After Rebirth, I Become Popular in the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 20


At that time, Tang Ziyou was already well-known. They met in a starlight ceremony. He saw each other from a distance, but he just took a look and didn't think much about it.

We met again later, at the hospital.

He and grandma went to see Tang Ziyou's grandfather, and grandma said to him, "You met Grandpa Tang when you were young, did you forget? And his little grandson, you liked him very much back then."

Gu Jiuci really can't remember clearly. He was used to being sought after since he was a child. Wherever he went, there were countless flowers, applause and friends. He tried his best to search around in his mind, but the memory was still vague, so he didn't say anything. , and my grandma pushed the door and walked in.

It just so happened that Tang Ziyou was about to open the door, and the two met unexpectedly. Their eyes met, and Tang Ziyou was the first to show him a gentle smile.

He had a nice smile, seeing this, Gu Jiuci smiled back at him, thinking, so it was him.

He didn't stay in the hospital for a long time. After Grandma Gu and Tang Ziyou's grandfather finished talking, he left with them.

After returning home, Grandma Gu cried.

Gu Jiuci was puzzled and asked her, "Grandma, why are you crying?"

Grandma Gu wiped her tears and said to him, "A good man doesn't pay for his life, your Grandpa Tang has not been around for a few years."

She looked at Gu Jiuci and said, "In two days, you can accompany me to see him again. Your brother is busy, and you have time and can help, so let's help more."

Gu Jiuci nodded, "Okay."

From then on, he would visit Tang Ziyou's grandfather from time to time.

The more times I watched it, the more contacts I had with Tang Ziyou, and the two became acquainted again.

Then, grandma proposed an engagement.

Gu Jiuci was unwilling. He knew very well that he had pity and care for Tang Ziyou, but he had no love.

"I don't like him, there is no love between us, it's not appropriate."

"Xiaoyou likes you."

"But I don't like him. Love is not just wishful thinking. Does marriage mean that I like you and I can marry you?"

"Xiaojiu, the Tang family is kind to our family. When you were young, I also told Xiaoyou and his grandfather that if the two families have suitable children and have suitable opportunities, let the two children be together. Now Xiaoyou Yu likes you, and his grandfather is like this, how can I refuse?"

"So it doesn't matter if I agree or not? For the rest of my life, my feelings don't matter?" Gu Jiuci asked.

"Of course not. It's just that feelings can be cultivated. When you and Xiaoyou are together, you can also have a long-term relationship. Isn't it great?"

"This is just one of the possibilities. What if we don't fall in love for a long time, but hate each other, what should we do?"

"Can't you try to develop a good relationship with him first?" Grandma Gu persuaded.

Gu Jiuci crossed his arms, and his attitude was very firm, "I disagree. Love is the foundation of marriage. A marriage without love is a gamble. It's not fair to me, and it's not fair to him. I don't like gambling, and even more so I don’t want to gamble with my once-in-a-lifetime marriage.”

Grandma Gu looked at him for a long time, then she said calmly, "So, do you want your brother and Xiaoyou to get engaged?"

Gu Jiuci was surprised, "Is there only one person in our family who must be engaged to him?"

"That's right." Grandma Gu said seriously, "If you disagree, then I can only talk to your brother."

Gu Jiuci was speechless for a moment.

He grew up with Gu Jiuwei since he was a child, and he knows how much responsibility Gu Jiuwei has taken on. Even if he didn't want to take over the Gu family's company, Gu Jiuwei just smiled and said to him, "It's okay, I'm here anyway, you go Do something you like."

He has always been calm and calm, and seems to have no desires. If grandma told him about this, then he would definitely accept it calmly, and maybe he would say, "It's good, anyway. I also happen to be single."

But Gu Jiuci couldn't bear it, his brother had already paid too much for this family, he shouldn't even have no love.

Gu Jiuci went to Tang Ziyou and talked to him about the engagement. He made it very clear, "I don't like you. Even if we get engaged, I might not like you. I don't think we need to make sure Wouldn't it be nice to be friends if you want to get engaged?"

Tang Ziyou looked sincerely, "But, I like you."

"If you like me, do you have to marry me?"

"I want my grandfather to rest assured." Tang Ziyou bowed his head.

Gu Jiuci thought for a while, "Then can we pretend to be engaged first, so that your grandfather can rest assured, and when your grandfather is gone, we will dissolve this relationship."

He emphasized, "But this matter, I have to make it clear to my grandma, and let her know that we don't really agree to be together."

Tang Ziyou was not very willing, he asked him, "Can't you give me a chance? Let's try to be together, maybe we are suitable too?"

"And what if we're not a good fit?"

"If we are really not suitable, then at that time, it is not too late to break up."

Gu Jiuci didn't understand, "Do you have to confirm the relationship first? Even if we don't have an engagement relationship, we can get in touch slowly, right? Maybe after getting in touch, you find that we are not suitable, or that we are very suitable. At that time Is it too late to get engaged?"

Tang Ziyou shook his head, he knew very well that Gu Jiuci didn't like him, he was a star, he had many things to do every day, it was impossible for him to appear in front of him all the time, so he needed this relationship, to maintain their relationship Relationship.

Only in this way can he get closer to Gu Jiuci, and Gu Jiuci may like him.

He has too many friends, too many admirers, if it is just his friend, one of his admirers, Gu Jiuci may not necessarily look at him seriously, but if he is his fiancé, then he will be in this relationship On, it is Gu Jiuci's only one.

"I want to get engaged." Tang Ziyou said softly, "If you still don't like me in the future, you can break off the engagement with me, but now, I still hope that we can get engaged."

He was very persistent, Gu Jiuci listened to his gentle but firm words, but had no choice but to do anything.

Once Tang Ziyou is confirmed, then he has no right to refute. His grandma will unconditionally support Tang Ziyou, and this matter is considered a certainty.

"I see." Gu Jiu resigned.

He stood up and looked at Tang Ziyou, "But I don't guarantee that I will fall in love with you. If I still don't love you, it's normal. I hope you can understand."

Tang Ziyou nodded, "I understand."

But Gu Jiuci didn't believe it. If he understood, he shouldn't have insisted on getting engaged knowing that they had no relationship.

His understanding is nothing but a beautiful yearning for the future.

Just like his grandma, that's all.

Gu Jiuci agreed to be engaged to Tang Ziyou, but what he didn't expect, not long after he verbally agreed, he received news that his grandma hoped that he could go back and exchange rings with Tang Ziyou in front of Grandpa Tang Ziyou , Give the old man a promise.

Gu Jiuci couldn't refuse, so he asked the film crew for leave overnight and flew back by plane.

He and Tang Ziyou exchanged rings. The ring was designed by Tang Ziyou himself. It was very simple and unique, but Gu Jiuci had no intention of admiring it.

Wearing the ring, he talked quietly with Tang Ziyou's grandfather for half an hour.

Tang Ziyou's grandfather entrusted Tang Ziyou to him, he held his hand and hoped that he could take good care of his little you instead.

Gu Jiuci thought it was illusory, he obviously didn't love Tang Ziyou, and he obviously had nothing to do with Tang Ziyou, but now, he was accepting an old man's deathbed entrustment.

He has no way to tell Tang Ziyou's grandfather that I don't love him, I only treat him as an ordinary friend, I don't approve of his love, and I don't even want to get engaged to him.

The inherent kindness of human beings and respect for life made him accept this entrustment. He said, "I will take care of him."

That night, when Gu Jiuci looked at the night sky, what he could clearly see when he looked up made him feel illusory.

Without warning, he took on another person's life without even being prepared.

But he obviously didn't love each other, so why did he bear such a heavy promise

With such a promise on his back, he will never be able to separate from Tang Ziyou in this life.

At that moment, Gu Jiuci felt that he and Tang Ziyou were like two stars in the sky, they seemed to be very close, but in fact, they were far away.

They should have met for a short time and gradually drifted away, but because of a marriage contract and a promise, they became inseparable and inseparable in this life.

For the rest of his life, he was bound by one person in such a haste.

It's unbelievable, but it happens to exist.

Gu Jiuci took off the ring on his hand and put it in the drawer.

After a long time, he thought of something again. He dug out the dice necklace he bought a long time ago, stuffed the ring into it, and put it on again.

He is no longer single, there is another person behind him.

The author has something to say: Yesterday I said to wait for me for two more chapters, but many people didn’t listen to it [sigh], so I’m ready for some people not to listen to it today, but I still want to say, wait for me for another chapter , Many of you have questions, such as "Since you didn't want to before, isn't it just right that Xiaoyou left? Why didn't you want to?" and so on, the next chapter will have the answer. In fact, the end of this chapter is one of the reasons for answering this question, because Xiao Jiu accepted Grandpa Xiaoyou's entrustment and gave him a promise, so he has a responsibility.

Just to be happy, today I want to recommend to you the advance collection: "Exclusively You".


Chi Fang noticed a person, that person had gentle brows and eyes, a melodious voice, and a beautiful face. He seemed to be easy to talk, but in fact he was not close to anyone.

Chi Fang met his eyes, the man frowned and greeted him with a smile, but he was not in his eyes.

Chi Fang was not reconciled, he wanted to appear in those eyes.

Wen Rongyi is born slow, and has no interest in everything. He even participated in the draft to accompany his bamboo horse.

He doesn't want to make a debut, he just wants his dream come true.

But what he was afraid of would happen, not long after the first performance, Wen Rongyi received a call, saying that his bamboo horse had a fight with the current popular king.

Wen Rongyi rushed to the scene in the rain, and saw Chi Fang wearing a black denim jacket sitting on the sofa with a wine glass in the midst of feasting and feasting. He had deep brows and eyes, and there were inconspicuous scars on his fair fingers.

He raised his eyes, his face was charming, like the emperor of the night.

Wen Rongyi approached him, and said politely, "I'm sorry, he didn't mean to offend you, I apologize to you on his behalf, I hope you don't mind."

Chi Fang looked at him silently, his deep eyebrows flickering under the light, he put down his wine glass and leaned on the sofa.

"Okay." He said, "However, I will exchange it with you."

I originally planned to change the title of this book to trade with you, but considering that some people may only read the title and look confused, so I changed it to the current one, which is gentle and weakened. I originally set it as a campus Wen, as a result, my friend was puzzled when he heard it, "Campus, robbery???" It seems that campus does not go well with robbery, so let's leave it to adults who have entered the society [cover face ].

Welcome to collect~~

Today, I would like to thank the little angel of science and technology for throwing 32 landmines, a row of landmines is spectacular, thank you Ake, hug, love you, mua! (*╯3╰)~~

In addition to the little angels of rejuvenating the country through science and technology, we would also like to thank the following little angels:

Penguin dropped 1 mine

First grow him ten catties and throw a landmine

aaa I threw a mine

Salt Baked Shrimp dropped 1 mine

Jihe Qiaoyue threw a grenade

Fu Qiongyu threw a mine

Satoshi. Throw 1 grenade

Satoshi. dropped 1 mine

Satoshi. dropped 1 mine

Satoshi. dropped 1 mine

Satoshi. dropped 1 mine

Satoshi. dropped 1 mine

Satoshi. dropped 1 mine

Satoshi. dropped 1 mine

Thanks to the above little angels, especially Cong. I love you little angel