After Marrying the Lord of the Underworld

Chapter 9: Blood mist


The entire playground was filled with screams, and a thick, gloomy aura spread.

The little brats ran around, and Ah Qiang suddenly fell down while running.

A blue-gray hand came under his feet at some point and grabbed his ankle tightly.

"Ahhh!" Aqiang screamed!

That hand was colder than ice. Just from that grab, his entire calf lost all feeling. The coldness was still creeping up quickly, reaching his thighs and waist...


One foot stepped on the ghost hand, deforming it and making it hang limply. The black-haired young man came to him without knowing when, and his move was decisive, which was inconsistent with his appearance.

Aqiang was picked up.

Then he was thrown out again.

Lu Yingjiu shouted: "Ye Feng, take over! Evacuate the students!"

Ye Feng ran over quickly and was nearly knocked over by A Qiang, but luckily he managed to catch it in the end.

Several more hands emerged from the ground. Ye Feng held A Qiang in one hand and threw out two pieces of talisman paper with the other hand. The talisman paper burned with raging flames, and the ghost hand froze. He put A Qiang down, took him by the hand and ran towards the other students: "Follow me!"

Looking back, I saw that thick fog had risen in the playground at some point, and countless hands stretched out, like a group of sharks lurking underwater starting a group hunt, grabbing the road to welcome the wine like a tide.

The fog became thicker and nothing could be seen. The yin energy was so thick that Ye Feng's scalp went numb.

At this moment, Ye Feng wanted to turn back and help Lu Yingjiu. But the whole school was in chaos. The screaming students made everyone realize that something was wrong. The teachers and students left the classroom and stuck their heads out in the corridor. Several security guards were running over here with batons. Ye Feng hurriedly stopped them and shouted, "Go! Don't get close to there!"

A security guard shouted, "Where are you from? Go away!" and tried to push Ye Feng away.

Ye Feng's physique was obviously not strong enough to withstand the attack of several security guards. He tried to stop them several times without success. Seeing that the group of people were about to run to the playground, he made up his mind and bit his finger.

The bright red blood flowed out and fell to the ground, forming a strange circular pattern.

The pattern burned!

Behind him, on the old banyan tree, a fire snake several dozen meters long instantly coiled up! Its body was as wide as two people, spitting out its tongue, and large chunks of snake-scale-like flames peeled off its body and fell to the ground, turning into a sea of fire.

Most people can't see ghosts, nor can they see the "Li Snake". They only see the flames spreading over a large area, burning fiercely, blocking the way, and one person screamed: "It's on fire! Call the police!"

This time no one dared to approach the playground, and the teacher quickly organized the students to evacuate.

In fact, the fire did not cause any damage at all. It looked mighty, but in fact it only burned some flowers and plants. Ye Feng had just breathed a sigh of relief when he was suddenly grabbed by the collar.

The security guard looked fierce: "It was you who set the fire! Right!"

Ye Feng: “…”


Little did he know that his hesitation made the security guards even more suspicious, so they rushed up with batons to pin him down, regardless of their own lives. The snake was hissing on the tree, and a scorching wave came over, blowing them all over the place.

Just as Ye Feng was about to return to the playground, he heard a familiar voice: "What happened!"

When he turned around, Chu Banyang and Xiao Li were at the school gate. The shrill sound of sirens almost broke through the sky, and several policemen came up and showed their credentials to the security guard: "Leave this to us."

Before the security guard left, he pointed at Ye Feng and shouted, "That guy was the one who set the fire!"

Chu Banyang hurried over: "Why are you here? You're here to meet the wine lovers!"

"He hissed on the playground—" Ye Feng's voice changed, and the last sound was like a snake. Several red snake scales grew on his face and neck, and then another scale was about to emerge, piercing the skin bloodily, and a stream of blood flowed down, staining the collar red. His eyebrows jumped in pain, but he said nothing.

Chu Banyang said: "Your body can't bear it anymore, send the god you invited away quickly."

"I know—" Ye Feng gritted his teeth and said, "You go find Lu Yingjiu!"

He raised his hand and the flames made way.

Chu Banyang and Xiao Li rushed over and plunged into the milky white mist. Several flames from the snake followed closely behind, breaking through the mist, and finally the vision became clearer:

The playground was empty.

There was no sight of the ghost hand, and no sign of Lu Yingjiu at all.


Chu Banyang looked up and saw several scary dents on the outer wall of the staff dormitory in the distance, as if something had just climbed up the outer wall. The dents went all the way up and stopped at the sixth floor - the window glass on the sixth floor exploded, and thousands of fragments fell like rain.

In the stairwell, several people screamed and ran past Lu Yingjiu. They only knew that there was a fire outside, and they were frightened by the loud noise just now, so they rushed to escape.

Lu Yingjiu walked upwards against the flow of people.

He took out a dagger from his waist, flipped the blade, and it shone brightly, as bright as his eyes.

Few people knew that Lu Yingjiu carried so many controlled knives with him, from the □□ to this tactical dagger with blood grooves, each of which would definitely not pass security checks, and he looked like an outlaw.

Everyone who is new to exorcism has a question: Do ghosts bleed

Answer: Yes.

And it flows a lot.

If you use the right runes, killing a ghost is not much different from killing a person.

There are strange runes engraved on the bottom of this dagger. At first glance, it looks like flowing clouds, or like a hideous ghost face.

Lu Yingjiu went to the sixth floor and looked around. The corridor was a mess, with slippers, bed sheets, broken cups... What was particularly worrying was that all kinds of food packaging were scattered all over the floor, including chocolate wrappers, cupcake shells, and unpacked potato chips. It was as if a hungry ghost had swept through this floor.

Baji, Baji.

Baji, Baji.

The sound of chewing can be heard in dormitory 603.

The door of Room 603 was open. He approached silently, making no sound like a cat, and came to the door.

A naked person had his back to him, hugging a trash can and eating the leftover McDonald's hamburger inside.


No, calling it a "person" might be a stretch.

It has a humanoid shape, but its body is covered with blue-grey arms and legs, each pointing in different directions, just like a strange sea urchin. There are also twisted human faces on its back.

If Lu Yingjiu had read the files, he would immediately recognize that these faces were missing homeless people.

One of the human faces saw Lu Yingjiu, opened its mouth and screamed!

The sea urchin monster immediately turned around, and the three pairs of eyes on its face rolled wildly.

Very hungry

It says.

So hungry so hungry so hungry

Lu Yingjiu said, "Don't worry, I'm not here to steal your burger."

The monster opened its mouth wide at him, drooling like a waterfall. The next second, its sight suddenly rose, and the world spun around - its head was cut off by the dagger, and it flew up and spun in the air. All that could be seen was a flash of white knife light and the young man's raised mouth: "... I'm here to kill you."

Blood spurted from the broken neck.

The human face on its back disappeared, and quickly turned into a new head, and then it pounced on Lu Yingjiu with its hands and feet! Several hands and feet waved wildly, smashing through the door and the wall, and smoke and dust billowed.

Lu Yingjiu had already cut his hand and was bleeding.

—Please God.

The furry black beast struggled out of his blood and suddenly opened its mouth wide! It brushed past the monster, landed on the ground, turned back, and held a hand in its mouth. It chewed it hastily, swallowed it, and burped with satisfaction.

The sea urchin monster slowed down for a moment, and Lu Yingjiu took this opportunity to raise his sword and behead it.

Another head rolled to the ground, and the monster grew a new head, roared angrily, and continued to swing its arms and legs. Its strength was really great. It chased all the way from the dormitory to the corridor, and pierced several holes in the floor, exposing the steel bars, cracks on the wall like spider webs, and the glass shattered into powder. Unfortunately, its IQ was really low, and it only knew how to fight like a wild beast. Lu Yingjiu dodged with amazing agility, and cooperated with the black hair group, chopping off three or four heads in a row with a knife.

There was only one human face left on the monster's back.

There were not many hands and feet left on his body, most of which had been eaten by the black hair ball.

The two sides were facing each other.

Lu Yingjiu held the knife with his backhand, a trace of blood flowed down the blade. He pinched a piece of explosive talisman paper in his hand, and just as he was about to throw it out, he heard a scream!

It was the voice of a child, and it sounded like it was right below them.


Lu Yingjiu's pupils suddenly shrank, and he saw the monster laugh strangely and smash through the floor with one hand!

Lu Yingjiu jumped down without hesitation. In the smoke and dust, she saw a little girl in flowery clothes in the corner. She was probably a teacher's child who was too scared to go downstairs in time. The ghost hand grabbed her. Although she didn't see clearly, she screamed instinctively!

Then she was lifted up by Lu Yingjiu alone and pushed aside.

It turned out that this move was very timely. In less than half a second, the ghost hand hit the short knife he had just raised. This was the first time Lu Yingjiu had a head-on fight with it. He was directly slapped against the wall. A bloody smell rushed up his throat. His eyes went dark. He suspected that two of his ribs were broken. Veins on his forehead bulged, and the blade shook like a sieve. He had to use both hands to support himself so that he would not be pressed into the wall.

But this disadvantage is only temporary.

The furry ball let out a roar, fell from the sky, opened its big mouth and bit the monster's head.

At this critical moment, Lu Yingjiu smelled that faint fragrance again.

Cold as a new moon.

Then the monster twisted before him.

It exploded into a ball of blood mist, as if it was crushed by an invisible hand.

It never got put together again.

It's impossible to die any more.

Lu Yingjiu turned on the faucet, and the blood on his hands dyed the water red, swirling and disappearing into the sewer, revealing his fair skin, slender fingers, and a few shallow old scars.

He had used too much force just now, and now his hands are still shaking.

He was not actually injured. This was all the monster's blood. Along with the blood, the faint spell pattern on the back of his hand also disappeared. If it weren't for the power it brought, Lu Yingjiu would have been punched through by the monster in the wrestling just now.

The little girl he rescued ran to her mother, turned around and waved at him, but her mother hugged her warily: Lu Yingjiu's clothes were relatively clean, but her hands were stained with blood when she went downstairs, and she was holding a knife, with some murderous intent between her brows, which was really suspicious.

Chu Banyang said from behind him: "You just acted like a perverted murderer."

"Who says it's not?"

"If you hadn't drawn the spell, you would have been dead."

"But I won't make such a low-level mistake, right?" Lu Yingjiu shook the water off his hands.

After washing off the blood and calming down his expression, he was back to his usual gentle and handsome self.

Behind them are busy police and exorcists.

Runes were pasted on the four corners of the playground. When Chu Banyang uncovered them, the illusion disappeared. In order to bury the bodies, Zhong Aiguo had already shoveled the ground into pieces, leaving it in a mess. The monster just now was the collection of the resentment of the dead.

Police cordoned off the school and were collecting the bodies from the playground.

Lu Yingjiu thought to himself that he hoped the news could be kept strictly secret this time. If the elementary school students knew that they were playing football on corpses every day, it would definitely be an unforgettable childhood memory.

Following Lu Yingjiu's guess, Old Liu checked the surveillance footage from August last year and discovered that Zhong Aiguo had indeed started coming here frequently. The police and the Qingdeng Society are now investigating his connection with the homeless.

"We've also sent people to continue watching the surveillance. And," Lao Liu said, "based on what you said, we've started to focus on investigating. The technical team didn't find any traces on the two people's phones or computers. We can only say that supernatural forces have erased the records... This matter should actually be investigated by you."

But even so, the living will still speak.

Old Liu added: "However, we have made breakthroughs in this direction and have obtained confirmation from Zhong Aiguo's sister that Zhong Aiguo and Ji Cai had been secretly dating for a period of time."

This explains why Zhong Aiguo wants to help Ji Cai.

They were once lovers and accomplices.

However, Zhong Aiguo was possessed by Ji Cai and also jumped off the building and died.

Chu Banyang said: "Do you want to go to the hospital?"

"I'm fine, except that my whole body is falling apart." Lu Yingjiu said, "I'd better go upstairs with you one more time. I'm worried."

So Chu Banyang called a few more exorcists, and they went upstairs together to check if there were any little ghosts.

Chu Banyang said as he walked: "Didn't I tell you to wait until the afternoon? Why did you come into the school by yourselves?"

"Early detection means early treatment," said Lu Yingjiu. "Except that Ye Feng almost burned all the trees, everything else was perfect."

Chu Banyang reminded: "There is also this building."

This building is in a state of disrepair.

Lu Yingjiu laughed, "If it weren't for me, it would have collapsed long ago. But this ghost has a really good intuition. Seeing that we were about to discover him, he simply took the initiative."

They chatted in a disjointed manner as the exorcists dispersed and began to investigate the evil spirits in an orderly manner.

The monster just now was full of resentment and it did attract a few little ghosts.

When Chu Banyang was getting rid of them, Lu Yingjiu leaned against the wall and watched. He half-closed his eyes and looked lazy. It wasn't that he was really tired, but he simply had no interest.

The exorcists talked about the case.

One said: "This is really strange. Why would Ji Cai want to kill Zhong Aiguo?"

Another said: "Either there is a conflict or she is just mad, what else can be done about it."

When the little ghosts were reduced to ashes, one person said, "It should be gone."

"There's a big one."

"There's a big one."

Chu Banyang and Lu Yingjiu said in unison.

Chu Banyang was slightly stunned, feeling strange for some reason, and glanced at Lu Yingjiu. Lu Yingjiu did not have any special reaction and went upstairs.

After reaching the top floor, I found the Yin energy in the dormitory at the end.

A hand stretched out from the wall, but was burned back by Chu Banyang's runes.

All that's left to do now is to dispel them.

Several exorcists were quick and started to paste talismans on the wall. After finding all the ghosts, they looked much more relaxed.

Lu Yingjiu continued to scan the wall.

The light from the dormitory fell into his eyes, making his brown eyes look very beautiful.

He had a pair of bright eyes, and even when surrounded by a group of evil spirits, he was still eye-catching, as if a ray of light suddenly appeared in the darkness.

Chu Banyang was checking the talisman when he glanced over by chance.

His heart moved.

It was as if the strange feeling in his heart when they spoke in unison just now began to take root again.

He thought of the first time he met Lu Yingjiu, which was a similar scene.

At that time, he walked through the streets and alleys and stepped into the Qingdeng Club for the first time. The newcomers were all waiting to meet the president and the chief, and they were all very nervous. Only Chu Banyang was calm and composed - he knew that he could do better than everyone else present.

Until there was a knock on the door.

The young man pushed the door open and came in, with a backpack slung over one shoulder. His eyes reflected the sunlight from the floor-to-ceiling windows, and were exceptionally bright.

It looks great.

Chu Banyang couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

… Later, he realized that this was the beginning of a nightmare! As long as Lu Yingjiu was there, he would always be the second. He was helpless and hated it.

But at this moment, Chu Banyang looked at Lu Yingjiu and thought for no reason: the ghost in front of him was not visible to others, but it was easy for them to deal with it. And if it weren't for Lu Yingjiu, I'm afraid that even a dozen exorcists would not be able to deal with the ghost before.

The case just happened yesterday, but today Lu Yingjiu is already close to the truth.

They are all gifted children.

Although there are many ghosts and gods in this world, as long as the two of them are here, there is nothing that cannot be solved.

This idea was full of ambition and Chu Banyang's usual arrogance, but also a little soft.

—Although he couldn’t tell why he felt this way.

"By the way, I just discovered something." Lu Yingjiu said.

“What?” Chu Banyang came back to his senses and looked at him—Lu Yingjiu was actually facing the wall, looking at him.

Chu Banyang was stunned.

It is a taboo to turn your back on your enemy. He never thought that Lu Yingjiu would make such a mistake!

Behind Lu Yingjiu, a pair of gray hands stretched out from the wall. They had sharp nails that could dismember a person in an instant—there were drops of blood on the tips of the nails, which were about to fall on his neck.

Chu Banyang: "Behind you...!"

Lu Yingjiu didn't seem to notice it at all, and said with a smile: "What should I do..."

The ghosts screamed, and the surrounding walls instantly transformed into flesh and blood, pressing down like a tide. Chu Banyang's pupils dilated, and he pinched his fingers -

Then he watched as the hand behind Lu Yingjiu began to bend from the fingertips.

First the nails broke and turned into powder, then the fingers exploded. The bones of the palm made a numbing sound, and the ulna and radius broke inch by inch and exposed. When they were twisted into a knot, they were particularly eye-catching and white. The twist quickly spread to the wall, and the ghost screamed and was twisted into a large piece of exploding blood mist.

Even at this time, there was no blood on Lu Yingjiu's body.

An invisible barrier protected him.

That cold yet gentle fragrance follows me everywhere.

So the scene almost looks like a frozen painting.

Behind him was a hellish splash of scarlet, broken bones pierced the floor and glass, and blood exploded like fireworks, rich and brilliant. Lu Yingjiu's clothes were as white as snow, and her eyes were shining, just like the day they first met, glittering.

"What should I do?" He was still smiling, "Second place, I seem to be possessed by a ghost."