After My Favorability Level Is Up to the Top

Chapter 263


Liu Yuan immediately cut off the idea of dying, and the most important thing now is that Ling Yao's tone was slightly smiling, and did not mean to condemn severely.

Liu Yuan vaguely felt that it was because he didn't pause or hesitate too much when he called out Lingyao's baby name, and his hesitation was mostly because he was afraid of being cut off, not because he couldn't remember.

If he hadn't recalled all the information and materials about Lingyao in his heart, especially reviewed some things he knew during the strategy process one by one, he really wouldn't be able to react immediately.

It has been mentioned a few times in the game at most, if someone else comes over, I am afraid that this level will not be passed.

That's Liu Yuan, who almost memorized all the information about his target.

However, he is not a genius with a photographic memory after all. There are more than a hundred documents, and there is nothing wrong with forgetting them. We can only prepare more in advance... Hard work makes up for it.

In front of Lingyao, it is best not to lie, especially at such a close distance, any micro-expression can detect the clues, not to mention the most straightforward declaration that has been made before. Two, it will be broken at the beginning.

But the current situation is indeed much better than imagined.

Liu Yuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, twitched the corners of his mouth, and didn't dare to show any unnecessary expressions, he could only glance at the table beside him, and said: "I... really can't go against my own thoughts, saying that I have nothing to do with them, Or don't like them, they have paid a lot for me, I can't... "

- Having said that, the tit-for-tat confrontation between Xiahou Cenyi and Lingyao that was expected to appear did not appear, and even Xiahou Cenyi didn't know where to go, so he didn't know whether to be worried or grateful.

Ling Yao whispered: "The only one who really paid a lot is the City Lord Duan?"

Liu Yuan's heart skipped a beat, but Lingyao's face was now pressed against his forehead, and he couldn't see the expression on the female crown's face, so Liu Yuan didn't know what kind of mood she was speaking at the moment .

He had already inquired about it before, Duan Lanruo only said after that that he adopted Liu Yuan as his adopted son, but did not reveal the relationship between the two.

Ling Yao's words were ambiguous, and it was difficult to judge whether he really knew something.

However, analyzing the context, Liu Yuan felt that she probably did know about Duan Lanruo and him.

"City Lord Duan took the trouble to plan for you, kept Shen Sifan and Ye Cike behind, and now he is directly uniting with the Xuanyin family. He is really thinking about you, so if it were her, I would not be angry... But you But you said you want to marry Shen Sifan?"

Ling Yao raised her head slightly, Liu Yuan was finally able to see that cold and beautiful face, she stared at Liu Yuan, and met the latter's gaze.

Her beautiful eyes narrowed, with a faint light.

"Did the others, Shen Sifan, Ye Cike and even your two so-called wives, really do anything for you? Just giving out some self-righteous, wishful thinking and only knowing what to get is called giving, my lord." Xuan, you are so soft-hearted... that you feel guilty for this, and even wear yourself in chains."

Ling Yao's tone was extremely cold, but his eyes carried a harsh reproach.

Liu Yuan was startled, almost dumbfounded.


"I know everything you did in Shuiyuewu and Wanjian City." Ling Yao stroked his cheek, his expression slowed down again, and he whispered with affection: "You just recovered your cultivation base at that time. In order to save Gu Siyin from being harmed, I would rather not lose the throne of the dock master. The dangers involved, you may take it for granted now. Wan Jiancheng will stop him later. Jiang Yijian, on the line of life and death, who are you for? In terms of how much you pay for your feelings, is Liu Junxuan incomparable to anyone else, is it incomparable to sit back and enjoy the benefits, or is it incomparable to threaten each other with a sword?"

"Gu and Ning, even if they gave their bodies to you, the Xuanyin family has now formed an alliance with Wanjian City as a great help for you. Ignorant and incompetent, if she hadn't triggered the Wanjian formation, Wanjian City would never have fallen into such a passive situation that day, but in the end you were asked to bet on life and death to turn the tide. Qinglian Jianzi only has a name left, what qualifications does she have to ask for it? You marry her?"

The female crown's eyes are between cold and gentle, and her words are not as sharp as that ethereal senior sister Yuxu, her harshness towards Shen Sifan is beyond words.

Liu Yuan opened his mouth and couldn't get his head around for a while. It turned out that... she was angry about this.

The water was shimmering outside, and the sunlight came in from the window and shone on Ling Yao's face, making Liu Yuan, who was half lying down, a little dazed for a moment.

He, he did not gamble wrong


The upper window suddenly opened, and a beautiful woman's face with an evil spirit suddenly appeared. She leaned half her body in from the deck, with her red dress hanging down halfway, she clapped her hands and said with a smile: "Well said! Auntie, I think this kid's It’s been a long time since I’ve been in a bad mood, if I should kill, I’d kill, if I should [beep—], I’d [beep—], swaying, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, look forward and backward, what’s the proper way.”

Liu Yuan finally couldn't help sitting up with a face full of bewilderment, tongue-tied: "Here, I, you, they..."

While he couldn't laugh or cry, he felt helpless and depressed at the same time, why don't you just open the harem!

Ling Yao hugged him and leaned back, Liu Yuan let out a "huh", and had the illusion of being trapped in soft cotton and surrounded by the back of his head.

This is really forgiving...

"Junxuan, answer some of my questions." Ling Yao lowered his head and smiled, "First, me and Shen Sifan, who do you choose?"

"?!" Liu Yuan's mood that had just been relaxed suddenly lifted again, and his thoughts changed suddenly.



ps: sleep sleep

Chapter 241: The Three Questions of Lingyao (1)

Liu Yuan also faced the same problem in the Sword Crying Stage in Wanjian City.

That time the questioner was Shen Sifan, the content was similar, but a little more extreme, directly using life and death as the condition of the choice, and the object of choice was her and Duan Lanruo.

At that time, Liu Yuan replied in a clever way, it was considered as barely passing the test, so as not to splatter three feet of blood on the spot.

But even if he is so witty, Shen Sifan will inevitably force him to go back to the Taiqing Pavilion together with the power of the Wanjian Great Formation.

It can be seen that the danger hidden in this kind of question cannot even be judged by the result of the answer at that time.

However, Ling Yao's unexpected question this time seemed to be a little gentler than Shen Sifan's question, but in fact there was no room for turning around, it was straightforward and naked, either one or the other, and there was no chance for trickery.

Liu Yuan was stunned for a moment, covered in cold sweat, and finally opened his mouth, only to remain silent.

No solution.

If this question is not blurted out immediately, any subsequent answer will be wrong, because the person concerned hesitated, and the questioner knows that you are weighing in your heart.

No matter how much sweet talk it is, it can't eliminate the hesitation at this time.

What's more, for Liu Yuan, Shen Sifan and Lingyao are not like the night of confrontation between Duan Lanruo and Ye Cike earlier—

The situation has reached a critical moment, and there is an obvious weight gap between the two sides in Liu Yuan's heart. This is the moment when they can and have to make a choice.

Liu Yuan also knows that women who ask this question usually only want an answer in their hearts, and that is "you".

Whether it is true or not, as long as it is said, at least at that moment, the woman is willing to be deceived.

However, Liu Yuan couldn't easily say who to abandon and who to choose.

"I just said that he definitely wants all of them, and no one can let him go."

The elder Taishang Youyou's voice came, she was leaning out from the window, she disappeared suddenly, and when she reappeared, she was beside the bed.

She bent down, got closer, smiled and looked at Liu Yuan, then turned around in red, and sat sideways on Liu Yuan's lap.


Ren Liu Yuan's eyes widened, Xiahou Cen's clothes didn't move, he even frowned and adjusted his position, seeming to dislike the discomfort of the "cushion", and said: "Why are you so nervous, you are not a physical trainer. No matter how strong it is, it doesn't have much power, can it be softer?"