After Rebirth I Became Spoiled

Chapter 22: 22. The best squid


Su Meng remembered the first time she met Jiang Tingzhou. She was wearing a goose-yellow dress. The light-colored clothes were stained with wet mud, making them look even more embarrassed.

She was all dirty at that time, but he actually clearly remembered the clothes she was wearing when they first met

Su Meng lowered her eyes and looked at the pattern on Jiang Tingzhou's arm. She blinked her eyelashes several times very quickly and asked, "Why did you get this pattern?"

Jiang Tingzhou curled his lower lip, "What else can I do? It looks good."

The Su Meng on his arm is very similar to the real Su Meng, with the same big eyes, long eyelashes, black hair, a cartoon black mask on her face, and clean and clear eyes. This was specially customized by the tattoo artist after he and the tattoo artist described it bit by bit last night.

In fact, looking good is one thing, and on the other hand, it is to remind him to make changes.

The child in front of them was so innocent and pitiful. All her family members died in the earthquake. Although the couple who adopted her were kind-hearted, the most important thing in their hearts was their only son. In the beginning, they came up with the idea of having sex because they felt lonely without their children.

The child looked small and petite, so if he didn't watch her carefully all the time, what would happen if she was bullied again

He didn't know what he was thinking. He only knew that when he saw that scumbag with gray hair bullying children wantonly, all the strings called reason in his mind were broken.

She is so soft and delicate, what right does that scum have to touch her? He wanted to protect her and let her grow up safely without any harm. As for the rest, he couldn't figure it out, and he was too lazy to think about it now.

The prerequisite for protecting a person is that he himself must be strong enough.

Su Meng curiously touched the tattoo on Jiang Tingzhou's arm with her finger, "When you get this tattoo... does it hurt?"

Jiang Tingzhou hummed in a serious manner, looked down at her, and deliberately lied to her and said, "It hurts."

In fact, this is not a real tattoo, it is just a temporary pattern that can be kept for several months. If the pattern fades away, you can just put a new one on it, which is very convenient and quick.

Yesterday, for the first time, he went to see his grandfather and had a heart-to-heart talk with him for a whole day. He wanted to change, and at such an important transitional stage in his life, he felt that he needed correct guidance from the outside world.

He was afraid that he would take the wrong path, and even more afraid that he would take a wrong path and take a long way.

Fortunately, his grandfather, after understanding his thoughts as comprehensively as possible, planned a path for him that was best for him at the moment.

And he had decided to follow the path suggested by his grandfather.

You can't have any tattoos on your body if you go that route.

But he used another kind of tattoo to tattoo Su Meng on his body. Let him see her at any time.

And she on his arm always reminds him to work hard to make changes.

The "armored soldier" in his hand barked in novelty when he saw the tattoo pattern on Jiang Tingzhou's arm. Su Meng tried her best to hold the restless "armored soldier" in her hand, pursed her lips, "How much does it hurt?"

Jiang Tingzhou let his black back and Su Meng's golden retriever play by themselves, and then gently raised his arm, "It hurts so much, it hurts so much that my whole arm is numb. Children, why don't you comfort me?"

Su Meng has never had a tattoo, so she doesn’t know whether it hurts. But when she saw Jiang Tingzhou frowning slightly, she felt that he was really in pain. Thinking of Jiang Tingzhou standing up for her without hesitation the day before yesterday, she bent down slightly and said, "Then let me breathe for you. It won't hurt after I breathe."

As Su Meng spoke, she leaned over and blew lightly on Jiang Tingzhou's arm.

I still remember when she was a child, if she was injured somewhere, her mother would gently blow on the wound. Her mother would gently comfort her and say, "Mengmeng, be good. It won't hurt anymore if you breathe."

Su Meng felt that this method was very effective, because every time her mother did this to her, it seemed as if she really didn't feel any pain at all, and she didn't feel aggrieved at all because of the injury.

Su Meng didn't know any other way to comfort people, so she only used the method her mother had used to her before.

She didn't notice the stiffness of the person in front of her, and after breathing lightly into his arm, she raised her head, blinked and asked him, "Do you feel better?"

Jiang Tingzhou froze on the spot, "..."

Su Meng sighed angrily, "Jiang is three years old. Tattooing hurts so much. Why do you still get it? Aren't you asking for trouble?"

Jiang Tingzhou came back to his senses slightly after hearing these words. He smiled softly and repeated in a complicated tone, "Yes, you are really asking for trouble..."

He originally just pretended to be in pain and wanted to tease Su Meng, but he didn't expect that she would just use the method of coaxing a child to stop crying to coax him. Her breath was warm, spraying bit by bit on his skin, making his whole body feel numb, as if someone had tapped his acupuncture points, making him unable to move.

The late summer sunshine was still hot, but her breath made people feel even hotter than the scorching sunshine at the moment.

Jiang Tingzhou sighed slightly and raised her chin with his fingers, "Kid, are you so kind to everyone?"

Su Meng let out a strange sound.

What kind of weird question is this? Is this even good

It probably doesn't count.

In fact, every time, it seemed that Jiang Tingzhou did something for her first, and then she was grateful for the kindness of the other person, so she wanted to be nice to him.

From the beginning, he accompanied her to find "armored soldiers" to take her home and buy her scar removal medicine. After these things, she began to slowly change her inherent view of him.

After learning about him from Su Sui, she felt that he was lazy and casual, not a gentleman, not considerate, and played with the feelings of little girls at will. But after the contact, she discovered that he was not who she thought.

There's a lot that shines in him.

He was not nothing but his face as she thought at first. Then her opinion of him changed a little.

Later, he followed her to Shanghai, taught the middle-aged man a lesson, and successfully helped her bring Xiaomei out. The day before yesterday, he beat up the scum who bullied her for her, and almost got into trouble. son.

It seemed that every time she was in need, he would help her with all his strength without any selfish motives.

He is a good man.

She thinks he deserves her good guy card. Therefore, she felt that the current level was not good for him.

So now after Jiang Tingzhou asked her this question, Su Meng hesitated and didn't know how to answer.

Jiang Tingzhou didn't hear her response and asked again persistently, "Would you treat others like this?" After asking this question, he thought of Ling Yucheng who was under the same roof with her, and he thought Then he followed up with, "Like Ling Yucheng?"

Su Meng shook her head honestly, "No."

Jiang Tingzhou snorted, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised uncontrollably.

Su Meng blinked again and softly continued, "Jiang is three years old. No one else is as childish as you."

Only Jiang Tingzhou could do such a thing as having her image tattooed on his entire arm.

Just as Jiang Tingzhou was about to say something, his cell phone suddenly rang. After he answered the call, Xiao Zhan's loud voice loomed through the phone's microphone. He took a few steps away and hung up the phone after a few words.

After Jiang Tingzhou came over again, Su Meng said, "If you have something to do, go ahead and do it."

Jiang Tingzhou casually asked Heizi to continue playing by himself, and then said back to Su Meng, "Actually, it's nothing."

Su Meng tilted her head. Although Jiang Tingzhou said this, the person on the other end of the phone sounded as if something big had happened.

"Go and do your work. I have to take the 'armored soldiers' back anyway."

Jiang Tingzhou glanced at the time and chatted with Su Meng for a while before he knew it, half an hour had passed.

Time seems to pass faster than usual.

"Then I'll take 'Artillery' to walk the dog with you next time."

Su Meng opened her mouth in surprise.

"Artillery"... Jiang Tingzhou actually changed the name of his black back

Su Meng picked up the traction rope of the "Armored Soldier" again and was about to go home when Jiang Tingzhou shouted to her from behind, "Kid, I will take you there when school starts tomorrow."

Su Meng let out a sigh.

"We are from the same school, so it's convenient."

Su Meng thought that Jiang Tingzhou was in her senior year of high school, and she agreed in her first year of high school in the same high school, "Okay."