After Rebirth, I Decided To Inherit the Family Property

Chapter 5


Song Yunran didn't know that Assistant Tang's cognition had gone wrong. After waving his hands and watching him walk out of the studio, he realized belatedly that the other party's expression seemed a little distorted just now.

It must have broken his heart for the company, which caused the expression management to go out of control. Thinking of this, he decided not to care about Assistant Tang's small report with Song Jidong.

When Song Yunran turned around, Qin Ke had already come over with a mineral water bottle to watch the replay.

Qin Ke's performance just now was beyond reproach, and the director didn't hesitate to praise him, he just praised him endlessly, and then patted him on the shoulder and said, "Mr. Mr. Song's expectations."

Song Yunran was full of question marks, what do I expect him to call me dad

But it's not easy for him to deny it in front of everyone. After all, once he said this, he would lose the director's face.

So he pretended to have an inscrutable expression, and put his arms around his arms unmoved. Anyway, he didn't expect Qin Ke to say anything nice because of it.

Sure enough, Qin Ke still had no expression on his face, but just thanked him in a low voice.

It was the attitude that he deserved such an honor.

Song Yunran pursed his lower lip. He remembered that every time Qin Ke appeared in public, he would always maintain an indifferent face of "everyone here owes me 50 million" throughout the whole process, and the occasional smile must only be a faint smile, with the corners of his mouth curved If you pay more attention, it will be regarded as a disintegration. Not to mention that Qin Ke's usual perfume all the year round is the clear smell of winter snow. Sometimes he accidentally gets close, and he is afraid that he will catch a cold.

Before Song Yunran was reborn, he felt that Qin Ke was a special pretender, and this was also the reason.

At that time, he also thought that this might be a high-cold personality created by the agency for Qin Ke, but now it seems that this is not the case at all, Qin Ke's real character is so annoying.

After the break, the director announced to start filming the next scene.

The scene was still the bathroom just now, but with the addition of two actors who played against Qin Ke, Song Yunran could tell the difference not long after the filming started.

The two of them looked older than Qin Ke, but either they entered the camera early or the lines were not full of emotion. The two or three minutes of the movie have not entered the state after an hour of tossing, and they are not as fast-paced as before. efficiency.

Song Yunran yawned, his eyelids getting heavier and heavier.

He seemed to have returned to the past when he stayed up late on the set waiting for the movie, and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

Seeing this, the director had to suspend filming, and went over to give lectures to the actors again.

He personally demonstrated the roles of the other two, and then reminded in a low voice: "Let's be more energetic and stop wandering. The investors are just sitting there watching. You have to persuade them to leave before you are willing?"

Qin Ke, who was leaning against the wall to rest, raised his eyes when he heard the words, looked in the direction of the monitor, and found that the investor the director mentioned had fallen asleep.

The lights in the shed were all gathered on their side, Song Yunran's figure was immersed in the darkness, his head sank heavily from time to time, but he didn't intend to wake up at all, but hugged his arms as if feeling cold, His face turned to the right shoulder, as if he wanted to curl himself up to keep warm.

He looked pretty well-behaved, not at all bluffing like he was when he was awake.

Song Yunran woke up feeling refreshed.

He rubbed his eyes, and found that there was an extra blanket on his body. Most of the crew members covered him for fear that he would catch a cold, so they carefully folded it and put it aside.

"Mr. Song, are you awake?" The producer smiled and handed over a glass of warm water.

Song Yunran took a sip from the water glass: "What time is it?"

"It's almost twelve o'clock, and I'm going to stay up late tonight. Our place is remote, and it might not be safe any later. Why don't you go back first?"

Song Yunran looked around and found that another scene was already being filmed. He didn't find any familiar faces, so he put down his water glass and asked, "Where's Qin Ke?"

The producer was taken aback for a moment, remembering that the director had mentioned to him that Song Yunran was very optimistic about Qin Ke, and after thinking about it, he said, "Qin Ke has finished filming today's scene. If you still want to visit his class, I will send the announcement form later. Send you a copy?"

"It's not necessary." Song Yunran stood up and stretched, "I'm leaving first, you guys work hard."

The producer also stood up: "I'll ask the crew driver to drive you."

Song Yunran shook his head and refused, waiting for the contract to be signed in a few days, all the expenses of the crew will be paid by him in the future, and unnecessary waste must be avoided from now on.

He paused and thought of another thing: "By the way, I'm not old and I don't like to show off. Don't always chat with you in the future. It's embarrassing to hear too much."

The producer was kind and kind: "Okay, then Mr. Song, you go slowly."

The studio of the film crew is located in the suburbs of Yan City. While the price is cheap, the supporting facilities are not complete. It takes ten minutes to walk to the nearest parking lot.

At this time, the night was quiet, and there was not even a ghost on the road.

Song Yunran walked alone on the empty sidewalk, uncontrollably thinking of what he saw in the prop room today in his mind, he couldn't help shivering, quickened his pace and trotted all the way to the parking lot.

When the signboard of the parking lot was in front of him, Song Yunran found a person standing at the bus stop by the roadside.

The man was bathed in the moonlight, with his back to the sidewalk, judging from his movements, he should be lowering his head to play with his mobile phone. The broad and well-proportioned shoulders and back line support the outline of the dark gray sweater, and the waist and abdomen are naturally tucked in a little wrinkle, and then there are two long legs with excellent proportions. You can take a beautiful picture just by looking at the back movie poster.

Song Yunran subconsciously slowed down, always feeling that this figure from the back looked familiar.

It so happened that the other party turned around when they heard the movement, who else could it be if it wasn't Qin Ke.

The two looked at each other for a few meters, and Song Yunran thought it necessary to criticize: "You don't go back to the hotel after work, what are you doing outside?"

The current Qin Ke is the hero of his investment project, and he can't afford to delay if something happens.

Qin Ke pointed to the bus stop sign behind him: "There is no announcement tomorrow, I have something to go home."

"Is there a bus so late?" Song Yunran had never taken this kind of public transportation, so he was curious for a while.

Qin Ke was stunned for a rare moment, not because of anything else, but because of the city's well-developed public transportation system. Some people here look down on it.

But he could tell that the innocent straightforwardness of Song Yunran was not a disguise, and after a few seconds of silence, he could only answer: "There is a night bus back to the city."

In all fairness, Qin Ke's voice is nice.

The words are clear and smooth, and the tone is cold and somewhat low, which is reminiscent of a lake flowing under the ice in winter.

But listening to it on this windy early spring night, it added a bit of chill for no reason.

Song Yunran tightened his jacket and said "Oh", thinking that Qin Ke, who just graduated, had such a miserable life, it's okay to have no assistant on the set, and he had to stand in the cold wind waiting for the bus after finishing work late at night.

In fact, I have a car anyway, so it doesn't matter if I give him a ride...

No, Song Yunran quickly stopped thinking, he is the one who will make Qin Ke kneel down and call his father in the future, how could he disrupt the rhythm because of such trivial things.

"Then you just stand here and don't move around, just keep waiting."

Song Yunran withdrew his sympathy, turned around and left neatly, leaving behind a fatherly and ruthless back.

Qin Ke: "..."

Song Yunran crossed the zebra crossing and found a conspicuous bright orange sports car in the parking lot.

He sat in the driver's seat, put his hands on the steering wheel, and felt a little nostalgic for a while.

Since his rebirth, he has either been picked up by a driver or accompanied by an assistant when he goes out. His superb driving skills have been sealed for too long.

In the past, he thought it was troublesome to learn to drive, and he had a lot of drivers at home, so he never thought of getting a driver's license. It wasn't until after his debut that he enrolled in a driving school at the urging of his agent in order to take on a drama. Who knew that he fell in love with the feeling of controlling the steering wheel.

Huh, wait

Careless, he never got a driver's license in his life!

The steering wheel, which was extremely comfortable just now, suddenly became extremely hot.

Song Yunran took his hands off the steering wheel, then opened the door, got out of the car, and locked the car in one go.

Fortunately, the car has not been driven out, otherwise his road to rebirth has just begun, and he will leave a black history of driving without a license.

It's better to call the driver to pick it up. He calmed down, put his hand into his coat pocket, and felt lonely.

Song Yunran blinked in confusion, then his face turned pale.

It's over.

Wasn't the phone thrown away by him

A few minutes later.

Qin Ke saw Song Yunran who had taken advantage of his verbal advantage and left in a cool manner. He walked back to look at the bus stop sign with a resentful face, and looked at him hesitantly, like an elementary school student who can't take a ride and is ashamed to speak. chicken.

"What?" Qin Ke took the initiative to talk, "Mr. Xiao Song still has something to do?"

Song Yunran was hypocritical for a while, but finally lost to the fear of not wanting to walk the empty streets again.

He took a deep breath, and said with the painful emotion of a strong man breaking his wrist: "The car you were waiting for hasn't arrived yet."

Before the words were finished, a bus appeared at the end of the road in the distance.

Qin Ke raised his eyebrows: "It seems to be here."

Song Yunran was startled, knowing that there was not much time left for him, he quickly said: "Then what, my assistant left early and no one is driving. Can I borrow your mobile phone for a while, and I will call the driver."

He was extremely thankful for his wit, and covered up his oolong without a driver's license in a few words.

In two sentences, the bus slowly stopped at the platform.

Qin Ke glanced at him, then shook his head at the driver to signal that he would not get in the car.

Then he turned his face sideways, and under Song Yunran's expectant gaze, he said unhurriedly, "If you don't mind, I'll drive you back?"

The unexpected answer made Song Yunran froze on the spot, his three views were on the verge of collapse.

Could it be that I have been misunderstood all along, that Qin Ke is actually a kind-hearted person who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside

He couldn't help but feel a little guilty: "Can it be, will it trouble you too much?"

"No trouble, you will be charged 100 for the driving fee, and it will be calculated for more than ten kilometers." Qin Ke replied with a calm expression.

Song Yunran: "..."

The artist self-cultivation that remained in his body was ready to move, and he couldn't help asking: "You are an actor after all, is it suitable for you to drive a contemporary car in the middle of the night?"

Qin Ke is not ashamed at all: "Experience life, you should."

"Okay, let's go."

Song Yunran may have been convinced by his reasons, or he may have been intimidated by his shamelessness, but he didn't break up with him anymore.

Qin Ke followed behind him, his gaze swept over his back vaguely, doubts gradually appeared in his eyes.

too weird.

One morning a month ago, Qin Ke opened his eyes and found himself lying on a hospital bed.

The doctor said that he fainted during filming and was sent to the hospital, but when he looked in the mirror, it was his 23-year-old self that appeared in the mirror.

He went back to the past.

As a young man, Qin Ke certainly knew the legend of rebirth, but he never thought that such a fantasy would happen to him.

Everything in front of him was as familiar as he remembered.

The same director, the same crew, and even the constant NG experience of the two actors beside me.

The only difference is that Song Yunran, who is walking ahead at the moment, not only did not make his debut as an actor like in his previous life, but also came to the set for no reason and said that he would invest in "Happy and Happy Events".

What went wrong