After Rebirth I Became Spoiled

Chapter 59: 59. The best squid


Little angel, because your purchase rate is insufficient, you can only see the anti-theft stamp for the time being. The jasmine flowers here, if used as scented tea, can help people strengthen their bodies and have a healthy body. If they are put into water and used as jasmine water to scrub the body, the skin can become white and shiny, and can be broken by blowing. And if jasmine is mixed with other medicinal materials, it can also be made into pills with various functions. There are pills that can extend a person's life to a small extent, and there are pills that can enhance one's memory.

Su Meng slowly opened her eyes. At this moment, she was in a large flower field, with the breeze blowing and the jasmine flowers swaying left and right, emitting bursts of fragrance.

So, she has an incredible golden finger

Su Meng's heart was pounding with excitement. She came close to a white and beautiful jasmine flower, sniffed it, and murmured softly, "From now on, this will be my space."

Su Meng stayed here for a while, picked a few jasmine flowers, and then wanted to go out.

She thought about it, but the next second, the person appeared in the hotel room again.

I have to say, this golden finger is really convenient!

As soon as she left the room, Su Meng couldn't wait to test the efficacy of the jasmine produced by the space. If someone asks Su Meng what she wants most, she will definitely answer that she wants a healthy body.

In her last life, she became very weak due to two years of severe beatings. After escaping from that family, she entered society at the age of eighteen. In the years since she entered the society, she has worked as a dishwasher, a sales clerk, a waiter... She has done many jobs that have no threshold, but because of her weak body, she cannot do any job for a long time.

She always works for half a year, saves some savings for daily needs, and then takes a few months off. That time, it was also because she was already weak and had to carry a heavy drinking water bucket upstairs, so she accidentally missed a floor and fell straight down the stairs.

Speaking of which, the day before her death happened to be the day when her sister Su Sui's marriage was announced.

That year, Su Sui was twenty-five years old and had just returned from studying in Vienna. She was a well-known pianist in China, and her fiancé was the only son of the chairman of Shenglin Group.

The two are a perfect match, a match made in heaven.

In the reporter's interview with her, she smiled happily and sweetly. The face that looked a little immature when she was young has grown up, and her once sweet appearance is now more delicate and charming. This is a woman who is elegant and beautiful from the inside out.

She was so unfamiliar that Su Meng almost couldn't recognize her. A person's living environment is really important. She never expected that her sister would look like this. Beautiful, sophisticated, elegant, and decent.

But in Su Sui's words, there was never a word from her sister.

No matter who it was, no one knew that this promising pianist had a sister who was three years older than her living in this world.

Pulling back from the memories, Su Meng took a deep breath.

She did complain about Su Sui, but in fact, she was more confused and aggrieved.

But now, these confusions and grievances have slowly faded away.

She will have a new life.

Su Meng thought as she brewed a pot of jasmine tea with hot water.

The water vapor is thickening, bringing a burst of elegant fragrance. After the tea cooled down a bit, she slowly picked up the water glass and took a sip.

The scent of jasmine is fresh, and the tea is refreshing and sweet, leaving people with endless aftertaste.

This jasmine tea tastes much better than the jasmine tea you can buy in the market outside.

Thinking of the efficacy of jasmine tea, Su Meng slowly drank a whole cup of jasmine tea.

She felt it quietly, and after drinking it, there seemed to be no obvious effect.

However, this change is subtle, so there is no need to be too anxious. After waiting for a long time, the effect will appear naturally.

After drinking a cup of jasmine tea, it was getting late, already ten o'clock in the evening.

At this point, Su Meng was ready to go to bed.

After brushing her teeth and preparing to wash her face, she finally added a jasmine flower to the warm water.

Heart of beauty in everyone.

She also wanted to try out the magical effect of this jasmine flower.

After washing her face, Su Meng went to bed. At six o'clock the next morning, Su Meng's biological clock urged her to wake up.

After waking up, she blinked blankly at first. This doesn't seem to be the house she rents.

After she saw the environment in the hotel, she suddenly remembered that she was reborn when she was sixteen.

None of the tragedies happened.

There is still time for everything.

After getting up, she first went to the toilet, then walked to the mirror to brush her teeth and wash her face.

But when she squeezed out the toothpaste and looked up in the mirror, she suddenly discovered that she seemed to have become a lot whiter, and her nose and the small pimples on her forehead had all disappeared. The skin became more than a little smoother.

If the effect of jasmine taken internally is subtle, then the effect of its external use is visible to the naked eye.

Su Meng has not been fair since she was a child. She and Su Sui are from the same mother. However, although Su Sui is fair and cute and has been liked since she was a child, her appearance is much more ordinary than Su Sui.

Because her sister is sweet and cute, she, like her parents, has doted on her since she was a child.