After Rebirth I Became a Rich Man’s Wife

Chapter 77


15L: I also saw the school girl getting into a luxury car! It's still the kind that the driver will come down to open the door for him, I thought I was watching a TV series!

16L: Not to mention, the school girl's face is matched with that picture, a big movie picture every minute!

17L: I heard that Xiaocao's family is very rich. Is it so rich? That car is a limited edition worldwide.

18L: emmmmm... It's all because the school grass is usually too low-key, always making me forget that he is from a wealthy family.

19L: I was at the door at the time. When I was driving, I caught a glimpse of a man in the car! Damn it was just a blink of an eye, but it still almost made me squeal!

20L: Fuck! The schoolgirl's boyfriend? ? ? ! ! !

21L: Ahhh! The schoolboy's boyfriend drove him to pick him up from school in a limited-edition luxury car? Wori, this is fairy love, full of the fragrance of money.

22L: That's not clear, but the man who came to pick up the school grass looks older than the school grass.

23L: Wait, tell me clearly, isn't school grass gong? I don't believe that the school grass will be affected!

24L: People only said that the other party is older than the school grass, but they didn't say that the school grass is subject, haven't you heard of the young wolf dog? It's our school grass!

25L: That makes sense, the school grass must be attacking, if he gets the A, then there will be no 1 in this world!

Tang Zhen sent this post to Chen Xu, and laughed like an idiot in the group.

Zhenuo: Hahahaha, they are all sure that you are attacking. I really want to start a gamble. If everyone else oppresses you, you are attacking, but if I oppress you, you are suffering.

Chen Xu: ...

□□: Wow, there is such a way to make money, why don't you call me!

Chen Xu: Both of you quit the group.

Chen Xu didn't expect that he would be secretly photographed. He and Si Ye didn't announce their marriage widely. One is that they were not really in love at the time, they just agreed to get married. The second is that Si Ye felt that he was too young and had just entered university. If it was made public, it might have an impact on him. In order to protect Chen Xu, he only made it public in a small area.

He is not a high-profile person, and he doesn't feel the need to explain his affairs to others, so he swiped the forum page a few times, and closed it after reading it for a while.

It didn't take much time to make the clothes volume data. After it was over, Si Ye took him to a restaurant for dinner.

"Si Ye."

As soon as Chen Xu heard this voice, he subconsciously tightened his body.

He turned around, and sure enough, he saw Xiang Xiuhe, but Mo Hang was still standing beside Xiang Xiuhe today.

With a gentle smile on his face, Xiang Xiuhe came over to greet them both.

"You guys come to eat too, let's go together." Xiang Xiuhe suggested.

Seeing that Mo Hang was also there, Si Ye was about to agree, when he heard Chen Xu say in a distant and polite way: "I'm sorry, I had a hard time finding time to date Uncle Si today, we booked a private room for couples, it's inconvenient, I hope you understand. "

As soon as Chen Xu said that, he hugged Si Ye's arm, exuding a delicate and clingy love.

The smile on Xiang Xiuhe's face froze, he didn't expect to be rejected, and Mo Hang was still there.

"Tsk tsk tsk, okay, don't disturb your two-person world, let's meet again next time." Mo Hang said with a gritty face.

Chen Xu smiled slightly, looked at Mo Hang and Xiang Xiuhe with teasing eyes, "We won't bother you either."

These words made Mo Hang and Mo Hang startled at the same time, Mo Hang touched his nose, could it be that Chen Xu saw that he liked Xiang Xiu's reconciliation? Is it so obvious

When Chen Xu and Si Ye entered the private room, and Xiang Xiuhe was still staring at Si Ye's back, Mo Hang felt a little uncomfortable. He was used to it by tomorrow. He looked at Xiang Xiuhe, and Xiang Xiuhe looked at Si Ye. , but his heart still hurts.

"Don't look, let's go." Mo Hang pulled Xiang Xiuhe's arm, and walked to the box they reserved.

As soon as he sat down, Xiang Xiuhe asked him, "Did you say anything to Si Ye?"

Mo Hang paused while pouring the tea, "What do you mean?"

Probably aware of his bad attitude, Xiang Xiuhe pursed his lips and said, "Mo Hang, I don't mean anything else, I just wonder why Chen Xu said that just now."

Mo Hang suppressed the anger in his heart, and put the poured tea in front of him, "I didn't tell him anything that I shouldn't say."

"As for why Chen Xu said that, maybe he saw it. After all, I was so obvious, and he is not blind." Mo Hang said self-deprecatingly.

Xiang Xiuhe lowered his eyelashes, "I'm sorry Mo Hang, if you feel uncomfortable, you can delete my contact information, but I will always regard you as the most important friend, when you are willing to contact me, contact me again Me, I will not change the contact information."

Mo Hang's brows were furrowed together in pain, Xiang Xiuhe had already said this, how could he be cruel enough not to contact Xiang Xiuhe anymore.

"You're stabbing me in the heart."

Xiang Xiuhe was silent for a while, and finally he could only utter two words, "Sorry."

Mo Hang took a deep breath, his eyes were red, "What can you do if you keep looking at him? He can still divorce Chen Xu."

"Don't think that Chen Xu is young and uncertain. Maybe he will get tired of this kind of life after a while and run to find freedom. Then you can take advantage of the void and move Si Ye with your true feelings."

"Let me tell you, no, if Si Ye could be moved by you, he would have been with you a long time ago, so why wait until later, the husband and wife are very affectionate and have a good relationship."

"Mo Hang!" Xiang Xiuhe shouted uncontrollably, staring at him with red eyes, "Do you have to embarrass me like this?"

Mo Hang gritted his teeth and said, "It's not that I want to embarrass you, it's you who want to embarrass yourself. Last time you said you had a fever, I was scared out of my wits. It was Chinese New Year, and I left my house People rushed back overnight, but in the end, you just found an excuse for me to call Si Ye to take care of you, what do you think of me?"

Xiang Xiuhe lowered his head, his face was covered with tears, Mo Hang suddenly couldn't continue, he walked up to him in distress, and wiped his tears, "Why can't you turn around and look at me."

"I'm sorry for you. I also want to ask why Si Ye refuses to look back at me." Xiang Xiuhe choked up.

Mo Hang's heart was smashed into a sieve.

On the other side, the boxes for Chen Xu and Si Ye had already served good food, he just said casually, but he didn't expect that Si Ye really ordered a box for couples, the room was decorated with pink bubbles.

"This light is too dim, can you turn it on brighter? I'm afraid of myopia." Chen Steel's straight man Xu said to the waiter beside him.

Waiter: "..."

Si Ye laughed dumbfounded, "Turn on the light."

As a result, the dim and ambiguous box suddenly became brighter, and Chen Xu finally saw clearly what the dish in front of him was.

"I'm sorry Uncle Si just made a decision on his own." Chen Xu expressed his embarrassment, but he would dare to do it next time. Even with Mo Hang around, he was worried about Xiang Xiuhe. He always felt that Xiang Xiuhe would make something wrong. Don't want a good dinner time to feel like nothing.

"Huh?" Si Ye thought of the child's arrogant look just now, and thought it was extremely cute.

"There's nothing to be sorry for, you can make my decision." Si Ye finally belatedly asked him to stay away from Xiang Xiuhe before showing Chen Xu, not because he said he was worried that Mo Hang would be jealous, but because It's because the kids are jealous.

Hearing this, Chen Xu touched the tip of his nose in embarrassment, he can make Si Ye's decision.

The more I think about it, the more I feel like drinking honey in my heart, it's sweet.

Seeing the child's lips raised happily, Si Ye suddenly hooked his hands at him.

"Huh?" Chen Xu looked at Si Ye suspiciously, subconsciously leaning forward, Si Ye suddenly leaned over and stole a kiss on Chen Xu's lips.

The little boy friend with wide-eyed and dazed face is extremely cute.

Chen Xu was lucky, when the two of them went out, they didn't meet Xiang Xiuhe and the two, and they still carried the dessert that Si Ye asked the restaurant to prepare, and took it back for Chen Xu's roommate to eat.

That night, Tang Zhen and Zhu Yaoyuan were very dog-legged and said that you are welcome to give any orders from Master Xu.

A few days later will be the weekend, the day when Si Lin's identity will be revealed.

Chen Xu got up early in the morning and was busy, Si Lin had never seen such a big battle before, he was timid and at a loss.

Sun Weiang also came back yesterday. When Si Yichen was still around, he looked down on his boss Yichen. He felt that Si Yichen had occupied the magpie's nest and robbed Si Lin of his things. But when Si Lin came back, he found Si Lin again. It's not as good as Si Yichen, this unworthy appearance makes one's chest suffocate.

When he came downstairs today, he saw Si Lin standing in the living room, his face turned pale from nervousness.

"What are you doing here? Have you prepared the manuscript that uncle asked you to prepare?" Sun Weiang stepped forward and patted Silin's arched back.

Silin just woke up like a dream, and only now remembered this matter, shaking his head in panic, ""

"I... Do I really have to speak in front of so many people at night? Can I not speak, people don't necessarily want to hear me..." The more Silin spoke, the lower his voice.

Sun Weiang said bitterly, "The Si family is not a small family. It's a big deal for you to be found and recognize your ancestors. It's not something you can do casually."

He didn't bother to explain it to Si Lin, and Si Lin couldn't understand the conflict of interests.

"Hurry up and go back to your room to write." Sun Weiang saw that he was depressed, and obviously couldn't understand what he said, so he didn't say anything more, so he simply asked people to go back and write the speech.

"No... isn't there someone who is responsible for writing the manuscript? I'll just read it." Si Lin thought to himself that the principal of his school would have someone prepare the manuscript when he spoke on stage. How could the Si family even have a manuscript writer when they are so rich? nothing.

Sun Weiang was furious, "Don't you have anything to say yourself?"

Silin shook his head, what did he want to say, the only thing he wanted to say was that he didn't want to go to school, don't force him to go to school anymore, he just wanted to be a dandy with a lot of money, it's not that the Si family can't afford him, what to do so harsh on him.

His former group of friends heard that he was recognized by a rich family, and they kept urging him to take them to see the world, treat them to dinner, and have fun.

Silin didn't dare to reply to them at all, for fear that people would know that he had a glamorous appearance, but in fact he didn't have a hundred in his pocket.

Si Ye didn't give him pocket money at all, saying that he had everything he wanted at home, and if he didn't have it, he would tell Uncle Zhong, and Uncle Zhong would ask someone to buy it. Si Lin had no place to spend money at all, so what would he do with pocket money

Si Lin almost cried out of anger, but he dared not speak out.

Sun Weiang watched Si Lin go back to the room, turned around and saw Chen Xu arranging work in an orderly manner, and suddenly realized that Chen Xu and Si Lin were the same age, they really couldn't be compared.

Chen Xu was so busy that his feet didn't touch the ground, and Si Lin came to him with the manuscript he had written and asked him to read it for him.

"I'm a little busy here, let Sun Weiang show it to you." After Chen Xu finished speaking, he walked straight past him, his eyebrows frowned, and his expression was indifferent.

Si Lin felt that this kind of Chen Xu was a little strange, he grabbed the tablet computer in his hand, and pressed his lips together in a depressed mood.

In the end, he had to go to Sun Weiang. Sun Weiang glanced at the manuscript he wrote, and there were still many typos.

Remembering that he didn't get into Silin University, Sun Weiang didn't expect him to write any wonderful manuscripts, but at least he should be able to write with real feelings and fluent sentences, but it turned out that the whole article was full of nonsense, and he suddenly felt that he was correcting wrong sentences wrong.

"Go and have a rest, I'll polish it up for you." Sun Weiang rubbed his brows, no longer expecting him to revise the manuscript in the remaining time, Si Lin can leave as soon as he hears it, and he doesn't need to write any more manuscripts. Amnesty.

He raised his eyes to see the back of Si Lin leaving, the brisk steps made Sun Weiang hate iron for steel, delete the nonsense manuscript written by Si Lin with one click, and write a new one for him.

As night fell, Chen Xu changed into a newly made suit, pushed open the door and went out, just bumped into Si Ye who was coming back, staggered a bit, and was held by Si Ye to stabilize his body.

"Be careful."

Si Ye lowered his head and looked at Chen Xu's new clothes. Chen Xu has grown a lot taller. Wearing a suit makes his waist thinner and his legs longer. The thin waist in his hands makes people reluctant to part with him, "It looks good."

Chen Xu pursed his lips, "Thank you."

He wore a rose stud earring today, which made his already fair skin more white like jade, and added a touch of bright color to his delicate facial features.

Si Ye went into the room to change clothes, Chen Xu was waiting for him at the door of the cloakroom, with his head lowered, peeking at Si Ye from time to time.

He had seen Si Ye's body under his clothes, but he still couldn't help but want to take a peek. He rubbed the studs on his ears, and the tips of his ears were a little red.

A pair of shoes suddenly appeared in the line of sight with his head down, Chen Xu raised his head, Si Ye walked in front of him at some point, with his upper body naked, he subconsciously looked away, his cheeks were hot.

"I'm a man, just look at him in an upright manner." Si Ye said as he stretched out his hand to take him.

There was a burst of heat from the palm of his hand, which was Si Ye's strong and powerful heartbeat. Si Ye's body texture was distinct, and it was a typical example of looking thin and fleshy when dressed, but it would not be too exaggerated. His skin was fair and his muscles were beautiful. , neither too thin nor too strong.

As if his hands were scalded, Chen Xu subconsciously wanted to take it back, his cheeks were already unbearably hot, and his eyelashes were trembling rapidly.

Si Ye gave a short chuckle, let Chen Xu go, and put on his shirt.

Chen Xu clenched his fists, walked over as if making up his mind, took the tie from Si Ye's hand, and said, "I'll help you."

Si Ye let go of his hands and bent down considerately. Chen Xu is now 1.8 meters tall, and the height difference between him and Si Ye is getting smaller and smaller. He remembered that in his previous life, when Chen Xu was 22 years old, he was 1.82 meters tall. Children will grow taller.

When Chen Xu was putting on Si Ye's tie, he was very focused and serious. Si Ye looked down at him with an itchy heart, wanting to bully his little boyfriend.

"I heard from Uncle Zhong that you've been busy all day today and you've worked hard." Si Ye kissed him on the forehead.

Chen Xu's tie was not finished yet, when he was kissed suddenly, his fingers trembled, and his lips were pursed into a straight line, "It's not hard work, and I didn't help much."

What he can do is limited, mainly relying on Uncle Zhong, not to mention that he drove Si Wanping away, implying that she is a customer who is always pointing fingers, this time Si Wanping simply stood by and watched his jokes, Chen Xu naturally couldn't Such an important occasion would embarrass Si Ye, and it would be even more impossible for Si Wanping to see a joke.

Today he got up early in the morning, and Mou worked hard to organize the banquet tonight.

"It feels like I married a good wife and returned home." Si Ye said with a smile.

Chen Xu pushed up the tie suddenly, and Si Ye's neck was strangled, knowing that the kid was dissatisfied.

"You wait for me to catch up with you, and when the time comes, I will let you go home and be my good wife, washing and cooking for me every day." Chen Xu said harsh words, but his hands were helping Si Ye adjust the tightness of the tie , carefully turned down the collar for him and smoothed it out.

Hearing Chen Xu's words, Si Ye couldn't help laughing, "Okay, I don't mind being your good housekeeper, washing and cooking for you every day, and bringing you tea and water when you come home from get off work at night. If you get drunk, I can also wash your feet and wipe your body."

This is not a good helper, but a slave, but Si Ye himself is very happy.

Chen Xu looked up at him, without saying a word, picked up the cufflinks and put them on for Si Ye. These cufflinks were given to him by Chen Xu before. Si Ye liked them very much and wore them most frequently.

The employees in the company once thought that the director was about to go bankrupt, and why the same pair of cufflinks were not replaced after wearing them so many times.

Some people even wondered if Si Ye was engaged in wholesale and bought several pairs of identical cufflinks.

However, only Secretary Jiang knew the truth, because he was shown off by his boss.

"Thank you." Si Ye lowered his head and touched Chen Xu's lips. Chen Xu suddenly grabbed his tie and refused to let go. Si Ye was forced to lower his head and let the child kiss him with teeth and claws.

After the kiss, the little boyfriend wiped his rosy lips with the back of his hand, pretending to be serious and said: "It's hard work."

Si Ye almost couldn't hold back his laughter, but he tried his best to hold back for the sake of the kid's face. His little boyfriend is so cute, if it wasn't for the time, he really wanted to bully him and cry.

"Okay, are you satisfied?" Si Ye held Chen Xu's waist, led him outside, and leaned over to ask in his ear as he walked.

It was as if a small electric current had exploded inside the cochlea, which was crisp, numb, and extremely itchy.

Chen Xu tried his best to hold back the expression on his face, pretending to be calm and nodding his head, "Yeah."

Si Ye couldn't help laughing, lowered his head and kissed Chen Xu's rose earrings, "I'll give you something more satisfying tonight."

One sentence made Chen Xu's previous efforts go in vain, his waist and legs suddenly became weak, and he almost couldn't stand still, but luckily Si Ye kept supporting his waist.

With anticipation for tonight, Chen Xu and Si Ye entered the hall of tonight's banquet together.

Before the guests came, Si Ye led Si Lin to meet the relatives at home. Si Lin was worried at first, but after Si Ye and Chen Xu came in, he couldn't see from Chen Xu's eyes. Move away, Chen Xu is too dazzling tonight, like a seductive siren.

Si Lin was specially dressed up tonight, and after being taken back to Si's house, he was raised for a period of time. Under Si Ye's strict control, he went to bed early and got up early to study every day, so he didn't have to wake up early and stay late. In addition, he ate well, and his complexion improved a lot , the skin is not as dark as before.

His biological parents, Si Jinwen and Sun Keting, were already very good-looking. He inherited the genes of these two people, so there is no difference. Can bluff.

"Si Ye, I'm not talking about you. Since you found Si Lin, why don't you tell us? We can still harm him." Si Yaowei said with some dissatisfaction.

He didn't know until today that Si Lin had found him. Although he knew that he couldn't snatch the Si family, one more person would be an extra share of property. What's more, when Si Ye inherited the Si family, Tao Minzhi used to be in front of them. He said to his face that when Si Lin is found, Si Ye must return the Si family to Si Lin.

Finding Silin is not only about finding a lost child, but also about the possibility of the Si family changing hands.

Si Ye hid it, it was obvious that he didn't want to return the Si family to Si Lin, and Si Lin was only nineteen years old this year, how could a brat be able to outplay an old fox like Si Ye.

"Third Uncle is worrying too much. When Si Lin came back, he naturally wanted to introduce him on a formal occasion. Didn't I see you today?" Si Ye frantically blocked Si Yaowei from saying anything.

Seeing Si Lin, Luo Yi opened her eyes wide in disbelief as if she had seen a ghost, and even stood up from the chair in a gaffe, " is it possible!"

Her movement was too loud, causing everyone present to look at her. Si Yaowei was also dumbfounded. He pulled Luo Yi, "Honey, what's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?"

Luo Yi shook her head with a dazed expression, noticing that the eyes of the people around her were all on her, she explained with a pale face: "I'm sorry, I was the one who accompanied Ke Ting out back then, the first person to know that she lost the child, After so many years without any news, I thought there was no hope."

"I'm not questioning you, I just thought it was too sudden, Si Ye, are you sure he is really Silin?"

Si Ye said in a deep voice: "If Third Aunt doesn't believe it, I will still have Silin's DNA test report after the banquet is over."

He looked around at relatives with different thoughts, "It happens that you should also take a look."

Everyone didn't speak, they just acquiesced to Si Ye's proposal.

Silin stood beside him, feeling chills all over his body, is this a rich family? There is no sense of family affection at all.

He suddenly missed the Fan family and his wife a little bit, but now he was not willing to let him give up the Si family and go back to live a hard life with his adoptive parents.

Si Xuezhou took the initiative to talk to Si Lin. He had a simple mind and didn't think too much. Seeing that Si Lin was about the same age as him, he thought that he would not be used to the life of the Si family when he was suddenly found. If it was him, he would definitely Very at a loss.

"My name is Si Xuezhou." Si Xuezhou introduced himself, pointed to Si Yaowei and Luo Yi not far away, and said, "Those are my parents."

Si Lin looked at Si Yaowei and his wife in surprise, then at Si Xuezhou, and said awkwardly, "Should I call you uncle?"

Si Xuezhou waved his hand and said, "You can just call me by my name. We are about the same age, so it's embarrassing."

Hearing what Si Xuezhou said, Si Lin heaved a sigh of relief. He talked with Si Xuezhou for a while, and thought that Si Xuezhou was a nice person, but after realizing that he was a good student and a good boy, he suddenly disappeared. Interesting, he thought that Si Xuezhou could take him out to play, just like the eldest cousin of the Sun family, but Si Xuezhou didn't know as much about eating, drinking and having fun as he did, so he couldn't help but treat him coldly.

The Si family had guests arriving one after another, and Chen Xu followed Si Ye to receive the guests with him.

There were quite a few people who were gloating and prepared to sit and watch Si Ye and Chen Xu get divorced, but seeing that the relationship between these two people is still so good today, wouldn't Si Ye get tired of it

But after taking a closer look at Chen Xu, some of the starlets who came with the big boss whispered, no wonder Si Ye is not tired of playing with Chen Xu, it has only been a while since Chen Xu is good-looking again, an amateur is actually prettier than a star.

They stared at Chen Xu's face closely, trying to discern where Chen Xu had been manipulated. After watching for a long while, they were discouraged to find that Chen Xu's face was actually pure and natural!

Chen Xu turned to get the wine glass, and suddenly met Xiang Xiuhe who was at the door.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-04-17 21:00:04~2020-04-18 21:00:08~

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Rising Sun Zhaoyang; 10 bottles of Tiantian; 5 bottles of 42835283; 3 bottles of Qingyue;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!