After My Favorability Level Is Up to the Top

Chapter 278


When the formation was formed, the huge spiritual power suppressed the turbulent river to seventy percent, and the surrounding monsters that were already in the water were either strangled by the sword energy or pushed to the bottom of the river. It can stick to the sand and shiver.

On the surface of the river, there was only the sound of wind and rain and the sound of dragons chant.


The shadow dragon raised its twisted neck full of bone spurs, opened its mouth full of fangs, and let out a high-pitched roar of pain.

But no matter how hard it struggles, it can only make a few waves in the water, and can no longer move a little, let alone fly, allowing the sword energy to smash its muscles, bones and viscera inch by inch.

It's no longer a dragon, it's just an insect waiting to die on the cutting board.


There was a thunder, and the rain became heavier.

The roar gradually turned into a wail, and the soaring and unruly head finally fell down, smashing a huge splash, and a blood-colored mist evaporated from the shadow dragon, which was washed away by the rain in a blink of an eye, and Lingyao's His face didn't change a bit.

When she landed on the Xingcha where Liu Yuan was again, she flicked her wide sleeves lightly, put away the Demon Subduing Sword, and Lingjie immediately went up to meet her, explaining the current situation and their guesses.

Ling Yao was not surprised, just sighed insignificantly, and asked about Cai's situation indifferently.

Liu Yuan walked over with Hongfu in his arms, followed by Zhiying and Zhizhi.

Zhiying, who was dressed in white, still had an indifferent face, while Zhizhi opened her big eyes and looked left and right, looking very curious and charming.

One is cold and the other is simple, but Liu Yuan knows that these two children are actually more black-bellied than the other.

Of course, there is little to worry about.

Unlike the one in his arms now, when he flew over just now, the expression on his face was almost crying... Liu Yuan reached out and stroked the red hair.

The little puppet hugged his neck tightly with thin white arms, and the small face exposed half of the neck was nervous and dazed, frightened by the rather tragic scene around.

Although Hong Fu had seen dead people in the tomb of Emperor Wudi, as well as those deformed dolls and strange beasts that were more terrifying than dead people, but the former were mostly hideous enemies who deserved to die, while the latter were of the same kind to her. Maybe these inanimate objects were even more intimate to her.

Things are very different now.

Her mind is at most ten years old, and she is ignorant of everything in the world. The young disciples of Yuxu Daomen who just came into contact with her were kind to her before, but now the sudden change is a very uncomfortable thing.

But fortunately, Hong Fu did not walk out of the tomb alone, and there was Liu Yuan as her support.

The little puppet grabbed Liu Yuan's clothes tightly, and leaned against the young man's petite and somewhat cool body, feeling the strong heartbeat, subconsciously raised its chin to ask for a kiss.

Kissing, hugging and holding high... For Hongfu, it is the three magic weapons to gain a sense of security, only for Liu Yuan.

Liu Yuan tilted his head subconsciously, and the small soft lips of Hong Fu were imprinted on the corner of his mouth. His heart skipped a beat, and when he looked up, he saw Ling Yao looking at him.

The female crown's eyes were calm and gentle, she came over and stretched out her hand to brush the long and soft hair of the red man kindly, during the period, her fingertips brushed the back of Liu Yuan's hand as if there was nothing, and said softly: "This child seems to be very dependent on you. .”

Hearing the words, Hong Fu looked at Ling Yao vigilantly, then kissed Liu Yuan again, the kiss was very firm, puffed up his cheeks and protested in a low voice: "We kissed and hugged and held high!"

Ling Yao laughed.

But Liu Yuan felt that his image had collapsed again.

No matter what you do, you will be number one in copper smelting.

Liu Yuan raised his forehead, feeling that the image of lolicon might not be cleared away, but with the addition of Duan Lanruo, a type of widow and widow, it would be directly upgraded to a vegetarian.

Even Lingjie's gaze changed from surprise to shock.

Although he didn't know the relationship between Liu Yuan and the three lolitas beside him, he vaguely felt that the relationship between Liu Yuan and the elder sister should be more than just friends.

However, his conjecture has not been confirmed yet, and the picture in front of him makes him confused.

That delicate-looking little girl was so bold, she moved her mouth and hands immediately, and it sounded like she was already familiar with this kind of movement.

Lingjie opened his mouth with a strange expression, not knowing what to say.

Forget it, let's just pretend that I didn't see it... After all, even the senior sister didn't speak, and it's not his turn to worry about it. Besides, Liu Yuan is his savior, so if he speaks at this moment, he might be suspected of revenge.

When Ling Jie was tangled in the important matter of the dilemma of kindness and righteousness, Ling Yao put down his hands and folded them in his sleeves, and said calmly: "Then the next action, you can't take her with you, and they are too dangerous."

The female crown's gaze flicked over Zhiying, Zhizhi and Hongfu in turn.

Finally, he fell back on Liu Yuan and said: "I know that the other three hall people have used such despicable and dirty methods now, so they can only follow through to the end. What they fear most is that their reputation will be damaged. Your and my corpses will not let it go... They are to you, just like these three boats are to us, if they are not well protected, they will only become a burden."

Ling Yao looked at those corpses with a fluctuating expression. Although she was far away from these ordinary disciples, she still had a heart of compassion, but she also knew that instead of being sad, it is better to bring the culprits behind the scenes to justice as soon as possible.

Liu Yuan nodded, of course he knew that even though there were people like Ding Huan who were close to saints in Yuxu Taoist sect, there were also ordinary people who were chasing fame and fortune. Unfortunately, so far, most of them are ordinary people.

It is true that the leader of the righteous way is true, but so is the desire for fame and power.

However, Yuxu's internal struggle for power has never reached the point of life and death in the game. The current situation can only be the butterfly effect of his time travel.

The biggest possibility is that Biluo Mansion has done something wrong.

Mingde, who was stabbed to death by his sword, flashed in Liu Yuan's mind. The girl and several other Yuxu disciples seemed to be controlled by the Biluo Mansion.

Some seem to be possessed by demons, but there is no killer nearby, so it is remote control, and there is a lot of magic energy on those arrows and daggers, which should be drawn from a living demon.

Biluo Mansion... Could it be that they are studying the demons and then using them for their own use

With such a guess in Liu Yuan's mind, he put down the reluctant red Fu, and Zhiying offered to take them to a safe place to avoid - probably the stronghold of the Demon Cult, but Zhizhi pouted and said that she could turn into a spirit Body, follow Liu Yuan.

It turns out they were right to be worried.

As soon as Zhiying walked away with Hong Fu, a few elders Yuxu exuding the aura of the fusion period flashed in the rain curtain on his back feet, shouting: "The traitor Lingyao and the devil's evil barrier, are you going to catch them without your hands?!"

The last leave note of this month

As in the title, a lot of sleepiness, update tomorrow morning

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Chapter 258 Go... shit! All to die!

"It came so fast... There is really no cover-up at all. Is it because I am confident, or because I am afraid that the night will be long and dreamy."

Liu Yuan's eyes were slightly cold, looking at the several elders Yuxu who were about to strike immediately after a drink was stopped in the rain curtain.

The three humane robes fluttered, and they all looked so dignified and decent. Liu Yuan didn't have time to pay attention to the looks of a few bad old men. They felt similar to those passer-by NPCs from the Yuxu Daomen in the game. Judging from the decorations on the clothes, they should be It is the Cangming Palace where the master fights.

Since it was sent to deal with them, considering Ling Yao's strength, it should indeed be Cangming Palace.

The first one holds Fuchen, and the two hold swords. They are all very standard members of Yuxu Daomen. Obviously, one is a Dharma cultivator and two are sword cultivators.

The three of them are all at the level of the fusion period, and they are definitely above the middle level, that is, above level 65. It can be seen that they have made great determination in this action.