After Rebirth, I Decided To Inherit the Family Property

Chapter 60


In the end, under Song Yunran's coercion and lure, the director finally agreed not to cut the part of the negotiation between the two.

He stared at the director and made a promise in front of the camera, and then went back and forth to do the post-production.

Ten minutes later, Song Yunran and Qin Ke finished playing the board, took off the microphone, and officially ended today's recording.

When I got back to the bedroom, the broken window had been pasted up with several sheets of newspaper.

Song Yunran lay down on the bed, recalling the embarrassing experience in the utility room, he slammed the wall hard in anger.

A few handfuls of white ash fell from the wall that had been in disrepair for a long time, and all of it was sprinkled on his face.


Song Yunran became even angrier, took the paper towel from Qin Ke who was sleeping on the outside, wiped off the white ash, lay down and complained angrily: "I will never cooperate with Shen Yiyi again!"

Qin Ke turned off the bedside light: "She probably didn't expect that it would be you who entered the utility room. Besides, as an investor, she can only propose ideas at most, and the formal implementation details still have to be formulated by the variety show production company."

Song Yunran stared angrily: "How can you speak for her? Where are you on?"

"... Well, your side."

Qin Ke seemed to have found a way to appease a rambunctious little animal, and whispered, "Don't think about it, go to bed early? I will be next to you tonight. No matter who comes, I will help you beat him away."

Obviously, this attitude greatly pleased Mr. Song.

He snorted a few times and said, "Don't treat me like a child. It's a board game today, and no one will come in again."

Qin Ke smiled silently, thinking that children are much more difficult to coax than you.

As a result, after a few minutes of silence, Song Yunran suddenly sat up again: "Do you think the editor-director sister is fooling me, or I stole the mother tape overnight."

Qin Ke was speechless, it was hard to imagine what Mr. Song was thinking about all day long.

He simply replaced words with actions, got up and stretched his arms with a hook, and directly pushed Song Yunran back on the bed.

Song Yunran: "?!"

What are you doing, you rebellious son, you actually touch your father!

He struggled a few times, and found that although Qin Ke was thin, he was very strong. He was the type with unexpectedly strong every inch of muscle, and he could be easily suppressed completely by force.

"Let go, I'm going to be strangled to death by you!"

In desperation, Song Yunran had no choice but to beg for mercy on the spot, "I'm just joking, how could I really steal the master tape!"

Qin Ke didn't use all his strength at all, knowing that he was exaggerating, he calmly replied: "I'll let you go if you call out to me, brother."

"Don't you want to lose face? You still owe me that Dad didn't call!"


Song Yunran's nerves trembled, as if he had tasted a dangerous breath from Qin Ke's silence.

As the saying goes, those who know the current affairs are heroes, and he immediately used a pitiful tone: "Brother, I was wrong, it hurts, please, brother, please stop."

After speaking, he sadly discovered a fact.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, after he called his brother once in the hospital last time, it was not so awkward this time.

Even Qin Ke's forearm suddenly tightened for some reason, which made him feel infinite pleasure.

Have you been at a loss what to do after a few brother calls

Oh, but that's all.

If it were me, if you knelt down and called Dad a hundred times, I wouldn't feel the slightest wave in my heart.

So, in order to prove that Qin Ke is a weak person, Song Yunran committed a terrible death.

He intentionally breathed on the back of the opponent's hand: "Why didn't brother talk? Wasn't he very powerful just now? Are you capable of doing things but not talking?"

"... Song Yunran."

Qin Ke couldn't bear to interrupt him, his voice was inexplicably low and hoarse, coldly immersed in the darkness, as if coming from a deep well, "You are a fool."

Why are you still scolding people

Song Yunran was stunned for a moment, and was about to retort angrily when he felt that the power imprisoned above his neck disappeared.

Qin Ke turned his back silently, as if he was still a little further away.

He breathed a little harder than usual, falling messily to the side of his ears, he couldn't hear the specific emotion, but he seemed to be a little restless and angry.

Song Yunran seems to understand, but he would rather not understand.

After a while of silence, Qin Ke got up and went to the bathroom to wash his face.

When he came back, his body was chilled, and his tone returned to normal: "I'm sorry."

There is no need to apologize, Song Yunran thought awkwardly.

He has been an adult man for two lifetimes, and some things can be figured out with a little thought.

It's just that he didn't expect that such an accident would happen between himself and Qin Ke.

It was embarrassing.

In order to alleviate the long embarrassment, Song Yunran decided to change the subject: "Do you know why I am afraid of ghosts?"


"I told you, when I was young, my parents were too busy at work to go home, so they hired three nannies to take care of me."

"And then?" Qin Ke was indeed distracted.

Song Yunran said: "The nanny who took care of me to sleep was a pervert. Don't children have to listen to bedtime stories? She told me ghost stories every day. I didn't want to hear them, so she said, 'Only bad things that have done bad things. Children are afraid of ghosts'."

Qin Ke frowned: "Didn't you tell anyone else?"

"I was too young back then, and I believed whatever adults said."

Looking back on the past, Song Yunran himself felt so absurd that it was funny, "The nanny said that it was because I was not good that my parents didn't want to go home. She was cultivating my courage and turning me into a brave and good boy, so absolutely Can't tell this secret, or I'll never be a good boy again."

That kind of life lasted for more than half a year.

Until one day, Xiao Song Yunran couldn't stand it anymore, and secretly called his mother crying, saying that he had worked hard to be a good boy.

After repeated questioning, Bai Wanning managed to piece together the truth from her son's grievances.

Ningdong's senior executives still remember that it was the first time they saw the elegant and decent Bai Dong, after hanging up the phone, smashed a mobile phone in public in the meeting room.

Song Yunran concluded: "My parents rushed back that afternoon. I don't know how to deal with it. Anyway, since then, I have never seen that nanny again."

Qin Ke closed his eyes silently, and the image of watching Song Yunran receiving the award in his previous life emerged in his mind.

At that time, he felt that Song Yunran was standing on the stage, with dimples on his cheeks and countless stars in his eyes when he smiled, like a carefree little prince.

But he didn't know until now that the little prince also met the Wicked Witch.

Song Yunran should not have been allowed to enter the utility room just now.

Qin Ke thought, if he knew this was the case, he should have stopped Song Yunran as soon as he saw him enter the prop room on the set of "Happy Birthday".

"Why don't you talk again?"

Song Yunran got impatient and urged, "Could it be that you were moved by my story and are quietly clenching your fist with tears in your eyes?"

Qin Ke slowly opened his eyes, taking advantage of the hazy moonlight outside the window, and put his hand on the top of Song Yunran's hair.

The slender fingers patted his head lightly with comforting power.

Still nothing.

Song Yunran seemed to understand: "Ah, are you embarrassed to say it directly? Then let me guess, you must be thinking, 'Dear Mr. Song, now you are the most powerful president in the world. No monsters dare to hurt you!'."

"Yeah." Qin Ke smiled lightly, "That's about it."

Although this is just one sentence.

Qin Ke thought that if he could go back in time, he would definitely find that little Song Yunran and tell him, "Don't be afraid, you are the best kid in the world."

"Holiday Slow Tour" is a recording format that is filmed and broadcast at the same time.

The shooting ended on this day, and the material for the first issue was completely enough.

This production company is a veteran of variety shows, and immediately started editing the material as soon as it got the material, successfully catching up with the broadcast time of the platform trailer.

At 8 o'clock on Saturday night, the first issue of "Holiday Slow Travel" was launched.

The long-awaited audience almost crowded the broadcasting platform, while Song Yunran, one of the six guests, was sitting at home playing games.

The recording time arranged by the program group is very reasonable. It only needs to record for three days each time, and then let the guests come back to deal with other scattered work, and then set off in a unified way after three days. This cycle continues until all recordings are over.

Song Yunran specially called He Ziyou home to pass the time today.

It's a pity that He Ziyou was absent-minded the whole time, and complained while rubbing the handle: "Must play games? Can't you really let me watch "Holiday Slow Tour"?"

Song Yunran had no expression on his face: "How old are you? What variety show are you watching? Can you focus on playing games?"

He didn't want to see the ridiculous scene where he was almost scared to cry by the bluetooth speaker.

He Ziyou put down the handle: "I don't want to play anymore, I still want to watch variety shows."

Song Yunran didn't expect that He Ziyou was looking forward to his variety show debut so much.

He glanced at the other party, and asked puzzledly: "But I am sitting in front of you, isn't it more intimate than on the screen?"

He Ziyou said coldly: "Be sober, have you forgotten that Dai Rao is my goddess since childhood?"

Song Yunran: "..."

Oh, I didn't want to see him, so it's okay.

You can't stop people from chasing stars.

He silently switched the game to single-player mode. While playing alone, he occasionally glanced at He Ziyou who was sitting cross-legged on the sofa.

He Ziyou didn't care about him at all, he wore earphones to show the silly face of a young boy Huaichun, and from time to time let out a few laughs that didn't sound very smart, and he was quite absorbed in watching.

Song Yunran gave a "tsk", feeling very bored for some reason, and couldn't even get excited about his favorite game.

He mechanically controlled the villains in the game to jump over several cliffs one after another, and the phrase "It's a pity that Qin Ke is not at home tonight" came out of his mind for no reason.

No, why are you thinking about Qin Ke!

Song Yunran was taken aback by his own thoughts, so he quickly concentrated his attention, but when he raised his eyes, he found that the villain had slipped and fell off the cliff.

He froze for a few seconds, put down his phone and planned to change the game.

As a result, as soon as he got up to get the cassette, he saw He Ziyou looking at him inexplicably.

"..." Song Yunran explained, "It was a slippery hand just now, otherwise with my level, I wouldn't be unable to pass this level."

Unexpectedly, He Ziyou's gaze became more subtle.

Song Yunran's heart trembled, could it be that he had already seen the part in the utility room and wanted to laugh at me for being a coward

It shouldn't be, according to his internal information, the program team should regard that episode as suspense and save it for the second episode, right

But that being the case, why did He Ziyou's expression twist

Song Yunran became more and more confused as he thought about it, so he simply dropped the game and slipped upstairs to the master bedroom in the name of taking a bath.

He locked the door of the bathroom, took out his phone and meditated for a moment, after thinking about it, he clicked into an entertainment forum, intending to see the real-time feedback from netizens.

I have to say that contemporary netizens are sometimes very caring.

As soon as he clicked in, he saw that the top of the forum was the focused discussion post of "Holiday Slow Travel".

Song Yunran glanced at ten lines, and picked out the content related to him. Looking at it, his fists were clenched unconsciously.

[Hello, is the program team here? The script was posted too exaggeratedly, 520 was calculated in one second, is it because we are afraid that we won't see that Song Yunran is cheating?]

[Couldn't it be that someone has already inhaled 520 cartons of cigarettes?]

[I seem to have realized something.]


Forget it, keep reading.

[Wrapping paper reasoning... It's vaguely over.]

[I figured it out but I won't say it, it's too beautiful to let you play the stage to your heart's content.]

[Who showed the aunt's smile? Oh, it turned out to be me, this drug addicted chicken.]

Song Yunran: "..."

Why did it happen again, can these people do something serious every day!

Can you boast about my ability to see clearly

Song Yunran was very angry. He suspected that there were fans in this post who were rhythmic. After thinking for a few seconds, he reported all the replies.

A few minutes later, a forum text message popped up, telling him that the administrator had dismissed his report.

Song Yunran squeezed the phone tightly, impotent and furious.

He paced back and forth in the bathroom, finally deciding to numb himself with work.

Song Yunran called Assistant Tang: "How's the heat going now?"

"Exceeded expectations," Assistant Tang said with excitement in his tone, "Xiao Song, as expected of you, the first time you appeared on the screen, it caused a lot of discussion, and someone in the official blog commented on you!"

Song Yunran was shocked: "What the hell?"

Assistant Tang: "Naturally born president? Strong in mental arithmetic? Tonggu Village's face value eats and broadcasts [爱心], Ningdong Group's only officially designated prince [爱心], it's not a loss to invest @宋云然[爱心][爱心]."

Song Yunran became numb, and said after a long while: "Emoji don't need to be read out."

"...Okay." Assistant Tang cleared his throat, "Mr. Song, do you think you want to contact the platform and take advantage of the popularity to release the promotional trailer for "After Met You"?"

Song Yunran had exactly this intention: "Tell me once you post it, and I'll forward it."

Yes, he has worked so hard to participate in variety shows, in order to contribute to the promotion of the upcoming online drama.

Although the netizens after watching "Holiday Slow Travel" are a little strange, but he believes that with his own strength, he will be able to turn things around!

Half an hour later, Song Yunran came out of the shower, and the moment he saw the comments on Weibo, he couldn't help becoming dazed.

[Mom helps you control comments everywhere, but you post a small advertisement here?]

[Hi Mr. Song, may I ask what kind of bet you and Qin Ke have played, and how much they have played, can you tell me? Don't take honorable VIP members as outsiders.]

[Zai Zai, tell mom, you obviously entered the little black room, why did you come out of the same room as Qin Ke in the next trailer? Mom is very concerned, waiting for a reply online.]

After reading the comments one by one, Song Yunran was not very well.

He took a few deep breaths, ran downstairs, grabbed He Ziyou who was playing with his mobile phone in the living room, and poured out his bitterness.

In the end, he concluded unconvinced: "The brain circuits of netizens this year are really hard to understand."

Who would have thought that He Ziyou looked at him unexpectedly after listening, "So you and Qin Ke are just interacting normally?"

"if not?"

"Don't you want to compete with thousands of troops?"

"... What are thousands of troops?"

He Ziyou was silent for a long time, and finally held Song Yunran's hands, and said sincerely, "Don't blame the netizens, I suggest you watch the video and review yourself."

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-07-03 21:00:00~2021-07-10 20:48:13~

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Hou Xixi and Wen Bai 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of sea oysters with wine; 9 bottles of just passing by; 5 bottles of Bottomless Pit; 3 bottles of Ni Xiaopi; 2 bottles of Yijue Chengfeng; Eat it, outside Chang'an City, Tangshushu 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!