After Our Divorce, I Still Wore Your Jacket

Chapter 51


The concept of separation has never been thought of, why separate? How is it possible to separate

The friends around me are divided and merged, and there are many divorces in the entertainment industry, but Fang Shaoyi and Yuan Ye have always been a whole. At first, no one believed that the two of them could be too long, and then no one close friends around them doubted their relationship. They are definitely going to last a long time, and whoever leaves them will never leave.

But there was a problem between the two, and it lasted for a long time.

On the surface, it started from the incident with the crew, and since then there have been deviations. No matter how hard the two of them tried, they couldn't get their relationship back to the same as before. It's all said and done, and it's obvious that I don't remember that time, but no matter what, I can't return to the previous state.

Yuan Ye said to look for the self, but what exactly is "self" and where to find it. In the ten years of marriage, I have already adapted to this model. I use Fang Shaoyi's time to make plans. Everything must be considered on Fang Shaoyi's side. I haven't felt that this is wrong all these years. Especially in recent years, many times Yuan Ye doesn't remember that he is "Yuan Ye". His first identity is Fang Shaoyi's lover, and the second is himself. There are many thoughts and many words, from blurting out to thinking about whether or not to say it or not, and in the end, I don’t say it at all.

Everything in his mind was poured into the pen, and what he wrote became more and more sharp and realistic, but it was not as straight as before, pointing like a knife, but always separated by a layer. In the past, his things were stuck in the soil, and some people said that he was a romance integrated with mountain and wild aura. Later, his romantic atmosphere became weaker and weaker. This may be related to age. After 30 years, people's thinking is different at each stage.

But whether this change is right, and whether the way they have been getting along for a long time is healthy, when two people are separated into two individuals and no longer tied together, this kind of thinking becomes more and more, also getting deeper.

Feng Leizi had to call Yuan Ye every three or five minutes. There was a shortage of screenwriters in the film industry, and there were never enough skilled screenwriters. The bottom-level screenwriters were flooded again, and the fault line was deformed. The wilderness is just a piece of meat that is sizzling and oily, and the literary planners are watching him closely. Relying on his personal friendship with Yuan Ye, Feng Leizi always wanted to dig him into his own project.

"Wild brother, please help." Feng Leizi said on the phone again, "My boss asked me to find someone, and when I heard the requirements he said, isn't that my wild brother?"

Yuan Ye scolded him with a smile, and then said, "I can't write the story of your boss, he is too good at grinding."

"How can something good come out without grinding?" Feng Leizi was a little anxious, and whispered, ""Stove Fire" ah brother, we grabbed the copyright from the three directors, the story is here, this will definitely win an award."

"Then you don't write it yourself?" Yuan Ye gave a sneer, piercing his thoughts, "The better the story, the more the screenwriter will be blamed if you can't win the award."

"I can't write it!" Feng Leizi began to be rude, "Brother Ye, Brother Ye, Uncle Ye! Can you do me a favor, if you can help me, I don't think I need to mess around anymore if I can't find anyone."

Feng Leizi's boss is Lin Feng, director of literary and artistic films. He has won numerous awards abroad, but domestically, he is deserted and not very popular. But people's aspirations are not here, what they pursue is stories, and they don't need to pay too much attention to the domestic market. If Yuan Ye took this job, he would be tied to this story. Lin Feng is notorious for grinding people.

Yuan Ye's first reaction was to not pick it up, he couldn't afford it. In particular, Fang Shaoyi has a movie that he is going to shoot in the UK, and Yuan Ye has not let him go out on his own.

Yuan Ye still pushed it later, and took over another project from Feng Leizi, a commercial film of reasoning.

During that time, Fang Shao was alone in Europe, and Yuan Ye did not follow him. He only stayed with him for a week at the beginning, and then came back.

Due to the jet lag and their respective work and rest time, the two sometimes cannot get on the phone for several days. When we talk to each other, we talk about our own affairs. After a few minutes of chatting, we are still intimate. When Yuan Ye is free, he will fly over to visit the class and come back after a few days. It is a bit of a toss and the time is full, but it is worth it to see Fang Shaoyi.

But this still failed to bring the relationship between the two back to the previous state, and it always seemed like something was missing.

In the middle, Fang Shaoyi sent Yuan Ye a plan for a variety show and asked him if he wanted to go. Yuan Ye watched it for two days. The two of them never participated in this kind of thing. Yuan Ye hated it, and Fang Shaoyi didn't like it either. But this time Fang Shaoyi sent it to him. It was a love travel show. He was going to a few places and used the show to fall in love a few times.

Inexplicably, both of them signed.

The natural and fake harmony deliberately displayed by both sides is in the end just false prosperity, and a little thing is enough to break this tacit peace.

Fang Shaoyi's play was interrupted for about ten days due to the relationship with other actors. There are two meetings in Yuan Ye, and if there is no unexpected situation, he will fly for a few days. This is what they agreed before. Before that, they hadn't seen each other for almost two months, and it was impossible to say that they didn't care.

Yuan Ye sent a message to Fang Shaoyi: Wait for me, baby, to see you.

As soon as Fang Shao didn't reply to this post, Yuan Ye put away his phone after sending it, changed his clothes and went out to have a meal with someone. There was something to discuss at the dinner table. It was past nine o'clock in the evening after a meal. He also just came back. He had been in another city before, he didn't pay attention to the temperature difference, and he wore less clothes.

When Yuan Ye got home and opened the door, he felt something was wrong. He saw Fang Shaoyi's shoes. Yuan Ye immediately looked up and saw the coat on the sofa at a glance.

There was an instant smile in Yuan Ye's eyes, and the little surprise from his lover was very useful.

But then he frowned.

Yuan Ye went upstairs, the bedroom door was not closed, the light was on, Fang Shaoyi was lying there sleeping with his eyes closed, his face was as white as paper. Yuan Ye walked over lightly, put one knee on the bed, leaned over, and pressed his forehead against his forehead to test his temperature.

It was a little hot, Yuan Ye sighed in his heart, and before he got up, Fang Shaoyi suddenly reached out and clasped his head and kissed him on the lips.

Yuan Ye asked him in a low voice, "Didn't you fall asleep?"

"Yeah," Fang Shaoyi said with a heavy nasal voice, and before he let go, he continued to hold him in the same position as before, and said against his lips, "Wait for you."

His breathing was so heavy, his voice was so hoarse, Yuan Ye closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, they turned red.

Fang Shaoyi's return this time was also on a temporary basis. He didn't take medicine in advance, and it was time difference when he flew back from there, which almost killed his life. Yuan Ye asked him, "Why don't you wait for me to go..."

"I can't wait," Fang Shao smiled and said softly, "I can't wait two more days."

This is a love story, which is naturally beautiful, but it is not the truth. Yuan Ye knew him so well, and the truth was that Fang Shaoyi was afraid that Yuan Ye would be tired, that he would squeeze time to fly to Europe, that this relationship could only be paid and maintained by one party.

Yuan Ye was lying beside Fang Shaoyi at the time, with his arms around him, his face buried in Fang Shaoyi's neck, and he quietly hugged Fang Shaoyi for a long time. Fang Shaoyi is always warm, dry and comfortable, which makes people intoxicated and infatuated.

As soon as Fang Shao flew back, he took ten days to deduct the time from the jet lag, and there was nothing left.

Yuan Ye looked at Fang Shaoyi's suffering, and he opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say when he tried to speak a few times. If Yuan Ye was going to get angry before, and complained about Fang Shao while he was distressed, you would have to mess around for ten days.

But now Yuan Ye couldn't say anything, and the emotions in his heart were too mixed and chaotic, and they were all crowded together. Yuan Ye, who was playing with a pen and writing, couldn't find a suitable language to describe it.

Since when did the two of them need this? This is a bit of a failure anyway. The harder you try, the more you fail.

One morning, after Yuan Ye finished his breakfast, Fang Shaoyi came downstairs, poured a glass of water and took a sip. Yuan Ye smiled at him.

Fang Shaoyi couldn't really eat anything, but in order to make people feel at ease, he still ate some porridge. His face was still not very good-looking, and he didn't slow down. Yuan Ye looked at his dry lips with an unnatural color, and suddenly said, "Brother, are you tired?"

Fang Shaoyi looked at him and asked, "What are you tired of?"

"With me." Yuan Ye lowered his head and said again after a while, "I think you are very tired now."

Fang Shao put down the things in his hand, touched his fingers lightly, and asked him, "Are you tired?"

Yuan Ye didn't speak, just shook his head.

"The two of us..." Yuan Ye started talking, but he didn't know how to answer the next words. What happened to the two of them, actually nothing, but why is it so uncomfortable. What should be said and what should be talked about has already been talked about, and it is still those old words.

Two adult men in their thirties made a mess of their relationship without any problems. It's ridiculous to look back and not even think of why.

Fang Shaoyi had no expression on his face, but his eyes were deep. He kept staring at Yuan Ye, and later asked him, "What do you want to say?"

Yuan Ye looked up at him, but did not continue to speak, he had already said all he could.

"What do you want?" Fang Shaoyi asked him again, with a low voice. "Just say what you want."

Yuan Ye sighed, rubbed his head, and even wanted to laugh a little, he said innocently: "I don't want anything, what do I want."

After saying this, he really laughed. He reached out and touched Fang Shaoyi's hand, shook his head and said, "Forget it, I just want you to be good, don't be upset."

Fang Shaoyi shook him back with his backhand, and pinched his fingers on his ring.

Yuan Ye smiled at him.