After Rebirth, I Become Popular in the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 37


Tang Ziyou slept all night, and the next morning, he ate dumplings at Gu's house, and then went out.

He went to the cemetery.

It was very cold, and it snowed a little, Tang Ziyou didn't bother to open an umbrella, and stood quietly in front of the tombstone.

He put down the flowers in his arms, and calmly said in his heart: Grandpa, it's a new year. I am very happy this year, because I have finally returned to my original self. The Gu family members are very kind to me. Although Gu Jiuci and I have broken off our engagement, they still treat me very well, so you don't have to worry.

He looked at the cold tombstone in front of him, and reached out to touch the photo of his grandfather.

Suddenly, Tang Ziyou felt that the snow had stopped. He turned his head and saw that Gu Jiuci had somehow appeared here.

Tang Ziyou withdrew his hand silently, while Gu Jiuci held an umbrella and said softly, "I'll come and see your grandpa."

Tang Ziyou nodded, and then asked in confusion, "Why did you think of coming to see him?"

"New year, new beginning, I see you are not at home, guess you should be here."

He said, and put the flowers in his hand in front of the tombstone.

Tang Ziyou stood beside him, and it was rare that he didn't avoid it.

"But I'm ashamed." Gu Jiuci whispered, "He entrusted you to me before he died, but I didn't take good care of you."

"It's all over." Tang Ziyou said.

"Do you think he will forgive me?" Gu Jiuci asked him.

Tang Ziyou nodded, "Yes, my grandfather has a good temper."

"Then will you forgive me?"

Tang Ziyou laughed, "I've already forgiven you."

"Then will you forgive yourself?" Gu Jiuci asked him.

Tang Ziyou was stunned for a moment, but didn't speak.

The snow fell harder, fell on the black umbrella surface, and soon disappeared.

"I will forgive you." Gu Jiuci said softly, "I will also forgive myself."

He said, "Everyone will make mistakes, but people should not trap themselves in their mistakes. After being trapped for a long time, they will forget what they are like."

Tang Ziyou looked up at him, but was speechless for a moment.

For some reason, he suddenly remembered Qu Wenyi's comment: It is better to move forward with a heavy burden than to go with ease.

The weight of the mind is also a burden.

Gu Jiuci put away the umbrella, fine snowflakes fell on his shoulders, he put the umbrella aside, and took off the chain around his neck again.

He gently untied the dice, poured the ring inside into the palm of his hand, and handed it to Tang Ziyou.

"Last year, in front of your grandpa, you handed the ring to me and asked if I could exchange the ring with you. This year, also in front of your grandpa, I handed the ring to you. Would you like to reunite with me?" I exchange rings."

Tang Ziyou stared blankly at the ring in his palm, at that moment, many memories came flooding back like churning sea water.

He remembered last night when Gu Jiuci handed him the necklace and said to him, "I have a gift for you."

He also remembered that at the very beginning, he put the ring on Gu Jiuci's hand and said to him, "I designed this with my own hands."

He remembered how he couldn't find the engagement ring that Gu Jiuci had dropped in the drawer, so he asked Gu Jiuci anxiously, "Where's our engagement ring? Didn't you say throw it in the drawer?"

Gu Jiuci said casually, "Forgot, I have too many rings, probably mixed with other accessories."

But at that time, this necklace was already hanging around his neck.

He always thought that Gu Jiuci liked this necklace very much, that's why he kept wearing it, and didn't take it off very often, and didn't let him touch it, but it turned out that it was like this.

At this moment, Tang Ziyou suddenly felt that they were going round and round about many things.

He used to think that Gu Jiuci hated him, but Gu Jiuci loved him.

He used to think that he had already thrown away his ring, but Gu Jiuci kept wearing it.

He hid everything so deep that he couldn't see it, so he was uneasy.

But now that he saw it, he was refusing again.

He thought he let go of everything, but trapped himself in his own mistakes.

He's still carrying his load, and he's still not who he is.

Then if it was the original him, the one he was most familiar with at the beginning, what would he do when he encountered such a thing

Tang Ziyou thought for a while, he thought that he would probably accept Gu Jiuci's ring, and said to him, "It doesn't matter, anyway, I liked you first, and I have been chasing you, so now that I have chased you, it will be very easy." alright."

He has never been a person who is overly calculating and hypocritical. He knows what he wants, and he runs towards the opponent with all his strength. Then, the opponent only needs to catch him before he is exhausted.

Even if he is exhausted, as long as he hasn't turned too far away and the other party comes back to him, he can accept it.

He is such a person, sincere, generous, brave, and doesn't care about gains or losses.

So he dared to take the initiative to like Gu Jiuci, dared to run towards Gu Jiuci without giving up.

This is the real him, not the one who selfishly disregards the wishes of the other party and only hopes to be able to bind the other party, nor the one who stops before making mistakes, for fear that he will repeat the same mistakes.

He should have been brilliant and gentle, not embarrassing others or himself, and going forward bravely.

Tang Ziyou slowly laughed.

He raised his head and looked at the person in front of him. Gu Jiuci was obviously nervous, waiting for his answer with his hands spread out, fine snowflakes fell into his hands, turned into snow water, and wet his palms.

Tang Ziyou didn't speak, but turned to look at his grandfather.

This is really a good year, he thought, Happy New Year Grandpa, this year, I should also have a very happy life.

After saying this in his heart, he turned around and walked back, ignoring the wine.

Gu Jiuci didn't understand why he suddenly left without saying a word, he quickly withdrew his hands and wanted to chase him, but before leaving, he thought of something and seriously bowed to Grandpa Tang.

"It was my fault before, but in the future, I will try my best to take good care of him, don't worry."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and went after Tang Ziyou.

Tang Ziyou stood at the entrance of the cemetery, obviously waiting for the car, Gu Jiuci hurriedly drove over, "Get in the car, it's snowing, the car won't be able to call."

Tang Ziyou glanced at him, opened the car door, and sat on the back seat.

Gu Jiuci glanced at him from the rearview mirror, and said cautiously, "You haven't answered me yet."

Tang Ziyou didn't speak, but looked down at his phone.

Gu Jiuci thought to himself what does this mean, does he agree or not to speak

Depressedly, he was about to start the car, but he suddenly realized something and looked back at Tang Ziyou, "You didn't refuse, does that mean you agree?"

Tang Ziyou didn't speak.

Gu Jiuci was overjoyed instantly, but he didn't dare to say anything more, turned around and drove away from the cemetery.

Tang Ziyou glanced at him indistinctly, then lowered his head and laughed.

When he got home, Gu Jiuci parked the car, saw Tang Ziyou opened the car door, and immediately stopped him.

He pulled out the ring again and handed it out.

Tang Ziyou took the one that belonged to him, looked at it carefully, and finally put it away.

"Don't you want to wear it?" Gu Jiuci said tremblingly.

"Why do you want to wear it?" Tang Ziyou asked him back, "Is it appropriate to wear this kind of ring for costume dramas?"

Gu Jiuci: ...

Gu Jiuci had no choice but to hand over his chain as well.

Tang Ziyou took it, put it in his pocket, and entered the house.

Gu Jiuci caught up with him and asked him, "So you forgive me?"

"I didn't forgive you long ago."

"So are you willing to start over with me?"

"I did not say."

"That… "

Tang Ziyou turned to look at him, "We just broke up for half a year, and now we're reconciled, so I'm not slapping you, so wait."

Gu Jiuci: ...Why are these words so familiar

Gu Jiuci looked at him and said nervously, "Do you want more than a year?"

"I did not say."

"How long will it take?" Gu Jiuci was puzzled.

"decide as things go."

Gu Jiuci: ...

Gu Jiuci wanted to go back and kill his awkward self again.

But he didn't dare to say anything at the moment, he could only nod obediently, "Okay."

Tang Ziyou heard him say hello weakly, and looked back at him, inexplicably feeling that he looked pitiful.

Really, it's a bit like a down-and-out big dog.

Tang Ziyou went back to the room and took out Gu Jiuci's dice pendant. He just thought that this pendant was really exquisite, and it was really unexpected that a ring could be hidden in it.

He put the ring back into the pendant, and stuffed the necklace into his bag.

This necklace is too special, and Gu Jiuci's fans are too familiar with it, so he dare not wear it.

When Gu Jiuwei came back at night, he was pulled into his bedroom by Gu Jiuci, and said mysteriously, "Brother, I have good news for you."

"Xiaoyou forgive you?"

"How do you know!" Gu Jiuci said in surprise.

Gu Jiuwei said it casually, but he didn't expect it to be true, and suddenly became interested, "What's going on?"

Gu Jiuci had no choice but to tell him what happened last night and today. Gu Jiuwei felt strange, he thought about it, and guessed, "It seems that he should have untied the knot himself."

"It should be like this." Gu Jiuci guessed, "Also, it might be for his grandfather's face."

Gu Jiuwei looked down at him, "It's rare that Xiaoyou doesn't care, this time you must take good care of him, don't make him sad again."

"I know." Gu Jiu resigned, "I want to take good care of him now, and it's best to let us both recover the feelings he had for me when we first got engaged."

"Then do your best."


Tang Ziyou stayed until the seventh day of the first lunar month. Liu Xu sent him a WeChat message to remind him that it was time to work, so she said goodbye to the Gu family and returned to her home.

Gu Jiuci volunteered to be his driver, and said cautiously, "You can go home and live with us, just the two of us."

Tang Ziyou glanced at him and refused, "No."

Gu Jiuci said "Oh", and after delivering the person, he asked again, "Then is your house for rent? I can rent a house."

Tang Ziyou: ...

Tang Ziyou refused again, "No."

Gu Jiuci was pitifully lost with his naked eyes. Tang Ziyou watched, turned around happily, and opened the door of his own house.

He stood by the window and watched Gu Jiuci leave, thinking he should wait, he had chased Gu Jiuci for so long, now that Gu Jiuci finally came back to chase him, he must let him enjoy it for a day or two.

Anyway, it won't be too long.

Although Gu Jiuci left, WeChat did not disappear. Tang Ziyou looked at it and sent him back.

Gu Jiuci thought that he would not reply, but he did not expect to reply very quickly. He stopped the car in surprise, and called him, "You are finally willing to reply me on WeChat! It has been half a year, and you finally replied to me! "

"It doesn't feel good not to reply to WeChat." Tang Ziyou said, "You deserve it."

Gu Jiuci: ... Yes, he deserves it.

"I was wrong." Gu Jiuci bowed his head and apologized.

Tang Ziyou chuckled, "Next time if you don't reply to my WeChat, I will block you."

"Absolutely not." Gu Jiuci reassured him, "You are now my top WeChat account! If it wasn't for WeChat not being able to have its own notification sound, I would change it to your exclusive one!"

Tang Ziyou smiled, looked at [Mr. Gu] on his WeChat note, and thought about asking Gu Jiuci to read his WeChat note next time we meet.

Liu Xu sent several new scripts to his mailbox, "Take a look, let me know if you are interested."


But it's a pity that Tang Ziyou didn't have much interest after reading it.

"Spring" will be released this year without any surprises. He, Shan Qikun and Gu Jiuci both have a lot of rival dramas. It is bound to increase in popularity by then, so the next drama will become very important .

If the show is good enough, everyone will feel that he is steadily rising, and the fans he has attracted will also be stable.

If the play is not good enough, everyone will inevitably bad-mouth him, and fans will lose.

So Tang Ziyou was very careful in accepting the scene this time.

He never saw a suitable script, so he was not in a hurry to film. Liu Xu helped him accept two commercial endorsements, and Tang Ziyou took the commercials and promotional pictures according to the requirements of the advertisers.

As a result, on the day of the official announcement, Tang Ziyou received a screenshot of Gu Jiuci, which was his purchase record.

Tang Ziyou: ...

Tang Ziyou: [Why are you buying so much? ]

Gu Jiuci plausibly said: [I'll give you sales volume, highlight your purchasing power! ]

Tang Ziyou: [Have you run out? ]

Gu Jiuci: [In our company, everyone has a copy. ]

Tang Ziyou: ...

From that day on, Tang Ziyou's fans discovered that there was a local tyrant fan among them. The local tyrant fan was named Jiuxin Fudge, and he always rushed to the forefront of sales.

Tang Ziyou's support club quietly contacted him and asked him: [Dear, are you Xiao Tang's pure fan? ]

Fudge: [cp powder. ]

President of the support club: ... I'm heartbroken, and I'm leaving.

But... the president of the support club asked curiously: [Darling, where is your fan Xiaotang and whose cp is it? ]

Marshmallow: [Gu Jiuci. ]

President of the support club:! ! ! How dare you! Really say goodbye!

Gu Jiuci was still waiting for him to pull him into the support club, but in the end, there was nothing to say.

Alas, he sighed, sure enough, cp fans are too difficult these days.

The author has something to say: reconciled, it will be sweet, and Xiaoyou will be popular~

Thanks for today:

A little fox ~ threw a mine

Fu Qiongyu threw a mine

First grow him ten catties and throw a landmine

Thank you for the above little angels, I love you guys, what's up (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭