After Rebirth, I Become Popular in the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 33


But this is destined to be difficult to achieve at present, after all, Gu Jiuci's role has just begun.

Tang Ziyou and Gu Jiuci filmed for a few days, and finally captured the scene of being enchanted.

Fu Yongsi was accused by thousands of people, Sheng Feiguang looked at his master's plight, and couldn't understand why his master had been slandered for nothing all his life, just like he once couldn't figure out why his parents only saved one person, but Instead, he was killed.

What is right, what is evil, what is right, what is wrong, Sheng Feiguang asked himself over and over again, but there was no answer, only the inner demons were constantly growing, and the voices lured him into demons.

"You already have my mental method, don't you? As long as you are willing to learn, then you can avenge your parents and vent your anger for your master."

"Don't you want to avenge your parents? Are you willing to let your master be wronged?"

"Sheng Feiguang, Fu Yongsi has protected you for so many years, you just have to bear it, is he being insulted like this?"

"In this world, the strong are respected. If I were you, whoever kills my parents, I will kill him. Whoever insults my master, I will make him unable to open his mouth again."

"And you, you can't do anything, you're a coward."

"I'm not!" Sheng Feiguang retorted.

"Then you can prove it to me, do you dare? Do you have the strength?"

Sheng Feiguang didn't, he closed his eyes, and decided to be enchanted at this moment.

The demon let out a pleasant laugh, and coaxed, "That's right, why resist me so much? We are one."

The filming of this scene was relatively late, it was cold, and Tang Ziyou didn't wear much. After filming, she kept sneezing and fell ill the next day.

Liu Xu saw that his expression was not very good, and asked him, "Why don't you take a rest today?"

Tang Ziyou refused, "It's okay, I still have a play today."

Liu Xu had no choice but to give him medicine and accompany him to put on makeup.

After putting on makeup, Tang Ziyou's complexion looked much better, but he still kept sneezing.

When Gu Jiuci arrived at the set, he was seen coughing softly while holding a water glass.

"Cold?" he asked.

Tang Ziyou nodded, "It's not serious."

Gu Jiuci frowned, "You usually catch a cold for a week, right? Especially in the first two days, the symptoms were quite obvious."

Tang Ziyou was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect him to remember.

Liu Xu looked at Gu Jiuci, then at Tang Ziyou, but said nothing.

"Go back and rest." Gu Jiu resigned, "Go and ask Director Wang for a leave of absence, you are not suitable for filming in your state today."

"It's okay." Tang Ziyou refused, "It's not a serious illness. I don't have many scenes today, so there's nothing wrong with it."

Gu Jiuci didn't think so, but he didn't dare to talk too much in front of Tang Ziyou now, for fear that he would get bored, so he just said, "Then you should be careful, and tell the director if you feel uncomfortable."

"Okay." Tang Ziyou said.

Gu Jiuci watched him speak and sneezed again, thinking that his cold seemed really serious.

At ten o'clock, Tang Ziyou put down his water glass to go to filming.

Only then did Director Wang realize that he was not in the right condition, "Xiao Tang, do you have a cold?"


"Then you can rest today." Dao Wang said.

Tang Ziyou shook his head, and just about to say it wasn't serious, he sneezed again.

Director Wang laughed and said, "You see, it's not easy to shoot when you sneeze one after another, so don't hold on, it's okay to rest for a day, and then shoot when you are in better condition."

Tang Ziyou was a little embarrassed, "I don't want to slow down the progress of the crew."

"It's okay." Director Wang smiled, "Who doesn't have a headache yet, rest when it's time to rest, and make up for it later."

After he said that, Tang Ziyou didn't insist anymore, took off his makeup, changed his clothes, and went back to the hotel.

Seeing that he was not in good condition, Liu Xu brought him a cup of hot water and advised him to rest early.

Tang Ziyou was also obedient. After drinking water, he lay down on the bed, ready to sleep.

This sleep was very peaceful, and Tang Ziyou didn't wake up until the afternoon.

He leaned on the bed and called the hotel waiter to bring up a bowl of porridge and snacks.

He was eating when there was a knock on the door. Tang Ziyou walked over and opened the door, only to find that it was Gu Jiuci.

"I'll give you some boxes of medicine." Gu Jiuci handed out the small bag in his hand.

Tang Ziyou didn't answer, "I've already eaten."

"I know." Gu Jiu resigned, "Liu Xu told me, but the medicines she prepared don't seem to be very useful as you said before. You have taken too many times, so you are resistant to them. These are The new medicine you changed for the last few colds seems to work better, so I bought it for you."

Hearing what he said, Tang Ziyou didn't know what it was like for him.

He did say this before, that things like catching a cold are too common, and if you take too much medicine, it won't be so immediate.

But also because it was a cold, as long as he took medicine, he would always get better, the difference was the length of time, so Tang Ziyou just talked about it casually, and took whatever medicine was around him.

Unexpectedly, he still remembered.

"Take it." Gu Jiu resigned, "Don't you want to get well sooner and start filming earlier?"

"Thank you, I'll transfer the money to you later." Tang Ziyou said politely.

Gu Jiuci was helpless, "I'm not a drug seller, so I still want your money?"

He looked at Tang Ziyou and said seriously, "I just care about you."

Tang Ziyou didn't want his concern, and didn't want to argue with him at the door, so he took the bag from his hand and whispered, "Goodbye."

Gu Jiuci immediately reached out and pressed the door, stopping his movement, "I wanted to come to see you at noon, but Liu Xu said you were asleep, so I waited. Yes, I just came here."

Tang Ziyou nodded, "Thank you."

"Have you eaten yet? I ordered porridge for you, now you..."

"I'm eating." Tang Ziyou interrupted him.

Gu Jiuci was not embarrassed when he heard the words, he just said, "That's good, you eat more."

"Yeah." After he finished speaking, he was about to close the door.

But Gu Jiuci didn't let go, Tang Ziyou was puzzled, "Do you have anything else to say?"

Gu Jiuci looked at him, he seemed to hesitate, but he still asked, "Don't you want to see me?"

He said, "You used to be sick, and you always wanted to see me, and hoped that I could accompany you. Now, don't you need it?"

Tang Ziyou's hand holding the door frame tightened unconsciously. He remembered the scene when he was sick before. At that time, he really wanted to see Gu Jiuci and hug him.

In fact, he has always liked Gu Jiuci's hugs, every time Gu Jiuci hugged him, he would feel very at ease, as if he could relax for a while, but it just seemed like that.

"No need," he said.

"But I want to accompany you." Gu Jiu resigned.

"It's not necessary." Tang Ziyou looked at him, "Go back."

"I took care of you when you were sick." Gu Jiuci whispered, "Since I saw you in the hospital."

The tone of his words was a little aggrieved, as if he had deprived him of his rights. Tang Ziyou was a little helpless and at a loss.

What Gu Jiuci said was right, since they met in the hospital, he took care of his grandfather, and occasionally his body couldn't bear it, it was Gu Jiuci who took care of him and advised him to pay attention to his body, so that he could take better care of his grandfather.

Later they got engaged, except when he went out to work, whenever he was sick, Gu Jiuci would take care of him patiently.

Only when he takes care of him, is he gentle and affectionate, like a true lover, responsive, considerate and serious.

Sometimes, Tang Ziyou even felt that it would be fine if he could stay sick all the time. Of course, it couldn't be a serious illness, but a minor illness would be fine. In this way, Gu Jiuci would always treat him tenderly.

Fortunately, that's what he thought at the time, and he didn't do anything to harm his body.

He sighed silently, "No need, we have nothing to do with each other."

"But I promised your grandpa that I will take care of you."

Tang Ziyou opened the door and let him in. He had a premonition that Gu Jiuci would not leave easily, so he didn't want to keep talking to him at the door.

He closed the door and said calmly: "Gu Jiuci, that's all in the past. I can take care of myself, I don't need you."

"Those are in the past, but the promise will not expire."

"That doesn't need to be taken care of in every way." He said, "Just like you did before, you don't have to care about me, you don't have to like me, and you don't have to be nice to me. If I need help, I will go to you. Is this not possible?"

Gu Jiuci said awkwardly, "But, I liked you before."

He said, "Although I didn't show it, I like you. If you let me do what I did before, are you allowing me to continue to like you silently?"

Tang Ziyou: ...

Tang Ziyou was silent.

Gu Jiuci continued, "Before, when you were sick, as long as you told me, I would take care of you. So, are you willing to let me take care of you now?"

Tang Ziyou: ...

"Do you have to secretly change concepts like this?"

"But what I said is also true."

Tang Ziyou had a headache, "Gu Jiuci, we're over, do you understand that it's over?"

He looked at the person in front of him, "Our engagement has been broken, and the ring has been thrown away, why are you so persistent?"

"Aren't you also attached before?" Gu Jiu resigned.

"So I woke up." Tang Ziyou pointed at himself, trying hard to make him understand, "Look at me, what can you see from me? The failure of forcing, the painful lesson, the unbearable past. Is this still true? Can't explain the problem?"

"There's no need for wishful thinking, do you understand?"

"I understand." Gu Jiu resigned, "But, this is good, isn't it? You were injured by me because of your attachment, but I retreated without any reason, right?"

He looked at Tang Ziyou, "You can reject me, or you don't need to like me, you can treat me like I did to you before, maybe one day, I will wake up like you, and then leave, maybe I can stick to it forever Go on, wait for your turn around, this is all possible. You have been attached once, so I should be attached once, so that I am worthy of your previous liking, right? "

"Otherwise, I keep saying that I actually like you, but I don't do anything. After you leave, I will still be the same as before. I don't care about you, and I don't care about you. Then what I said to you, isn't it true? Are they all lies?"

"You are tired and sober now, you don't want to like me, and you don't dare to like me anymore, I can understand. But I like you, as long as I still like you, I can't really turn a blind eye to you I don’t care about it. Of course I also know that at this time, I will leave in a cool way, give you freedom and give me space. For both of us, it is very cool, but in this way, won’t you feel uncomfortable? You won’t doubt that I really Have you ever liked you? Won't you stop when you meet someone you like next time?"

"Tang Ziyou, when I was pursued by you and forced to get engaged by you, I was very angry, but I know that you like me, and I can feel your love, so I have always been confident and convinced You won't leave."

"Maybe this kind of confidence is a little blind, so when you first left, I felt that you were playing hard to get, but this does not prevent me. I am confident in this relationship. I know that I am loved, and I know You deserve to be liked, but you? You know that?"

"Do you know that you are loved? Do you know that you are worthy of being loved? Will you still go forward the next time you meet someone you like?"

"I hope you know." Gu Jiuci said softly, "So I can't do nothing, and I won't do nothing."

"It doesn't matter whether we can be together again, but what I owe you, I have to pay you back. I gave up my rest time and ran here, and I reduced the price to play a guest role in this drama, not for other people, but for You, just for you. I appear in front of you again and again because I like you. "

"No one likes to pester someone even after being rejected. You used to be, and I am now, but I need to let you feel the affection I owe you. I hope You know that you are loved by me and deserve to be loved."

"In this way, when you think back to this relationship in the future, even if the ending is not good, you will know that it's not that I'm not good enough, so he doesn't love me, it's just that we were too young and didn't think carefully, and I loved him too early Yes, he loved me too late, that's all."

Tang Ziyou didn't speak anymore.

This is what he did not expect Gu Jiuci to say.

Does he know he is loved? Does he know he is worthy of love? Will he still go forward the next time he meets someone he likes

He doesn't know, and he won't.

He thought that Gu Jiuci's pursuit of him was only regretful after losing it, so he wanted to redeem it.

Tang Ziyou believed his so-called liking, but he only believed it.

He didn't want to feel it, and he didn't feel that he had felt it during that time, but now, he felt that he seemed to feel it a little bit.

At this moment, Tang Ziyou finally felt for the first time that Gu Jiuci probably really liked him.

That's why he thought of this, that's why he wanted to communicate with himself in a different way, and that's why he would stubbornly appear in front of his eyes.

It's not that he doesn't know that he wants space and needs space to forget him, he just knows too well that once he really gives this space, the love he once said will be like a phantom, false and suspicious.

He just doesn't want him to misunderstand his liking, and he doesn't want him to become inferior and unwilling to love because of the misunderstanding.

They had already misunderstood a lot, so Gu Jiuci didn't want him to misunderstand him again.

The author has something to say: It will gradually become sweeter!

Thanks for today:

First grow him ten catties and throw a landmine

Canggou threw a mine

Fu Qiongyu threw a mine

Satoshi. Throw 1 grenade

Yugiri threw 1 mine

Flower ○ threw a mine

Thanks to the above little angels, especially Cong. I love you little angel