information hall is called... Liang Qiufeng." She seemed to be thinking about something. "Before I came here, I listened to all the employees of the museum two years ago. If I remember correctly, Liang Qiufeng and Zhang Chengzhou were the two oldest employees. They must have known each other. Moreover, Liang Qiufeng passed away three or four years ago."

In the photo, Liang Qiufeng was holding a projector and smiling slightly.

She frowned: "There are projectors everywhere here. Could it be that Liang Qiufeng is the ghost?"

"It's very likely." Lu Yingjiu nodded. "He is a museum employee. It's normal for him to design a revenge scene here."

Hearing this, the man in white was stunned, staring at the photo and muttering, "That day, a tour group came to the museum, and it was him who brought him in." He shuddered, and goose bumps appeared on his arms, "But he was already dead at that time, right? Bringing him to the museum means he is a dead person!"

He took a half step back, looked at Liang Qiufeng with horror in his eyes, and said, "You, you, hurry up and leave. Now that he has become a fierce ghost, he will take revenge on you too!"


As soon as he finished speaking, the projector started to turn.

A line of big words appeared on the screen on the wall: Your name is Ah Fei

I am a thief and I believe there is no lock in the world that I cannot pick.

The man in white opened his eyes wide.

In the picture, he is wandering in the streets with his hands in his pockets, looking at the old houses around him.

When a thief goes to each house to scout, his gang has learned a set of special marking symbols, and he marks the symbols when he scouts the place to inform his accomplices of the family's situation.

Ah Fei wandered around, avoiding the crowd, and when no one was around he took out a black pen and drew a small mark on the wall.

Two triangles, one above and one below: Single sex

He took a few more steps, slowly marking every place he had stepped on.

Rhombus: Uninhabited

A fork: a good target

Two vertical bars and one diagonal bar: There are elderly people at home

That's it, marking is done, and then I'll call my accomplices to come over and download together.

The man continued walking down the street until his eyes fell on a house.

The mark he just left is: No one during the day

It would probably be evening by the time his friend arrived. This family seemed to be well-off, and he had been envious of them for a long time.

Given the caution of a thief, he should not have acted alone.

But Ah Fei seemed to be possessed by a ghost this day. He went back to the house alone, and seeing that there was no one around, he bent down to study the door lock.

Crescent-shaped door lock.

The anti-theft lock cylinders are divided into three categories: A, B and super B. For example, the common single-shaped lock cylinders and cross-shaped lock cylinders are classified as A, and experienced thieves can pry them out within one minute. The crescent-shaped or leaf-shaped lock cylinders are classified as B, and can be pried out within five minutes.

Affiton felt itchy.

He had picked many locks before, and his lock picking skills were well-known in the underworld, and some people came to learn from him. Later, he was caught once, and he became a little more honest, so he went to scout the spot and neglected to practice lock picking.

He looked around again and quickly took out his tools. There was a slight sound of metal hitting each other, and the lock core slowly turned and pried open.


With this sound, the lock was unlocked.

He opened the door and swiftly and carefully got in. As he expected, the living room was luxuriously decorated, with several packs of expensive cigarettes placed on the coffee table.

He stuffed valuables into his bag as he walked.

The owner of this house often wears gold and silver, so there must be valuable things in the jewelry box. He was eager to search and hurried to the master bedroom.

Pushing the door open, there were a few small scented candles burning in the room. He must have forgotten to blow them out before leaving, and the faint fragrance filled the room. He rummaged through the cabinets in the bedroom and found a jewelry box. Inside, the necklaces, rings, and earrings were shining with gold, emitting an intoxicating light.

Ah Fei swallowed and grabbed handfuls of jewelry and put them into his bag.

After grabbing the jewelry, he squatted down and searched the bottom drawer.

Although he was a quick walker, he still squatted for six or seven minutes to finish packing. When he stood up, he suddenly saw blackness in front of his eyes.

Hypoglycemia strikes again.

Ah Fei leaned against the wall to relax for a while, then ate a piece of chocolate he brought with him, and then he felt better.

His vision became clear, and he was looking directly into the eyes of the person under the bed.

—At this moment, his hair stood on end.

The one who was more scared than him was the person under the bed. The little boy heard him come in and hid under the bed early, watching him do what he did.

At this moment, the two looked at each other, and he let out a scream!

Ah Fei knew that the walls in this place were not soundproof. If he shouted like that, the neighbors would definitely hear him!

Moreover, this time he came in on impulse and did not cover his face at all!

"Don't scream!" Ah Fei shouted in a low voice, "Shut up!"

The boy screamed and shrank back under the bed.

Ah Fei was also very panicked. He was carrying a controlled knife, but in essence he was a thief and was timid. He didn't dare to really pull out a knife to threaten people, let alone do something like killing people to silence them.

‌ Are you kidding? Burglary and murder are not even on the same level! He is not looking for death!

So Ah Fei made the wisest decision: run away.

However, in his panic, he knocked over the scented candle with his backpack, and the flames licked the tablecloth and curtains.

He ran all the way to the door and slammed it shut.

Then he realized belatedly that there seemed to be a burnt smell in the house.

Is there a fire

He sniffed and his keen sense of smell made him realize that something was really burning!

He didn't have time to think about it. He ran for dozens of steps before he realized belatedly: the child was still in the house. Should he go back to save him, or call the police directly

But if he called the police, and the child saw his face again, wouldn't he be sending himself to the police

As for going back to rescue people...

Ah Fei slowed down his pace.

He stood at the deserted street corner for two or three minutes.

He thought, the fire wasn't that big, the kid should be able to escape by himself, right? No...

A huge, cold and malicious feeling enveloped him.

No, wouldn't that be even worse? He thought, it wasn't like he had deliberately started the fire, nor was it like he had lit the candle and left it alone. This was a complete accident.

So he did nothing and quickly disappeared into the alley, hiding himself in the crowd in the distance.

The projector turns on.

The scene finally stopped on a boy with burns all over his body.

The walls of the hospital were white, and his parents were sobbing beside him, but they were still powerless to save him.

The scene changes again.

The sea of fire was red, but the background was no longer that family's home.

The place on fire is the B&B!

Ah Fei opened his eyes wide: "Isn't this where I live? Hey, hey, hey..."

He had a splitting headache, and the pain from being burned by the fire was still dancing on his mind.

"Oh, that guesthouse..." he muttered, "Did the owner of that guesthouse die a long time ago? Burned to death a long time ago? Just like that little brat..."

He kept shaking his head to deny the fact, but to no avail.

After realizing that he was dead, he completely collapsed. He lost all his rationality, screamed and ran out of the exhibition hall!

However, the flames reignited beneath his feet, sweeping across his body, and the heat consumed him.

He kept struggling and shouting in the fire, slapping himself to try to put out the flames, but the flames, full of resentment, completely engulfed him.

When the heat subsided, only a pile of ash remained on the ground.

The information room was silent, and the air was filled with a smell similar to that of barbecue.

The projector is broken.

"Uh," Chen Xiaoling held his forehead and said, "Xiaolu, it's really exciting to go out with you to exorcise ghosts. Today I saw all kinds of death methods that I have never seen before. I'm afraid I will have nightmares tonight."

Lu Yingjiu did not answer.

Chen Xiaoling looked over and saw Lu Yingjiu staring at Liang Qiufeng's photo.

Just now, Liang Qiufeng was still smiling faintly.

Now his smile was almost stretched to his ears, and he stared at the three of them with a terrifying look. Before Chen Xiaoling could say anything, he heard the sound of water dripping.

“Tick-tock. Tick-tock.”

“Tick-tock. Tick-tock.”

She looked closely and found that it was water droplets dripping from the photo. The water droplets were all colorful, as if the colors in the photo were slowly melting.

A chilly wind blew across the photo.

Chen Xiaoling felt a flash before his eyes, and when he looked carefully again, there was no one in the photo!

Liang Qiufeng is missing!

She subconsciously took a half step back, and a roar exploded in her ears.

The roar was between that of a human and a beast, full of malice and rage. A thin figure lay on the ground and pounced towards Lu Yingjiu using both feet and feet!

Just as Lu Yingjiu was about to throw out the talisman paper, Jing Xian beside him suddenly appeared.

I saw him raise his hands, holding the door in his hands, and turn sideways in a baseball player's posture, turning the door panel -


Liang Qiufeng was thrown backwards, smashing four or five walls, and smoke and dust rose up. If he were a normal person, he would have been paralyzed from the waist down for life if he didn't die.

Lu Yingjiu: “…”

Lu Yingjiu looked up and said to Jing Xian, "I didn't give you the fur ball to use as a trash can. I didn't let you hold the door to use as a baseball bat."

"Yes." Jing Xian answered perfunctorily, "I will definitely do it next time."

After saying that, he continued to hold the door panel with one hand, carried the fur ball on his shoulder, and held Lu Yingjiu with his right hand.

The smoke and dust gradually cleared, and Liang Qiufeng slowly stood up. His body was shaky, but the fractures and breaks on his body were repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a short while, he would be able to move freely again.

Jing Xian relaxed his right hand and snapped his fingers.

"Ugh!" Liang Qiufeng suddenly vomited.

He bent over and retched repeatedly, as if a hard bone was stuck in his throat. After retching four or five times, he stopped talking.

To be precise, he couldn't make any sound.

A shrunken ghost creature poked out of his throat, blocking his trachea, and then grabbed his head, causing his bones to crack and shatter with a clattering sound, which was numb. Then more ghost creatures rushed out of his body, like plants that had received sufficient nutrients and continued to grow.

Throat, ears, chest...

It danced wildly and tore him to pieces.

The tattered limbs turned into a thick black mist and dissipated in the museum. They were deader than dead.

Chen Xiaoling was a little scared.

Jing Xian looked at Lu Yingjiu and asked for reward: "How is it? You see, I listen to you more."

Lu Yingjiu said: "... You should use the door panel next time."

Looking up again, he narrowed his eyes slightly: "I think I know where Zhang Chengzhou's office is."