After Rebirth I Became Spoiled

Chapter 42: 42. The best squid


Little angel, because your purchase rate is insufficient, you can only see the anti-theft stamp for the time being.

Su Meng paused slightly, then pretended not to hear and continued walking forward.

"Hey, I promised Mr. Ling to send you home safely."

Hearing the word "Mr. Ling", Su Meng hesitated for a moment, but finally got in the car. This is probably what Mr. Ling told Jiang Tingzhou on the phone just now.

After getting in the car, Su Meng had a headache for a while. Why did she obviously want to keep a certain distance from Jiang Tingzhou, but in the end she always ended up in the same space with him, contrary to her wishes

Perhaps because he had just experienced a rear-end collision today, Jiang Tingzhou didn't drive very fast all the way. It was already dusk when he returned to the compound.

On the way, the two of them didn't talk much. After Jiang Tingzhou used his grandfather's ID to successfully pass through the gate of the compound, Su Meng actually wanted to get out of the car. Unexpectedly, this time Jiang Tingzhou stopped the car before she took the initiative.

Su Meng breathed a sigh of relief and was about to say goodbye to him, but at this moment, Jiang Tingzhou suddenly took out something from his pocket.

The Peppa Pig on the keychain is so eye-catching that it is difficult for Su Meng not to notice it. This is what Grandma Zhang gave her just last night. It is the first gift that Grandma Zhang has given her. Although it is not valuable, it is of great collection value. So Su Meng must get this keychain back.

Su Meng stretched out her hand towards Jiang Tingzhou and said in a soft voice, "This is mine."

Jiang Tingzhou tossed the keychain up casually, and then held it tightly in his hand when it fell, "I know, you just left it in the car."

Su Meng pursed her lips and stretched her hand towards Jiang Tingzhou. Her palms are small, her fingers are white and slender, the lines on her palms are very light, and her whole hand looks very delicate.

Jiang Tingzhou curled his lips and smiled, moved slightly closer to her, and said in a narrow tone, "Want it? Call me Brother Jiang first."

Su Meng knew that this person was deliberately teasing her again. She pursed her lips and remained silent, only stubbornly stopping her palm in front of him.

"Scream, eh?" After a while, Jiang Tingzhou still didn't wait for what he wanted to hear, so he deliberately made trouble for her and said, "Kid, if you don't shout this keychain, I won't give it back to you."

Su Meng was so annoyed by this man that she put her hand down, stared at him, and said angrily, "Jiang Sansui, why are you such a bad person!" As soon as the words came out, Su Meng couldn't help herself. He was stunned again. She obviously wanted to say "Jiang Tingzhou, can you stop being so childish", but why did it turn into such a cooing sound as soon as she said it

Su Meng had a vague feeling that her abnormality was most likely related to her space. Her space allowed her to improve her physique and strengthen her body, but it also seemed to make her run wildly in the direction of a snoring spirit.

Jiang Tingzhou was stunned when he heard this. In the next second, a little smile appeared in his peach blossom eyes, and his extremely handsome face suddenly became vivid, "Jiang is three years old? My little friend, are you taking advantage of me on purpose? ?”

Su Meng pursed her lips, glared at him and accused, "No, it's just that your behavior just now was really childish and bad."

"Oh, so you think I'm bad for fufu?" Jiang Tingzhou also deliberately added an accent to the word bad for fufu. After he finished speaking, he seemed to be amused, and the smile on his lips became two points deeper.

"Jiang Tingzhou!"

Only then did Jiang Tingzhou realize that Su Meng's eyes were extremely beautiful, especially when she stared at him like this, they were so alive, as bright as if an entire galaxy had fallen.

He suddenly realized that he had never seen her face clearly. When we met for the first time, she was in a panic, but from the second meeting, she put a mask on her face.

Jiang Tingzhou didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly narrowed his eyes. He put the keychain into his left pocket and restarted the car without saying a word.

Su Meng stared at Jiang Tingzhou in disbelief, "My keychain!"

Jiang Tingzhou put one hand on the steering wheel and the other hand casually on his thigh. He said in a relaxed tone with a faint smile, "I'll give it back to you next time."

"Hey!" Su Meng now felt that Su Sui's evaluation of Jiang Tingzhou in the previous life was indeed correct. He is straightforward and follows his heart, and every move he makes follows his own will. It was precisely because of this that she didn't want to have too much contact with him.

Call her timid or cowardly, she just doesn't want to get hurt. After all, the person sitting next to her now has a nice face, but his temperament is definitely not comparable to that of nice. Not to mention that this man is not a gentleman at all.

Su Meng initially thought Jiang Tingzhou was going to take her home, but she didn't expect that he didn't drive directly to the door of Ling's house, but to the door of the pharmacy.

Su Meng blinked strangely. Was he feeling uncomfortable somewhere

Jiang Tingzhou got out of the car after saying "wait for me". After getting out of the car, he locked the car door because he was afraid that Su Meng would leave on her own.

This man was really... Although Su Meng was helpless, there was nothing he could do.

Jiang Tingzhou came back very quickly. After getting in the car, he stuffed a whole bag of medicine into Su Meng's arms and explained, "These are ointments for removing scars. These are the only ones in the pharmacy. I asked the clerk for instructions on how to use them." It’s all written down on the paper and put inside. If you don’t understand anything, you can ask me. If the effect is not good, we will go to a big hospital in the city to get better medicine. "

Su Meng had no idea that Jiang Tingzhou would go buy scar removal cream for her.

After a whole bag of ointment was stuffed into her arms, she felt very complicated for a moment.

Just now, she felt that Su Sui's evaluation of Jiang Tingzhou was correct, and that he was naive and casual, but his current behavior broke her inherent understanding of him.

In her last life, after the earthquake, no one in this world was kind to her. Her parents and relatives were all killed in the earthquake, but her only sister who survived was extremely indifferent to her. She has suffered too much and experienced too much ups and downs, so as long as others treat her a little bit well in this life, she will be easily moved.

For example, Mr. and Mrs. Ling were gentle to her.

Another example is Jiang Tingzhou just now.

Su Meng vaguely felt that maybe she should no longer look at Jiang Tingzhou through colored glasses.

Because there is still a difference between the him in Su Sui's mouth and the real him.

What kind of person he is, Su Sui doesn't say it, nor does anyone else say it. It only counts if she understands it herself.


After hearing Su Meng's voice, Mr. Ling was obviously relieved, "Mengmeng, Lao Zhang said he didn't see you at the door. Where are you now?"

Su Meng opened her mouth and was about to explain when the phone in her hand was suddenly snatched away by someone next to her.

Jiang Tingzhou raised his lips and smiled at Su Meng, "Mr. Ling, it's me, Jiang Tingzhou. I'll help send Su Meng there, you don't have to worry."

Mr. Ling didn't know what he said on the other end. Jiang Tingzhou said a few words before hanging up the phone.

As soon as she hung up the phone, Su Meng hurriedly snatched Jiang Tingzhou's cell phone back.

Jiang Tingzhou didn't care. He tapped his hand on the edge of the steering wheel with a lazy expression, "Kid, why are you going to Xuanning Square alone?"

Su Meng kept her mouth shut and didn't answer.

Jiang Tingzhou chuckled lazily and glanced sideways at her. But in just one glance, his car rear-ended the car behind him.

The next second, there was a bang, and the entire car body shook due to the huge impact.

Su Meng was completely stunned by this incident. Because she was wearing a seat belt, there was no big problem. However, Su Meng was still so frightened that her mind went completely blank for three seconds.

Jiang Tingzhou let out a low sigh. The first thing he did was not check the situation of the car, nor get out of the car and argue with the driver behind him. Instead, he immediately asked Su Meng beside him, "How do you feel?"

Su Meng's dark eyes were moist and misty. At this moment, there was still some residual fear in her eyes.

Jiang Tingzhou hurriedly reassured her, "It's okay, don't be afraid."

Su Meng hummed softly and raised her hand to rub her sore eyes. She huddled in the passenger seat, a small ball, looking good and pitiful.

Jiang Tingzhou rubbed his brows with a headache.

The first time, his Heizi looked so fierce and scared people. The second time, when he was going out, he teased her into the car on the spur of the moment. Unexpectedly, after driving for a while, the car rear-ended and scared people again. . In just three days, I scared people twice.

He raised his hand and held Su Meng's wrist, and said as calmly as possible, "Stop rubbing it, your eyes will become red."

Su Meng pulled her wrist out of Jiang Tingzhou's hand, "You... don't touch me!"

"Hey, you..." Jiang Tingzhou was about to say something, but his next words stopped abruptly instead of continuing. Because at this time, he suddenly saw a red mark on the place where Su Meng had been held by him. He remembered that he didn't use much force just now. Are all the children nowadays so squeamish

Su Meng turned her head and said softly, "Don't drive like this next time, and pay more attention. I was just scared."

Her voice is soft and soft, as if it can be softened all the way into people's hearts. Jiang Tingzhou rarely became serious. His eyes were dark and so deep that it was impossible to see the bottom at a glance. "Okay, I will listen to you."