After My Favorability Level Is Up to the Top

Chapter 284


Liu Yuan couldn't help but said: "So when you asked me this question before, you were worried that I would know that you and Huang Quan had such a relationship, and that you would have a split personality, and then you wouldn't like you?"

Meisheng blushed: "That's right, it's not..."

She suddenly said arrogantly: "Anyway, you have to continue to like me now, otherwise I will let the Palace Master beat you."

Liu Yuan's face turned pale, he gritted his teeth in fear, and sighed in grief and indignation: "Your Palace Master wants my life now... Maybe you want her to do it too."

As he spoke, he looked at Meisheng's face—success or failure depends on it!

update tomorrow morning

As in the title, tomorrow morning... Cough cough, this time I should not redefine the morning, at least, it will be updated in the morning (look at my sincere eyes)

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Chapter 263 The Scariest Boy in the World

Judging from Meisheng's title of "Lord Mansion Master", she still regards herself as the role of "Huangquan Messenger", and the personality between her and Huangquan does not seem to be equal.

But it is by no means that one side is absolutely strong, and the other side can only obey her status gap.

Liu Yuan felt that Meisheng's tone was more like addressing a close sister, who was dependent, but more of a homely casualness and intimacy.

"As soon as I said the answer to the question that I didn't answer at the beginning, she came out immediately, and there was no sign of struggle. Personality... Let's call it personality for now. The transition between the two personalities is very smooth."

Liu Yuan analyzed in his heart, observing Meisheng's expression: "Besides, in the game, Huang Quan's personality has never appeared..."

Yes, never, not even a hint of it.

Meisheng as the messenger and Huang Quan as the master of the palace are completely like two individuals. Even Liu Yuan didn't find anything wrong when he was in the strategy, because Meisheng's strategy is rare without advancing the plot. Time, but it happened in Biluo Mansion.

Now it seems that the planning of the game is to prevent players from discovering this hidden character and the hidden plot behind it.

But when Liu Yuan knew the truth, he looked back and found that the so-called clue had already been placed on the page of the character's illustrated book.

[Huangquan Messenger · Nine Serenities and Ten Classes Can Be Crossed]

Nine secluded and ten types can be crossed... The bearing of this title is completely incompatible with a tool person who can only transmit messages.

This so-called messenger from the underworld is probably the real underworld.

And now, it is possible to have a new interpretation of the question "Why does Huang Quan seldom appear in front of everyone, and only the messenger Meisheng delivers the news".

Everyone in the Biluo Mansion, as well as the general opinion of the outside world, is that this "Yellow Spring" actually has another identity on the surface as a cover-up, and can't expose himself, so he covered up his true face.

And why this generation of Huangquan is more mysterious than before, even the people inside the Biluo Mansion can't see it, everyone has their own opinions, but just like the two jujube trees in Lu Xun's yard, one can always find one Reasonable and reasonable often sound like very mysterious explanations.

For example, in order to establish a higher prestige, so that the subordinates have a sense of distance and fear towards the palace master.

Players don't care about this... Anyway, there are quite a few characters of this kind in order to maintain a strong and mysterious character.

After all, first of all, the "Yellow Spring" in the past dynasties are all mysterious and mysterious, and they are traditional performing arts. Besides, Meisheng has no cultivation at all. No matter how you think about it, she can't be the one who holds the palace master hostage.

However, now Liu Yuan has a new view.

Huang Quan doesn't appear in front of people very much, maybe because she can't appear...

The action against Liu Yuan and Ling Yao this time also seemed to be hasty, but the method was fierce and decisive, and it should be to solve the matter at once.

However, she didn't expect the state of Taoism and demons in Liu Yuan's body, and her original plan directly failed, so she didn't even hide her identity for a while, and ran out to solve Liu Yuan herself.

At this moment, Liu Yuan suddenly had a clear understanding in his heart. He was so anxious that he almost lost the appearance that the leader of the peak power of the evil faction in the extreme east sea should have.

Why is she in such a hurry

Liu Yuan made a judgment that could determine life and death—

Among the two personalities, the dominant one is actually Meisheng!

Meisheng curled her lips, showing a somewhat annoyed expression: "My lord suddenly found out that I had agreed to marry you a few days ago, and was furious, saying that I would kill you, a despicable villain. As for Dajin, he locked me up for the time being, I really can't do anything for a while... "

As soon as she changed her tone, her face suddenly showed complacency, and she snorted: "Then I thought, I'm going to look for you anyway, so why don't you let the Palace Master bring me here. Although she locked me up, but I don’t know if I can still come out, it’s just that the time is a little shorter.”

Willful... But in the Biluo Mansion, she is like this. Everyone only thinks that she is relying on the mansion master's fox and fake tiger power, but they don't know that she is also "domineering" towards her own mansion master.

It's no wonder that Huang Quan is so angry. Judging from his past deeds and his brief appearance just now, that personality should not have the slightest thought of pettiness and love. On the contrary, he looks like an ambitious hero. This is because he sold himself ah!

Being the master of one side's power, thinking about aspiring to the top of Central Continent, but the other personality has been completely conquered by a man, and even thinking about marrying him, but he can't dominate his body. It's really a bloody feud, and it collapses just thinking about it .

Thinking about it this way, it was quite normal for the other party to want to kill him so much.

However, I understand that the person who wants to kill is me, of course not, not only can't, but I have to concoct this mansion master who looks disgusted from the beginning to the end, as if he is looking at a dirty insect...

Liu Yuan showed a worried expression and said: "But what if she comes out again, I'm at the end of my strength now, and I'm afraid I won't be able to move at all after the Burning Blood Pill wears off. Besides, now that she's here, she's clarifying Before the incident, Lingyao and I had nowhere to stand in Central Continent, and now the Yuxu Taoist Sect is about to issue a warrant..."

He deliberately withdrew the spiritual power that had been suppressing the injury in his body, and his face immediately turned pale, with blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and with his clothes and hair wet by the rain, he looked miserable and embarrassed.

Meisheng's personality also has the same strength as Huang Quan's, but her expression is more cute, although sometimes it is quite bad.

It's a bit like what some boys would often do when they were young. The more they like it, the more they bully them, and they especially like to give some care and comfort after the event.

Of course, Liu Yuan felt that in the environment of Biluo Mansion, this kind of psychology should be closer to sadistic desire...

Although Liu Yuan's tragic situation at this moment was not done by her, but because Huang Quan and her were twins, it was still "hands-on".

Meisheng's expression immediately became full of pity, and she leaned forward to lick the blood from the corner of Liu Yuan's mouth, but then she pouted and said awkwardly: "Okay, okay, it's my fault, then I'll bully you casually, okay? "

Liu Yuan narrowed his eyes and said calmly, "You?"

He shook his head immediately, and said softly: "But it's not your fault, how could I let you come..."

Meisheng put a finger on his lips and said, "I am her."

Her other hand grabbed Liu Yuan's hand, and led his fingertips into the purple dress: "Let me teach you, where is the weakness of the lifeblood of the exercises practiced by Lord Palace Master?"

This is probably the scariest boy in the world.

Liu Yuan turned his head to the sidelines and watched the Lingyao who had witnessed the instigation wink, and said via voice transmission: "Bring me the rope that tied me up earlier."



ps: It’s only half an hour since the morning... In fact, I dreamed that I was petting a cat in the morning. The cat was very cute and was about to jump into my arms. My hand had already felt the trace... Then wake up

I went back to sleep angrily, and planned to rub it bald, but in the end, a trace of fragrance followed the dream, and I didn't rub it (sorrowful)

Chapter 264 He is very reliable