After My Favorability Level Is Up to the Top

Chapter 281


Although during the process, Liu Yuan's sudden eruption of fighting power was truly astonishing, but he was not a vegetarian in the name of wind ghost, and he did not come to kill Liu Yuan—the palace master ordered other people to shoot him kill.

He only needs to use the "casting demon" dagger to inject the modulated demon energy into Liu Yuan's body, turning him into a "half demon" who is neither human nor ghost, and the killer Feng Gui has completed the task. Immediately, you can launch your highest speed to escape.

The research on using magic energy as a weapon has only started in recent years, but relying on the huge organization and manpower of Biluo Mansion, the technology in this area is already very mature.

The method of controlling the minds of those Yuxu disciples was derived from the possessive ability of the demons. The daggers used by the controlled Yuxu disciples are the simplest application.

As long as the most primitive and uncontrolled magic energy is injected into the human body, it can instantly block the spiritual power and destroy the meridians, which is more effective than any poison. Those Yuxu disciples unfortunately became the first batch of experimental products.

And the demon-casting dagger in Feng Gui's hand is an advanced version, which can transform living people into demons, but because the demonic energy does not have consciousness, it can only change the human body structure, while the consciousness still retains the original consciousness.

Originally, this method was used to create dead soldiers with strong vitality, but now it was used to ruin a guy who might become famous in Central Continent in the future.

Ruin... Ruin and ruin! Depend on!

Feng Gui couldn't calm down anymore, his old and distorted face was reflected in those dark pupils, the young man was holding his hand, and he looked like he was entangled by demon energy.

This guy—*** is originally a demon, grass!

Even the seasoned killer couldn't help being stunned at this moment. The person he wanted to frame turned out to be a mess, not to mention that this act of sending demonic energy to the demons was simply inexplicably funny.

"How is it impossible?" Liu Yuan chuckled, and killed this guy with a backhand sword.

He didn't have time to talk nonsense with this guy, after all, the Burning Blood Pill was about to expire completely, even if he wasn't afraid of the sequelae, he had to find materials to treat it as soon as possible.

"It turns out that the bird has become a spirit, no wonder the speed is so fast."

Liu Yuan pursed his lips, watching the black robe quickly wither away, leaving only a wisp of green smoke.

This old guy's cultivation base is not high, but it is possible to be so fast because of the convenience of his race and years of training.

Presumably, Liu Yuan caught him easily because he was overconfident in his own speed.

"alright… "

Liu Yuan only solved it on this side, and Ling Yao immediately blocked him in front of him.

The female crown summoned the Demon Subduing Sword that had dropped just now, and with her two fingers together, the blue and purple thunder light danced, as if she was facing a formidable enemy.

Liu Yuan was puzzled and looked up.

In the torrential rain, a purple-clothed figure stood vaguely in mid-air, with a ferocious bronze ghost mask covering its face, but there was a charming temperament in that graceful figure.

Above the man's head, a progress bar of full value appeared impressively—

-50 Bloody Vengeance!



ps1: Today's push book, the title of the book is "Don't become a master in front of me"

Introduction: The spiritual energy is about to recover, Mu Yu asked his wife: "If there are a lot of monsters in this world, do you like it?"


"Okay, got it, arrange it."


ps2: four thousand words

Chapter 260 The sky is going to kill me

Since Liu Yuan has been traveling for so many days, because he has been in frequent contact with the characters he has conquered before, and often encounters some unfavorable situations, he has almost developed a conditioned reflex—

If you haven't seen the person, look at the article first.

He looked over from a distance, and the first thing he saw was the eye-catching progress bar. The entire progress bar was red to black, and the border was dripping with blood. It was shocking to look at.

There is a big gap with the original special effects of ink and wash, peach color and peach petals.

The graceful figure dressed in purple and wearing a ghost mask stands out of nothingness, motionless in the rain, and his figure is somewhat blurred. Only behind the ferocious bronze ghost mask, a pair of bright and charming blue eyes are so clear. It's a pity that the glaze-like brilliance is the fierce hatred that bursts out, not the intoxicating tender love...

To be honest, Liu Yuan had never seen this scene before.

Even in the original game, he never managed to set the favorability of an NPC to the full negative value. At most, it was a slight hatred level of -10 or -20. Attack, you'll be fine if you defeat it.

As for -50, blood feud...

Except that some players play the game for the feeling of unscrupulousness that is different from reality. In the high-degree-of-freedom game of Shangyang, NPCs are not treated as individuals, and they are dedicated to destroying for fun, which will make NPCs happy. Sensitivity drops to the bottom—but the punishment mechanism in the game is also very serious. After the plot is serious for more than three times, it is basically difficult to move in the game, and you can only delete the account.

In other normal times, it is difficult to see favorability below -30.

The favorability bar has both positive and negative sides, but only one side will be displayed in the game, either positive or negative.

But now, Liu Yuan can only think of one possibility—the favorability degree that was originally at full value has reversed!

But then two questions arose, first of all, who was reversed? Second, how is it reversed

At this moment, there was only one name in Liu Yuan's mind.

At this moment, the people in the three halls of Yuxu Daomen who intend to compete for the position of head teacher, unite with Biluo Mansion to launch an attack on Lingyao, who was originally the most promising to be the next head teacher, but the previous attack and killing far surpassed that of Yuxu Daomen. The line of the leader of the righteous way, plus those disciples who were controlled, had nothing to think about except that the Biluo Mansion was obstructing it.

But before that, when Liu Yuan checked the illustrated book, he found a character who disappeared inexplicably.

Coincidentally, it belongs to the faction of Biluo Mansion.


Originally, the messenger in the Biluo Mansion was responsible for delivering orders for the mansion lord "Huang Quan". She had no real power but a detached position, and she was arrogant because of her temperament. Everyone in the Biluo Mansion only regarded her as a puppet tool. care.

She was a glamorous, tall, naive mixed-race woman with red hair and blue eyes that only the southern barbarians could have. She acted arrogantly in a gloomy and cold-blooded sect like Biluo Mansion, which could be called unscrupulous, but because of this, no one Thinking of dealing with her, he only thought of her as a vase with big breasts and no brains.

Besides, she still holds the "right" to meet the Palace Master. Since she has no real power and does not interfere with their work, she will naturally make offerings to them.

But the purple-clothed woman in front of her, although she is indeed red-haired and blue-eyed, has the same body and temperament as Meisheng, but she clearly exudes an extremely dangerous aura, her spiritual power is restrained, but her power is deep and dark, like the opening of the Nine Netherworld Palace, dignified and terrifying , the surrounding rain stagnates automatically and then is instantly dispersed into water vapor, causing a burst of rain and fog to float around, and the thunder and lightning rolling clouds above seem to be cheering her on, becoming her background.

Lingyao stood in front of Liu Yuan, her long black hair fell down, was slightly wet by the rain, and was blowing in the wind—Liu Yuan only then realized that the hairband on her head had been broken, and she was flying far away, it should be just opposite The man in purple had already made a move, but Ling Yao noticed it and blocked the attack, but his hairband was torn off.

Senior Sister Yuxu's complexion was solemn, she frowned tightly, her expression was a bit puzzled, but she didn't dare to relax the movements of her hands in the slightest, and said in a deep voice, "Huangquan?"

With two fingers together, she slashed across the blade of the Demon Subduing Sword, and the cyan-purple electric snake jumped up and down. The law is the most difficult to learn, but it is top-notch in terms of power.

Even the three elders just now have never practiced well, otherwise, in this kind of thunderstorm weather, the Zixiao God Thunder Art is the most suitable. If the timing is right, it can even be compared to Heavenly Tribulation, so why not use it.

Liu Yuan held his breath and concentrated, his whole body tensed up, looking at the man in purple on the opposite side, while waiting for an answer, he calculated how long his Burning Blood Pill could last.

But he already had some guesses earlier, and now he is just seeking proof.