After Rebirth I Became a Rich Man’s Wife

Chapter 78


Xiang Xiuhe came here with Mo Hang. He is a popular celebrity with a celebrity aura that cannot be compared to ordinary starlets. As soon as he appeared, many people in the hall immediately focused their attention on him.

He is dressed up very dazzlingly today, if it is put on a certain red carpet, I am afraid that every press release will be full of his beauty.

Chen Xu simply suspected that he was here to spoil the scene. Even though the protagonist of today's banquet was Si Lin, he felt the hostility from Xiang Xiuhe.

Xiang Xiuhe smiled gently at him, Chen Xu was naturally not irritated by him, and nodded to Xiang Xiuhe with a dignified aura, he turned his head and said something in Si Ye's ear, a very small one His movements revealed the intimacy between him and Si Ye.

Si Ye even subconsciously leaned over to listen to him. Who has ever seen such a proactive and considerate look.

After talking with Si Ye, Chen Xu took the initiative to walk over to Mo Hang and Xiang Xiuhe, "Brother Xiang, President Mo."

Mo Hang runs an entertainment company. When he saw Chen Xu's outfit today, he couldn't help but brighten his eyes, "Are you considering joining the entertainment industry? Sign with our company, and I will take care of it and make you famous."

"Is it more popular than Brother Xiang?" Chen Xu asked casually.

His question froze the smiles on the faces of Mo Hang and Xiang Xiuhe, and Mo Hang raised his hand and touched the tip of his nose, "It wasn't easy, Brother Xiang was at the right time and place, and now there are too many artists. Good boys are everywhere, and it's not easy to get ahead, but on your terms, after a few years of hard work, you might be able to catch up with Xiuhe."

"Forget it. I can't bear hardships. It's easier for Uncle Si to take care of me." Chen Xu is young, so Mo Hang is not surprised when he said this. He and Si Ye are friends, so naturally he knows how much Si Ye loves Chen. Xu, it's normal for children to be spoiled and proud.

But when Xiang Xiuhe heard these words, he became a little angry, and felt wronged for Si Ye. Si Ye worked so hard to make money outside, and Chen Xu didn't know how to be considerate of him.

Could it be that he wanted Si Ye to raise him for the rest of his life.

Xiang Xiuhe tried his best to suppress the anger in his chest, and tried to persuade him with an elder's attitude: "Si Ye works so hard every day, please be considerate of him, and find something for yourself to do, I remember your grades are pretty good."

"That's because I'm smart, brother Xiang, don't worry, Uncle Si said he will spoil me forever." Chen Xu had an innocent smile on his face.

Pure and hateful.

As Xiang Xiuhe clenched his fists, Mo Hang sensed the change in his mood, and quickly said to Chen Xu: "Stop entertaining us, go do your work, we are old acquaintances, don't be rude."

"That's fine." Chen Xu waved to them both and ran to look for Si Ye.

Looking at the back of Chen Xu leaving, Xiang Xiuhe gritted his teeth, his arms were trembling because his fists were clenched too tightly.

Mo Hang pulled him to a place where there were few people, and frowned in displeasure, "Didn't you tell me before you came that you wanted to take a last look at Si Ye and would try to put it down? What did you say to Chen Xu just now?" doing what?"

"I said it, but I want to make sure that he is really happy, so I will try to let go." Xiang Xiuhe blushed and said, "But listen to what Chen Xu said just now, He doesn't know how to care about Si Ye at all, what's the difference between him and those who want to climb Si Ye's bed, they all want to suck Si Ye's blood!"

"Then why don't you say that Si Ye is not authentic? When Chen Xu just came of age, he abducted someone to get married. How old is he? How many people have he met? Then he gave the rest of his life to Si Ye, an old man, and Si Ye doted on him. What's the matter? What's more, about the couple, Si Ye hasn't said anything yet, what are you doing in such a hurry for him?" Mo Hang lowered his voice, and the veins on his forehead bulged.

Xiang Xiuhe couldn't understand Mo Hang's way of thinking at all, he turned back not to be outdone, "He dared to be so unscrupulous because of his young age, Si Ye has a lot of hooks for people like him, but Si Ye There is only one Ye, he should be with someone better!"

"A better person? Who? You?" Mo Hang pointed at Xiuhe's chest, gritted his teeth and said, "Xiang Xiuhe, you are using me again. You have no intention of letting Si Ye go. What you said are all It was you who tricked me into bringing you to the banquet."

Xiang Xiuhe's eyes were red, he took a deep breath, and said, "Yes, I lied to you, but what can I do, Si Ye refused to see me, I contacted him, he was also very cold and perfunctory to me, Chen Xu You must have told him that you like me, he is avoiding suspicion!"

Mo Hang took a step back in disbelief, "Are you blaming me for liking you?"

He covered his eyes, took a deep breath, his fault, he shouldn't be so obvious, let Chen Xu see that he liked Xiang Xiuhe, and then told Si Ye that Si Ye regarded him as a friend, and he would definitely take the initiative to avoid suspicion .

How ridiculous, this fucking life, why can't he let go of Xiang Xiuhe? Xiang Xiuhe won't even turn his head to look at him.

After everyone arrived, Si Ye spoke first, "Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to come to this banquet. You must have heard about it. Sixteen years ago, my brother and sister-in-law unfortunately lost a child. That child is called Silin. It's my nephew, after the child was lost, our whole family didn't give up looking for him, God paid off, this child was finally found not long ago."

Although the people present had heard about this incident to some extent, they were still shocked when they really heard Si Ye say that Silin had been found. The child who had been lost for sixteen years did not die

There are rumors about this incident from the outside world. Ninety-nine percent of people think that Si Lin is dead long ago. There are many conspiracy theories among them. It is believed that Si Lin was killed secretly by internal fighting in the Si family. That is the eldest son. The eldest grandson has an extraordinary status, and there are many people who want to kill him.

Even Si Ye was suspected by others. No one believed that Si Ye would go to find Si Lin sincerely. The return of Si Lin meant that his status would be threatened.

But what they didn't expect was that Si Ye not only found Si Lin back, but also held a grand banquet for him openly, disclosed his identity to the public, and let him pass the Ming road.

Everyone was eagerly anticipating what the child who had been missing for sixteen years would look like now.

Finally, a thin figure appeared in their line of sight, and Si Jinwen and his wife could be clearly seen from their facial features. Seeing this face, no one would doubt his identity.

Looks good

However, as soon as Si Lin spoke, his demeanor was completely ruined in an instant, he stuttered while speaking, and his expression also cringed.

It was the first time for him to speak in front of so many people, and there were many important figures who could only be seen on TV. Silin felt that he was going to faint in the next second.

Probably because he stumbled too much, Si Ye stepped forward to save the scene, and put his arms around Si Lin's shoulders to speak, Si Lin's whole body was tense, and he had the illusion that his bones would be crushed by Si Ye, and scolded him. He is disgraceful.

"Si Lin has suffered a lot in the past sixteen years, and I also regret that I didn't find him sooner and take good care of him for my brother and sister-in-law. But he is fine now, and now he has returned to the Si family. No one can bully him anymore."

Si Ye's tone didn't fluctuate too much, and it wasn't a particularly sensational tone. He spoke very plainly, but it was this that moved Si Lin so much that his eyes suddenly turned red and he lowered his head.

After listening to Si Ye's words, the guests present subconsciously started to make up about Silin's past life. Si Ye said that he had suffered a lot, so he should have lived a miserable life. Maybe he didn't have enough food and clothing.

They automatically brought in the children from the slums, the older generation who had a good relationship with the Si family, and their eyes were even red, and they took out a handkerchief to wipe their tears.

Then it's no wonder that Si Lin stuttered when he spoke. He must have not gotten used to it until he was brought back. Maybe it was the first time he had seen such a big occasion, and they all expressed their understanding.

After stepping off the stage, Si Ye let go of the hand on Si Lin's shoulder. Si Lin was just moved and wanted to imitate Chen Xu and act coquettishly, when he heard Si Ye say coldly: "Your cousin wrote the manuscript for you. I can’t even recite it clearly, come to me tomorrow morning and recite it to me.”

Looking at the back of Si Ye leaving, Si Lin froze in place, and really felt that Si Ye's tough mouth and soft heart were all illusions.

Si Ye would not be gentle with him.

He thought of his performance just now, it was really bad, but he just wanted to be a rich young master, why make it difficult for him to do things that he is not good at.

He found a corner to eat sullenly, and Sun Pangfei patted him on the shoulder, "Why are you alone?"

"Big Cousin!" Seeing Sun Pangfei, Si Lin regained his energy, and sure enough, Big Cousin could play with him.

"Let's go, I'll take you to meet some friends." Sun Pang took his shoulders and led him into the garden.

Just as Chen Xu put down his wine glass and planned to go out to get some air, a figure blocked his way.

"Come out, I have something to tell you." Chen Yue said in a commanding tone, his complexion was not very good, he looked a bit haggard, it must be something happened to the Chen family.

Although Chen Xu didn't want to go with him, he also didn't want him to cause trouble at the banquet tonight, and it happened that he wanted to go out to have a blast.

"Let's talk." Chen Xu led Chen Yue to an empty balcony, the glass door cut off the noise inside.

"There's something wrong with your mother's physical examination." Chen Yue's brows were tightly wrinkled, and it didn't look like he was lying.

Chen Xu and Chen Yue didn't have much affection, and they were just a little surprised when they heard that Wang Qiang had a health problem, but they didn't feel too uncomfortable.

"What's the problem?" Chen Xu remembered that he had never heard of any problems with Wang Qiang's body in his last life.

"Uterine fibroids, the uterus needs to be removed." Chen Yue looked unwilling as if he was facing an enemy.

Chen Xu nodded, not understanding why he was unwilling, "You are basically not going to have children at your age, the doctor suggests surgery, then do it."

Chen Yue raised his head and glared at him, "What do you know, a woman without a uterus is still a woman!"

Chen Xu resisted the urge to hit someone, "Since you didn't come to listen to my opinion, what did you ask me for? You don't have to mess with me here, I don't have time to waste time with you."

"Calling you a white-eyed wolf, it's true, your mother is going to have such a major operation, and you didn't show it at all." Chen Yue pointed at him and cursed.

Chen Xu finally understood now, and asked him for money.

"The Chen family is not so poor that they can't even pay for a single operation. If it's really that difficult, I can't help you with humanitarian aid." As soon as Chen Xu's words fell, Chen Yue blushed with anger. thick.

"Something happened to the company recently, and your mother is suffering from this disease and needs money. The family is really in trouble. I heard from Lawyer Cai that you inherited your grandfather's inheritance, which contains 10% of the company's shares. You take it out to help me tide over the difficulties, and when the company stabilizes, I will return the shares to you." Chen Yue didn't feel that there was something wrong with his words at all, and asked Chen Xu for the shares confidently.

Chen Xu couldn't hold back, he laughed, with strong sarcasm, "Do you treat me like a three-year-old child?"

Chen Yue was instantly irritated by Chen Xu's attitude, pointed at him furiously and cursed: "Chen Xu, without the Chen family, how can you be today? Don't be ignorant, your mother and I have raised you for so many years, and now the family is in trouble and needs You help, you have this attitude, and you are not afraid of your grandpa coming to you in the middle of the night to claim your life!"

"If my grandpa can really seek someone to kill him in the middle of the night, I think he wants to find you and your wife more than me. You promised him to take good care of me, but in the end, you hurriedly sent me to the Si family before my grandfather's bones were cold. , are you worthy of Grandpa's trust?"

Chen Xu never enjoyed family happiness once in the Chen Yue couple's house. When grandpa was around, they would pretend to be nice to themselves. When grandpa was not around, they would be cold and violent to themselves, often forgetting about him. There is one less person who is hungry at home, and when it is cold, his brothers and sisters all have new clothes, but he does not.

When he was a child, he didn't understand anything, and thought that his parents were so indifferent to him because he didn't do well enough. He tried his best to please them, but it was useless, and it would only cause deeper harm.

Hearing Chen Xu's words, Chen Yue's eyes flickered, and he asked him tentatively: "You... what do you know?"

Seeing Chen Yue's attitude, Chen Xu had no intention of pretending to be with him, it was easier for him to tear his face apart, lest they cling to him like vampires.

"What do you think, Mr. Chen?" Chen Xu didn't call him father, and Chen Yue's eyes widened in shock, his face full of panic.

How did Chen Xu know about this

He thought that this matter could be hidden from him and Wang Qiang. Now that Chen Xu is married to Si Ye, there are so many places in their family that need Si Ye's help. Disadvantages, no advantages, not to mention that he has not cheated Chen Xu's shares from Chen Xu.

After a moment of panic, Chen Yue quickly calmed down and began to morally kidnap Chen Xu, "Where did you hear that?"

The wind at night blew the broken hair on Chen Xu's forehead, he didn't have much emotion on his face, and said lightly: "It's all thanks to my good brother."

His tone was very light, but Chen Yue's ears were full of sarcasm.

It was Chen Hao!

Chen Yue was furious, this stupid thing who did more than fail, let Chen Xu know about it at this time.

He coughed, changed his attitude and said to Chen Xu: "Since you know everything, I won't hide it from you."

"Sixteen years ago, the old man brought you back from outside and gave you and me to raise you. Although our Chen family is a small family, it is also a respectable family. Your origin is unknown, and the old man treats you very close. Even Chen Hao can't compare to you, so it's inevitable that we feel a little bit aggrieved."

"Although I haven't been as close to you as your brothers and sisters these years, I haven't owed you a bite, isn't it? Compared with the children of ordinary families, our Chen family treats you well, right?" Chen Yue moved with affection Knowing the truth, trying to brainwash Chen Xu, our Chen family doesn't owe you anything, on the contrary, we are kind to you, if you are sensible, hurry up and return all the things you took away from the Chen family.

Chen Yue's words sound reasonable to Chad, but the only person Chen Xu needs to be grateful for in the entire Chen family is Mr. Chen. In order to make Chen Yue and his wife treat him better and give him a comfortable growth environment, Mr. Chen gave them both Many benefits.

Chen Yue and his wife took the benefits from Mr. Chen, but did not perform their duties. Why should Chen Xu be grateful to them

Chen Xu never got the slightest bit of warmth from them, but they used Chen Xu to get a lot of benefits. They used to be Mr. Chen, but now they are Si Ye.

"It's grandpa who treats me kindly, not you, please don't put gold on your face. Those inheritances are all things that grandpa left me by name. Even if Mr. Chen is grandpa's son, he has no right to ask me to hand them over. "Chen Xu ruthlessly rejected Chen Yue.

Chen Yue's face suddenly became ugly, and he began to abuse him non-stop.

"Don't think that you can be arrogant just because of Mr. Yousi's backing! If your grandfather knows that you have learned how to climb a bed at a young age, he may be angry. Mr. Si is just playing with you, and he really thinks of himself as the Si family. Mistress, I don’t know good and bad things!”

Chen Xu also turned cold, "Chen's problem is not small, but I have a way to help you get through it."

Hearing what Chen Xu said, Chen Yue couldn't believe it for a moment, did he finally wake up Chen Xu

"any solution?"

There was a meaningful smile on the corner of Chen Xu's lips, with a bit of arrogance, he said slowly: "I don't mind buying the Chen family."

Chen Yue's sanity collapsed in an instant, and he wanted to hit someone angrily, "Son of a son of a bitch!"

Before his fist touched Chen Xu, Chen Xu calmly stretched out his hand to stop him, pushing him back, Chen Yue staggered and knocked down the chair behind him.

Chen Xuyun tidied up the wrinkles on his clothes lightly, and glanced coldly at Chen Yue, "I'm waiting for Mr. Chen to contact me, and I hope that within a week, there will be no waiting."

After he finished speaking, he ignored how Chen Yue was furious, and pushed open the glass door to go in.

"Master Xu, sir is looking for you." Uncle Zhong finally found Chen Xu and hurriedly called him over.

"Is anyone here?" Chen Xu asked.

Uncle Zhong's eyes showed a bit of nostalgia, and he said, "It's the Lin family."

"The Lin family?" Chen Xu searched the information in his mind, but he really couldn't match the number. Why hadn't he heard of the Lin family in his last life, which could make Si Ye care so much.

"Master Xu is young, so he may not be clear. The Lin family is in the imperial capital. Mrs. Lin's wife and Mrs. Jiang's grandmother are best friends. When Mrs. Lin's wife was still alive, the two families had close contacts and a very good relationship." Uncle Zhong has worked in the Si family for decades, and Mrs. Lin's wife would often send Mrs. Jiang some of her favorite and fun things. Gradually lost contact.

Fortunately, after Si Ye came to power, he had business contacts with the third house of the Lin family, so he started contacting again.

When it comes to the Lin family in the imperial capital, Chen Xu has already heard about it. No wonder Si Ye attaches great importance to the Lin family. It has become very popular, and the most well-known one is the eldest daughter Lin Peixin, who is already a three-time gold actress at the age of thirty, and her status in the entertainment circle is not comparable to that of Xiang Xiuhe.

However, Lin Peixin is a low-key person. In the first few years of her debut, she never disclosed her background to the outside world. She relied on her talent and hard work to perform one play after another. Later, her identity was exposed and caused a lot of attention on the Internet. There was a big sensation. A reporter interviewed her, saying that seeing her working so hard, did her family ever think about helping her

Lin Yinghou smiled and said, "They want me to endure more hardships, and if they can't take it, they will take the initiative to run back and become Miss Qianjin."

This is really a realistic version of going back to inherit hundreds of millions of property if you don't become popular, which immediately makes the majority of netizens very bitter.

When Chen Xu was led by Uncle Zhong, Si Ye was talking to a man in a light gray suit. The man's back was facing Chen Xu. The kind of whiteness that I spend too much time indoors is not like Chen Xu, who is rosy white with healthy and shiny skin.

"Let me introduce, this is Professor Lin Yixuan." Si Ye naturally took Chen Xu's hand and pulled him to his side.

Chen Xu walked in front of Lin Yixuan, and only then did he see his appearance clearly. He was wearing a pair of square-rimmed glasses, and he looked gentle and gentle, without much expression on his face.

"Hello, Professor Lin." Chen Xu greeted him politely, but he didn't notice the surprise flashing in Lin Yixuan's eyes, and his gaze was fixed on his face.

"This is my husband, Chen Xu." Si Ye noticed Lin Yixuan's abnormality for a moment, and interrupted Lin Yixuan's gaze.

Lin Yixuan felt a trace of Si Ye's displeasure, and also realized that it was inappropriate for him to stare at people intently, "Hello."

He took the initiative to shake hands with Chen Xu, and Lin Yixuan noticed that the ring on his ring finger matched Si Ye's.

Married to Si Ye at such a young age, I don't know if it's true love, or because of Si Ye's status and property.

From the conversation between Lin Yixuan and Si Ye, Chen Xu learned that Lin Yixuan is the eldest son of the eldest son of the Lin family, the older brother of actress Lin Peixin, a scientific researcher, and a professor at Imperial University. He is thirty-four years old and young. Youwei happened to be giving a speech at University A this time, and Mr. Lin asked him to come to the banquet on behalf of the Lin family.

Si Ye didn't have much contact with Lin Yixuan. Lin Yixuan focused on scientific research and didn't know much about Tai Chi. His words and deeds were a bit blunt and blunt. If it wasn't for his strong ability and being born in the Lin family, grass might have grown two meters high on the grave.

"Sir." Uncle Zhong came over and said a few words to Si Ye, then called him away, leaving Chen Xu and Lin Yixuan looking at each other.

"Where do you study?" Lin Yixuan stared at him for a long while, and forced out a sentence.

"Study as a freshman in University A." Chen Xu admired Lin Yixuan, after all, he is a national scientific researcher and a person who benefits the common people, and his attitude when talking to him was as gentle as possible.

Lin Yixuan was a little surprised when he heard the words, he thought that Chen Xu married Si Ye at such a young age, and his grades should not be very good, but he didn't expect to study in University A.

However, he was wondering if Si Ye was so powerful, could it be that Si Ye spent money to stuff people in.

"What professional?"

Chen Xu always felt that Lin Yixuan's posture was a bit like relatives who seldom see each other all year round during Chinese New Year.

"Economics major."

Lin Yixuan nodded, feeling even more surprised. The economics major of University A is one of the top majors in China, and Chen Xu got in by himself

He thought so in his heart, and his heart was written all over his face.

Chen Xu took the initiative to explain: "I just got a national scholarship at the end of last semester."

Hearing what he said, Lin Yixuan understood that Chen Xu really did well in his studies.

He couldn't help but feel relieved, "You got married at such a young age, do your parents have any objections?"

Although the question was a little too far-fetched, Chen Xu answered him patiently: "They agree."

Chen Yue and his wife agreed with it with both hands. I guess they were happier than him.

Lin Yixuan didn't know whether to say whether the parents were powerful or enlightened, "The imperial capital is very interesting, have you been there?"

Chen Xu raised his eyelids, thinking that Professor Lin's topic was too jumpy, "No."

After hearing the answer, a trace of disappointment flashed in Lin Yixuan's eyes.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-04-18 21:00:08~2020-04-19 21:00:05~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 15 bottles of No Bitterness; 10 bottles of Ada and I’m Gay Purple; 5 bottles of Do not listen to gossip; 3 bottles of Fenglinwan; 1 bottle of Suichen;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!