After Rebirth, I Decided To Inherit the Family Property

Chapter 48


Song Yunran never expected that in the minds of netizens, Qin Ke had other CP partners besides him.

When he visited the cast of "Jianghu Road", most of his attention was focused on Cheng Jiaming, and he really didn't pay much attention to what kind of person the second male actor was.

But whoever he is

Song Yunran clicked on 吃露超话, angrily retweeted more than a dozen Weibo posts for data, and told Qin Ke while retweeting: "Don't speculate on CP with other people in the future, even commercial hype."

Qin Ke asked helplessly: "When did I get fired?"

Regardless of the previous life or this life, he has never had a similar experience in the two acting careers he has experienced.

Although he can't stop netizens from eating whatever they want, Qin Ke is used to walking independently, which also makes CP fans unable to make too much trouble.

Song Yunran thought about it, so he nodded in satisfaction, and said, "That's good, so that the company won't have to worry about refining it for you in the future. And you know how popular you will be in the future, and being tied up with people from other companies is all about helping the poor. Dad doesn't want to raise other people's children."

Qin Ke was silent for a moment, and wanted to ask what happened to me and your CP.

But after he thought about it, according to Song Yunran's habit, he would definitely say something like "father-son relationship", so he simply pointed out: "Want to be a father again? Who called me brother before?"

Song Yunran snapped his fingers busy forwarding, full of regret for that momentary impulse.

But after regretting it, I found that I didn't panic at all now.

He secretly analyzed that before, he was only afraid that Qin Ke would hate the person who was reborn, but now that Qin Ke's calm attitude is there, he has nothing to be afraid of from now on.

So Song Yunran turned his head and said decisively: "You heard wrong."

"Is it?"

Qin Ke smiled, then stretched his arms to get the mobile phone on the bedside table.

Song Yunran caught a glimpse of his movements, and he was in a bad mood.

He watched this episode. When Fang Zhou came to discuss the termination of the contract, didn't he secretly record it with his mobile phone

Unexpectedly, Qin Kebai, who has a noble face, has also learned Fang Zhou's tricks!

He quickly turned over and got out of bed, and rushed to Qin Ke's side. Just as he was about to grab the phone to destroy the evidence, he found that Qin Ke's phone screen was stuck on the interface of editing Weibo.


Song Yunran's hand hovered over the phone in an emergency, neither grabbing nor retracting it, and was in a very embarrassing situation.

Qin Ke raised his eyes and said in a serious tone, "Chen Jing asked me to post Weibo to appease fans, what's wrong?"

After being stunned for a long time, Song Yunran finally regained the ability to speak, and asked dryly, "Aren't you going to play the recording?"

"What recording?" The smile on Qin Ke's lips almost crawled to the corner of his eyes.

Don't pretend to be confused, of course it's the recording of me calling your brother.

He complained in his heart, and then realized that there was no such thing, Qin Ke was just teasing him.

"Aren't you naive?"

Song Yunran lay back on the bed with a cold face, and when he heard the low laughter from beside him, he was half dead with anger.

Live in your uncle's double ward.

He thought, tomorrow his father will apply to move back to the single ward, so let Qin Ke play tricks by himself.

Song Yunran's wish did not come true.

Because on the third day of admission, the attending doctor announced that he could be discharged.

He didn't expect that he would be so resistant, and while being moved, he felt a little regretful, but he couldn't figure out what he was regretting.

After thinking for a long time, Song Yunran put the fruit basket sent by his parents on Qin Ke's bedside table: "I'm too lazy to take this away, you can take it."

Qin Ke glanced at the fruit basket he had also received, and said after a moment of silence, "Thank you."

"Don't be too moved, just get out of the hospital and make money for me."

Song Yunran replied casually, and felt wrong after he finished speaking. Qin Ke was injured and hospitalized because of him. He would appear to be a cold-blooded capitalist when he said this, so he corrected, "I didn't mean that, I meant..."

"I know." Qin Ke understood, "I will get better soon, don't worry."

Song Yunran nodded and waved goodbye to the patient.

When I got in the car to go home, I suddenly realized that the same words have completely different effects when said by myself and by others.

The former is a polite term for wishing someone a speedy recovery, while the latter has inexplicably turned into a meaning of being ashamed but thoughtful and insightful by the other party.

For example, just now, he unfortunately fell into the latter.

Song Yunran's fist hardened, thinking that Qin Ke's true love would add drama to himself every day. He is the little Mr. Song who manages a lot of things every day, how can he have the spare time to worry about others? It seemed that his friendly conversation before he left was all about worrying that Qin Ke would stay alone in the hospital and was reluctant to leave.

It's outrageous.

In order to show that he definitely did not have such thoughts, he snorted angrily into the air.

Unexpectedly, the driver in the front row responded immediately: "Mr. Song, did you find someone following you again?"

Song Yunran: "...No."

Since the accident, the family immediately changed a driver for him.

On the surface it is said to be a driver, but in fact, carefully speaking, it should be a bodyguard who can drive, and he is afraid of meeting such a crazy person like Chu Xiaochen again.

Song Yunran did not object to this, and not long after returning home, he received a call from Assistant Tang.

The review of "Congratulations and Weddings" has passed, and the release time needs to be determined next.

Assistant Tang analyzed: "It's a pity that the National Day file has been missed, and the Spring Festival file is mostly family-friendly movies. The theme of "Red and White Affair" is not suitable for release during the Spring Festival. The producer means that it should be set around next year's Qingming Festival."

This movie was originally about a farce triggered by a funeral, and Qingming is also a holiday that fits the occasion.

But after Song Yunran heard it, he asked in surprise, "They want to delay it until next year?"

Assistant Tang: "It's not intentional to procrastinate, but it's more appropriate after comprehensive consideration."

Song Yunran said, "Wait a minute, I'll call back later."

He put down his phone, frowning and thinking about what was going on.

In the previous life, "Red and White Wedding" also missed the National Day file, and chose to land on the big screen in late October when only one imported blockbuster was released, and then won a good box office at this non-popular time as a dark horse.

Why in this life, the producer wanted to choose Qingming Festival a few months later

Song Yunran has confidence in the quality of "A Happy Affair" and is not afraid of affecting its final score in just a few months.

But the crux of the problem is that he still bears the burden of reaching a net profit of 500 million within two years!

In the blink of an eye half a year later, Xinghe is still in debt. If he waits for another half year, wouldn't his hope of accomplishing his goal become even slimmer

Song Yunran hesitated for a while, but still dialed Qin Ke's cell phone number.

Maybe this is the alliance. During the waiting time, he thought distractedly, it was better to have someone who could negotiate with him than to think about it by himself.

After the call was connected, Song Yunran directly explained the situation here, and asked: "It's so strange, why didn't "Congratulations and Weddings" follow the original routine?"

Qin Ke was silent for a long time before answering, "Because they were too poor back then."


Song Yunran choked up for a moment. He had calculated thousands of times, but he couldn't figure out the answer. It was so simple and desolate. It was because the crew was too poor, so it was screened as soon as possible to get back the funds after passing the review.

"What do you mean?" Song Yunran suddenly became dissatisfied, "Isn't the money invested by Xinghe money?"

Qin Ke couldn't help laughing: "Not at all. I guess they wanted to choose a more secure time to release the film considering that the recovery of funds is not so urgent, so as to allow more time for publicity and not to force the release."

This makes sense.

But Song Yunran didn't want to wait, what he wanted was to cash out as soon as possible, so as to avoid the tragic ending of kneeling down and begging Bai Wanning not to send him into marriage.

But the 20 million he invested in "Congratulations and Weddings" was not enough for him to have an absolute right to speak.

A reasonable explanation must be given to convince the producers that it doesn't take that long to get a good publicity effect.

It seems that it's time to grab another wave of Ningdong's wool.

A week later, not long after Qin Ke left the hospital by car, he caught a glimpse of something familiar passing by outside the car window.

His right shoulder was not healed, and he turned his head a little slower than usual.

It just so happened that when the vehicle turned a corner at this time, he missed the best time to turn around and confirm.

In desperation, Qin Ke had no choice but to ask his assistant: "There was a billboard on the side of the road just now, did you see it?"

Xiao Ke smiled mysteriously: "Don't be surprised, it's nothing."

Qin Ke: "?"

He thought of the call from Song Yunran that day, and a vague premonition arose in his heart, so he clicked on Weibo to find out.

In the past, when I input the four words wedding, white and happy event, almost only the content that Qin Ke's fans expressed their expectations came out.

Today, when he searched again, he was stunned for a few seconds by the overwhelming amount of discussion.

Xiao Ke came over to act as an explanation: "Mr. Xiao Song asked the official Weibo of Ningdong Group to collectively promote your movie. And not only online promotion, but now all office buildings and shopping malls in Ningdong across the country are all listed. You can see the posters of "Happy Birthday" everywhere you go."

After finishing speaking, he pulled out the video saved in his mobile phone: "Look, this is the night view of Ningdong Group's headquarters. The trailer is shown in the form of a light show on the buildings. No one who passes by will miss it."

Qin Ke lowered his head and smiled silently after watching the three-minute preview.

He knew what kind of wild path Song Yunran was taking. After a short period of viral bombing and publicity, he forcibly attracted everyone's attention, and then released "Happy and Happy Events" while the iron was hot. The urgency was beyond words.

However, netizens didn't know the inside story, and they all expressed that they didn't understand the group's hype.

[Ning Dong is probably crazy. What if the whole group is tied up for a small-budget film, what if they lose money in the end?]

[Ming people don't speak dark words, I actually kind of want to see Ning Dong get slapped in the face.]

[Laughing to death, face slaps are destined, okay? The most famous actor in the movie is Qin Ke. What box office appeal does he have? Fans should not take out "Jianghu Road" for loans.]

Putting aside the comments of passers-by and black fans, Qin Ke's fans couldn't help getting nervous when they saw this terrifying situation.

"Congratulations and Weddings" is not such a mainstream subject.

Fans didn't expect it to be a hit at the box office, they just wanted to help Qin Ke win a good reputation.

But now it is hard to get off.

Some people couldn't bear such a huge pressure, so they simply went to Song Yunran's Weibo to promote "Happy Wedding" and begged: [Thank the company for being so optimistic about Qin Ke, but he is still a rookie actor, please accept the supernatural power, don't Kill him again!]

When Song Yunran saw this comment, he was waiting for the elevator in the corridor.

He switched to WeChat, glanced at the public opinion statistics sent by Assistant Tang, smiled with satisfaction, then turned back to Weibo, and replied briefly with two words.

[I do not.]

The author has something to say: Praise my son wholeheartedly (.