After Rebirth I Became Spoiled

Chapter 46: 46. The best squid


Little angel, because your purchase rate is insufficient, you can only see the anti-theft stamp for the time being. Su Meng turned her face to the side window, blinked, and said softly against her will, "My face is still very serious."

Jiang Tingzhou frowned slightly, holding the steering wheel with one hand and trying to take off the mask Su Meng was wearing with the other hand, "How serious is it? Show me."

Su Meng hurriedly covered her face with both hands. Even though her voice came through the mask, her voice did not sound muffled, but rather coquettish, "I won't show it to you."

Because of the movement of raising her hand, the sleeves of the chiffon shirt Su Meng was wearing slid down slightly, revealing two white and slender wrists. At the same time, the looming jasmine pattern on the inside of her wrists was also revealed. Her skin is so white that it is transparent, and her slender wrists look extremely delicate. Coupled with the realistic jasmine pattern, they look even more delicate.

Jiang Tingzhou stared and wanted to say something, but at this time, Su Meng's cell phone rang. After she took a look and found that it was Mr. Ling, she hurriedly picked up the call.


After hearing Su Meng's voice, Mr. Ling was obviously relieved, "Mengmeng, Lao Zhang said he didn't see you at the door. Where are you now?"

Su Meng opened her mouth and was about to explain when the phone in her hand was suddenly snatched away by someone next to her.

Jiang Tingzhou raised his lips and smiled at Su Meng, "Mr. Ling, it's me, Jiang Tingzhou. I'll help send Su Meng there, you don't have to worry."

Mr. Ling didn't know what he said on the other end. Jiang Tingzhou said a few words before hanging up the phone.

As soon as she hung up the phone, Su Meng hurriedly snatched Jiang Tingzhou's cell phone back.

Jiang Tingzhou didn't care. He tapped his hand on the edge of the steering wheel with a lazy expression, "Kid, why are you going to Xuanning Square alone?"

Su Meng kept her mouth shut and didn't answer.

Jiang Tingzhou chuckled lazily and glanced sideways at her. But in just one glance, his car rear-ended the car behind him.

The next second, there was a bang, and the entire car body shook due to the huge impact.

Su Meng was completely stunned by this incident. Because she was wearing a seat belt, there was no big problem. However, Su Meng was still so frightened that her mind went completely blank for three seconds.

Jiang Tingzhou let out a low sigh. The first thing he did was not check the situation of the car, nor get out of the car and argue with the driver behind him. Instead, he immediately asked Su Meng beside him, "How do you feel?"

Su Meng's dark eyes were moist and misty. At this moment, there was still some residual fear in her eyes.

Jiang Tingzhou hurriedly reassured her, "It's okay, don't be afraid."

Su Meng hummed softly and raised her hand to rub her sore eyes. She huddled in the passenger seat, a small ball, looking good and pitiful.

Jiang Tingzhou rubbed his brows with a headache.

The first time, his Heizi looked so fierce and scared people. The second time, when he was going out, he teased her into the car on the spur of the moment. Unexpectedly, after driving for a while, the car rear-ended and scared people again. . In just three days, I scared people twice.

He raised his hand and held Su Meng's wrist, and said as calmly as possible, "Stop rubbing it, your eyes will become red."

Su Meng pulled her wrist out of Jiang Tingzhou's hand, "You... don't touch me!"

"Hey, you..." Jiang Tingzhou was about to say something, but his next words stopped abruptly instead of continuing. Because at this time, he suddenly saw a red mark on the place where Su Meng had been held by him. He remembered that he didn't use much force just now. Are all the children nowadays so squeamish

Su Meng turned her head and said softly, "Don't drive like this next time, and pay more attention. I was just scared."

Her voice is soft and soft, as if it can be softened all the way into people's hearts. Jiang Tingzhou rarely became serious. His eyes were dark and so deep that it was impossible to see the bottom at a glance. "Okay, I will listen to you."

At this time, the driver behind him had already got out of the car, looking fierce and ready to approach Jiang Tingzhou for an argument.

Jiang Tingzhou's eyes were slightly stern. He turned his head and said to Su Meng, "Wait for me in the car." Then he opened the car door and walked out.

I don’t know how much time passed, but the traffic police finally came.

Not sure how the matter was resolved in the end, Su Meng only saw that the driver behind him was aggressive at first, swinging his arms vigorously, as if he was about to get into a fight with Jiang Tingzhou in the next second. Seeing the driver, Su Meng was shocked at first. Because the driver looked very tough, with strong muscles and large tattoos, he looked like a social person. But after a while, the social driver nodded and bowed to Jiang Tingzhou, as obedient as a grandson.

As the saying goes, the soft is afraid of the hard, and the hard is afraid of the horizontal. Jiang Tingzhou is obviously the type of person who is least likely to be trifled with. His fists are as hard as his background. Even though Jiang Tingzhou was responsible for the rear-end collision this time, the driver behind him still lowered his head in fear in front of him.

It was already half an hour later when Jiang Tingzhou got on the bus again. When he got on the bus, he still had a bag of fruit candies in his hand.

"Which flavor do you want to eat?"

Su Meng lowered her eyes quietly and ignored him, showing a feeling that "the baby is in a mood". Jiang Tingzhou didn't hear the answer and just put the whole bag of candy into her hand, "It's for you."

Su Meng didn't eat, but looked at the time and said softly, "I'm already late."

Jiang Tingzhou glanced at her and said nothing. He restarted the car, stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed out again, but this time the speed was obviously much slower than the first time.

After arriving at Xuanning Square, Su Meng opened the car door directly and got out of the car without saying a word. She didn't take the bag of candy, and she didn't give Jiang Tingzhou a chance to speak. She closed the door as soon as she got off the car and walked to the Twin Towers alone.

After walking a long way, Su Meng touched her pocket and suddenly found that her keychain seemed to be left in the car.

She subconsciously turned her head back to see if Jiang Tingzhou's car was still there. But when she turned around, she saw Jiang Tingzhou's car still parked in the distance.

At this moment, he was opening the car window, placing one hand casually on the edge of the car window, and his eyes were on her. After noticing her turning back, the next second, he lowered his head and pretended to be looking at his phone.

After discovering that Jiang Tingzhou really hadn't left, Su Meng felt a little confused for a moment.

Could it be that Jiang Tingzhou was afraid that she would not be safe alone, so he prepared to watch her enter the building from the car

If this is really the case, then he doesn't seem to be as unkind as Su Sui said in the previous life.

Su Meng originally wanted to go back and get the keychain, but Su Sui happened to be standing not far away from her. At this time, Su Sui had already seen her and called her sister loudly.

Su Meng took a deep breath and walked towards Su Sui without looking back. But she didn't notice that after she and Su Sui met, the car behind her started slowly, and soon merged into the rolling traffic.

She and her only biological sister Su Sui are only three years apart. But these three years old made the fate of the two people very different.

When she was sixteen, she and Su Sui lost their parents due to an earthquake. At that time, facing the ruins, they were terrified, helpless, and had no idea what to do.

Fortunately, there are still many enthusiastic people in the society. They came from all over the country to deliver water, food, quilts and love to the victims in the disaster-stricken areas.

But her home was completely destroyed by the earthquake. Having lost her parents and relatives, without much social experience, and with no guarantee of life, she had no idea how she and her sister could survive in this society.

At this time, a kind-hearted couple extended a helping hand to her.

This retired couple has only one son at home, but this son has been studying abroad since he was a child and rarely returns home all year round.

The couple had a cat and a dog at home, but even though they had both a cat and a dog, they still felt lonely. After all, no matter how considerate cats and dogs are, they can't chat with them and have heart-to-heart conversations like humans can.

After learning about the Sichuan earthquake, they came from the imperial capital overnight just to dedicate their love. After learning that many children in the disaster area had lost their parents, they had the idea of adopting a child.

At that time, when they saw Su Meng holding her sister and standing in front of the makeshift tent with a helpless look on her face, they came up with the idea of adopting her.

But the couple is old and has limited energy. Since they have decided to have sex, they naturally have the idea of training their children to become talents. You can't just adopt a child and let it go free, right? So according to them, they just want to adopt a child and then spend all their energy on her.

But there are two people, Su Meng and Su Sui. What should we do

It just so happened that at that time there was another couple who also wanted to adopt a child. The retired couple discussed with that couple that their family would adopt Su Meng and the other couple would adopt Su Sui. In this way, both sisters would have a place to go. Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds

The couple was pretty easy to talk to, so they had no problem with it.

Originally, things should have been settled like this, and everyone was happy. But at the end of the day, things took a turn for the worse. Because Su Sui didn't know why, she suddenly became unhappy.

She was not happy to go to that house, but wanted to interact with Su Meng. In other words, she wanted to go to the house of the older retired couple.

Su Meng asked Su Sui why she was unhappy. Su Sui only said that she thought the older people looked kinder and felt easier to get along with, so she wanted to go to their home.